Kisses Make Me Grow Taller

Chapter 32


Under the strong desire to survive, Kuku resolutely chose to surrender the next day, but the surrender was only temporary. Kuku folded the page of "Stupid Little Melon", ready to wait until the time matures...

Humph, Kuku took a sip on the page!

… Under the busy study, the three days passed by in a blink of an eye, and the day came to the game in the blink of an eye.

Bai Rong hurried back to the small villa after eating early in the morning. He didn't even ask for a kiss. There were still six and a half hours before the game, but he had only just finished half of the basic spell card (ten). , and there are 18 kinds of spell cards that have not been learned!

Time is really short, he... He's a little nervous!

Mu Chongyan looked at the little back of Xiaoxing Chong who got back into the villa, the soft color on his face lightened a bit, and the corners of his lips were tightly stretched into a straight line.

These few days, Xiaoxing Chong didn't take the initiative to play on the sofa at night. Today, he didn't even want the most persistent "hands".

Feel uncomfortable…

Mu Chongyan went out with an expressionless face, and decided to call Dai Suo to go to the training ground to practice together.

Dai Suo, who was making a training plan far away in the academy, sneezed suddenly, raised his head in confusion, and stretched out his hand to take the jacket that was set aside and put it on again.

In the small room, Bai Rong put the video at the speed of 1.8 times, his eyes fixed on the small screen, his brain was running fast...

I don't know if it is because he has mastered all the theoretical knowledge in the past two days. Not only is it not difficult to learn at a speed of 1.8 times, it is even easier than before.

Four and a half hours later, with only the last two spell cards left to watch, Bai Rong hurriedly logged into the virtual city, luxuriously hit a C-class aircraft, and asked the pilot to take the high-speed airway to the new city. Horse City.

Then he exited the virtual city and continued to watch the Spell Card video.

After watching the video, Bai Rong ran to the living room to get a bag of bread and a bottle of nutrient solution, walked back to the bedroom while eating, and boarded the virtual city again.

The aircraft had just arrived at the outskirts of Xinma City, and the uncle of the flight driver, seeing that the front was blocked, sighed irritably, and shouted to the back seat, "Young man, where are you going?"

"As Virtual Spell Card Association Building." Bai Rong frowned worriedly as he looked at the road that had been blocked for nearly a thousand meters in front of him.

"That can be in the center of Xinma City. According to this blocking method, you can't get there in two or three hours."

"Then what should I do?!" Hearing this, Bai Rong was so anxious that he couldn't sit still.

"Hey... You're unlucky at this time. Today is the first day of the first round of the Spell Card Competition preliminaries. Every city with games is blocked... eh?!" The driver's uncle suddenly paused, and his voice became A little excited, "lady, are you going to the game or to the game?"

"Going to the competition..." Bai Rong lowered his head depressedly.

"Yo ho, I can't see it, young man, you are a spell card master at such a young age?!" The uncle turned his head, his eyes were a little scary, "I heard that the selection of this competition is a lot harder, no Even a D-rank spell card master can't make it to the first global competition, you are not simple, young genius!"

Unbearable by the enthusiasm of the driver, Bai Rong shifted his butt and looked a little bitter, "Actually, it's not that great... Uncle, can't we reach the Federation Building within two hours?"

"...It's not impossible." The uncle turned his head in a sigh, with a sense of responsibility and self-confidence that came from nowhere, and said loudly: "You can rest assured, young man, uncle will definitely let you catch up with the game!"

Bai Rong was also infected by his uncle's confidence: "Thank you uncle!"

Uncle is worthy of being an uncle. If you say a word, you want to smash a hole. After passing the most congested road section, the uncle took out the wisdom of posting a small advertisement and scurried around in various detours, although the speed limit was higher than that of the avenue. , but fortunately there was no block, and finally Bai Rong was delivered to the entrance of the Federation Building ten minutes before the start of the game!

Uncle is simply admirable!

"Thank you uncle!" Bai Rong transferred 20,000 virtual star coins to uncle.

"Hey, lad, you are wrong!" The uncle pointed to the meter, "15,800 is enough, why are you paying so much?!"

"Thank you uncle." Bai Rong rolled his eyes and smiled, "You keep it, I'm leaving!"

"Hey this kid..." The uncle looked at Bai Rong's back as he walked into the building, and shook his head with a smile, "This kid looks quite sturdy, and when he smiles, he is quite well-behaved..."

