King Tomb Raiders

Chapter 106: False ghost fairy


"Your hands... are shaking too much, right." I was speechless for a while, I can't see, am I blind

"Hahaha, since I was seen by you, then I will not hide it, yes, I am indeed shaking, but a large part of this is probably not because of nervousness, but because of excitement." Yan Wang's eyes flashed Jingguang said.

"Excited?" I asked puzzledly.

"Yes, of course I'm excited, you know, I will come out of the 18-story furnace later, but a vain ghost!" The king of Hades kept his eyes on the 18-story furnace in front of him, and said to me, "You Do you know what this means?"

I nodded honestly, "I don't know, all I know is that vain ghosts have vain power, infinite power, and great strength. I am very happy that Ling'er has such strength."

"Then do you know how many vain ghosts and immortals were there in history?" Yan Wang continued to ask.

"This... Because ghosts and immortals are not ghosts, they don't really have much intersection with our Xuanyin clan." I answered honestly, "so I don't know about ghosts and immortals at all, before that."

"Then I'll tell you. Although ghosts and immortals are rare, there are dozens of recorded ghosts and immortals since ancient times. Most of these ghosts and immortals became casual cultivators. When their ten thousand years of life was exhausted, they became heaven and earth. Spiritual power. But among these dozens of ghosts and immortals, only one broke through the bottleneck and spent five thousand years in cultivation to the illusion of the ghost. This illusion of the ghost is the later king of the underworld!” Yan Wang explained excitedly Tao.

"Huh?" I was taken aback, "The King of the Underworld?"

"Yes, the other name of the underworld is the ghost world. The ghost world is specially used to punish ghosts, but the underworld is different. There are all kinds of spirits living in the underworld. Only you can't think of it, no He can't exist." Yan Wang said solemnly.

"Wow, is it so powerful?" I was surprised. I really don't know much about the underworld.

"Don’t say anything else, just say that after the vain ghost became the lord of the underworld, it took only one night to clear out all the enemies that opposed him in the underworld, and there is only one reason why he can eliminate these enemies, and that is success. False ghosts and immortals.” The King of Hades said.

After listening to what Hades said, I forcibly suppressed the surprise in my heart, "I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that the vain ghost is so powerful."

"So, I'm very excited in my heart now." Yan Wang said. Suddenly, his pupils suddenly converged, and his body shook suddenly.

I felt tight, "What's the matter?"

"Breakthrough!" Yan Wang said excitedly, "Break through the first layer!"

"Huh?" I quickly fixed my eyes on the eighteenth-floor furnace. Sure enough, I saw that the original light on the first floor had been extinguished, and it was now the second floor.

"It's amazing." I said in surprise.

But then, something that surprised me even more happened. I saw a sudden flash of aura, and in the next second, the second and third layers... shook up.

Yama's face changed, "The speed is a bit faster!"

He hastened to absorb the surrounding yin energy, and then converted into normal usable in his body, and then through these, transferred to the eighteen-layer pill furnace.

I watched this scene in astonishment, with a lot of emotion in my heart.

The face of Hades has become ugly, but the yin force transmission on his body has not changed at all. At the same time, on the eighteenth-tier furnace, there are also yin forces one after another, constantly transmitting forward.

Ling'er's speed was extremely fast, and soon came to the last layer.

"It's going to be done soon!" Yan Wang said excitedly. He moved the Yan Wang Qi in his hand, once again, and transmitted a large amount of Yan Wang Qi, mixed with Yin Qi.


The upper end of the eighteen-layer furnace glowed a dazzling green, then turned blue.

I was shocked, is it going to succeed

In the next second, a blue light flew directly out of the eighteen-layer furnace and fell straight in front of me.

He shook his body and sat directly on the ground, raised his head weakly and looked at the blue light in front of me.

I also stared at this blue light intently, wondering what happened inside.

In the next second, the blue light gradually disappeared, and a familiar figure appeared in front of me.


I found that Ling'er was still the same, but the only difference was that there was a unique charm between her eyes.

This charm looks charming and noble...

I was taken aback for a moment, how come I feel that Ling'er is not much like before

"Ling'er, is that you?" I forcibly suppressed the doubts in my heart, and asked in an extremely calm tone as much as possible.


Ling'er suddenly smiled slyly, his eyes instantly became infinitely gentle and mixed with a hint of mischief, and said faintly: "Brother, of course it's me."


I was speechless for a while, when did this girl film become so skinny? So naughty!

"Ling'er, you are naughty." I smiled.

