King of the Earth

Chapter 15: The white clothes are bad


Five messengers from the underworld appeared in front of them.

At a glance, Turin Chuan saw that they were from the underworld, and he was so scared to hide behind him in the early hours of the morning. He stood up early in the morning and entered a state of alert. Li Zhongyuan didn’t know what the visitors were doing, but he didn’t understand why Turin Chuan was so afraid. I don't understand why these "people" who flashed out can see themselves.

I took a look at it in the early morning, and the five who came this time were different from the last time except for the colors and faces of the clothes. They only came this time five at a time, and one of them was a ghost, and there were also marks on the chapter. The difference is that although it is also arranged according to the five elements and gossip and the branches of heaven, stem and earth, but this time the ghosts are "Shui", "Li", and "Geng". ", "Xu", "Hai".

Geng Ming was a little surprised to see two ghosts with one person.

"Li Zhongyuan, you are dead, and we are the underworld's underworld pawn. We are here to guide you to the underworld." Shen Mingzuo said.

Early in the morning, the few who came this time seemed to be more sensible and polite. They didn’t talk about arrests, but they talked about guidance, but they suspected that they were honey-believing swords. They still sneered in their hearts and said to Turing Chuan and Li Zhongyuan: “Oh, this time The ones here are much more polite than the black pawns last time."

Pluto and a few Plutos were shocked when they heard this early morning.

"Who are you? Taoist?" Geng Mingcha asked curiously.

Wee Chen's face changed slightly, and his words were ironic: "But Geng Mingcha and the last time Ding Mingcha are not much different. The lines are the same. No wonder he didn't dare to speak first and let a subordinate speak first."

Pluto and a few Plutos were even more surprised when they heard it.

"Have you seen Ming Cha and Ming Pawn before?" Geng Cha asked suspiciously, but was not angry.

"Yes, but contrary to you, they wear black." Wee Chen proudly said.

"It's a person under Suo Han's Mansion." Shen Mingzu said to Geng.

"Don't care about them, business matters." Geng Chai replied.

"Li Zhongyuan, you are dead, my doorman is here to guide you to the Hades." Shen Mingzu repeated.

"Uncle Li, don't be afraid, everything must be done according to the rules. If they are unreasonable, we won't talk about it." Suddenly, early morning became confident.

"This person... is right. You should be reasonable and behave." Geng Ming smiled slightly, thinking that the words in the early morning were a bit childish, and wanted to say "this friend", but he felt that it was not good to call it that way.

In the early morning, I heard that this ghost is not the same as the last time I met. I shouted and screamed at the meeting. I was also polite and said: "This is the best way. Please sit down." After speaking, I looked at the sofa and seemed to be sitting. No less. Slightly embarrassed, he continued: "Sit...** also works."

"Thank you, no, we are just here to summon Li Zhongyuan and let him go with us to the underworld. Since he is dead, he shouldn't stay in Yangjian for a long time." Shen Mingzu said.

"But I still have something to do." Li Zhongyuan seemed to understand the actions of these ghost soldiers, but he was unwilling to leave now, and said in an imploring tone.

"Okay, but remember, you must not exceed seven days. If it exceeds seven days, you will be arrested and you will be the one who suffers." Although Geng Mingchai's words are soft but deterrent.

"Okay, I don't need it for seven days, I can finish it." Li Zhongyuan was suddenly firm. He had already been used to calling others, but his fate was lost, and he had to adapt to the rules of another world. Back to the state where he was able to make choices when he started his own business.

Seeing that these messengers of the underworld suddenly became polite in the early morning, and did not interfere with their affairs, since Li Zhongyuan said that seven days were enough, he had nothing to object.

Pluto and a few Plutos completed their summons and were about to leave. Suddenly the Pluto turned around and said to Turin Chuan who had been hiding behind the wee hours: "You should have been more than seven days, right? Why are you still swimming in the sun**? "Yan 31's novel app download address is still mild, but it is condemning.

