King of the Earth

Chapter 43: People are immortal


Early in the morning, knowing that Zhu Tai'an must have learned of He Lan's accident from Wei Minwu, he felt that even if he kept it and did not leave, he could not explain it clearly, so he planned to drive off. But Zhu Taian saw the intention of the early morning, and threw the mobile phone he held in his right hand behind him, greeted him with his hands straight to the collar of the early morning, and quickly lifted the sitting early morning from the electric car.

Halfway through the morning, the electric car leaned to the left. In the early morning, the tripod was immediately supported. When Zhu Tai'an lifted himself up quickly, he stretched out his right hand in the early morning, quickly bypassed Zhu Tai'an's right side, and went straight to his lower jaw. While holding up, his left hand quickly grasped Zhu Tai'an's left hand holding his collar, and turned it vigorously. A grappling hand. Zhu Taian's head was quickly lifted, and his right hand moved to the left in the early morning, his right leg went around the empty space of the electric car, stood up, and pressed Zhu Taian on the seat of the electric car.

Seeing Zhu Tai'an fell to the position where he was sitting in the early morning, Turingchuan could not remember that he was a ghost, so he instinctively reacted by jumping off the electric car.

He Lan said anxiously: "Don't do it."

In the early morning, he held Zhu Tai'an and said: "It's best not to do it, I'm an expert in this respect."

Zhu Tai'an was very angry when he saw the enemy, and shouted, "Who wrote the letter?" After speaking, tears came out.

Seeing this in the early morning, he let go of his hands, took two steps back, and said patiently: "I wrote it. He Lan asked me to write it, and He Lan asked me to post it, before he died."

"Before dying?" Zhu Tai'an stood up, still extremely angry.

"First, I don’t know you, nor He Lan. If you feel that what you say in the letter is true, it is enough to prove that He Lan told me; second, whether I lied to you or not, you can’t What to do with me, so you can basically only choose to believe that I did not lie to you; third, I am only responsible for delivering the letter, and I don’t care about other things. If you still need an explanation, then I will tell you that I happened to be there when He Lan’s accident happened. , She told me before she died that she wanted to tell you something, I can't remember, so I had to write it down and give it to you." Early morning's tone was strong but gentle.

"Then why didn't you say it earlier?" Zhu Tai'an said with tears, and his tone eased slightly.

"That's... That's because I'm afraid it's hard for you to accept it. After all, I'm only responsible for delivering good things, sad... I'm not responsible for delivering them, let alone comforting." Lu Chenluan explained.

After hearing this, Zhu Tai'an didn't say anything, and was quiet for a while, sat down on the ground, with his head down, extremely depressed.

In the early morning, watching Zhu Taian feel so sad, he thought: "It's not worth He Lan's infatuation with you." He also squatted down and said, "People can't come back from death. This is the reason I didn't want to tell you just now. I'm so sad that I can't help but ask for some comfort."

"Thank you, no need, let's go." Zhu Tai'an was dejected.

Early in the morning, he didn't comfort people very much. His comforting effect was mostly counterproductive. He knew that he still had it, and he was no longer polite. He said, "Okay, then I will go first. You are sorry."

After talking about riding in the car, I checked the time in the early morning. It was almost five o'clock in the morning. He gave Turin Chuan a wink. Turin Chuan understood, got on the bike, and hurried home.

Early in the morning, I didn't care about the story between He Lan and Zhu Tai'an. Although I felt sorry for the two of them after I got home, the ending was settled and nothing could be changed. But Turingchuan was very sad. She wanted to know what happened between the two, guessing that it must be a poignant story.

In the early morning, I felt that this day was finally not in vain, and it was an opening. Although the income was slightly smaller than the previous one, there was always greater hope for the future. I also felt that I was always dragging Wei Minwu's message without reporting, and I always felt that the matter was not finished, so I decided to spread the message tomorrow, and then proceed to the next order.

On the second day, we arrived outside Helan’s house with Turin Chuan in the early morning. Many people came to pay their respects. An old man who greeted guests at the door asked them their intentions and went in and told Wei Minwu that they had gone. After a while, a thin and tall man came out with the old man just now, and it was early in the morning that it was Wei Minwu himself.

