King of the Earth

Chapter 99: resurrection


Seeing Duming's arrival, Du Lingchuan's mother was no longer annoyed, and said, "Look, everyone else knows that they care about Lingchuan. How can this be done?"

Du Ming felt a little guilty after hearing it, and said, "I see, there will be no special circumstances in the coming weekends, I will come here."

Early in the morning, I thought: "It's too time for you to be enlightened, and you won't use it anymore." Then he gave Shui Mansion a wink, indicating that it could start.

Shui Fu Shou said to Turin Chuan: "What else do you want to say?"

Turin Chuan was a little nervous after hearing this. It seemed to be a parting of life and death, as if an operation with unknown life and death was about to be performed. He looked at the early morning and said: "In the early morning, remember the agreement between us, I know you are very I like Sister Shangguan. If... If I can wake up successfully, I hope... I hope you will give me the same opportunity." After speaking, he stretched out his left hand.

Knowing that Turin Chuan wanted to pull himself in the early morning, he stretched out his right hand and turned his palm up, Turin Chuan slowly put his hand up, and then poured into the early morning. Although I didn't feel any body temperature in the early morning, maybe tears welled up in my heart, but I felt warm in my heart. Even if a person can only pretend to be one person in his heart, he is so reluctant to Turinchuan at this time, I wanted to reach out and hug him. , But knowing that there are people standing next to him, and there are Shui Fu Shou and Geng Ming Cha, so he didn't do that.

Turinchuan hugged the early morning, only feeling that if there was a choice, he would not let go again in this life, leaving two rows of invisible tears. After a while, he slowly let go, changed his face, and said with a smile: "Thank you Shuifushou." Turning to Geng Mingchai again, he said, "Brother Geng, thank you, it's nice to meet you." Pour into the arms of Geng Ming Cha again.

Geng Mingcha didn't move, and turned his face trembling to look at Shuifu Shou, but Shuifu Shou didn't look at him. Geng Mingcha relaxed a little and said, "Wake up and take care of yourself."

"Yeah." Du Lingchuan nodded and let go of the hands holding Geng Mingchai.

Turin Chuan slowly walked towards her body, walking on thin ice, looking back step by step. Although it was in the form of a ghost in less than four months, it made her a lot of nostalgia. She did not want to forget this memory, let alone forget it. Wee hours. Slowly lay down on his body, but kept looking sideways at Ling Chen and Geng Mingchai.

"Let's get started." Early morning was too sad and accidentally said it.

"What?" Zhao Xin asked curiously.

"Oh, today is a good day, shall we pray for Turin River together?" Wee busy.

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other and was a little surprised, but they said so, and it was not hurtful, and it was considered heart. They all closed their eyes and prayed, except that their eyes were bright in the early morning, and they nodded again to Shuifu Shou.

Turin Chuan, who was lying on his body, trembled. I don’t know what will happen next. I don’t know if Ling Chen and Geng Mingcha will not keep their promises. I don’t know how I will react when I wake up. My eyes slowly She shed invisible tears and stared at Wee Chen intently, as if she hoped that this face would never disappear.

Shuifushou walked into Dulingchuan's body and pressed hard, a silvery object slowly moved from Shuifushou's eyebrows along Shuifushou's body to the arm, and then along the arm to the palm.

Turin Chuan shivered even more when he looked at the dazzling silver light.

That shiny bead was as big as a finger. Because of the dazzling silver light, I couldn’t see if it was round in the early morning. I just felt energetic. Even the few people who closed their eyes and prayed took a deep breath. I am in a fairyland, wanting to absorb the aura from the fairyland crazily.

Hun Yuanzhu slowly moved in the air and gradually approached Turin. Turin Chuan was not watching the early morning, but shivering, staring at the Hun Yuanzhu that was about to fall on his head. Inch after inch, seeing Hun Yuanzhu quickly fall to his forehead, he turned around and looked towards the early morning, hoping that the last glance could be drawn deeply in his mind.

"Don't turn your head." Shui Fu said.

Turin Chuan turned his head and closed his eyes, as if he was welcoming death, but also welcoming new life.

