King Tomb Raiders

Chapter 9: Self salvation


"What she needs now is time to redeem herself." I suddenly said.


"Blindly interrupting her will only make her feel more guilty. At this time, she needs to be alone for a while." I said lightly, looking at Qin Xueluo through the front window.

"This..." Yin Shaodong looked at me with a little surprise, "Hu Tian, I thought... you were just a little bit desperate... Unexpectedly..."

I gave him a blank look, there are too many things you didn't expect.

I started the car, and I said lightly, "Where are you going now?"

"Linhe Road, Leyang Community, Shangguanlin's home is there!"

The car rumblingly started and drove towards the gate of the community.

Behind the car, Qin Xueluo was still kneeling on the spot, staring blankly at the direction the car was going away, with tears of regret on her face, and murmured, "Ke Ke..."

On the way,

Yin Shaodong suddenly said, "Hu Tian, do you think Ke Ke will really harm Miss Xueluo?"

I was taken aback for a moment and panicked in my heart.

Because frankly, I don't know.

Ke Ke is the strangest resentful spirit I have ever seen, full of resentment and ferocity, but his eyes are extremely clear and there is no distraction.

why? I have been arresting ghosts for more than a thousand years, and I have never seen such a situation.

For a while, my heart was a little flustered inexplicably.

Seeing that I ignored him, Yin Shaodong said to himself, "Believe it or not, I have an intuition that Ke Ke will not harm Miss Xueluo."

"Why? Why are you so sure? Aren't you afraid of dogs?" I asked back.

"I don't know." Yin Shaodong confessed, "but I have a hunch that as long as we check, the truth will come to light!"

I curled my mouth and said nothing.

To be honest, I always feel that what Yin Shaodong said is right.

I have a very uneasy hunch in my heart, but this hunch forced me to investigate.

On the other hand, I am also very worried about Ling'er. I don't know if Ling'er will act impulsively. If I did it, I would regret it. Ling'er is too important to me, I can't let her get hurt...

In this way, full of anxiety, I drove the car and came to Leyang Community.

After getting out of the car, it was already past three in the morning.

The community is dim and dark, with no people visible.

An old lady came over, and when she came to us, she stopped, smiled at us, and said,

"Young man, don't wander around at night, it's easy to run into dirty things."

I looked at the feet of the old lady, there was no shadow.

It's a person who just died.

"It's really an evil place. People who have just died become ghosts." I waved my hand and drove away the floating old lady.

"Since the Samoyed died, the Yin Qi here has become heavier, and I can't get rid of that dog." Yin Shaodong's face sank, and he said softly, "Come with me, I'll take you to Shangguanlin."

I followed Yin Shaodong suspiciously. Why did I always feel like a thief

But when Yin Shaodong pulled me to the tenth floor, I realized that it didn't feel like a thief, but this girl was pulling me to be a thief!

My face is full of black lines, "Do you have to climb stairs?"

Yin Shaodong asked, "Otherwise? You can go up the stairs, can you get in? You can only go through the window."

"This is a private break into a private house."

"Who cares? Anyway, our Maoshan kid never cares. We are here to help him, not to harm him, stop talking nonsense, come on."

Yin Shaodong talked to himself one after another

Later, he jumped and started climbing stairs.

I shook my head secretly, I should have known that if you follow this guy, you will be scammed!

No way, let's climb.

I took a deep breath and stepped on the wall.

In the night, on the tall building, two figures are stepping on the straight wall, walking up step by step.

"Hey, Hu Tian, I found that since I climbed the tree, I am less afraid of heights." Yin Shaodong turned his head and said with a smile.

I glanced at his face, and suddenly 10,000 horses ran across in my heart.

Haha, have you ever seen anyone with closed eyes and fear of heights

I didn't bother to care about him, and urged, "Don't make a noise, go quickly."

"Good!" Yin Shaodong continued to close his eyes tightly, turning his head and walking up with a good feeling of himself.

When I reached the tenth floor, I went to the balcony and pulled Yin Shaodong in.

Yin Shaodong opened his eyes and clasped his fists, "Brother Hu Tian, you still understand me."

I gave him a blank look, "When will you change your bad habit of pretending to be forced?" Then I bent down and opened the balcony lock and opened the balcony door.

"Brother Hu Tian, good craftsmanship!" Yin Shaodong exclaimed.

That is, after all, I was also the one who touched the zongzi under the coffin.

Yin Shaodong and I crept in.

"What should I do now? Just rush into the bedroom to wake him up?" Yin Shaodong leaned on my ear and whispered.

"How do I know? Didn't you bring me to find him? Didn't you have a plan?" I was frustrated, regretting how my brain became hot, and following this guy into the house

"I am only responsible for leading you to find him, but I am not responsible for talking to him, talking to him, I still want you to come." Yin Shaodong said innocently.

I:"… "

Where's my knife

Just when I impulsively wanted to solve Yin Shaodong on the spot, "Papa!"

The light in the living room is on.

A man who looked twenty-seven or eighty-eight appeared in front of us, still holding a water glass in his hand.

