King Tomb Raiders

Chapter 112: mental illness


"Boom boom boom." I stood downstairs in the Ma's house and knocked on the door.

Ling'er stood silently behind me, arranging Xiao Jiu's hair with her hands.

"Brother, that symbol..."

"En." I nodded and said softly, "I know."

"That's good." Ling'er breathed a sigh of relief when I said this, and then stood peacefully behind me, stroking Xiao Jiu's hair.

Duan Mulei followed from behind, "What's the matter? Why haven't you opened the door yet?"

I said softly, "Give me some time."

"Give time? What do you mean? What time does it take to open the door..." Duan Mu Lei looked dumbfounded.

"..." I didn't speak, and stood there quietly waiting.

After a while, the door opened.

Inside, there is a middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman.

It was Ma Huiyuan's father and mother that I had seen before.

When the two saw me, they were obviously taken aback, "Are you?"

Duan Mulei stood out from behind, "Mr. Ma, Ms. He, it's us."

"Ah, Duanmu police officer!" The middle-aged man said quickly, "Why are you here? Sit in the room? By the way, this is?"

"Oh, he is..." Duanmu Lei was about to speak, but I preemptively said, "I am a doctor."

"Doctor?" The middle-aged man was stunned and looked at me with a puzzled face.

"Um..." Duanmu Lei didn't know what medicine I wanted to sell in the gourd, so he had to smile awkwardly, "Yes, it's the doctor." He lowered his voice and said in my ear, "Hu Tian, you hell What are you doing?"

I ignored him, but said to the two of them, "Can we go in and talk?"

"Ah? Ok... Please..." The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately greeted him.

"En." I nodded and walked towards the house without being polite.

I caught a glimpse of Ms. He's eyes with redness and some tears on her clothes.

I shook my head secretly, walked in, and sat down on the sofa. Ling'er followed me obediently, holding Xiao Jiu and sitting beside me.

After the door was closed, Ms. He turned around and went back upstairs, looking like she was about to change her clothes. The middle-aged man is making tea.

Duanmulei sat on the other side of me suspiciously, stared at me for a while, then lowered his voice and said, "These are Ma Huiyuan’s parents, the host is Ma Runzhi, and the hostess’s surname is He. ."

I said quietly, "I know."

"Huh? How would you know?"

I:"… "

I've just been upstairs for a while, and I heard Ms. He's name "Run Zhi". I've called it no less than five times... It's hard to know. But I didn't tell Duanmu Lei so much. Although I didn't have to conceal it from him, he knew too much and it was not good for him. So I chose silence.

Ma Runzhi came over with tea, "Three, please use tea."

"Thank you." I said politely, with a pretentious smile from beginning to end.

Ma Runzhi looked at me curiously, obviously he was very curious about my identity.

However, I did not pay attention to him, and even deliberately ignored him, just drank tea to myself.

"Uh, cough cough." Ma Runzhi seemed to realize that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, and coughed slightly. Seeing that I had no intention to communicate with him, he turned his head to Duanmulei and said, "Duanmu police officer, at this time, Why are you here?"

"Ah, that's it." Duanmu Lei rolled his eyes and forcedly explained, "Didn't you ask me to help you investigate the threatening letter?"

"Huh?" Ma Runzhi's body was obviously shocked when he heard the threatening letter.

I observed this detail and nodded secretly in my heart. I am afraid Ma Runzhi must be overwhelmed in his heart now. Because he thought it was used by others to intimidate his son, but now he has to suspect that his son was the creator of the letter of intimidation!

Seeing Ma Runzhi's expression a little unnatural, I knew in my heart that he was already a little scared. I'm afraid of what happened, because it's incredible.

But Ma Runzhi nodded, and said in a daze, "Yes, did you find anything?"

I shook my head secretly in my heart, without saying much.

"Um, no obvious clues have been found yet." I motioned to Duanmu Lei with my eyes, and he nodded knowingly.

"Oh, that's good." Ma Runzhi nodded silently.

"Huh?" Duanmu Lei was taken aback, "..."

Ma Runzhi also realized that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly said, "No... I mean, I really trouble you, I really trouble you..."

Ma Runzhi's tone was a little stuttered, and the whole person looked very abnormal.

Duanmulei looked at him suspiciously, but Ma Runzhi moved his eyes to the table with a guilty conscience, picked up a cup of tea, handed it to his mouth tremblingly,

"Drink tea, you guys drink tea."

Duanmulei: "..."

"Ahem." I put down the teacup, sat upright, coughed slightly, and it was time for me to appear.

"Mr. Ma." I said lightly, staring at Ma Runzhi with piercing eyes.

"Yes." Ma Runzhi didn't dare to look into my eyes at all, and just avoided.