"Slightly." Ling'er stuck out her tongue, like a kitten.

My face was serious, and I asked again: "So how are you feeling now? Is there any physical discomfort?"

Ling'er shook his head, "There is no discomfort, just a heavier feeling."

"Heavier?" I was taken aback, and I looked up and down Linger's eyes, and said with a look of surprise, "It's not heavier!"

"Not this!" Linger stamped his feet anxiously, "Brother, I'm not talking about my figure."

"Huh? That's it?" There was a trace of doubt on my face.

"Look." Ling'er's face tightened, and she stretched out one of her hands and put it in front of me.

"En?" I was taken aback, wondering what Linger wanted to do. But in the next second, I understood, because I saw that Ling'er's hand suddenly burst into blue spiritual power.

"This is?" Looking at the blue spiritual power, I was shocked.

"Is this the power of vain?" I asked.

"Yes." Ling'er nodded, "This is the spiritual power that exists in my body now. Frankly speaking, before, I felt that my body was always light and fluttering. You understand what I mean?"

"Well, I understand."

"But it's different now. Now I feel that my body has become more solid. Uh, this word may not be suitable. In short, I feel that my body is heavier and more stable now. It feels light and fluttering."

"Oh?" I said in surprise.

"That's because the purity of false spiritual power is purer and purer than ordinary spiritual power." Hell suddenly said.

Ling'er and I turned our heads and saw the Hades slowly standing up.

"Yes." Yan Wang said firmly, and at the same time he looked at Ling'er with a strange look, and made a sigh.

"False ghosts, the more pure spiritual power flows in the body, and they have the power of falsehood. The power of falsehood is the same as the Hades Qi in me, and it has a natural tame to all the ghosts in the world. But no. The same is that the Hades Qi in me makes the Yinlings feel scared, but the vain power in you is a process of direct assimilation."

"Direct assimilation?" Linger was puzzled.

"The simple explanation is a more domineering power. This power often likes to directly assimilate the yin spirit into spiritual power, and then turn it into its own power." He explained.

"Wow." Hearing this, I couldn't help but exclaimed.

Ling'er glanced at me, then lowered his head and muttered, "It turns out that it is."

"Well, now that you have successfully transformed into a vain ghost, follow me to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and then write down your name." The King of Hades said.

"Cangjing Pavilion?" I was taken aback, "Isn't that a forbidden place in the underworld? Would you let us go?"

The King of Hades faintly waved his hand, "The eighteen-story furnace is still an absolute forbidden area in the underworld. Haven't you also come? It's all this time, why are you still entangled with this? In a word of your world, you It's pedantic, don't you know?"

I:"… "

I'm so pedantic. Yes, anyway, you are not afraid of leaking the secrets of your underworld, what am I afraid of? When I arrive, I will look hard, and finish reading the secrets of your underworld! Humph!

In this way, under the leadership of Yan Wang, I followed Yan Wang, and Ling'er held Xiao Jiu and followed behind me. We left the forbidden area, and then took the elevator to leave the eighteenth hell.

Fortunately, Hades did not introduce it to us again.

Looking at each of the eighteen layers of hell, Ling'er was obviously calmer than before.

I was puzzled and asked, "Ling'er, what's wrong with you? Why don't you seem to be so scared anymore?"

"I don't know, I only know, it seems that I don't feel that much when I look at these again. I feel very calm. These are all normal. This is a law of the underworld." Ling'er said calmly. , It seems that even himself is puzzled, "Strange, why did I say this suddenly?"

"Um." I was stunned, how could you suddenly say this, I really don't know.

But at this time, the King of Hades slowly said: "Normal things, don't be surprised."

"Oh?" I was taken aback, normal

"Yes, to become a vain ghost, you don't know that, in addition to the qualitative change of spiritual power, even the mood will change a lot." The King of Hades naturally introduced.

"That's it..." I nodded silently, and said in my heart, no wonder I always felt that Ling'er's temperament had changed a little. Before, from the outside, Ling'er was completely like a little sister next door, cleverly. That kind of naughty feeling. But now Ling'er, it can be said, a little bit like a big girl, or a little bit like a woman.

The expression between the eyebrows is very memorable.

I saw this scene and nodded secretly in my heart.

It doesn't matter, as long as she is still my soul, it doesn't really matter what else she looks like.

He didn't know when, he waved and called out a bull's head from the side.

"Hell, are you looking for me?" This bull head is also wearing a suit, but the bull head is still the same. (End of this chapter)