King of the Earth

Chapter 73: Two lives


Several kidnappers were dizzy at the same time, and they didn’t have time to think about what was going on. The kidnappers who put the wind on their sides were originally on their side, while the other two had their backs to the back door. They were busy shaking their heads, trying to make themselves more awake, but they didn’t. Hear someone coming in behind him. At the window, the kidnapper saw someone rushing in, and there was still a snatch in his hand. He hurriedly raised the snatch he was holding in his hand, but he was not fully awake. He wanted to aim a little bit. He only heard two gunshots. I was shocked. I didn’t pull the trigger. I just felt that my chest had been hit. I was dizzy. The bullet passed through the heart and the pressure of the huge shock wave caused the blood to break through the chest. He staggered and fell over without hesitation.

Entering the room early in the morning, when the kidnapper at the window saw him, he didn't think much about it. He raised his gun and fired two shots, let alone whether the second shot hits the target. He threw away the gun in his hand and turned his back to his right. The nearest kidnapper pounced.

Wan Guangzhi was dizzy immediately. Hearing the gunshots rushed on his wife and children, the three of them fell to the ground.

The two kidnappers with their backs to the early morning were dizzy. The kidnapper on the right in the early morning had a gun in his left hand and a mobile phone in his right hand. However, due to dizziness, he did not have time to dial out. At first, the two kidnappers didn't realize that someone came in. They heard two gunshots. They were shocked and raised the gun in a hurry. When they were about to turn around, they threw down on the kidnapper closest to their right hand in the early morning, with their legs locked underneath the kidnapper. Grabbed the gun in the kidnapper’s left hand, turned around, and fired two shots at the kidnapper who had already raised the gun on the opposite side. I felt that the rubble was flying in front of me. I squinted my eyes and saw the opposite gangster fall down. .

Turinchuan heard the gunshot, and rushed to the factory where the kidnappers were located. When they arrived in the room, they saw that one kidnapper had been held down in the early morning, and the other two had fallen to the ground.

Shangguan Hongyue was dizzy and almost fell back because of the dementing stone. Fortunately, she leaned against the wall. After hearing the gunshots, she hurriedly wanted to drive into the room, but stepped on the empty foot, almost fell, and shook her head. , After calming down, rushed to the room. When I entered the house, I saw nothing happened in the early hours of the morning, and I had caught a kidnapper and wounded two. I didn't know how this happened. At first I heard a few gunshots, and I was worried about being shot in the early morning. Seeing that early morning was unharmed, he fell to his knees and said, "Thank you, God, I will definitely say it."

In the early morning, before catching the kidnapper who was locked by his legs, all the actions were done in one go, even relying on instinct. Waiting for the upper body to stand up, look at the kidnappers who were crushed to death by himself, and then look at the two who have fallen down. The kidnappers shook their hands involuntarily, as if they felt the cold wind hit, and then their whole body trembled, threw the gun in his hand to the ground, and said to Shangguan Hongyue: "You... come."

Shangguan Hongyue only awakened from the vows when he heard the words in the early morning, and hurried forward, took out the handcuffs, and handcuffed the kidnappers who were crushing in the early morning.

I stood up tremblingly in the early morning, turned around and looked at the ground. Apart from the cell phone taken out of the kidnapper’s hand, besides the cell phone I had just lay down next to my head, two deep pits caused by the impact of the bullet were left behind. , One of the craters was less than ten centimeters away from the head position when he was lying just now, and he couldn't help but shiver. Fortunately, the kidnapper didn't aim because he was dizzy, or he was so close, if he hit a shot casually, he would die. It was a life of nine deaths, and he was still in shock.

