Kisses Make Me Grow Taller

Chapter 102


After supper, Bai Rong went to brush his teeth again before going to bed.

Xia Qingshu was resting in the empty room on the second floor. The empty room was at the end of the corridor on the second floor, just below Bai Rong's room.

Delicious desserts can not only make people feel happy, but also make it easier to fall asleep. Even today, Bai Rong and several people have received too many irritating news at once. The emotions hidden in their hearts are complicated and turbulent. At that time, several people still gradually fell asleep and had a good night's sleep.

… the next day.

Early in the morning, Bai Rong opened his eyes in a daze, and saw that the sun was already hanging high.

Ah, why didn't the alarm clock go off! ! !

After picking up the alarm clock and finding that the time had jumped to 8:33, Bai Rong's face was dumbfounded, and his whole body suddenly felt bad.

On the very first day of getting along with his father-in-law, he was found to be sleeping late, oh my god, his daughter-in-law can't marry, it's over...

Jumping out of bed in a hurry, Bai Rong rushed to wash up, then rushed back to the room, changed into pajamas, brushed his hair casually, and rushed out like the wind.

Rushing to the living room, Bai Rong was seeing his family, Mu Chongyanzheng and Uncle Xia, sitting at the dining table discussing something. Kuku and none of them were there.

In fact, when Bai Rong was running on the third floor, Mu Chongyan heard it, but he didn't expect to see someone rush into the living room so quickly.

Curling the corners of his lips lightly, Mu Chongyan hurriedly stood up and walked over, lightly touching Bai Rong's forehead.

"Why is Rongrong running so fast, someone is chasing you...?"

"No!" Seeing that Mu Chongyan was still making fun of him, Bai Rong was ashamed and angry, but when he noticed that Uncle Xia's eyes turned, his eyes that were about to stare at Mu Chongyan immediately froze, and then became gentle like water. The voice was also soft.

"Chongyan... I'm sorry, I got up late today."

Seeing all the changes in his family's little sweet cake, Mu Chongyan felt a little funny, little sweet cake is getting more and more ghostly, seeing his father turning his attention, he immediately became like this Gentle and tired, otherwise I might have to make trouble with him for a while.

But he also really likes the little sweet cakes that "make trouble" with him...

"Rongrong is here." Xia Qingshu also walked over with a smile, "Rongrong, come here, breakfast is warm in the kitchen, let Xiaobao bring it to you."

"No... No need!" Bai Rong's face tensed, his body straightened immediately, and the siren blared in his mind.

Getting up late and asking my daughter-in-law to serve breakfast is simply a proposition! ! !

"Thank you uncle, I'll just go and serve it myself. I usually get up at six o'clock. Today, I don't know why, and suddenly I wake up late." Bai Rong's ears were red, and he was a little annoyed that he had dropped the chain at a critical moment, "I usually get up late. Diligent, never sleep late!"

Seeing Bai Rong's nervous look, Xia Qingshu was stunned for a moment, then thought of the "tough guy theory" of Rong Rong that his family Xiaobao said, and suddenly smiled.

This kid, I'm afraid he's holding himself to the standard of a tough guy again, really...

"It's okay, I know that Rong Rong is the most diligent on weekdays. This time it was an accident." Xia Qingshu smiled and said, "However, it is normal to sleep late. Rong Rong is only nineteen years old. Sleeping more will help you grow taller."

"Hmm..." Bai Rong replied in a low voice, glanced at Xia Qingshu, who was almost 1.831.84 meters, and wanted to say that the key to his growth was not eating and sleeping, but contact with Mu Chongyan Is it close enough...

Hmm, but he certainly wouldn't say it. If he said this in front of his father-in-law, wasn't he courting death...

"Xiaobao, hurry up and bring your breakfast." Xia Qingshu beckoned to Bai Rong who was about to go with Mu Chongyan, "Rongrong, come here, I have something to tell you."

Bai Rong glanced at Mu Chongyan, who had already gone to serve breakfast, thought about it, and finally chose to listen to his father-in-law.

Bai Rong obediently sat opposite Xia Qingshu, sitting upright: "Uncle Xia, what's the matter?"

Xia Qingshu smiled and pushed a plate of candied snacks in front of Bai Rong, motioning Bai Rong to try it, and then said calmly, "Rong Rong, I just discussed it with Xiao Bao and decided on it. In a few days, when your tough guy mercenary group is promoted to the eighth level, go to the S area, what do you think?"

