King of the Earth

Chapter 75: The four ghosts are hateful


Seeing that Wan Fude had given the money, he still couldn't know the whereabouts of Wan Guangzhi's family. He didn't even have the courage to scold him. He was at a loss for a while. After a few minutes, the whole person calmed down and he was the first person to think of. It was early morning, so I dialed the early morning mobile phone.

Seeing that Wanford was calling in the early morning, he hurriedly picked up and said, "Uncle Wan, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but the gangsters didn't tell me when they got the money, where my son and his family are." Wanford heard the early morning voice, despair and helplessness struck, almost pinning all his hopes in the early morning. Helping, couldn't help crying.

After hearing this early in the morning, he smiled relievedly and said: "Uncle Wan, I found your son. All three are safe. Don't you worry?"

"Huh?" Wanford was so excited that he couldn't think about whether the words in the early morning were true or false.

In the early morning, he handed his mobile phone to Wan Guangzhi and said, "Uncle Wan called and told him that you are all right, so he can feel at ease."

Wan Guangzhi took the phone and cried with excitement. He didn't know the value of life and death. He cried and said, "Dad, I'm fine, I'm sorry, I made you worry about it. Are you okay?"

When Wanford heard Wan Guangzhi's voice, he was a little dizzy with excitement, stabilized his blood pressure, and said: "I'm fine, Ling... How did I find you in the early morning?"

"This... I don't know. We will thank him again when we catch the other two." Wan Guangzhi said it to his father and to the early morning. Of course, he couldn't help but feel happy after early morning.

"Okay, have all the bandits who hijacked you been found?" Wanford was still very worried about their safety.

"One was caught, two were..." After speaking, he looked at the early morning and paused: "I was beaten to death. Now I am waiting to catch those two to get the money."

"Do you have enough manpower?" Wanford asked.

"Dad, don't worry, there are already many policemen here, just waiting for them." Although Wan Guangzhi didn't see the situation outside, he trusted Ling Chen and Shangguan Hongyue very much. After all, he was trying to save their lives. .

Wanford felt much more relieved after hearing this, and he didn't agree with the early morning, and let Wan Guangzhi tell the early morning that he was waiting in the Crystal Palace to welcome the early morning.

Almost seven or eight minutes later, the kidnapper’s cell phone remembered again, startled in the early morning, and put the phone to the mouth of the still alive kidnapper again, picked it up, and only heard the voice coming from the phone: “We’re here, hurry up and take it with you. The smaller one shouldn’t be delayed for too long when it comes out."

"Okay, okay, we're out, you..." The 31 novel app download address was hung up in the wee hours before finishing talking, and he drank: "You should call him in."

"I'm just planning to tell him to come in quickly, do you want to be eye-catching outside with a child tied up?" the kidnapper explained.

I regretted hearing it early in the morning, but who knows what he said was true and false, but thought that Huang Changxing didn't drive in the police car, it should be arranged to block the outside, presumably the two robbers had already entered the network.

I thought I had a soul stone in my hand, kicked the two guns on the ground to the window in the early morning, then walked over and saw a car slowly coming in, the phone rang at the same time, and I connected it in the early morning, just listening to the transmission from the phone. Voice: "Where are people..."

Before he finished speaking, he realized the abnormality and hurriedly reversed the car, but a policeman drove to the south gate and blocked the way out.

The kidnapper who drove knew that there was another east gate, so he drove to the east gate. At this time, all the policemen who had been hidden before stood up and stopped on the road. past. Hearing only a few gunshots, the car turned aside and hit the wall of a factory building. The gangster sitting in the back row was not reconciled. He opened the car door, raised the gun, and did not wait for the trigger to be pulled. bomb.

Seeing everything in the early morning, I couldn't tell whether it was comfort or sadness. After the second battle, he suddenly realized that Shangguan Hongyue’s work was so dangerous. His mission and career were no longer to help her solve the case, let alone to collect payment from living people, but to spare no effort to protect Shangguan Hongyue. Since you are in love, you should fully support her and love her. Even if you know that she is born and die every day, all you can do is to stay with her and never give up.

Along with the thick smoke rising from the car, the four ghosts came out of the thick smoke, and once again pierced the heart of Wee Morning. Do all right and wrong judgments cost their lives? Imagining that the four ghosts will no longer be cared by people from now on, thinking of Turin Chuan, and infinite pity in his mind, turned around and looked, I don't know when Turin Chuan has stood behind.

Seeing the tenderness in the early morning eyes, Turinchuan felt that it was about to melt, and smiled happily, although he didn't know if the tenderness belonged to him.

