King of the Earth

Chapter 31: Case solved


In the evening, Shangguan Hongyue came to the interrogation room again and sat next to Early Morning, not knowing how to speak to mention that Early Morning was transferred to the detention center.

Early morning seemed to see Shangguan Hongyue's intentions. Without any hope, she leaned on the back of the chair and asked weakly: "Three days are full, do I leave it or stay?"

Shangguan Hongyue bit her lip and lowered her head and said: "The upper class means... we can't detain you in the police station. We can only... transfer you to the detention center to ensure that you can be interrogated at any time."

"That's not necessary, I'd better stay here, so that you don't have to mention it anytime you want to interrogate," Ling Chen said angrily.

"But we only have the right to detain you for 3 days. Now... it has been over several hours." It is not only the early morning encounter that made Shangguan Hongyue sad, but also this case where no progress has been seen in the past four days.

"Since it's been over a few hours, and I don't care if it's over two days, you just say that I am here voluntarily." Weeping in the morning.

"How can this work?" Shangguan Hongyue asked.

"I don't understand, why the two suspects only detained for 12 hours and then released, but I detained them indefinitely." In the early hours of the morning, he felt angry. Although he knew it was not Shangguan Hongyue's fault, he couldn't help it. Vent her.

Shangguan Hongyue knew that he had been framed by others, and it was understandable to have emotions, and explained: "Because you are the main suspect before you find evidence that they are suspects. Although I know you are innocent, the court doesn't think so. what!"

"What about Xu Jia? You have checked if she hasn't, so I will tell you clearly, that Xu Jia is the person who instigated her behind the scenes." Wee Chen and Qi said.

"There is no evidence to prove that she is suspicious, not even indirect evidence, how can I find it?" Shangguan Hongyue felt that she was already catching up in the early hours of the morning.

In the early morning, I glanced at Shangguan Hongyue, then looked at the one-way perspective glass, leaned close to Shangguan Hongyue, and whispered: "Shangguan police officer, you are a policeman. You suspect that everyone is your responsibility. It's a matter of fact, it's another matter whether to check it or not, is it so reasonable?"

Shangguan Hongyue nodded without answering.

"You have the right to check the package. You can check the bank account and there is no abnormality. You can check the call history. He has only one number. To quickly buy him, he has only one way to go. And Xu Jia, you can take it. Check the incoming documents and fool the people at the bank. If someone looks at it carefully, you will say that you have taken it wrong. If no one looks at you, just check Xu Jia's transfer records by the way, and you will surely find out." Wee again to Shangguan Hongyue in the early morning. whisper.

"You are making me break the law again." Shangguan Hongyue replied in a low voice.

"Okay, then check the package and enter the call record to comply with the law?" Wee Chen stepped back.

Shangguan Hong Yue sighed and agreed, shook his head, and walked out of the interrogation room.

When Shangguan Hongyue went out, she asked Li Zhongyuan in a low voice, "Should there be only one number for the package?"

Li Zhongyuan said: "As far as I know, it should be."

On the second day, Shangguan Hongyue stepped into the interrogation room again, and when she came in to see early morning, she seemed a little surprised. Early morning thought that she had found a clue. She became excited. Just about to ask, Shangguan Hongyue spoke first: I thought you were transferred to a detention center."

When I heard this early in the morning, I was a little surprised. I had forgotten about it before, but I didn't care about it, so he said hurriedly: "Are there any clues?"

Shangguan Hongyue suddenly became depressed again, and she whispered next to her in the early morning on the aisle: "I checked Xu Jia's account, and there is nothing unusual."

When I heard it in the early morning, I was more excited than disappointed, because Shangguan Hongyue actually checked Xu Jia's account privately to do something illegal for himself.

"But I checked the phone that I bought and found that an unregistered number called him at 13:56 on the afternoon of the incident. I also told him to ask questions, but he insisted that it was a sales call. He promoted the house, and I dialed the number and kept shutting down." Shangguan Hongyue then whispered.

"This is obviously a lie." Early morning gritted his teeth and whispered.

"I know, but there is no way to prove that he lied." Shangguan Hong Yue said helplessly.

