King Tomb Raiders

Chapter 85: Desire for the truth


After I finished speaking, I looked directly at Wang Chen, hoping that he would give me an answer.

But Wang Chen didn't speak, or that from the beginning to the end, his eyes didn't look at me. Instead, he stayed on the nine hundred and ninety-nine steps and never looked at me.

I was puzzled, staring at his gaze, and found that there were many complicated things inside.

Happy, solemn, worried, confused...

I can't help thinking, who exactly is Wang Chen

"If you want to know the answer, come with me." Wang Chen suddenly said.

"Huh?" I was taken aback, watching Wang Chen's body move unexpectedly, and there was a tendency to move forward.

"Don't!" I subconsciously wanted to stop Wang Chen, "The space in front is very strange, you can't enter, your body will not be able to bear it..."

Before I could speak, I stood in astonishment, because I saw that at this moment, the holy mirror in Wang Chen’s arms shot out a golden light, and Wang Chen supported the holy mirror with both hands and placed it in front of him. , The expression on his face is very religious.

Under the illumination of the holy mirror, a golden road appeared in front of us.

In my surprised eyes, Wang Chen moved slowly and walked forward step by step.

"This..." I stared at this scene in surprise, and then glanced at Yin Shaodong.

Sure enough, King Chen is not a simple archeologist. His research on the Galen Dynasty has far exceeded our imagination.

After all, it should not be easy to find one of the three lost mirrors!

"This..." Yin Shaodong glanced at me with uncertainty in his eyes. I paused and said,


"it is good!"


Yin Shaodong, I and Xiao Jiu also followed Wang Chen.

Miraculous, really amazing. As soon as we stepped into the space in front of us, we were keenly aware that, under the guidance of the holy mirror, even though we had entered this area, we did not feel as much pressure as before. .

Wang Chen walked in front of him in a hurry, but I followed him with anxiety.

Ling'er and Zhang Daqi were gone on the stairs. What happened when I fainted

Did the two of them have entered the main city

Did Ling'er stop Zhang Datong? Is she in any danger

There are all kinds of worries in my heart.

However, Wang Chen did not rush or slow down. In other words, he walked very piously. It seemed that he had done his best etiquette at every step; at every step, he came out with endless respect for the land under his feet. .

I was completely puzzled. What kind of mood did Wang Chen feel about this mysterious ancient tomb that has been pursued for more than 20 years and once claimed the lives of his parents

Why is it different from what I thought

Finally, we came under the ladder.

Just as I was thinking, I was finally going to go up, suddenly, Wang Chen's figure trembled, and then the next second, he knelt down.

Under the stunned gaze of Yin Shaodong and I, Wang Chen respectfully held the holy mirror with both hands forward, and then slowly bent down and lowered his head, as if performing a grand ceremony.

Yin Shaodong and I stood silently behind him. I don't know why. Although my heart is very anxious, it seems that there is an invisible force controlling my thoughts, making me unwilling to break this solemnity.

Yes, it is a feeling of reluctance.

This feeling does not come from the surrounding environment, but from my heart.

I unconsciously touched my heart, and it was this subtle movement that caught Yin Shaodong's attention.

"what's happenin?"

"It's okay." I frowned slightly and shook my head gently.

Head, a little dizzy.

In a trance, I saw Wang Chen's body slowly standing up.

"Let's go." Chen Wang's hoarse voice sounded.

"Okay." I nodded. Although I was unwell, there was only one thought in my heart, Ling'er, I must hurry to Ling'er's side!

Wang Chen took the lead and stepped up the ladder first. I followed, but just after taking two steps, a dizziness suddenly came from deep in my head. I only felt black in front of my eyes and soft feet, so I leaned forward directly.

"Hu Tian!"

Yin Shaodong's eyes were quick, and he supported me.

I staggered two steps, and with Yin Shaodong's hand, I barely managed to stabilize my figure.

"Um, what's the matter with you?" Yin Shaodong asked anxiously.

"Wang Wang!" Xiao Jiu also yelled uncomfortably from the side.


I waved my hand feebly. I don't know what's wrong with me. Just now, an inexplicable dizziness hit me and almost made me unconscious.

This is the third physical abnormality that has occurred since I came here.

The first time I slept for a whole day inexplicably, and I woke up feeling nothing;

The second time I fainted in this cemetery and felt like I fell into an abyss;

And the third time, just now, a heavy feeling came from top to bottom, almost making me unconscious.

And from the beginning to the end, all this came without a clue, suddenly.

I began to wonder, is there something wrong with my body

When Wang Chen heard the movement behind him, he turned his head and looked at me. When he saw me, there was a slight strange expression in his eyes, but after all, he didn't say much.

after awhile,

"How about? Can I still go?" Wang Chen asked calmly.

I paused, then nodded, "Yes."

"it is good."