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When Wei Minwu saw the early morning stare, he politely said, "Are you He Lan's friend?"

Wee early in the morning politely said: "No, I'm here to help He Lan." During the conversation, He Lan also came out.

"Bring something? He Lan?" Wei Minwu was surprised.

"Yes, I am a reporter from Metropolis News. He Lan happened to be on the scene when the accident happened. She asked me to bring you a few words before her death. It didn't really matter at all. Believe that even if I don't say it, you will be like that. Do it, but since it is her last wish, she should do it if she agrees." Wee early in the morning politely said.

"What? Were you on the scene when He Lan died?" Wei Minwu suddenly seemed to have discovered a new world, his eyes radiating light.

Early morning smiled slightly and said: "Yes, so, I want to tell you something, let me convey it on my behalf."

Wei Minwu looked at the people in the room, glanced around, and said, "Please take a step to speak." He pointed to the corridor.

Early morning thought: "This is not a big secret, is it necessary to be so sneaky?" But since Wei Minwu asked for it, it is not too difficult, so he walked towards the corridor, Du Lingchuan and Seeing this, He Lan also followed.

When he arrived at the corridor, Wei Minwu asked again: "Are you really there when He Lan was hit?"

I saw Wei Minwu repeatedly asking in the early morning, but he didn't look like he didn't believe in himself, and said, "If I say this, I will lie to you."

Wei Minwu was slightly embarrassed after hearing this, and said: "You misunderstood. I didn't mean that. I wanted you to do me a favor?"

Early Chen said, "Isn't I helping you? I am embarrassed to collect money this time. If I help others, I will definitely not be free." But he said politely, "Is there anything I can help." of?"

Wei Minwu looked at the guests coming in and out again, and whispered: "Can you help me testify that the driver ran into the red light and hit He Lan?"

After hearing this early in the morning, he was shocked, and after a while, he said, "But it seems that He Lan ran through the red light." Then he looked at He Lan.

"I know, what I mean is that... I'll help you do... certification, and I will benefit you." Wei Minwu said as he did a few moves that he couldn't understand in the early morning.

After listening to it early in the morning, he said in surprise: "You mean you want me to give false testimony?"

Wei Minwu whispered: "It's both true and not true. If a motorized vehicle crashed into a non-motorized vehicle, I can always find some excuses, and it's not all perjury."

Early morning said coldly: "Why should I do this? Isn't this wronging others?"

Wei Minwu proudly said, "We will divide the premiums we get, how about it?"

After hearing this, Turin Chuan was more than angry. He couldn't bear it. He thought: "Your lover is dead. It's not enough to see your face with a trace of pain. You have to use your lover's death to deceive money. "Preparing to curse as long as he promises in the early morning.

He Lan was not sad after hearing it, but she didn't want to listen any more, turned and left silently, as if she was not surprised by her husband's actions like this.

I watched He Lan leave in the early morning, then looked at Wei Minwu, and thought: "I was so angry for you before, but now that I see your face clearly, I know why He Lan will never forget Zhu Tai'an, first after death. What I thought was to go to Zhu Tai'an, because you were really chilling. Zhu Tai'an eyes were crying red at any rate, but you didn't see a single tear in your eyes." Rebuked: "It's a big death, why are you? Can you make a fortune at this time?"

After hearing this, Wei Minwu looked around, worrying that the sound was too loud in the early morning and let others hear it. No one was paying attention to them. He was still reconciled and continued to persuade the early morning: "But you can't waste this opportunity. If you don't believe it, We can make a paper."

Early in the morning angrily said: "I really dare not ask for this kind of ill-gotten wealth. Your daughter-in-law asked me to tell you. If you marry again in the future, find someone who is kind to your child. Okay, the words have already been brought. Don't bother." Turn around and leave after speaking.

Wei Minwu saw Ling Chen’s contemptuous gaze, and then looked at the door. No one noticed them, but he did not dare to mention it to Ling Chen again. Seeing Ling Chen went to the elevator, Wei Minwu changed his disappointed expression on his face. With a sad expression on his face, he greeted the guests.