Finally, Hun Yuanzhu slowly fell into the eyebrows of Turin Chuan, Turin Chuan no longer nervous, no longer trembling, as if sleeping, I only felt Turin Chuan's face ruddy in the early morning, like a sleeping fairy, beautifully dressed and beautiful, Gentle and pleasant.

"If you want to break the contract, you can go out now, and she will wake up soon." Shuifu Shou saw that he didn't want Du Lingchuan to remember him early in the morning, and he was willing to help.

We smiled slightly in the early morning and made a sincere wish, "May you be happy, safe and healthy." Seeing that Du Ming and his wife and Zhao Xin still closed their eyes, as if they did not want to come out of the fairyland, they still enjoyed the richness of the fairyland. Brilliant aura.

"Uncle and aunt, I hope you will take good care of Turin Chuan in the future, and don't let her have another accident." After we finished speaking in the early morning, she turned around and walked out of the ward and came gently.

Several people woke up like a dream when they opened their eyes. Zhao Xin was curious and planned to go out to take a look, but saw Turingchuan's fingers shaking and his eyes slightly moving under his eyelids.

Shuifu Shou worried that Dulingchuan had Hunyuan beads in his soul. He woke up and saw that he and Geng Chai didn't say anything, and even more worried that she would have the idea of controlling Hunyuan beads, and it would be difficult for him to take Hunyuan from Turingchuan. Zhu, then walked into Turin Chuan, sucked his right hand into Turin Chuan's eyebrows, and Hun Yuan Zhu returned to his hand.

Torino then slowly opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling curiously.

"Wake up?" Zhao Xin exclaimed.

Du Ming and his wife hurriedly went forward to look, and they couldn't help crying with joy when they saw Turin Chuan's bright pupils.

Zhao Xin remembered what we had said earlier in the morning, and hurried to open the door, but there was no trace of the morning.

Du Ming and his wife were immersed in joy, and only after a long time did they react. They turned around and looked at Zhao Xin, and asked hurriedly, "What about early morning?"

"Go." Zhao Xin was a little lost.

Turinchuan’s mother didn’t know why he disappeared suddenly in the early hours of the morning, but he could hear clearly what he had just said. Thinking about the anomaly in the early hours of this morning, she couldn’t help but feel shocked and stared blankly at Du Ming.

"What's wrong?" Du Ming asked.

"I asked you to come here early in the morning." Mother Turinchuan widened her eyes.

Du Ming was also taken aback when he heard it. He looked at Du Lingchuan and said, "Lingchuan, who is it in the early morning?"

"Early morning? What early morning? Now? It shouldn't be early? By the way, I... I..." Turin Chuan paused, stood up, threw himself into his mother's arms, and cried: "Mom, I was scared to death , I thought I would never see you again."

Turin Chuan’s mother patted Turin Chuan’s back and comforted: “It’s okay, it’s okay.”

Du Ming said curiously: "You... don't you know that early morning?"

"Early morning? Is it... human or...?" Turin Chuan stopped crying and looked at the Du Ming couple curiously.

When Zhao Xin heard it, he was a little bit unbelievable, dumbfounded.

Seeing that Du Lingchuan had regained consciousness, Shuifu Shoufu said: "She is fine, but there is still a lot to say to Wee Chen, let's go find him."

Geng Ming looked at Turin Chuan reluctantly, but said that Turing Chuan might never see herself again, and would never remember that he appeared in her world, a little sad, and gritted his teeth.

"Geng Chai." Shou Fu said sharply.

"Yes, let's go now." Geng Mingcha replied.

The two went through the wall to catch the early morning.

Du Ming and his wife saw Zhao Xin dumbfounded, and asked: "Doctor Zhao, then... in the early morning... aren't they also your friends?"

"Yes... yes, but I also... through..." Zhao Xin hesitated and pointed to Turing Chuan.

Torino is unknown. So, what happened during the coma? But neither Zhao Xin nor the Du Ming couple had any contact information in the early morning. He just appeared out of thin air and disappeared suddenly.