Kisses Make Me Grow Taller

Chapter 21


As soon as I go back and log into the virtual city, the watch will beep.

Bai Rong looked down and found that it was a "pre-selection" notification from the Global Virtual Spell Card Competition.

He couldn't tell if he was happy or what. Bai Rong pulled the news straight to the end and found out that the preliminary competition was going to Saiyan City (a C-level city closest to Xinjin City), and the competition time was in the morning six days later.

... Saiyan City

Bai Rong's eyes flickered, if he remembered correctly, Saiyan City happened to be one of several C-level cities with a branch of the Virtual Spell Card Federation.

Glancing across the slightly flickering screen on the watch, Bai Rong narrowed his eyes, lowered his head and thought for a while, and finally decided—

move Place.

Not to mention that it is not convenient to participate in the competition here, I still can’t join the as virtual spell card association. Before, he didn’t really care about whether he could join or not, but now it seems that going to the association to communicate with other spell card masters may change his past. "Failed to draw card".

Maybe... the reason why he failed to draw the card, the reason for the wrong inspiration, is because his basic knowledge is too weak? !

With a glimmer of hope, Bai Rong, who cheered up again, placed an order for a virtual space button, packed his things and rushed to Saiyan City.

After riding the fastest long-distance aircraft in Xinjincheng, Bai Rong arrived at the center of Saiyan City, which is thousands of miles away.

Saiyan City is dozens of times bigger than Xinjincheng. It seems that it is not the same era as Xinjincheng. Bai Rong is like a young countryman entering the city.

Relying on the map, I found a real estate sales center. Bai Rong spent 28 million virtual star coins to buy a 60-square-meter house. It will be only a few dozen kilometers.

After entering the house, Bai Rong moved all the things out of the space button, sorted the equipment and materials in the living room, and put the failed Thunder Ball card into the innermost drawer of the living room table.

Thinking of the rune with a purple sheen on the golden card, Bai Rong sighed. In fact, if you don't look at the failure or not, the rune on the thunder ball card is more expensive than the successful black rune. Much better looking.

After packing up everything, Bai Rong went out to the as virtual spell card association. The as Virtual Spell Card Association (branch) is located in the central area of the Saiyan City business district. The entire association building is tens of meters high and covers an area of tens of thousands of square meters. It gathers the best talents and resources in the entire Saiyan City. It is the most lively resort in Saiyan City.

Bai Rong looked up at the Association Building, which was gleaming with dark silver, took a deep breath, clenched his fists to cheer himself up, and stepped into the door.

"Hello sir." As soon as he entered the door, a staff member with a standard smile greeted him. He glanced at Bai Rong and said softly, "Is this your first time to the as virtual association?"

"...Yes." Bai Rong nodded embarrassedly, and glanced at the name tag on the chest of the person following him: "Excuse me, how do I register as a member of this association?"

"Do you have an invitation code?"

"Yes." Bai Rong searched out the as association information in the watch, clicked it and showed it to the staff member named Dias, "Is this the invitation code?"

Seeing that Bai Rong's invitation code is a rare high-level invitation code, Dias's eyes flashed with surprise, and his attitude became more attentive, "Yes, this is it, please come with me."

Bai Rong followed Dias to the VIP room in the lobby on the second floor. The staff in the VIP room immediately registered the information for Bai Rong after reading the invitation code, and respectfully handed Bai Rong a silver card, " Hello Mr. Mu, this is your premium membership card."

"Thank you." Bai Rong took the card and put it directly into the space button.

Dias followed Bai Rong out of the VIP room, and said as he walked: "Mr. Mu, the Federation Building has eight floors, the first floor is mainly used for spell card trading, and the second floor is used for spell card master identity registration and other affairs. , the third floor is the trading area for spell card materials, the fourth floor is the main activity area for spell card qualification masters and E-level spell card masters, and the fifth floor is the main activity area for D-level and C-level spell card masters. The sixth floor is the activity area for B-rank spell card masters and A-rank spell card masters..." Diaston paused and added with a smile: "However, our branch currently has only one A-rank spell card master, and He doesn't come often."

"When will the A-rank spell card master be here?" Bai Rong turned his head and stared at Dias, his tone a little eager: "I have a question and want to ask him for advice."

"Mr. Margo usually comes on Wednesday morning... Well, tomorrow is Wednesday." Dias's smile was still standard, "But Mr. Margo is usually not seen, and rarely gives pointers to other spell card masters." After all There are too many spell card masters who want to ask Mr. Mag. If you start, how can you see Mr. Mag.