Yin Shaodong and I were exposed to the light and maintained a posture of bending over, like thieves.


Three pairs of eyes, big eyes staring small eyes, the atmosphere is slightly embarrassing.

After a few seconds, the man reacted immediately, staring at us and asking vigilantly, "Who are you? Why are you in my house?"

"Uh, this..." My brain was spinning very fast, and suddenly...

Still can't find an excuse.

After all, two men appeared in the other man's house in the middle of the night, as if they had no other choice but to be treated as thieves.

But I can't be considered a thief, I'm a good citizen.

So I decided to tell the truth, "Is that Comrade Shangguan Lin? We are from the Conscience Foreign Spirit Firm. We are visiting late at night, mainly to ask you a few questions and come and help you!"

"Heh," the man sneered, "I came to visit late at night and didn't walk through the front door without permission. He said he was here to help me? Do you treat me as a fool? I think you are thieves! Wait, I'll call the police. !"

After the man finished speaking, he grabbed the phone on the bookcase.

I was anxious, "Yin Shaodong, stop him!"

"Hao Le!" Yin Shaodong was agile, and he came behind the man in an instant, his arms buckled quickly, and in the blink of an eye he snatched the water glass and phone from the man's hand, and slammed the man against the bookcase.

The man struggled twice unwillingly, but still couldn't break free.

"Tap, tap..." I exclaimed in my heart.

The man seemed to be ashamed and angry, "You are breaking the law like this, I must send you to jail!"

I shook my head secretly, it turned out to be a senior prosecutor, and it was different when I spoke.

I tried to calm my emotions and said, "Mr. Shangguan Lin, we are really here to help you."

"Bah!" Shangguan Lin seemed to be a hot-blooded man in his bones. His big eyes stared at me angrily, bloodshot. But between the eyebrows, there is unconcealable fatigue.

"Ahem..." Shangguan Lin seemed to be too excited, coughing violently.

"What do you want?" Shangguan Lin asked in a hoarse voice.

I stared at the bloodshot eyes, paused, and said quietly, "At a young age, there is no malaria, but the body is weak; the eyebrows are black, the hanging skull is purple, the lower part is closed and not, listening to the palace It's different. I'm afraid it's hard to swallow and unsolvable knots in my heart that will suppress this kind of illness, right?"

I paused, and continued to say unhurriedly, "It seems that you can't let go of Samoyed's death?"

"Huh?" Shangguan Lin's body shook suddenly when he heard the second half of the sentence, his eyes were filled with disbelief, and he muttered, "How do you know?"

I smiled slightly and signaled that Yin Shaodong could release Shangguanlin.

Yin Shaodong nodded and released the hands clasping Shangguanlin.

I walked slowly to the edge of the sofa, sat down slowly, raised my head and said, "Mr. Shangguan, why not sit down and talk?"

A look of horror flashed across Shangguanlin's face, but he quickly calmed down.

He glanced suspiciously at Yin Shaodong behind him, then looked at me again, coughed twice, and finally a flash of light flashed in his eyes, as if he had finally made up his mind, he walked in front of me and sat down slowly.

I saw that Yin Shaodong gave me a thumbs up behind him, and said with a mouth-shaped comparison, "High!"

high! Tall you!

I really want to kick Yin Shaodong down from the tenth floor.

Who knows how nervous I am when I pretend to be serious

You know, I'm a good citizen. I actually broke into a private house this time, sinning and sinning.

However, it was the turbulent waves in my heart, but on the surface it was pretending to be light and windy, and it was shocking that Shangguan Lin was bluffed.

I saw a dignified look in Shangguanlin's eyes, and his mood gradually calmed down, but there was still a feeling of serious illness mixed in between his breath.

Shangguan Lin looked at me and said politely, "Excuse me, what are you two?"

"My name is Hu Tian and he is Yin Shaodong." I said straightforwardly, "Mr. Shangguan must have heard about the ghost dog incident in the community a long time ago. We came for this."

Sure enough, Shangguan Lin's expression was unpleasant when I mentioned it, and at this moment another haze was cast over.

I caught this detail, my voice sank, and continued to ask in a low voice, "So that dog is the Samoyed that Mr. Shangguan raised before?"


For a long time, silent.

I stared at Shangguanlin, and countless speculations flashed in my mind:

The dog was killed cruelly because he was promoted and dispatched, and he didn’t carry the dog; because he was busy at work, he was unwilling to take care of the dog; because of... For various reasons, the man in front of him killed his dog, causing his dog to complain Didn't you leave, and then became afraid and blamed yourself, suffocating yourself from an illness

Is that right

I asked myself in my heart, and I was waiting for Shangguan Lin's answer.

Suddenly, Shangguanlin vomited, his face paled, and he hurriedly got up and rushed into the bathroom.

The sound of a stream of water.

I sat on the sofa and watched this scene blankly. What happened

Yin Shaodong also looked blank and shrugged, expressing his incomprehension.

After a while, Shangguanlin came out of the bathroom with a wet towel, his face covered with water.

And sweat.