King Tomb Raiders

Chapter 109: The police officer is here


Is it because it knows that I am in a bad mood, so it is so behaved? This is too touching for Nima!

An excitement flashed in my heart, looking at Xiao Jiu's back, I felt emotion for a while.

I looked up and saw that it was not someone else who walked in, but Duanmu Lei, the stride meteor.

Duan Mu Lei walked up to me, sat down on the ground, panting and staring at me.

I looked at Duanmu Lei's appearance and wondered: "What's wrong? Why is it like eating a bomb?"

"It's more than a bomb! It's a ton of explosives!" Duanmu Lei said loudly, "You have been missing for three full hours in Anlin City. I investigated all the communication distances, and I couldn't find any of yours. Trace, how did you do it to block all the signals?"

"Um, don't get excited. I'll explain it to you. I just went down..."

Anyway, Duan Mu Lei also knows a lot of my affairs. I don't have to hide from him in the next underworld. Otherwise, this guy will shake out the fact that I am a black house because he always suspects me and is not a good person.

Although, I am not a person.

"Go down?" Duanmu Lei widened his eyes and asked suspiciously.

"Yes. The underground palace, you know." I said lightly.

"Fuck!" Duanmu Lei's eyes flashed with a gleam, "Really? Really there is a mansion?"

"I have known you for so long, now you are asking me if I am true or false? Are you doubting my character?" I lifted my legs and said lightly, "Let's talk about it, what else do you encounter when looking for me in such a hurry? A difficult case?"

"It's good if you know!" Duan Mu Lei said, "I have been waiting for you for so long, so naturally I have to find you for something important!"

"Foreign spirit case?" I asked softly.

Duanmulei and I had an agreement that I would help him solve the foreign spirit case, and then he would not report my identity as a black household.

Now I regret it, why did I show my abilities in front of him for the first time? Isn't it just being corrupted by him

Hearing my question, Duan Mulei slowly shook his head, "It's not certain for the time being, but it must be an unsolved case."

"Since you are not sure, just check it out. Check it out and come to me again." I said quietly, "I have a lot of recent things, and may not be able to help you. You have to have confidence in yourself, how can there be so many supernatural things in the world? Cases, is your ability to solve cases worse? You can’t do this, you are the people’s police! You have to cultivate your own abilities.”

Duan Mulei glared at me, "Stop talking nonsense, where I came to find you is what you told me before."

"En?" I frowned, "What's the matter?"

"The protagonist of this case has a word "Dui" in his name, and his name is Xu Dui!"

I:"… "

"Didn't you tell me before? As long as the name contains Xun, Zhen, Kan, Lihuo, Gen, Dui mysterious cases happen, let me notify you?"

"Yes." I nodded secretly.

why? Because the two people I met before are called Qian Kun, and the other is Why Gan!

Qian Kun is the one who trains Shadow Fiends, and what is the one who summons the black pig.

Behind these two people is a mysterious person, and in the names of these two people, one has "Ghan" and the other has "Kun"! Coupled with the words Duanmu Lei just said, wouldn't it add up to gossip

Qian represents the sky, Kun represents the earth, Sunda represents wind, earthquake represents thunder, Kan represents water, Li represents fire, Gen represents mountains, and Dui represents Ze...

Isn't this just gossip

The first time I became suspicious of this, it was when I heard the name of He Gan.

At that time, I thought to myself, is this a coincidence? No, my instinct tells me not.

The mysterious person behind that selected object is deliberate!

Because people with gossip in their names will possess different powers than ordinary people. As for what power it is, it depends on what it is used for.

If you collect eight people with gossiping power and use them to do some bad things, things will be very difficult.

So since I came into contact with He Gan’s name last time, I secretly kept an eye on it and asked Duanmulei to help me keep an eye on the people who happened in the recent case in Anlin City. Once the name contains gossip words, I’ll be notified. Didn't you expect to show up so soon

My face sank, "Talk about the cause and effect."

"Well, this is the case. We received a report. Xu Hai’s parents Xu Hai and his mother Duan Liying claimed that their son Xu Dui had not been able to contact him for a week. At the beginning, they received news from their son that they were going to the Imperial Capital. Because it was summer vacation, the two of them were usually very busy at work, so they just gave their son a little money and didn’t pay much attention to it. But who knows that more than ten days have passed, and the two have not contacted Xu Dui, and now the two of them are starting It is suspected that Xu Dui is missing, and he may even have encountered an accident." Duan Mu Lei said with a serious face.