"Then how could he point other spell card masters?" Bai Rong frowned, what if he couldn't see anyone...

"Mr. Mu can post questions at the Seventh Floor - Spell Card Q&A Center, and Mr. Margo may answer."

Dias respectfully introduced Bai Rong into the light ladder, and the two of them rose to the seventh floor in no time. As soon as the light ladder came out, the only thing that caught my eye was a large silver hall with screens everywhere. The hall was full of people, bustling, and it was very lively!

"Any level of spell card masters can come to the Q&A center." Dias led Bai Rong to a light screen where various questions were constantly scrolled, "Posting questions requires reward points, you can offer as many rewards as you want, and Answer the questions to get points, and the points can be exchanged for spell card materials and extremely rare spell card materials."

Bai Rong stared at the screen intently: "Can only points be exchanged for materials?"

"No, if the material is not very rare, cash can also be bought, and senior members can get a 10% discount."

"Okay, I see, thank you."

"No thanks, you're welcome." Seeing that Bai Rong didn't need him anymore, Dias turned around and left.

After standing like a pillar in front of the light screen for half an hour, Bai Rong painfully discovered... He actually knew almost no problems on the light screen!

Most of these questions ask why, not how, but he's a theoretical idiot! ! !

The two eyebrows were tragically twisted into a ball, and Bai Rong stared at the screen in front of him crying and chirping. The previous pictures of answering questions such as mowing the grass, trampling on countless questions and corpses on the pinnacle of life and marrying Mu Chongyan were ruthlessly ruthless in reality. With one hammer, it shattered into pieces!

… I stood in front of the screen for almost an hour, and finally saw a question that only asked for steps. Bai Rong’s eyes lit up and hurriedly shot, clicked the question, wrote down the answer, and submitted it!

Holding his breath nervously, Bai Rong stared at the issuer, clenching a small fist in his heart and praying that he would be accepted.

"Ding dong!"

A ding sound suddenly sounded at the watch, Bai Rong hurriedly looked down.

— "Your answer has been accepted, get thirty points!"

Thirty points!

Bai Rong's face was red with excitement, and his morale was restored to full level in an instant! Immediately raised his head and continued to stare at the screen, his big black eyes were full of excited little lights.

The so-called... The answer is haggard, and the answer is also intoxicating.

Bai Rong, who was addicted to earning points, stood in front of the screen for eight hours without even eating lunch, and worked so hard to earn 331 points.

In fact, the number of questions asked about the card making steps increased significantly, but many of them were not learned by Bai Rong. After all, he had only learned the basic spell cards (2), and only knew the production process of the seventy-two basic spell cards.

The cheapest set of basic spell card knowledge materials in the Federation requires 1,000 points. The data contains all the energy reaction theory of spell cards, detailed explanations of 300 kinds of spell card materials, and detailed explanations of 72 kinds of spell card production steps (combined with theory).

It is said that after completing the study, you will have the level of the first year of the spell card department of the Shengya Military Academy!

Bai Rong reluctantly exited the exchange page, and before leaving the AS Federation, he gritted his teeth and posted a question with 100 points.

"When I made a card, I changed a stroke with a flash of inspiration, but it failed completely, and even the talisman light did not succeed. What's going on? How can we improve the accuracy of this "flash of inspiration"?"

After posting the question, Bai Rong went home in the aircraft.

At the same time, in front of a light screen in the Q&A center of the AS Federation, a black-haired young man walking on a flywheel took a fancy arc on the spot. The flywheel under his feet turned into several dazzling blue shadows, and then With a kick of both feet, he quickly opened a question and typed it in.

"Be honest!" A taller man beside the young man turned his head and glanced at the young man coldly.

"It's not honest!" The young man choked his neck and turned his head in a very unorthodox manner, causing everyone around him to look at him.

The man next to the young man suddenly turned on his brain: "Father..."

"Don't don't! Brother... Don't be honest, can't I be honest?!" The young man was suddenly pressed the hidden button, and he immediately became orderly, his feet stopped moving, and his eyes didn't look confused. The little song that I had been humming all along disappeared obediently.

The whole person is as meek as a rabbit with drooping ears.

"I'll give you one last chance." The man turned off his light brain, looked up at the young man, and frowned slightly: "You just answered the question?" If he remembered correctly, the most annoying thing for his second brother on weekdays is to be caught by other spell card masters. Ask a question, once you answer it on your own initiative... It must be a trick.