The two discussed for a while and there was no other better way. Shangguan Hongyue left and let him rest early in the morning. Wherever he can sleep in the early morning, tomorrow is the deadline he gave himself. If there is no progress, he can only Before Li Zhongyuan was captured by the underworld soldier, let him explain it to everyone, even though he risked letting people discover that he was a freak.

In the afternoon of the next day, we made preparations early in the morning, and when Shangguan Hongyue came in, she planned to confess in the early morning.

I waited nervously for Shangguan Hongyue’s arrival in the early morning. I don’t know how long I waited, but finally waited until Shangguan Hongyue opened the door, only to see Shangguan Hongyue come in with tears and a smile on his face, but I was confused about my thoughts and thoughts. When I asked Shangguan Hongyue what was wrong, I only heard Shangguan Hongyue excitedly saying: "You have been proven innocent."

I was blinded in the early morning. I don't know what happened. I reacted for a long time and asked: "Is there any progress?"

"Isn't there any progress? The case has been solved." Shangguan Hongyue couldn't express his joy.

At this time, the door opened again, and Lu Hao walked in, and then walked to Ying Chen, staring blankly at Ying Chen, stretched out his hand to pull Ling Chen's hand, was startled at dawn, clenched his fists, and put the handcuffs in place, Lu Hao looked triumphantly looking at Ying Chen. , Very angry, but had to politely untie the handcuffs on Wee Chen's hand.

At this time, Li Dong, Huang Changxing, and Yang Qi also walked in. After seeing the situation in the early morning, they completely believed that they had completely cleared their grievances.

Li Zhongyuan was very disappointed when he saw Li Dong. Turing Chuan comforted him by his side, "Uncle Li, you should be happy, it should be because he is already enlightened."

In the early hours of the morning, I was too lazy to listen to the nagging of Dulingchuan and Li Zhongyuan, and asked excitedly: "How did you find it out?"

Shangguan Hongyue Hong smiled and said: "Xu Jia used a foreign account to transfer money, one was transferred to Baojin's cousin's account, one was transferred to Fan Zhonghua's foreign bank account, and the other was transferred to the kidnapping. On the kidnapper’s account."

Early in the morning, he sighed and said, "No wonder didn't find it." He originally wanted to tell Shangguan Hongyue that it's no wonder you didn't find it out, but when he saw Shangguan Hongyue's surprise, he knew that he almost leaked his mouth, so he changed his words immediately.

Shangguan Hongyue was worried that everyone would carefully ponder what he had just said in the early morning, so she immediately said: "But the cousin who has included his daughter-in-law is not satisfied with the split. He extorted for several days. The daughter-in-law's cousin still ran away and reported to the police. Then, Mr. Li also provided the transfer record of Xu Jia's foreign account."

In the early hours of the morning, I laughed and said, "I'll just say, this person who is greedy for money, sooner or later will be..." Chuan's eyes were contemptuous, so he didn't say anything.

Seeing the sudden change in early morning, everyone thought that he had been in the interrogation room for a long time and was unwell, so Shangguan Hongyue hurried to help him.

Wee smiled and said, "I'm fine."

Li Dongdao: "I'm sorry, I wronged you."

Looking at Li Dong in the early morning, he curiously said: "Why would you want to check Xu Jia's foreign account?"

Li Dongdao: "Although I don't completely believe in you, I still feel Xu Jia's abnormality. She deleted the call log you called me, and wanted to arrest you at the company. She kept calling the night when she was arrested. , I suspected that she was involved in kidnapping. Later, I looked at her call records and called several foreign banks. I asked my friend to check it out. I was sure of the result and directly reported to the police. "

Early in the morning, he looked at Li Zhongyuan and said, "Your father is in the spirit of the sky, and finally he has been comforted."

At this time, Huang Changxing also stood up and said very seriously: "I'm sorry, I'm just a violent, offended place. Please forgive me."

Early morning proudly said: "I was very angry before, and then think about it if you encounter a real suspect, it seems that you did the right thing, forget it, forgive you."

Huang Changxing reluctantly smiled after hearing this.