"Go to S-area?!!" Bai Rong stretched out his hand to get the candied fruit for a while. What kind of place is S-area, no dignitaries can enter, and non-eighth-level mercenary groups can't enter, and even if they can enter, if there are no aboriginal people You can’t live there, and you have to pay 500 gray coins a day, and the mercenary group’s discounts can’t be used. Ordinary people can’t afford it at all!

"Well, go to the S area, the environment there is much better than here, and the radiation is much weaker than the B area, but the gravity is greater than here, but this is good for you to improve your physical qualifications as soon as possible." Xia Qingzhu looked at Bai Rong, "So, will Rongrong agree?"

"I..." Bai Rong quickly calculated the account in his heart, and found that the seven of them would spend 3,500 a day in the city for staying in the S area, and 115,000 a month, plus accommodation and meals, it's about the same for a month. To three or four thousand.

Like the giant crocodile beast that he received last time, he and Mu Chongyankuku can almost complete one a day, so earning 100,000 gray coins a day should not be a big problem, and Boke Lukun and the others seem to be able to solve the sixth level. The mission is over, so 10,000 gray coins a day is no problem...

In that case, they all seem to be able to afford it, but Bock Lukun and the others have to be a little nervous...

"Uncle Xia, have you told Lu Kun about this?"

"Said, they said to think about it."

Next to him, Mu Chongyan had already brought over the meal, put a plate of scones in front of Bai Rong, and pushed a cup of warm juice over, "I told Lu Kun and the others about this. , It seems that he should agree."

After all, ordinary people can’t enter the S area at all, and the environment in the S area does little damage to the human body, and it is also conducive to training people’s qualifications. Even if the gray coins earned every day are posted, it is extremely cost-effective.

"Well..." Bai Rong nodded slightly, thought for a while and then said: "If they don't want to go, I will separate their soldiers and let them form a mercenary group of their own, they should be able to be there too. Area B has been doing well."

"Well, so Rongrong agreed?"

"Of course." Bai Rong looked at Mu Chongyan and said, "Could Chongyan think I won't agree?"

Mu Chongyan smiled and said nothing.

Bai Rong took a bite of the scones, and the fragrant gravy immediately swept his taste buds. He narrowed his eyes and snorted softly, "Chong Yan clearly knows that I can't refuse."

cunning! !

"Of course I know, but Dad insists on asking me again." Mu Chongyan decisively "betrayed" his dad and rubbed Bai Rong's ears, "Drink more juice, it's still warm, it won't hurt your stomach... "

Xia Qingshu looked at his little treasure taking care of Rong Rong gently and crookedly, smiled helplessly and shook his head, but he was inexplicably pleased in his heart.

According to the progress of his little treasure, I am afraid that marriage is not far away.

Well, very good, at least a dozen years ahead of him.

After eating, Bai Rong rested for a while, then couldn't help calling Mu Chongyan to go out with him.

"Chongyan, Kuku and the others have already done their tasks, shall we go too?"

The younger brother is doing tasks, how could his elder brother not do things? !

"Okay, just today Dad is going with us."

"Huh?!" Bai Rong snorted, "Uncle Xia is going with us?"

"Well, is Rongrong welcome or not?" Xia Qingshu came over.

"Of course you're welcome!" Bai Rong's face lit up, if his father-in-law also joined, wouldn't they be invincible? ! !

I'm afraid it's no problem for a tenth-level mission!

"However, I'm just here to guide you. I won't take action unless it's under special circumstances." Xia Qingshu smiled and looked at Bai Rong and said, "Just to see how Xiaobao and Rongrong are adapting here."

"Oh..." Immediately after being splashed with cold water, Bai Rong's mind shattered with a bang.

With a long sigh in his heart, Bai Rong took out the weapon from the space button and silently held it in his hand.

Well... Although he was a little disappointed, he wasn't completely prepared to let Uncle Xia cover them.

It's just... That picture is so beautiful, it's almost invincible and fits his temperament, it's a pity and a pity that it can't be realized!

After locking the courtyard door, the three got into the car, Mu Chongyan started the car and drove to the mercenary guild.

Bai Rong deliberately chose two missions for low-level alien beasts of the eighth level and two missions for medium-level alien beasts of eighth level.

The territory of the eighth-level alien beast is next to the territory of the giant crocodile beast. Crossing the deep water river is a mixed territory of various eighth-level and ninth-level alien beasts, and even the legendary tenth-level alien beast.