"What's the matter, brother, what are you looking at? Can you not be prejudiced against me?" The young man poked the question on his watch unhappily, "Look at what question my brother answered, except you The younger brother will answer, who will?!"

The man glanced down, his face even colder, "Aren't you pranking people?!"

"How can I treat people?" The young man glared, "He asked how to improve the accuracy of the inspiration for changing spell cards, didn't I tell him?"

"What do you call telling?" The man really had nothing to do with this stubborn second brother. Although he was not a spell card master, he also knew that the rune drawing methods on the spell cards were fixed, and there was no new change at all. method, not to mention improving the accuracy of the inspiration for changing spell cards.

"Brother, you're wrong, how do you know that a spell card master won't be born from this?" The young man squinted and smiled, "I didn't lie to him, I'm also using this method, if I hadn't seen It is rare that he is different from other spell card masters who stick to the rules, and I am in a good mood today and want to show kindness, so I am too lazy to answer."

"So, are you making an excuse for wasting hundreds of millions of star coins because of the experimental painting method?"

The young man's face was embarrassed: "No, brother! Can you think about not being so dark..."

"… "

After returning home, Bai Rong made two more virtual spell cards, hung them in the mall, and then logged out of the virtual city.

Decided to watch all the spell card videos and then go to the Q&A center to clear the questions about the steps to earn points. Bai Rong quickly opened the instructional video and played it at 1.5 times the speed.

Bai Rong, who was sitting in front of Guangnao with a small pillow, had a serious expression on his face, full of ambition and secret joy that he thought of a good way to earn points, but he didn't know that if Moxie knew that he wanted to earn some points I casually taught the steps I learned from the instructional videos I bought for nearly 10 million, and I had to beat his head and reprimand him a prodigal!

The sunlight outside the window gradually slanted to the west, and the day passed quickly. When Mu Chongyan came back, Bai Rong happened to close the video of the basic spell card (3) and ran out of the bedroom to find something to eat.

"Knock knock." There was a sudden knock outside, Bai Rong's eyes lit up, who was looking through the refrigerator, and he quickly shoved the bread into his mouth, and quickly ran out with his short legs.

"You're back!" Bai Rong quickly stirred his little cheeks, chewed and swallowed the bread in his mouth, stared at Mu Chongyan with bright eyes, and raised his arms impatiently.

Seeing Xiao Xing Chong swept away the listlessness in the morning, the whole person was full of vitality, Mu Chongyan's heart was blocked for a day and the anger dissipated, and there was a faint smile in his eyes, and he gently put Xiao Xing Chong. He took it into his hands, "Are you hungry?"

"I'm a little hungry." Bai Rong impatiently touched Mu Chongyan's palm as soon as he was fished into his hands. He looked crazy and anxious...

After all, I have to make up for what I missed in the morning!

Feeling the palm of his hand being softly pressed and touched several times, Mu Chongyan inexplicably pressed the post even more, but he didn't realize it, he gently rubbed Xiao Xing Pet's cat ears and Fluffy cat tail, "Eat some snacks first, and the meal will be ready in a while."


Mu Chongyan walked to the dining table and sat down, took out a stack of pink, white and glutinous sweet cakes from the space button, and said solemnly, "This is a stack of strawberry honey milk cakes given by Dizhi for an event when passing by Dizhi. You try it."

The sweet strawberry fruit aroma and the mellow milk smell slipped into the nose instantly, Bai Rong closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his tender face was full of intoxication, "It's so fragrant..."

Putting all Bai Rong's greedy samples into his eyes, Mu Chongyan's smile deepened, and soon he cut a small piece the size of a mung bean and put it on the small plate in front of Bai Rong.

He immediately picked up the fork without saying hello, Bai Rong shoved a large piece into his mouth, his eyes instantly curved up happily, and even the small pear vortex on his right cheek was full of pleasant breath, "Um... too It’s delicious, if only I could eat it every day…”

"If you like it, buy it every day." As soon as the words came out, Mu Chongyan's whole body suddenly froze, a trace of annoyance flashed across his face very quickly, and he said bluntly: "This little sweet cake is a gift, I don't know if I can buy."

"Ah, it's alright." Bai Rong didn't lift his head, and he was so happy that the cat's tail on his butt was wagging, "I just said it casually."

Mu Chongyan, who had already made an excuse in a second, suddenly choked up. He looked at Xiao Xing Chong facing the back of his head, his serious and serious face instantly became expressionless...

The author has something to say: Bai Rong: I don't understand, it's so hard to serve Aojiao, this is just embarrassing me!