King Tomb Raiders

Chapter 107: Jifu Tibetan Scripture Pavilion


The King of Hades said lightly, "I ask you, is the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion open now?"

"Oh! I'll check it!" Niutou heard that it was about the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and quickly turned his head down on the phone.

I was dumbfounded when I watched from the sidelines, "Fuck, aren't you all under the control of computer upgrades, right?"

"Of course, this is called a thinking system, haven't you heard of it? It's a pirated copy of the Windows system in your world!" Yan Wang said smugly.

I was speechless for a while, how can I listen to your tone and still be so proud

"But why don't you check it yourself?" I wondered, "As the Hades, the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion cannot be opened, don't you know?"

"I have only one person, and where do I manage so many. What is important now? Excessive rights are left to employees. Such a leader is a good leader, so as to continuously arouse the interest of employees. Do you know? Hey, you don't understand, after all, you are not a leader." Yan Wang said and shook his head.

My heart was speechless again for a while, yes, you are awesome.

After a while, Niutou raised his head and said, "Hell, the time is just right. Today it happens to be the horse face on duty. The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is open until the night of the underground time."

"Okay, very good." Yan Wang nodded, "Prepare the car, I will take a few of them over to see."

"Yes." After Niutou finished speaking, he turned into a ray of black energy and disappeared in place.

Hades turned around and said, "You see, how convenient the division of labor is in an orderly manner."

"It's convenient if you say it is convenient." I was speechless in my heart.

"But..." I have another doubt in my heart, "Listen to you, it seems that the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is not often open?"

"Aren’t you nonsense? The Zangjing Pavilion is such an important place, in addition to the facts of the various generations of officials who served in the underworld, there are also life and death books, tens of millions of life and death books, all in it. Tuning it."

"Hahaha," I couldn't help but laugh when I heard this. "When it comes to this, I really feel funny. I used to think that there is only one book of life and death in the underworld, and then I look for someone's name. At that time, as long as you read it in your heart and open a book at will, it is his name. But unexpectedly, it turns out to be really like a book. Hahaha, they are all written honestly one page after another. This workload Surely not small!"

Hearing my voice, hell’s face flashed with depression, "Yes, the life and death book is different from other things. Other things can be replaced by technology, but the life and death book is really not good. This kind of thing can only be old. Honestly, rely on our previous method to record one name by one."

"Well, you can't go wrong after all."

"But very tired."

"..." I held back my smile, trying to keep myself from laughing.

However, when it comes to life and death, I have a feeling in my heart. I really want to see the life and death book.

Soon, Niutou came over with an ox cart. Yes, in front of the car, there are really two cows.

Seeing this scene, my mouth grew in surprise, "Is this a bullock cart?"

"Right." The king nodded. "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

"Well, of course there is a problem. Why does the prefecture have a high-speed rail and an elevator, but there is no car?" I expressed my doubts.

"Because the high-speed rail and elevator roads are fixed, it is natural. But the car is really useless in the prefecture. The space of the Tibetan scripture pavilion in the prefecture is changing all the time. Only this kind of primitive bullcart can Arrived. And, there is the main reason..." Hell's voice suddenly became serious.

"What is it?"

"Because I'm too busy, I haven't learned how to locate the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Moreover, this guy, Bull Head, can't drive." Hem Wang said helplessly.

Niutou smiled, "Yes, I can't drive, I can only drive bullock carts. When I was not dead, I used to drive bullock carts."

I:"… "

Sorry, I got it, I shouldn't ask.

"Let's go." I sighed and said to Ling'er behind me, "Let's get in the car."

"En." Ling'er nodded and quickly sat next to me.


Just listened to the bull's head for a while, and then the entire bullock cart moved into action.

I sighed in my heart, "Hey, let alone, this bullock cart is pretty stable!"

After a while, the bullock cart stopped. The King of Hades said, "Okay, here we are, let's go down."

Following the Hades to get out of the bullock cart, I found that what was in front of us was a magnificent hall.

"Wow." I couldn't help but sigh, "Hammer, isn't it? The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is so brilliantly built? Are you planning to develop tourist attractions?"

Who knows that the king sighed, "Hey, didn't you say that you want to build an image project in the early years? In those years, the income of the underworld was also good. There are not many places that can be found in the underworld. The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion can be said to be one of the few. There were a few, so I thought about decoration, but I didn't expect that the income of the underworld in the past few years was not good. At the beginning, it took a lot of resources to decorate this Tibetan scripture pavilion. Hey, it's difficult..." Yan Wang said with emotion.

