King Tomb Raiders

Chapter 87: Fight fiercely


"Hey!" Zhang Daqian's footsteps stopped, with a sly smile on his face, he said triumphantly.

"Hu Tian, I didn't expect it, look down on me, have you ever seen a fire ghost of this quality possessed? Today I will let you see and see and let you know how good I am!"

"Um..." I was speechless for a while, "A fire ghost dares to be so arrogant in front of me. Have you never seen the world or I haven't seen the world?"

"Haha, are you?" Faced with my sarcasm, Zhang Datong did not show a trace of panic on his face, but said with a smile instead of a smile, "I know, you are all professional ghost exorcists, if you only talk about fighting. , I may really not be your opponent."

"As long as you know."

"But I still have her." A sly smile suddenly appeared on Zhang Daqi's face.

There was a sudden shock in my heart, and an ominous hunch came out spontaneously.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Zhang Datong’s tail suddenly flicked. Then, I saw a huge fireball rolling out from the back of the hall. The fireball and Zhang Datong’s tail were connected by a very thin red line. Obviously, this huge fireball was controlled by Zhang Datong.

When the fireball stopped, I could see what was going on inside.

"Ling'er!" I exclaimed.

At this moment, Ling'er was closing her eyes tightly, hugging her knees with her arms, and curled up motionless in it.

I called her, and she did not respond.

There was a trace of anxiety on my face, a fierce look at Zhang Datong, and I subconsciously rushed over to rescue Ling'er.

"Hu Tian!" Yin Shaodong stopped me suddenly.

"What are you doing!" I angered, "I want to save Ling'er!"

"If you want to save Ling'er, you'd better not act rashly." Yin Shaodong's voice suddenly became low, his eyes staring in the direction of Zhang Datong.

I was taken aback, and then I fixed my eyes to find that Ling'er was not calm, but frowned slightly!

She looks miserable!

"Ling'er..." My heart suddenly picked up.

"He's right, you know, this is Huo Amber. If you don't want her to die, you'd better not act rashly. Otherwise, the Huo Amber will explode." Zhang Daqi said, with a sinister smile on his face. .

"Damn it, you!"

I gritted my teeth with hatred, but I can only try to calm my tone,

"what the hell do you want?"

"Hehe, you and I have come here, do you still have to ask this kind of question?" Zhang Daqi's face showed a trace of disdain.

"So, you really are the offspring of the son of Emperor Zong?" My face sank and I said.

"Yes, one-third of the blood in my body belongs to Abs!" Zhang Daqi said, with a trace of pride on his face, as if it were something to show off.


I shook my head in disdain, one-third of the blood? Thanks to you for speaking out

"Why? You look down on this thirty-second bloodline?" Zhang Datong seemed to see my disdain, frowned, and said.

"You know it in your heart." I said coldly, without concealing my disdain.

"Hahaha!" Hearing what I said, Zhang Daqian was not angry, but suddenly laughed, "You can only explain your ignorance even more by saying this. You don't understand what the blood of Abs means. "

"Huh, isn't it just a traitor who betrayed his father and his kingdom? Is there anything to brag about?"

"What do you know!" Zhang Daqian suddenly roared, "The Galenians are a race that can rival the monsters! And Abs's body is the blood of the royal family. As long as there is this blood in the body, it means Now, you can have endless power!"

After Zhang Datong finished speaking, a huge flame vortex burst out from his body. After the vortex, a fierce-looking fire ghost appeared in front of us.

Two meters tall, four sturdy animals, strong flames, majestic, silly and stupid...

"Have you seen it? This fire ghost possesses its body. It is more powerful than ordinary fire ghosts. I don't know how many times it is stronger!"

A huge ghost said grimly, making a hoarse voice.

My face slightly sign, he was right, this fire ghost is too big, and the characteristics of the flame on its body are indeed very different from the fire ghosts I have seen before.


No matter how it changes, it's just a fire ghost. As for the fire ghost, it was originally a relatively inferior type.

So, this is probably why Zhang Datong came here.

He is not satisfied.

My face sank, and I continued to stare at the ugly fire ghost in front of me calmly.

Zhang Datong, who was possessed by the fire ghost, changed his body, and suddenly returned to his original appearance.

I saw him speak lightly, "Although one-third of the blood is already noble."

I:"… "

Maybe he is the only one who thinks so.

"But," Zhang Daqian still said to himself, "I want far more than that. What I want is that drop of poisonous blood. That drop of poisonous blood that can demonize the Emperor Sect and lose control." , Zhang Daqi's eyes flashed a cold light, and he did not hide the greed in his eyes.

I was slightly startled, "That drop of poisonous blood?"

