King Tomb Raiders

Chapter 124: Return to Datang


"Conceited." Yin Shaodong replied without thinking.

"Follow." Linger answered.

"Same." Duan Mu Lei said.

"Okay." I said very calmly, but the corners of my mouth rose slightly.


"where to?"

With a big wave of my hand, a violent white light appeared in front of us.

It was like tearing the space apart, a gap was directly torn out by me.

"This is?" Yin Shaodong's eyes widened.

"Another way to hell!" I whispered softly, without explaining too much, but opening the mouth, "Go."

After I finished speaking, I jumped into the white light and disappeared before their eyes.

Ling'er and Yin Shaodong looked at each other, nodded at each other, and jumped and followed in.

Duanmu Lei gritted his teeth, clenched a fist, and then jumped in.

After entering, several of us felt like experiencing a time and space shuttle.

The surrounding white light retreated quickly, while we moved forward quickly.

I was expressionless, I wanted to know what the scene was at the other end of the road to hell.

"Huh!" With a sound, the eyes went dark.

I felt my body lighten and fell to the ground from mid-air all at once.

Following closely behind the other three people, they also fell down one after another.

Yin Shaodong bent over, shook his head, and said: "Oh, I'm fainted. What is going on?"

I didn't speak, but stared at the scene in front of me blankly.

Yin Shaodong saw that I ignored him and wanted to ask me what was going on, but when he looked up, he was stunned.

He stared wide-eyed and looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, "Here, why is there a palace here? Where is this?!"

My eyes narrowed slightly, so familiar.

"It's actually here..." I murmured, looking at the cascading halls in front of me.

Placed right in front is the main palace of Emperor Taizong in Tang Dynasty—Taiji Palace!

"Brother, where is this?" Linger also questioned.

"It looks like an imperial city." Duanmu Lei exclaimed.

"This is the palace where Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty discussed politics and rest, Taiji Palace!" I replied, and there was a wave of waves in my heart at the same time.

Hearing this, Yin Shaodong widened his eyes, "Tang, Tang Dynasty? Isn't it? Didn't it mean that this is hell? I thought it was a sea of flames!"

"To be precise, this is heart hell." My eyes sank, and I explained softly.

Yin Shaodong wondered, "What is the hell of the heart?"

"The relationship is born from the heart. The hell of the heart is the most sinister aspect of a person's heart. He can disguise hell by creating illusions. So although we all look like palaces now, in fact, we are in hell." I explained, and added, "So, don't go away, you will die."

Duanmulei's hairs stood up suddenly, and he took out a gun from his arms.

I caught a glimpse of his movements and asked softly: "What are you doing? A bullet can't kill a ghost."

"I know." Duanmulei nodded silently, "I'm thinking, if you are dragged into a pile of ghosts by ghosts later, if you can't save me, I will solve it by myself. Nima is too scary."


I'm afraid of ghosts with this guy! Then why did you follow up so fearlessly just now

I was speechless for a while, looked ahead, and said, "Let's go, let's go to the main hall. Since this person uses the Tang Dynasty palace to disguise his heart hell, it means that he is here waiting for us."

After speaking, I took a big step and walked forward.

Yin Shaodong looked at my back with doubts on his face, and asked inexplicably: "Hu Tian, with all due respect, how do I feel, you seem to be calm. Why are you not shocked at all?"

I replied as I walked, "Why should I be shocked?"

"Hey, the hell of this person's heart is the palace, or the Tang Dynasty, maybe he is from the Tang Dynasty!" Yin Shaodong said exaggeratedly.

"Oh." I replied lightly, "So what?"

"But how is this possible?" Yin Shaodong asked puzzledly: "Even if he has a high level of Taoism, he can't live for more than a thousand years, right? Isn't this all perfect?"

"There is no need to be refined, there is a very simple way." I said lightly.

"what way."

"Cross out the book of life and death." I said.

"Cross out the life and death book?" Yin Shaodong's eyes widened, "Aren't you kidding me? How is this possible? How can someone really cross the life and death book?"

I:"… "

After a while, I said, "Someone."

"You?" Yin Shaodong was puzzled, but when he was about to continue to ask questions, he saw Ling'er next to him stop him with his eyes.

Although Yin Shaodong was puzzled, he honestly chose to shut up and watched the scene with a little doubt.

I walked in front of me silently, without saying a word.

The place we are walking now is the road leading to Tai Chi Palace.

That was how Emperor Taizong was sitting in the main hall of Taiji Palace, and his monarchs and ministers were along this road to discuss politics.

There was a touch in my heart, and I looked up at the main hall of Tai Chi Palace, which was not far away, and I was touched.

Why, why should he set it up like this.