I didn’t dare to look at Turin Chuan too much in the early morning, lest Turin Chuan’s feelings for him would deepen in the future, turned around and looked at the four ghosts. Ping Fang can relieve the hatred in the heart. Naturally, I didn't care at all in the early morning. Although the sin was deserved, he died at his own hands in the end, and it was right to hate himself. Watching the four ghosts go away, Shangguan Hongyue brought a few policemen upstairs, took a deep breath in the early morning, and turned around, the sound of footsteps lingering in the quiet workshop.

Everyone came up to see that the hostages were safe. Shangguan Hongyue saw that Wan Guangzhi's lover had also woken up and said, "The ambulance will be here soon. You are waiting."

Wan Guangzhi kept chanting: "Thank you."

Shangguan Hongyue seemed thoughtful when he saw the early morning, but still thought that the two culprits were shot and killed in the early morning. There was a shadow in his heart, and he reluctantly walked towards him with a smile on his face. There was another comforting, gentle and graceful tone, showing concern and distress. meaning.

Wee Chen couldn't hear a word. Looking at Shangguan Hongyue in front of her, she felt both nagging and cute. What about her policeman

Soon the ambulance arrived. The Wan Guangzhi family was still in shock. They only felt that their thighs did not listen to their orders. They were helped by the medical staff and went downstairs. The gangsters who were handcuffed alive were also taken away by the police. Several policemen and forensic doctors were taking away. Take pictures on site. Shangguan Hongyue watched a group of people rushing around, worrying about how to explain all this to Yang Qi, so as not to let herself be scolded.

"Did you want to say goodbye?" Shangguan Hong Yue asked Jiao Didi, as if still immersed in the sweet comfort of early morning.

Wee Chen smiled and said, "Is this still necessary? Ling Daxia was forced to shoot in a critical moment, killing two culprits, and the Shangguan police officer used the mechanism to persuade one culprit." He knew that killing the culprit was not a meritorious service, but he just wanted to do it. The credit for catching the culprit was given to Shangguan Hongyue.

Shangguan Hongyue was a little sad, and said: "In the early morning, you don't have to think about me like this. I just want you to be safe. Even if it's an accountant, I like it very much." Shangguan Hongyue blushed when she said it. Said: "Bah, baah, I am not a confession."

Early in the morning, I heard Shangguan Hongyue’s thoughts, and I really wanted to take her into her arms, and then say a bunch of touching love words, but there are so many people in the house, and I look at the Turin River, but I still hold back. : "I don't think all of you, am I still thinking about the reward for being brave for righteousness?"

Shangguan Hongyue couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this, and said: "This time I will tell the truth, and I won't help you lie again."

"Then how do you explain to Team Yang about acting alone?" In the early hours of the morning, there was some concern that Shangguan Hongyue would be punished. Although he was successful in saving people, it was not a small responsibility to act alone and not obey orders to endanger the safety of the hostages. "Forget it, let's say you caught the living gangster, so that you won't be punished too severely." Wee Chen continued in a pleading tone.

Hearing the sweet words of the two of them, Turin Chuan really couldn't listen. He walked to the back of the house, facing the wall, feeling sad.

After hearing this, Shangguan Hongyue was a little hard to choose, and she could understand it alone, so how would she explain it when she brought the early morning? Before I could continue the discussion, I heard Yu Ji's voice: "Senior Sister, Senior Sister, how is it, Brother Ling is okay?"

Brother Ling? When did Mr. Ling become Big Brother Ling? The two couldn't help but smile.

Yu Ji ran up to the two of them and said, "Big Brother Ling, are you okay?"

"It's okay, by the way, how is the Wan Guangzhi family? It should be okay?" Wee Chen smiled.

"It's okay, it may take a while to adjust the mind." Yu Ji said.

"You also see a psychiatrist?" Shangguan Hongyue begged early morning.

"I'm really fine, don't worry about me." Wee Chen affirmed.

A few people chatted for a while, knowing that Wan Guangzhi's family had gone to the hospital first, and planned to return to the police station. Shangguan Hongyue asked to ride together, but said in the early morning that her electric car was still outside the coal yard and insisted on riding, otherwise it might be gone tomorrow. Shangguan Hongyue had no choice but to agree and asked to ride together.

Yu Ji felt like an electric light bulb illuminating the entire old coal factory, so he didn't plan to nag. He looked at the coal yard, people were almost gone, the body was removed, and several policemen were still on the scene. Taking pictures, took a look at the scene early in the morning, shook his head, and a few people went downstairs.

There are three cars left in the coal yard. One of them was driven by Yu Ji, who was waiting for the early morning and Shangguan Hongyue, but he insisted on riding in the early morning. At this time, Shangguan Hongyue treated the early morning as a patient, both supporting and arm-in-arm, but she felt happy in her heart.