Hearing my answer, Wang Chen didn't have any opinion, so he turned around, took a step, and started to walk up the steps.

I let go of Yin Shaodong's arm, took two breaths hard, and followed Wang Chen and started walking up.

"Hu Tian, it's okay. If it doesn't work, don't try to behave. If it doesn't work, I and Xiao Jiu will go up." Yin Shaodong seemed to be worried, and said in my ear at this moment.

I glanced at him curiously, and asked in a slightly surprised tone, "Ah, what's wrong with you today? What's the matter with mother-in-law? Hurry up!"


Hearing what I said, Yin Shaodong gritted his teeth, but after all he didn't say much, but rolled his sleeves, "Huh, just go!"

I looked at Yin Shaodong's face, didn't say much, forcibly suppressed my discomfort, and followed closely behind Chen Wang.

One step, two steps...

When we walked the nine hundred and ninety-nine steps...

Unfolding before us is a majestic hall!

My body was soaked with sweat, and there were waves of weakness in my bones.

At the same time, I noticed that not only me, but also the king Chen in front of me. I looked at his back and found that his body was trembling slightly, and his legs seemed to be trembling non-stop. I use one word to describe it. , Couldn't be more appropriate, that is,


Yes, Wang Chen's condition is worse than mine.

However, Yin Shaodong and Xiao Jiu seemed to be completely unaffected, but rather alive and well.

How is this going? I couldn't help but wonder inside.

Yin Shaodong glanced lightly behind him, "The scenery is not bad, and the palace is also magnificent. But..." In the next second, Yin Shaodong twisted his head and turned around, staring at me and said, "But Hu Tian, you are not good. Sweat flows like this when climbing stairs, is it kidney deficiency?"

My kidney is weak, your uncle.

I didn't even want Bai to confess him, I simply ignored him, and then stared at the hall in front of me intently.

The grand hall is magnificent, with a central pattern and perfect symmetry.

The gray architectural tone, the primitive architectural style, and the large plaque hanging in the middle, as well as the three words written on the plaque.

"Emperor's Palace!"

Seeing this scene before me, I couldn't help feeling in a daze. What was it like here? What kind of people can build such a large hall and be worthy of such a grandeur

I silently stared at the Emperor's Palace in front of me, my body was still weakening, and the sweat continued to slide down my spine, but I didn't feel the previous discomfort anymore.

Just when I feel relieved that my condition has improved,


A trace of bright red blood exploded in the air, and Yin Shaodong and I stared wide.

"Is this special? What's the matter!"

I saw Wang Chen, who was standing still in the last second, but this second, his figure suddenly shook, and he knelt directly on the ground, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and suddenly, the space in front of him was dyed red.

"Huh?" We were all shocked by this sudden scene.

"Professor Chen, are you okay!" I asked anxiously.

Wang Chen's body was shaky, and he was about to fall to the ground. In a hurry, I hurriedly reached out from behind to help him. At this moment, something that was not round in winter suddenly rolled out of Wang Chen's arms.

"En?" I was taken aback, but didn't realize what it was.

But my hands stretched out without hesitation to help King Chen.

But Wang Chen struggled to spit out two words from his mouth, "Holy Mirror..."

"Huh?" I was taken aback, and then I realized that the thing that was not in the midst of winter just now was the holy mirror in Wang Chen's arms.


Seeing that the holy mirror was about to fall to the ground, my heart was anxious. Without the protection of the holy mirror, we wouldn't be able to stay here long. But there was Wang Chen in front of me, and I couldn't just watch him fall to the ground like this, so I couldn't ignore Wang Chen in order to pick up the holy mirror.

As for Yin Shaodong, don't even count on it. This guy is still looking into the distance at this time. It's too late to let him come.

In a desperate situation, just when I didn't know what to do, a black shadow suddenly squeaked through my ****.

I was overjoyed, "Little Jiu!"

Yes, I still have Xiao Jiu.

I saw Xiao Jiu sneaking past Wang Chen's and I with a thunderous force, and then soared into the air, and rushed towards the holy mirror in the air.

"Go on, Xiao Jiu!"

At the same time, I supported Wang Chen's body with my hands.

YES! Everything is set! Both the man and the holy mirror are saved!

I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, and I was secretly sighing that it was lucky when I had Xiao Jiu. In the next second, I was just stunned.

It was because Xiao Jiu was about to use his mouth to receive the holy mirror, but suddenly there was a glimmer of light on the holy mirror, and then penetrated Xiao Jiu's body.


Xiao Jiuyi in mid-air had a dumbfounded face, dashed through the air gorgeously, and then landed on the ground.

I was dumbfounded, Xiao Jiu dumbfounded.

Anyway, we just watched the holy mirror and properly smashed it to the ground. Then, with a "bang bang", it shattered into several pieces gorgeously. (End of this chapter)