"So? The police have you, it's impossible to find out everything, right?"

I asked indifferently, Duanmulei hasn't mentioned the point yet, so I am not very excited now, just waiting for Duanmulei to tell the next thing.

"Of course, after receiving the report, the police quickly intervened. Soon, we discovered that Xu Dui had attended a classmate’s birthday party in 13 days of money, but according to KTV surveillance video, Xu Dui was finally carried away. The one who was going out was carried out by a group of young people."

"Oh?" My eyes flashed, "Are young people making trouble?"

"It should be, Xu Dui is a senior in the vocational high school. On weekdays, his parents have very little control. He is basically the type of person who entered the society. And we have also investigated the waiters at the time. Indeed, that night, it seemed that It was a beating. There were a lot of people and it was very chaotic. In short, among a bunch of young people who left KTV intermittently, we only found the last video. It was a group of young people who deliberately covered their faces and lifted Xu Dui. Go out." Duanmu Lei said with a serious face.

"Are you sure it is him?" I asked.

"I have compared it with a professional body analysis, and it is indeed Xu Dui who is right. But if I just watch the video, I really can't tell whether it is coma or drunk, or already..."

"Death." I whispered softly.

"En." Duanmu Lei nodded.

"And then?" I asked.

"Then the police used a lot of manpower to find the other five students in the surveillance video that day. They were Wu Dong and Jiang Lin, high school students; He Wei, Ma Huiyuan, high school students, and one high school student. Female student, Qin Lili. But this group of people was surprisingly consistent in their words, and insisted that Xu Dui just drank too much that day, and his group were all his friends, so they carried him out."

I frowned, "My friend is drunk, so it's weird that I didn't carry it on my back but carried it out."

"It is true, so the police are now skeptical of the confessions of these five people. But so far, no loopholes have been found. The five students responded with caution." Duanmu Lei said solemnly.

I paused and asked, "Then there is one more thing, where is the train station?"

"It's the high-speed rail. Xu Dui's family situation is very good. If he wants to go to the imperial capital, he would not choose the train. High-speed rail and airplanes should be given priority." Duanmu Lei explained.

"Well, it doesn't matter." I was speechless, what is the high-speed rail? I haven't sat down again! aircraft? It seems to have heard it.

"Yes." Duanmulei nodded quietly, "Anyway, you know, the police cannot let go of any clues when investigating the case, so we went to investigate all three places: trains, high-speed rails, and planes."

"Oh?" I was taken aback, "and then? Did you find anything?"

"So this is the most surprising place. We really discovered that Xu Dui bought a high-speed rail ticket to the Imperial Capital that night, using his own ID card."

"But I'm not sure that it is me?"

"Yes, according to the surveillance video of the high-speed rail station, when he went to pick up the ticket, his face was not photographed. He wore a sweater and a hat, and he seemed to have deliberately hidden himself." Duan Mulei explained. "Analyzing from the back alone, it is not certain that he is Xu Dui."

"What about the high-speed rail that day? Did you find anything?" I asked.

"The strange thing is that I really haven't found anything. He bought the ticket for the next day. After taking the ticket from the high-speed rail station and leaving, Xu Dui never appeared again, as if he had disappeared from the world, on the street. No one can see his figure on any of the cameras on it." Duanmu Lei sighed.

"So it is very likely that this is the situation now. Someone took Xu Dui's ID card and then went to get a high-speed rail ticket, but in the blind area of the surveillance area, the clothes on his body were taken off, or even thrown away. Or hid it and took it away from the scene, so there were fragments in the surveillance area, and the person could no longer be found?” I analyzed.

"Now I think the same way. It seems very cautious, but I don't understand, who would do it? And, what is the reason for doing this? Just to prove that Xu Dui was alive after leaving KTV that night? Duan Mu Lei said.

"If this is the reason, it seems that the five students are likely to be the murderers." I said softly.

"To be honest, I have a police instinct. Although the five students must know something, I am sure that they are not the murderers. Because no matter how they pretend, no matter how cautious they are, they are only five children in the end. Wei Shen, especially the female student, almost can’t hold it anymore. There are too many loopholes. The loophole here is not that she is the murderer, but that she knows something, but refuses to say it. The way you dare to speak out, do you understand?" (End of this chapter)