King of the Earth

Chapter 5: White-browed Taoist


In the early morning, I felt my abnormality again and made my family worry about it. Fortunately, Ling Xiao didn’t have to go to school, and I couldn’t see Zhang Zheng at home every day. It’s just that I saw Zhang Zheng waiting for him on the road every day at school and after school, so he had to pretend to be something. I can't see it.

Although Ling Yuantu and Ling Yuanzhi didn’t say anything, they still felt a bit of fear and the early morning, but they were more willing to be with early morning than when they went home to face the cry of the coffin and Zhang Zheng’s wife who had stopped next door. Anyway, I can't see anything. As long as there is no abnormal behavior in the early morning, it is safe.

Zhang Zheng was buried only five days after his death. There were only two days left before the first seven days. On the sixth night, Ling Haian found a Taoist priest. This Taoist priest was relatively well-known in this neighborhood. He was over forty years old and slender. Face, with long and sparse gray hair, curled on the head, with a hairpin stuck in it, wearing a black Taoist robe, carrying a black suitcase, alive the ancient Taoist who walked out of the TV, He claimed to be a Taoist with White Eyebrows. For a long time, no one knew his real name, and no one asked him. They all called him as Taoist with White Eyebrows. However, he only has white eyebrows on one side, and black eyebrows on the other side. His explanation is that his eyebrows are born with white and black eyebrows. Later, he discovered that he can communicate with yin and yang, and this black and white eyebrow symbolizes There is yin on one side and yang on the other. Since no one remembers his original appearance, there is no way to verify his "natural" black and white eyebrows. When Ling Haining saw it, he felt that all the black and white eyebrows were all self-inflicted. If it weren't because of the difference between yin and yang in the brothers and sisters in the early morning, he would not believe in ghosts and evil, and it had nothing to do with this pretending Taoist priest. Thinking of this, Ling Haining felt that this would not seem a little disrespectful, and worried that this would not be effective. On the contrary, it would be bad for the brothers and sisters in the early morning, so he had to be more religious.

When the Taoist priest was invited into the house, Ling Haining did not close the door, but let the neighbors see it. When they asked, Ling Haining explained: "Zhang Zheng had a car accident and the atmosphere nearby is a little depressed. Please ask a Taoist priest to drive away the Yin. gas."

In his opinion, explaining at this time is much better than closing the door for people to see and then forcing them to explain, so except for the fact that the brothers and sisters saw Zhang Zheng in the early morning, there is basically nothing to cover up.

After a few words of greeting, the Taoist White-browed began to erect the altar facing the inner door. Ling Haining moved out of the room to make do with the table. The Taoist White-browed spread a piece of yellow brocade with a picture of gossip and took out two from his luggage. A candle was placed at both ends of the table, and three bronze lamps were taken out. The lamp holders were made relatively high, and they were all lined up inside the two candles. Then three small bronze incense burners were taken out and placed in front of the lamps.

Then he took out a folded copper coin sword. After two or three tossings, the connection of the copper coin sword became stable. The original folded sword became straight, and a string of copper coins seemed to be inlaid together. The sword is placed on the stage. Then he took out a stack of magic charms and three short incense sticks from his suitcase and placed them on the altar. Turned around and picked up the suitcase, reached in and took out two hip flasks. It seemed that there were only these things in his suitcase. After taking out the hip flask, he threw the suitcase aside, then put one hip flask on the altar and removed the other. The plug of the hip flask, leaning in front of the lamp, poured some sesame oil into the lamp, and after three of them were half-filled, he turned and looked at the bag, sighed, as if he had forgotten something, and turned his head to look at Yuandong Rain, just wanted to speak.

Yuan Dongyu first spoke: "Is the wick missing?"

The Taoist White Eyebrow smiled bitterly and nodded. Yuan Dongyu went into the house and took out a few wicks and handed them to Taoist White-browed. Taoist White-browed stared at the wick for a long time, and seemed unsatisfied. This is his usual practice. He never brought a wick and pretended to forget it. , When someone else sent it, he pretended that the wick was not good enough. Afterwards, if someone said that his ritual was not working, he would put the blame on the wick, saying that the wick was not good and not sincere enough, so it was not working.

Yuan Dongyu said, "That's all there is."

After listening, the Taoist white eyebrows put the wick in the oil lamp, took out a box of matches from his pocket, lit the candle and the oil lamp, then took the three sticks of incense on the table, put it on the oil lamp and burned them, inserting three respectively In the incense burner.

Then I picked up the copper coin sword and turned to the stage, and drank: "The court is majestic, everyone sees it, everyone, please step back a little."

At this time, many neighbors came to watch, the small courtyard of the early morning house was full of people, and everyone stood behind the altar after listening. Taoist Baimei said to Yuan Dongyu: "Please let the son and Ling Qianjin stand in front of the altar."

Yuan Dongyu was a little embarrassed after hearing this. He looked at Ling Haining and thought: "If you let others see something, your painstaking efforts will be in vain."

Ling Haining saw Yuan Dongyu staring at him and nodded. At this moment, he felt that the matter was over and there was no other choice. As long as the abnormality of the brothers and sisters in the early morning can be cured, others can do whatever they want.

Yuan Dongyu took Ling Chen and Ling Xiao to the altar, and calmly said: "It's okay if you two stand still, it's okay. Mom is right by."

Ling Xiao was young and didn't know what was going on. He was a little scared. He opened his mouth and was about to cry. He climbed down early in the morning and said, "Xiao Xiao is not afraid, brother is here."

Ling Xiao didn't cry when he heard what Wee Chen said, and stretched out her right hand to hold Wee Chen's left hand tightly. Yuan Dongyu saw Ling Xiao calm down and walked away.