"That's right. That drop of poisonous blood is the original demon king. It used a drop of his own 10,000-year-old essence and blood, and was refined with 99 kinds of poisons. I thought it would directly kill the Emperor Sect, but it didn't. Thinking of the high level of Emperor Zong’s cultivation, it was not destroyed in the hands of poisonous blood, but the mind was demonized. So that drop of poisonous blood is the real treasure! As long as I get that drop of poisonous blood, in my body, There will be both the royal blood of the Galen dynasty and the blood of the demon king. At that time, under the refining of the fire ghosts, you will be able to directly break through the limitations of the six realms and gain immortality!"

Zhang Daqi said excitedly, and at the same time glanced greedily at Ling'er behind him, "And she, as one of the nine princesses of the Galen Dynasty, took her essence, just to neutralize the devilishness in the poisonous blood. It is a gift from God. As for the two of you, those who do not know how to die, let you witness the birth of an immortal man! Hahahaha!"

After Zhang Daqian finished speaking, he began to laugh wildly.

It turned out to be so. I understood it all at once. It turned out that Zhang Daqian came here to seek immortality.

Really, is immortality so good? For a moment, I looked at Zhang Daqi's eyes, and there was a little more sorrow.

I opened my mouth slightly and said, "Well, I forgot to tell you, we are not two."

"En?" Zhang Daqi was taken aback, obviously did not understand, what I wanted to say.

"What I want to say is..." Suddenly, my eyes darkened and the corners of my mouth rose slightly.

"We are three. Your conspiracy and tricks, none of them can succeed."

Zhang Datong was taken aback, and then said angrily, "What are you..."

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, a dark shadow flashed past him.

Zhang Datong: "What is it?"


A black shadow quickly rushed behind Zhang Datong, its speed is extremely fast, this black shadow is nothing but the fast-moving Xiao Jiu.

Xiao Jiu's goal was nothing else, it was the red energy between Zhang Datong's tail and the fire amber that trapped Ling'er. This red energy, I call it a fuse, to put it bluntly, it is the channel used by Zhang Datong to control the fire amber!

I believe that as long as this energy is cut off, the amber that traps Ling'er can be dissipated immediately.


Zhang Daqi was taken aback, because his eyes had been on Yin Shaodong and me all the time, and he hadn't noticed at all, and there was a small nine who quietly walked around behind him.

In fact, as soon as Xiao Jiu entered the hall, he didn't know where he went. At first I thought it was just playful and curious, but now I understand. Maybe Xiao Jiu understood that Ling'er is dangerous, so I chose to hide it and wait for the opportunity to move!

"Go on, Xiao Jiu!"

I shouted angrily and nodded at Yin Shaodong at the same time.

I saw that Xiao Jiu was very different from the past this time. Two white fangs appeared on its mouth!

"Wow!" Xiao Jiu did not hesitate to pounce on the red fuse, then slammed it hard, banged, the fuse broke, the fire amber beside Ling'er instantly melted, and the whole person fell on him. On the ground.

Zhang Datong was shocked, "How is this possible? What kind of dog is this? Can actually bite my fuse?"

"Damn, I won't let you ruin my good deeds!"

There was a fierce look on Zhang Datong's face, and he turned and ran towards the fallen Ling'er.

He knew in his heart that as long as Linger was in hand, we would not dare to do anything with him.


Xiao Jiu suddenly leaped in front of him, barring his way with a grin.

"Get out! It hurts me!"

Zhang Datong's figure shook, and Huogai instantly went to his upper body, and a huge claw patted Xiao Jiu directly.


Xiao Jiu's weak body couldn't withstand the blow at all, and with a wailing cry, he was beaten up and smashed to the ground.

"Damn it, do it, Yin Shaodong!" I gave an order, and Yin Shaodong and I flashed in shape and disappeared in place.

Zhang Datong slapped Xiao Jiu with a slap, snorted coldly, shaking his huge body, and about to walk towards Ling'er.

In the next second, with a sound of "Shoo!", Yin Shaodong landed in front of him gorgeously.

"Sorry, this is nowhere."

At the same time, I also came to Ling'er's side, held up Ling'er's head, and whispered softly,

"Ling'er, Ling'er?"

"Hu Tian, take Ling'er two steps back." Yin Shaodong said lightly.

I looked up at him, then at Ling'er who was unconscious in my arms, and nodded silently, "Be careful yourself."

"It's just a mutant fire ghost, so be careful." Yin Shaodong snorted coldly, and in his eyes and tone, he was completely disdainful of Zhang Datong.

I nodded secretly, picked up Ling'er, flashed in shape, came to Xiao Jiu's side, and then stood in front of them.

Even if the fire ghost can break through Yin Shaodong, he will not have any chance in front of me.

It's just that I don't want to care about him now, I'm all on Ling'er.

What is wrong with her at this moment, what is going through, this is what I care about most.

Ling'er's brows were frowned, and she whispered from time to time, as if she was remembering something. But obviously, they are not some fond memories. I didn't dare to wake her up rashly, because I was afraid of her current state, if she was suddenly stimulated by the outside world, would she be affected badly. (End of this chapter)