Although it is almost impossible to encounter a tenth-level alien beast, the probability of encountering a ninth-level alien beast is not small, so if there is no Xia Qingshu escort, it is absolutely impossible for the two to decide to hunt down the eighth-level so quickly. Alien.

In the gathering place of giant crocodiles, Mu Chongyan and Bai Rong cooperated tacitly and easily hunted down more than a dozen giant crocodiles. Xia Qing's face flashed a look of surprise and unabashed admiration. His little treasure He Rongrong's combat power is definitely at the level of an eighth-level mercenary, Xiaobao is a little more powerful, and his combat power is roughly equivalent to two or three top-level eighth-level mercenaries, while Rongrong is about the level of an eighth-level low-level mercenary. However, Rongrong's perception is much stronger than Xiaobao, even stronger than him!

With Rong Rong's perception, even without him, the two should not encounter many dangers.

Especially when the two of them cooperate, even if they face off against the ninth-level low-level alien beasts, they are not without the power to fight.

He praised the two of them without hesitation, and Xia Qingshu briefly pointed out Bai Rong's shortcomings in the battle. As for Mu Chongyan... Well, at least in the battle just now, he has done it perfectly, and there is nothing to do. pointed.

Taking out an aircraft from the space button, Xia Qingshu carried a few people to the opposite side of the deep water river.

Unlike Shengya, the aircraft in the waste star are very expensive. A low-level aircraft costs tens of millions of gray coins. If it weren't for Xia Qingshu, Mu Chongyan and the others would want to buy an aircraft that reached the eighth-level alien beast. Territory, why do you have to wait five or six months.

Xia Qingshu was very familiar with the territory of the eighth-level alien beast, and even knew which eighth-level alien beast territory was easily invaded by which ninth-level alien beast, but did not say a word.

Bai Rong spread his perception as much as possible, carefully searched around, and finally locked two places, and told Xia Qingshu the coordinates.

Finding that the two places were exactly the same as the best place in his heart, a flash of shock flashed in Xia Qingshu's eyes.

Rong Rong's perception... is really unbelievable.

With the escort of Xia Qingshu, Bai Rong's perception and Mu Chongyan's combat power were brought into full play. The two not only completed the four tasks they had received, but also made a temporary decision and went hunting again. They took more than a dozen high-level eight-level alien beasts, and were surprised to find that with their strength, they would have no problem dealing with five or less alien beasts alone.

Even at the end, Xia Qingshu also found a low-level ninth-level alien beast alone, and let Mu Chongyan and Bai Rong go and train it.

The battle between the two was extremely difficult. Bai Rong was almost hit by the sharp claws of the ninth-level alien beast three times. Mu Chongyan's left shoulder was also stabbed in a blood hole by the alien beast's fangs for saving Bai Rong. , but fortunately, the last two managed to cut the throat of the ninth-level alien beast.

Seeing Mu Chongyan's injury, Bai Rong blamed himself and felt distressed until his eyes turned red. Mu Chongyan smiled and pushed the man into his arms and kissed his forehead, but Bai Rong broke free before he could say anything.

I saw his little sweet cake hurriedly took out the treatment device from the space button, and irradiated his wound with red eyes.

"Use mine, this one is better than Shengya's healing device." Xia Qingzhu handed over a healing device and said to the two of them.

He was also very distressed, but he knew that the benefits of this battle to Xiaobao and Rongrong far outweighed the disadvantages, especially his Xiaobao, who should be able to accumulate a lot of combat experience at once. Judging from his experience, he Xiaobao should have made a slight breakthrough just now, and has reached the level of a ninth-level mercenary.

Bai Rong hurriedly thanked Mu Chongyan and then treated Mu Chongyan. This waste star's high-level healing device was really different from Shengya's. Within half an hour, the blood hole on Mu Chongyan's shoulder was completely healed. It takes two hours to use the advanced healing device of Shengya.

"This time, both of you have performed very well. Xiaobao should have reached the level of a low-level mercenary of the ninth level, and Rong Rong has also reached the level of a low-level mercenary of the eighth level." Xia Qingshu praised the two without hesitation. , and rubbed Bai Rong's hair, "Rong Rong doesn't have to blame himself, you have done a very good job, and you have used your perception perfectly, but... Although your perception is very strong, your action is not enough, so As for judging the attack trajectory of the alien beast, it cannot be avoided in time, so what Rongrong should pay attention to in the future is to improve his physical aptitude and agility, you know?"

"Well... I know, thank you Uncle Xia."