Wan Guangzhi's family heard the gunfire stop, and then the two fell, everything quieted down. Wan Guangzhi turned his face slightly, stunned his eyes, and looked at Wee Chen. He didn't know who it was, but when he saw him, he seemed to have killed two people immediately, shaking his child and his wife. When I saw Shangguan Hongyue wearing a police uniform, a big man couldn't help crying, then stood up, letting go of the child and wife under his protection. His wife fainted due to the effect of the dementing stone and the gunshots. On the contrary, Wan Guangzhi's son had clear eyes, as if nothing happened. After Wan Guangzhi stood up, he saw that the child was okay, but his wife's eyes were closed tightly, and he hurriedly called, "Xiaoqin, Xiaoqin."

Shangguan Hongyue listened to Wan Guangzhi calling her lover's name, and hurried to check it. After checking it, she knew that she was just frightened. She came to comfort Wan Guangzhi and his son. Several people were relieved. That Wan Guangzhi didn't have much to say. He turned around and knelt down to the dawn, saying, "If you don't say thank you, you will never forget each other."

In the early morning, the trembling body hadn't completely calmed down, so he paused and said, "Don't... You're welcome."

Shangguan Hongyue heard her voice trembling in the early hours of the morning, and her body was trembling. He thought it was because of the shot and the blood loss. She hurried forward to check, only to see that she smiled bitterly in the early hours: "It's okay, I'm just... scared."

Shangguan Hongyue cried after hearing this and said, "Do you dare to see next time?" She threw herself into her arms in the early morning.

Dulingchuan saw that it was okay in the early morning, but was still in shock. When Shangguan Hongyue plunged into the arms of the early morning, she turned from panic into annoyance again.

Early in the morning, he hurriedly said: "Oh, let's inform Wanford quickly, drag the other two, and catch them in one fell swoop." As soon as he finished speaking, it seemed that the trembling illness was healed, and he became calm. She was about to let go of Shangguan Hongyue, who was in her arms, and went to grab her mobile phone, only to feel that there was one more person in front of him. It was the kidnapper who had been shot twice by herself just now. He didn't think too much, and hurriedly got hold of him to pick up the gun on the ground. Looking at the two robbers on the ground, I didn’t know which one belonged to Shangguan Hongyue, and which one was snatched from the kidnapper and threw it down. He picked up one indiscriminately, pointed at the kidnapper, and saw that it was on the ground. The kidnapper who lay and stood was the same kidnapper, only to realize that he was too nervous, and for a while, he did not discern that the one standing was just a ghost.

The kidnapper was shot twice in the body, one in the heart and the other in the aorta in the neck. He died within a minute, and his soul escaped from the body.

Turingchuan was still immersed in the anger of holding Shangguan Hongyue in the early morning. Only after seeing the early morning reaction did he realize that there was a ghost next to him. Although he knew in his heart that the ghost could not do anything to him, he felt a little afraid of being a kidnapper, so he simply hid. Behind the wee hours.

The kidnapper’s ghost looked at himself on the ground, then at Wee Chen, who was pointing a gun at him, and Turin River, who was hiding behind him, and said in surprise: "You... can you see it?"

In the early morning, he looked at the soul of the dead kidnapper, thinking that he was dead, and there was no need to torture him with the dementing stone, and to innocently hurt Turingchuan and the rest of the living, but he did not answer the question of the ghost.

Shangguan Hongyue suddenly went to pick up and pointed at the wall when he saw dawn, and said in surprise, "What happened to you in dawn?"

"It's okay, I just had hallucinations." After speaking in the early morning, the right hand holding the gun slowly lowered, and again threw the grab in the hand underground, but still looked at the ghost of the kidnapper, unable to say that it was guilt. Of course.

Shangguan Hongyue thought that because of the killing in the early morning, her heart was severely irritated, and she cried out of distress, and hurriedly persuaded him: "In the early morning, you should not care about these things in the future, and be your accountant. I don’t want you to follow me like this. You are only forced by the situation. If you don’t kill them, they will kill you and me. The three hostages will all die, so you must not blame yourself or have a psychological burden. They all deserve it."

Although early morning felt that he did act a little harder, it was two lives after all. After listening to Shangguan Hongyue's comfort, he got a little comfort in his heart. Looking at Shangguan Hongyue, he smiled reluctantly.