I didn't care too much about this either. After a pause, I continued to speak: "I want to see your son."

"Ah, this, I'm afraid it won't work. Xiaoyuan, I haven't had a good rest recently, and I'm sleeping in the house now."

Sure enough, as I expected, Ma Runzhi directly refused my request.

With a serious expression on my face, I said word by word, "I want to see your son, or you will regret it."

"..." Ma Runzhi's face changed for a while, staring at me with an unbelievable look.

"Hu Tian, what are you doing..." Duan Mulei felt my tone a little tough, and patted my shoulder to signal me to calm down.

I took a slow breath, looked at Ma Runzhi with a look of surprise, and continued: "Your son is mentally ill, he is self-harming. The police have been paying attention to him for a long time, so he has to go to the hospital with me. Moreover, his mentality is easily disturbed. It can now be proved that the deaths of Wu Dong and Jiang Lin have something to do with him."

"This, how is this possible!" Ma Runzhi stood up from the sofa with excitement, glared at me and pointed at me angrily, "I don't care who you are? If you don't have any evidence, Talk nonsense, I ask you to leave my house!"

It seemed that Ma Runzhi was a very refined person, so even though he was angry, he didn't say anything special, just asked me to leave.

I raised my head, looked at Ma Runzhi calmly, and said word by word, "You know if I'm telling the truth or nonsense, and I also want to tell you that Ma Huiyuan's mental illness can be contagious!"


Ma Runzhi's eyes widened suddenly, but he couldn't say a word in a daze.

He knew best in his heart, yes, it would be contagious, he had just understood it.

Duanmulei felt a little embarrassed in the atmosphere, so he said: "Well, Hu Tian, you haven't seen Ma Huiyuan..."

"He knows if I'm telling the truth." I interrupted Duanmu Lei directly and stared at Ma Runzhi motionlessly.

"Huh?" Duanmu Lei looked at Ma Runzhi in surprise.


Ma Run was silent for a while. For a long time, he lowered his head and sat down on the sofa. He said in a trembling and hoarse voice, "So, what happened to Xiao Yuan?"

Seeing Ma Runzhi calm down, I said softly, "I can't tell you too much for the time being, but if you trust me, give Ma Huiyuan to me, and I guarantee his safety."


There was another silence.

I did not speak, but watched Ma Runzhi quietly. Indeed, he needs a little time, I understand.

After a while, Ma Runzhi finally spoke.

"I can trust you, but Xiaoyuan's mother's side..." Ma Runzhi seemed a little hard to say.

I was stunned. What happened to Ms. He

Just as I looked at Ma Runzhi incomprehensibly, suddenly, there was a shout from the upper floor.


The voice was grief-to-the-bone, creepy.

Moreover, it is the voice of a woman.

"Huh? Xinli?" Ma Runzhi's expression changed and he ran upstairs suddenly.

Duan Mulei stood up from the sofa with a squeak, holding a pistol and was about to follow, but I grabbed it.

Duan Mu Lei turned his head, "What are you doing?"

"Don't go there!" I said coldly, looking at Ma Runzhi who was climbing up the stairs, and said to Ling'er behind me, "Ling'er, bring him down and let him be honest."

"Okay, brother."

Ling'er nodded gently, then turned into a blue aura and flew towards Ma Runzhi from behind.

When Lingguang touched Ma Runzhi, Ma Runzhi's figure suddenly shook, and then, as if she had lost consciousness, her body softened, and Linger came back.

The blue light dissipated, Ma Runzhi lay down on the sofa honestly, while Ling'er looked at me calmly.

Duan Mulei asked in a puzzled manner, "What are you two doing? Ms. He seems to have encountered something, why didn't you let Ma Runshang go to help? Don't let me go up?"

My expression was solemn, and my first reaction just now was to rush forward, but I was stunned because Ma Runzhi just called a name, and that name was Xinli!

Xinli should be Ms. He's name.


You know, Li is also one of the gossips! In gossip, doesn’t it mean fire

My heart was filled with questions for a while. Why did Ma Huiyuan become like this after Xu Dui's bizarre disappearance? However, Ma Huiyuan's mother is the same type of person as Xu Dui.

I can't help but leave a heart in my heart. To be honest, I'm a little bit at a loss.

If it is really what I think, then this thing hidden upstairs now, it can be difficult to handle.

"What's the matter?" Duanmu Lei looked at me puzzledly, "From the very beginning, you were mysterious and unwilling to say anything. Now suddenly the situation has become like this, please, you at least give me something Can I explain it to you? Otherwise, I'm standing here with a dazed expression, I don't know what I want to do?!"

"You can't do anything if you know it." I said mercilessly.

Duanmulei: "..."

Is it so direct? (End of this chapter)