Unexpectedly, Uncle Xia didn't blame him at all, and gave him such a gentle analysis. Bai Rong's eyes became redder, and he reached out and rubbed his eyes. He made up his mind in his heart to work hard to improve his combat effectiveness and not drag Mu Chongyan's back. leg.

"Actually, it's my fault this time." Seeing Bai Rong's self-blaming look, Mu Chongyan sighed helplessly and distressed, and gently took the person into his arms, "Rong Rong's combat effectiveness is already very strong. , at the age of less than 20, he has reached the level of an eighth-level mercenary, which is definitely one of the best in a waste star, not to mention that Rong Rong is still a senior weapon maker, so many items are in the absolute top position, what else is there? Do you need to blame yourself? If Rongrong wants to blame herself like this, then I don’t have the right to be calm, after all, I don’t know how to make weapons…”

"No, it can't be calculated like that." Bai Rong shook his head quickly, "Chongyan has many things that are better than me, such as his strategy in battle, Chongyan is far stronger than me, and Chongyan's leadership skills are also mine. Can’t learn, and…”

Xia Qingshu watched Bai Rong and Mu Chongyan comfort and appreciate each other, and a smile slowly appeared on his face.

It seems that he doesn't need to worry about it at all, the two children have already found the best way to get along...

After putting the corpse of the alien beast into the space button, the three of them drove the aircraft and left the wilderness, unaware of the dangerous line of sight looming in the distance.

Mu Chongyan first drove the aircraft to the mercenary guild and asked Bai Rong to upgrade the tough guy mercenary group to the eighth-level mercenary group, and then took a few people back to the villa courtyard.

"Since you have been promoted to the eighth-level mercenary group, then Xiaobao and Rongrong will come with me to the S area in a few days." Xia Qingshu looked at the empty living room and said, "We will discuss it when they come back. OK too."

"Well, let's wait for them to come back, and then determine the time." Bai Rong poured a glass of water into his stomach, gurgling it into his stomach, and exhaled comfortably, "Uncle Xia, is the development of the S district comparable to that of Shengya? ?"

"Of course it doesn't compare to that." Xia Qingshu slowly drank the tea from the teacup and said, "The development of the S-district is about the same as that of Shengya's E-class cities, but many of the developments here are based on waste stars. In the special environment, two of them have developed very well and can be compared with Shengya's."

Surprise flashed in Bai Rong's eyes, and he hurriedly asked curiously, "Which two?!"

"Healer and flying ship."

"Flying ship?! There are also flying ships here?!" Mu Chongyan was shocked.

"Well, yes, although the aircraft of the waste star is very common, the flying ship is different." Xia Qingshu paused and said: "The royal family of the waste star has been working hard to study how to leave the waste star, so the research of the flying ship is I have always been at the forefront of various researches, and I heard Zelar say that this time the technology of the flying ship has made a huge breakthrough, and it may be very hopeful to break away from the waste star." At the end, Xia Qingzhu's fingers rubbing the edge of the cup couldn't help but force a few points.

"Leaving the ruined star?!!" Bai Rong's pupils trembled, his voice rose suddenly, and his cheeks were flushed with excitement: "Uncle Xia, really?!!"

"According to Zelar, that's right, and this time he got angry and walked out of aisle B because of this."

"Huh?" Bai Rong frowned, "What do you mean?"

"..." Thinking that after Xiaobao and Rongrong entered the S area, they also had to understand these things, Xia Qingshu paused, suppressed the discomfort, and said slowly: "Actually, the relationship between the waste star and the royal family is rather chaotic. The Queen is not Zelar's biological mother."


"Well, the royal family has four children, the first prince, the third princess and the fourth prince are all born by the current queen, and the second prince, that is, Zelar, was born to the former queen, and the former queen became seriously ill after giving birth to Zelar. Died, the current queen is the successor."

The next son is the eldest prince? ! !

Suddenly realizing that there was a lot of information inside, Bai Rong's face was stunned.

Xia Qingshu is also very embarrassed to tell the children about this kind of thing, but he still needs to know after going to the S area. It is better for him to tell them first.

"Now the power of the waste star royal family is mainly in the hands of the emperor and the eldest prince. After the study of the flying ship, the emperor has divided the positions in the flying ship into several parts, of which the smallest part - that is, only twenty Personally, it was given to the second prince, Zelar. In fact, Zelar was used to it, but a few days ago, news came out suddenly that the emperor wanted Zelar to give up half of it to some of the family members of the eldest prince concubine's family. But before he called Zelar to enter the temple to discuss, Zelar ran out and refused to discuss with his father."