Is he in the main hall

What does he think of us

How to break the illusion of heart hell in order to see the true truth!

With all kinds of inner anxiety, we walked all the way in the empty imperial city, and walked straight to the main hall of Tai Chi Palace.

Finally, we came to the front of the main hall.

Without any hesitation, I pushed in.

The magnificent assembly hall, gold bricks, green tiles, nine-ding pillars, dragon chairs, and...

"Emperor Taizong?"

My pupils shrank suddenly. Isn't it the Emperor Taizong sitting on the dragon chair at this moment

"All Aiqing, be flat."

Suddenly, Emperor Taizong's mighty and heavy voice came from the front, that is, at this moment, the surrounding environment changed suddenly, and various civil and military officials suddenly appeared on both sides of the hall.


I was stunned, and then turned around, but Ling'er, Yin Shaodong, and Duanmu Lei had disappeared!

"What's going on? A phantom?"

My heart was amazed. Standing blankly in the middle of the hall, no one seemed to see me.

"Gaozu abdicated, the patriarch of the Xuanyin clan has made progress for repairing the mausoleum for him?" Emperor Taizong, who was sitting on the dragon chair, said softly.

Changsun Wuji clasped his fist and said, "Report to the emperor, and follow up."

"Okay." Tang Taizong nodded slightly, and said softly: "The Xuanyin clan is a family that guards the tomb. This time, it is for the great ancestor to build and guard the tomb. You must not treat it badly."

"Yes!" Changsun Wuji clasped his fist.

My pupils shrank suddenly. Is this year 626 AD? The year when Gaozu abdicated and Taizong ascended the throne!

That is the year when I went to the palace with my father to pay a visit!

Suddenly, my eyes turned again, and the surrounding environment changed again.

"Huh? What happened again?"

After the surrounding environment stabilized, I once again took a closer look. Emperor Taizong on the dragon chair was a bit older than before.

"Li Ke was appointed as King Wu and delegated to Tanzhou as the governor."

Emperor Taizong on the dragon chair whispered.

"Children obey orders."

Under the main hall, a prince with clear eyes answered. He is Li Ke.

"Li Ke?"

Looking at this scene, my heart suddenly touched, why, I know that all this is fake, but now it feels so real

My footsteps did not listen to my orders at all, and moved forward.

"Li Ke, is it really you?"

But as soon as I lifted it up, the surrounding environment changed again.

I was very confused inside, and said angrily: "No, stop for me!"

But the environment changed again. When the environment calmed down again, I found that it was not in the palace this time, but in a place full of regret.

This time, I saw myself.

And the corpse of the quiet man lying in front of me, Wu Wang Li Ke.

"this is?"

My pupils shrank suddenly, I remembered, what I see now is the most painful memory in my heart,

Li Ke was framed to death. I retrieved his body from the Chang'an Palace. I was planning to use thirty-six hours to gather 36 kinds of sacrifices to forcibly recall Li Ke’s soul from the underworld and return him. life.

At that time, I thought about it. Since Li Ke had no intention of politics, I would simply give him his freedom, and the big deal is that from then on, I will end up in the shadow of a free knight!

But the secret technique has just been activated, and Changsun Wuji brought a large number of wizards to him, forcibly defeated the secret technique, and then set it on fire...

Fire, the fire is burning!

My eyes are filled with the monstrous fire!

The wizard's fire destroys the world!

"No!" Looking at the people struggling in the fire, I roared with regret in my heart, "Why, why do you want me to see this? Stop it!"

I did not hesitate to rush towards Changsun Wuji and the wizard behind him! I wanted to stop all of this, but in desperation, my body passed through them all at once,

I was stunned in place, my fists clenched, my body trembling,

"Virtual images, really are virtual images... I can't go back, and there can be no chance to change the history at that time..."

I lowered my hands slumped, and sure enough, the surrounding environment changed again.

This time, what caught my eyes was something I had never remembered before.

A small house, dim candlelight, bleak atmosphere...

I stared at this scene blankly, "Where is this?"

Suddenly, I heard an abnormal movement behind me and suddenly turned my head. I saw the 60-year-old grandson Wuji, sitting on the table with a serious face and an edict in front of me.

The above content is very simple, let him hang himself.


Suddenly, Changsun Wuji sighed heavily, and then a firm expression flashed in his eyes, then slowly got up and took out a black box from the cabinet.

When I saw this scene, I was stunned. The breath on the black box was so strange! At first glance, it is an ominous thing! What is Changsun Wuji doing with this thing at this time

Then, a scene that surprised me happened. I saw Changsun Wuji holding the black box respectfully, then sitting in front of the table and gently placing the black box on the table. Then, he took out a knife from behind.

"Huh?" I was taken aback by his action. What is this going to do? (End of this chapter)