At this time, the white-browed Taoist opened the wine bottle, raised his head and poured a large sip of wine into his mouth, holding it in his mouth, grabbing a few magic charms on the altar, and lighting them on the oil lamp, spouting the wine in his mouth, sparks four Splash, then threw the lit magic talisman into the air, lifted the copper coin sword in his hand and waved it, while shouting in his mouth: "Dao is dignified, all evils are evaded, this Dao with white eyebrows cannot bear the mutual interference between Yin and Yang, and Tlinger and others return to the Yin world. , If you stay entangled again, don't blame my ruthless men and let you never live beyond life." After that, he shouted: "Then I'm welcome." Then there was a flurry of dance.

After turning for a half circle, when the brothers and sisters were in front of the early morning, they just danced and made a closing gesture, and then the left middle finger and index finger touched the coin, immediately pressed to the early morning forehead, and then again to the forehead of Ling Xiao, both of them had their foreheads stained. A red fingerprint was printed, and then the Taoist white eyebrows shouted: "This blood mark will separate Yin and Yang. From now on, the Yin world must not cross this seal." Then Chao Yuandong Yu said: "Take two bowls and prepare some more water."

After hearing this, Yuan Dongyu went into the house. At this moment, he was startled and saw Zhang Zheng standing in the crowd. He was worried that Ling Xiao would be scared to cry again. He quickly moved his eyes to Ling Xiao, only to see that Ling Xiao had nothing to do, neither Panic, not crying or making trouble. Early in the morning thought it was because of the crowds, Ling Xiao didn't see it for the time being, and began to get nervous. Zhang Zheng passed through the crowd and walked towards them. In the early morning, Ling Xiao's hand was getting tighter and cold sweat broke out on his palm. Ling Xiao felt a little pain. He raised his head and said, "Brother, you It hurts me."

After hearing this in the early morning, the clenched hand was released, but seeing that Zhang Zheng had already walked to the altar at this moment, in the early hours of the morning, Ling Xiao and Zhang Zheng could only see the movement back and forth, but did not dare to make a sound. Seeing that Ling Xiao was still indifferent, Presumably Ling Xiao's illness has been cured at this moment, but he still hasn't recovered. Ling Haining's eyes floated when he saw early morning, but Ling Xiao was surprisingly calm. I don't know what happened for a while.

Yuan Dongyu quickly took two small bowls and a bowl of water and put them on the altar. The Taoist Baimei grabbed two magic charms again, lit them and threw them into two small bowls. Pour a bowl of water into two small bowls. In the early morning, he watched the Taoist with white eyebrows burn the talisman, pour the water, and looked at the bloody face of Zhang Zheng who was standing beside Taoist with white eyebrows. Zhang Zheng looked at Taoist white eyebrows for a while. After a while, he looked hopefully towards the wee hours. He knew that he would hate him in the early morning, but he was even more afraid that the Taoist priest was an expert. After the early morning was really cured, so that he could not see himself in the early morning, then he was really desperate, so he was willing to risk being beaten to dust by the Taoist priest. Risk, also come to see early morning.

Taoist Baimei brought two bowls of water to Wei Chen and Ling Xiao, and said, "Drink this bowl of magic water."

Ling Xiao looked at Yuan Dongyu, Yuan Dongyu smiled slightly and motioned for her to drink. Ling Xiao turned his head and looked at the early morning again, and thought early in the morning: "This Taoist priest can heal my sister, and he should also heal me. Maybe I won't see ghosts after drinking this bowl of water." So he raised the bowl. After drinking two sips, Ling Xiao saw that his brother finished drinking, so he started to drink.

But what worries early in the morning is that after drinking, Zhang Zheng still stands in front of him. Seeing that Taoist with white eyebrows is already starting to clean up the altar, he curiously said in the early morning, "Are there nothing else?"

Taoist White Eyebrows did not expect that the child would ask this. He turned his head to look at Wee Morning, and then looked at the surrounding audience, with a bitter expression on his face, and said, "No, don’t worry, you’re done, you won’t see it again. I saw it." After speaking, I looked at Ling Hai'an, because the two had agreed not to say that the child saw something unclean. At this moment, they accidentally said that it was even more embarrassing.

When Ling Haining heard the Taoist Baimei say this, she also looked at Ling Hai'an. Ling Hai'an didn't look at anyone at all and turned his head to the side.

Seeing my sister in the early morning, I was not well. I felt that there were some shortcomings and some disappointments. I just listened to Zhang Zhengdao: "Don't believe this Taoist priest. He can't communicate with Yin and Yang as he said. I can't even see him. He is just a man. con man."

Anxiously in the early morning, he said: "Yes..."

In the early morning, I wanted to say: "Why was my sister cured by him?" Only when he said it, he realized that he had made a mistake. The Taoist White-browed thought that the child was looking for trouble again, and was turning around to meet his tricky question. Who would have expected to continue in the early morning. : "Mom, I feel a little thirsty."

Taoist Baimei squeezed sweat in his heart, and then cleaned the altar.

Yuan Dongyu was a little worried. He never said to drink in the early morning. He even said to drink after drinking a bowl of magic water. He wondered if he had an adverse reaction after drinking it. Xiang Ling Chen and Ling Xiao beckoned, indicating that they can come over.

Ling Chen and Ling Xiao walked over, Yuan Dongyu asked Ling Chen: "Where is it uncomfortable?"

Early morning said: "Nor, maybe I just drank dusty water and felt nauseous. I wanted to drink some clean water to clear my throat."

Taoist Baimei was displeased upon hearing this, and said: "Ah, what are these words? That is magic water, you don't necessarily have to drink it a few times in a lifetime."

After hearing this early in the morning, he was very upset, but it was inconvenient to say more. Yuan Dongyu repeatedly apologized to Baimei.