I secretly laughed, but Hades was also worried about his livelihood.

However, the decoration of this library is really good, even I can't help but admire it when I read it.

"Let's go, let's go over." Hell Wang said.

"Then King Hades, I will retreat first. Recently, the underworld has insufficient manpower, and I have a lot to do." Niutou said softly.

"Hey." Hearing Niu Tau's words, Yan Wang patted Niu Tau's shoulder vigorously and said softly, "Thank you."

"It should be." Niutou nodded, without showing any unhappiness, I also saw from his eyes, yes, clean, pure eyes.

The people in the underworld are people who have died once, so their eyes will be so clean without any distracting thoughts. After all, as a dead person, I have been used to seeing so many lives and deaths, and I must have seen a lot.

Seeing the back of the bull head away, Yan Wang sighed heavily. Suddenly, he said,

"Hu Tian."


"If there is a chance to see the previous judges who still have black and white impermanence, please give them a chance to survive first." Yan Wang said softly.

I was taken aback. I suddenly understood what Hades meant.

Sure enough, the King of Yama said lightly, "They are already ghosts. If they die again, they will never come back."

"I know, I will try my best." I nodded gently. If the ghost judge and the black and white impermanence were all taken away by others, it means that they still have a chance to survive. , It means that they are fine. There is still a chance to be saved. Although I am not sure how big this opportunity is, there is definitely a chance.

"Okay, let's go in." Yan Wang nodded and said.

"En." I also nodded to Hades.

The Hades opened the door, and inside the door stood horse-faced.

"Please show your pass." Ma Mian didn't even look at the visitor, and said directly, raising the fork in his hand.

"..." Hades was speechless for a while.

"Please show your pass!" Ma Mian urged.

"Little horse," Hell said.


The horse was stunned, and quickly put down the fork in his hand, looked at Hades, and said with a look of horror: "Hades, Hades? Oh, sorry, I didn't know it was you."

"It's okay, open the door, I'll bring the new ghost magistrate in." Hell Wang said.

"Oh, good." Ma Mian said and turned around quickly.

It wasn't until this time that I could see clearly. It turned out that there was a stone gate in it. And this stone gate seemed to be truly indestructible, and it looked unusually strong.

"It turned out to be so." I nodded. It seems that the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is really a forbidden place, otherwise, it would not be blocked by such a thick stone.

I saw Ma Mian pressing his hand on the stone, and then I saw a strange red light emitting from the stone gate. After the red light dissipated, the stone gate suddenly shook, and then slowly opened.

"Go in. Only the person on duty can open the stone gate, how about it, safe?" Yan Wang didn't forget to praise his Buddhist scripture pavilion.

I was speechless for a while, if you say it is safe, be safe.

After following the Hades, I found out, wow, it is a large library.

"Why are there so many books? And it seems that there are more than life and death books." I asked softly.

"En." The king nodded, "It must be so, how can there be only a life and death book? You know, the rest are also very important. For example, the book we are looking for now..."

As He spoke, with a light wave of his hand, a black booklet flew down from the shelf, and then fell into his hand.


I looked at this black book and found that there was a faint yin air faintly emitted from it.

"It's a magical feeling." I couldn't help but exclaimed, but looking at the book from a distance, I felt a faint magical atmosphere in it.

There was also a trace of seriousness in the eyes of the king of Yama, and he slowly said: "This is the official post of the underworld. In it, there are a total of six generations of the king, twelve generations of ghost judges, 108 ordinary judges, and six generations. Various official positions, such as the messenger of black and white impermanence, are recorded in it..."

As he spoke, he opened the first side.

I walked over and took a look.

Dark font, domineering and amazing.

The first generation of Hades, Luo Yue.

The second generation of Yama, Amish.

I was taken aback, "Foreigner?"

"It's just a different race." Yan Wang said softly.

"Oh, that's it." I nodded and continued to look down.

"The third generation of Yama..."

"Fourth Generation… "

"Fifth Generation… "

"The sixth generation of Yama, Xiao, Xiao..." My eyes widened, "Xiao Bai?"

What a special thing!

Isn't this guy the sixth generation Hades


Two of my special eyes are about to stare out. Where is the black bun in front of me

The King of Hades glanced at me faintly, and said lightly: "What's the matter? There is a problem?"


Not only is there a problem, but the problem is very big. You are deceiving the people. (End of this chapter)