"I didn't die at all. I'm still in the hospital. I'm just sick." Turin Chuan stretched out his hand and shouted.

"It was not on the list of our summons. We didn't want to take care of it. We were just worried that if you dragged on for a long time, you would suffer in the underworld." Geng Mingcha felt that Dulingchuan was arguing.

"Geng Cha, she really didn't die, I can testify that I told the son Mingshou last time that if Dulingchuan is still not dead, she will not be arrested. If Dulingchuan is indeed dead, Dulingchuan I was convinced to go to the Hades with them, but they didn't admit it if they lost. They were rude and savage, and they were pulling and pushing. I couldn't stand it anymore. "Wei Chen also helped to explain.

Geng Mingcha turned to the four underworld pawns, slightly helpless, and sneered: "People under Suo Han's Mansion." He shook his head.

Shen Mingzu shrugged and seemed to say: "It has nothing to do with me."

Early in the morning, I saw these underworld messengers with serious faces. At this moment, I saw Shen Mingzuo shrugging his shoulders. I couldn't help feeling a bit funny.

"They didn't admit it when they lost, and they acted brutally and forcibly arrested her. Why is she still here?" Although Geng Mingchai knew that the subordinates under Suo Han Mansion were not in the minority, but after hearing it, they didn't believe it. The underworld pawn under the cold mansion is so rough, can she still stand here?"

"If it hadn't been for driving them away in the early morning, I would have been caught by them by mistake." Turingchuan said angrily.

"You?" Geng Cha looked towards the early morning.

"Isn't it?" Wee got smug.

"What can you do to drive away those Plutos?" Geng Chai felt that this person has Yin and Yang eyes, which is indeed different from ordinary people, but to drive away Plutos, it is not very convincing.

"There are more than four ghost soldiers, there is also a ghost soldier holding a dementing stone." Wee Chen put on a stand, turned his head to the side, and showed off.

Geng Chai had already believed in the soul-trapping stone for seven to eight points. After all, unless he encountered resistance, the Cha-Cha would not easily take out the soul-trapping stone, and they would not know that there was such a thing.

"Who are you?" Geng Chai asked again.

In the early morning, I saw that these messengers of the underworld were not very bad. First, he wondered why he was different from ordinary people. Secondly, he planned to use the narrative from the underworld, hoping to formulate some methods on how to wake up Turingchuan’s body. .

"I also have double yin and yang eyes, and a strange birthmark." As he stretched out his right hand and opened five fingers, there was a whirlpool-shaped birthmark, and the word "ming" in the middle was quite clear.

Geng Chai came over and took a look. His face suddenly changed, and he couldn't help being surprised. He had seen this pattern. Although I saw it very rarely, perhaps only once or twice, he knew that it was in the underworld, and it was in a symbol of majesty. I have seen it somewhere, but I don’t remember where I saw it for a while, saying: "You..."

"What's wrong with me?" Seeing that Wuchai's face was abnormal in the early morning, he was obviously very surprised after seeing it. He must have found something and became extremely concerned.

"Nothing, I just think this birthmark is peculiar." Geng Mingchai returned to normal in an instant.

"Why are you doing this?" In the early hours of the morning, there was a feeling of being stunned, but on the contrary, it became more nervous. It's just that people don't want to say it, and I can't.

"Okay, since you think she's not dead, take a good look at her. Those ghosts won't give up like that. Goodbye." Geng Mingcai reminded him politely, bowed slightly towards the early morning, turned around and left. .

"Wait, I have something to ask Geng to ask for help." Cried out early in the morning.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" Geng Ming turned around after hearing this.

"Is there any way to wake up Turingchuan's body? She has been in a coma for ten days." Seeing that Geng Chai was more polite than before, her words were more sincere, and she was pleading.

(Before the update last night, I was busy delivering the goods, and later I checked several serious errors. I once again apologize to the readers for my inaccurate behavior. I would rather postpone the update next time, and I will not upload it recklessly. If you feel that it is still Yes, please recommend it for me, sincerely thank you.)