"But running out won't solve this problem." Bai Rong frowned, suddenly feeling a little sympathetic to that Zelar.

However, he didn't agree with Zelar's behavior, and it was too reckless to run out like this, and he couldn't solve the problem.

"Well, I was negligent about this." Xia Qingshu sighed, "I didn't notice what he was thinking."

"Dad, when did you accept Zelar as your apprentice?" Mu Chongyan, who had been silent next to him, suddenly said.

"Three years ago." Xia Qingshu took a sip of tea, "Although I have known Zelar for more than ten years, I only agreed to teach him three years ago. The emperor always wanted me to teach the first prince, But I was rejected."

"Yeah." Mu Chongyan nodded, and he felt that Zelar couldn't have been taught by his father since he was a child, otherwise he wouldn't be so stupid.

The three of them were thinking about things in silence when there was a knock on the door, "Teacher, teacher, are you there, teacher?!"

"It's Zelar!" Bai Rong turned to look out the door, "I'll open the door."

"No, I'll go." Mu Chongyan stopped Bai Rong and walked out with his long legs.

Obviously, Mu Chongyan and Zelar hated each other. After opening the door, the two did not communicate during the whole process, and walked into the villa coldly one after the other.

"Teacher!" Seeing Xia Qingshu, Zelar was about to pounce, but Mu Chongyan grabbed the collar as soon as he opened his legs.

"What are you doing?!" Zelar turned his head angrily.

"Remind you to pay attention to your behavior." Mu Chongyan's voice was cold.

"What do you mean?!" Zellar suddenly became angry, why didn't he pay attention to his behavior, did he have to be approved by this Mu Chongyan when he got close to the teacher? ! !

"Xiaobao, don't do it, Zelar, if you have something to say, just say it."

As soon as Xia Qingshu finished speaking, a burst of thunderous laughter suddenly sounded, with unbridled ridicule.

Mu Chongyan's face suddenly turned black.

"Little Treasure?" Zelar turned his head and squinted at Mu Chongyan, "Yo, our big man Mu is actually called Xiaobao... Ouch!!!"

Zelar didn't finish his words, and suddenly covered his nose and flew out.

"Mu... Mu Chongyan, if you have the ability, don't make a sneak attack!" He got up from the ground in a rage, and Zelar looked at Mu Chongyan with red eyes, his mouth kept babbling, "Xiaobao Xiaobao Xiaobao Xiaobao Little Treasure Little Treasure Little Treasure Little Treasure... Ow!!!!!!"

Mu Chongyan walked to Zelar who had smashed to the tree trunk, stepped on Zelar's pants, and his voice was so low that there was no temperature: "One more word, I'll let you go back bare-ass."

On the other side, Bai Rong grabbed Xia Qingshu who was about to go out to persuade him at the door, and quickly said: "Uncle Xia, don't go out, this matter is almost solved. If you want to go out, you may have to toss for a round..."

After thinking about it and thinking that what Bai Rong said made sense, Xia Qingshu paused, "Okay."

Seeing that his father-in-law was not going out, Bai Rong secretly raised the corners of his lips, squinting to look at Zelar in the yard, and suddenly felt that Zelar... How could he be a bit like Walter...

The author has something to say: [The tragedy caused by the "Xiaobao" of the small theater]

Zelar: Little Treasure Little Treasure Little Treasure Little Treasure Little Treasure... Ow! ! ! ! ! !

Bai Rongrong (Fox Fake Tiger Wei waving a small fist): Good fight, except for Uncle Xia, only I can call my daughter-in-law Xiaobao! do you know? ! !

Mu Chongyan (his face suddenly complicated):…

Bai Rongrong (without realizing it, she tiptoed over Mu Chongyan's shoulders): Let's go... Little Treasure, I'll take you to eat delicious food!

Mu Chongyan (suddenly dangerous smile, whispered): Delicious

Bai Rongrong: Well, just go to that newly opened... Ah! Little, little treasure, what are you doing...

Mu Chongyan (walks away with Bai Rongrong on his shoulders, goes into the room and throws himself on the bed, and covers himself up): Don't do it, eat something delicious...

… in half an hour.

Mu Chongyan (slowly rubbing Bai Rong's waist): Rong Rong... Do you know what to say...

Bai Rongrong (blushing cheeks, watery eyes, aggrieved and regret): Chongyan... I was wrong... I, I will never call you Xiaobao again...