After showing his ID, Bai Rong was quickly introduced to the competition venue. Once inside, Bai Rong's mouth opened wide.

In the silver hall with at least 10,000 square meters, there are 1,000 consoles with dark silver card-making equipment neatly lined up. Hundreds of silver ball monitors and recorders are flashing red dots above the hall. All-round and clear live broadcast of the entire competition to Quan Shengya. On the simple and elegant high platform in front of the hall, there were six competition inspectors in white uniforms, one of whom was the cold-faced blond who had previously "proctored" Bai Rong. man!

The man felt the sight and swept towards Bai Rong.

"!!!" Bai Rong froze for a moment, hurriedly took a deep breath, turned his back to the man, and walked towards the competition position.

The blond man glanced at Bai Rong, lowered his eyes in confusion, and withdrew his gaze.

A minute later, twenty silver robots entered the competition hall and distributed materials to the tables of a thousand contestants with extremely fast work efficiency.

"Everyone has one minute to check the materials and equipment, and if you find something wrong, please tell me right away." A female inspector with long wavy hair suddenly spoke in a gentle voice, "Everyone knows that this is the first global competition. The points are distributed in twenty cities, one is in an S-rank city, seventeen are in an A-rank city, and only two are in a B-rank city, so everyone has to fight to get half of them to advance to the next match.”

The loudspeaker spread the woman's gentle voice throughout the hall, and there was a sudden commotion in the hall.

"Wow, Goddess Vivian's voice is still so nice!"

"I didn't expect to meet Goddess Vivienne in this competition, even if I can't make the cut, I have no regrets!"

"Goddess Vivian came to be the competition prosecutor just after she was promoted to A-level spell card master. It's really hard..."

"Goddess Vivienne was promoted to the A-level spell card master before she was forty years old. It's really amazing..."

"… "

"Quiet!" A stern voice suddenly swept across the entire hall, and the hall was instantly silent.

The blond man glanced at the hall and said without any fluctuation: "The game starts now."

In an instant, a three-meter-high white baffle quickly rose up around each console.

Blonde guys are still so scary...

Bai Rong immediately retracted his gaze, lowered his head and began to classify the materials in the material box.

The material this time is not simply a set of spell card materials. There are at least seven or eight kinds of spell card materials mixed in the material box. Virtual Spell Cards.

Bai Rong ignored the materials for the energy card. After all, he was tired of making it too many times. He quickly picked out the materials for a pair of wind howling cards and a pair of thunder network cards, and placed them in two piles. At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Thunder Network Card and Wind Howl Card are both spell cards taught in Basic Spell Cards (10), but luckily he didn't miss the last instructional video because of luck.

… As time passed by, Bai Rong methodically processed the materials, made cards, and drew talismans. Twenty minutes before the deadline, he calmly drew the last strokes of the second spell card.

A purple light mixed with silver mesh light flashed instantly, stuck!

Fortunately, Bai Rong exhaled, the corners of his lips curved slightly, he was still a little worried, after all, he had never done a Thunder Card, and Thunder Card is one of the most difficult basic spell cards. kind.

It is not possible to leave the competition early. Bai Rong waited in place for 20 minutes, and finally waited for the sound of the blond man announcing the end of the competition.

"At the end of the game, all contestants, please put the prepared spell cards in the drawer of the console immediately, and remind you: don't try to delay the time, the drawer will automatically lock after more than one minute."

Bai Rong looked at a drawer that suddenly popped out from the console, and immediately put two virtual spell cards in. After a few seconds, the drawer shrank back.

The moment the drawer was locked, the baffles around Bai Rong slowly lowered.

At the same time, there were complaints from all over the competition hall.

"It's over, it's over, I only made one successfully, the second spell card was broken, and the time for the third one has just started to process materials!"

"This game is too difficult, the time is too late, my second spell card is still less than a dozen strokes away!"

"The time is a little tight, I'm in a hurry to draw the second spell card, I'm afraid I can only have a D-level level..."

"What are you guys, my first and second spell cards are both broken, and I still can't find the third set of materials..."

"Can't find it?"

"Well, apart from the energy card and the wind howling card, what kind of spell card is the material for the third deck...?"

"...It's the Thunder Network Card!"

"… "

The blond man's voice came again: "Please leave the field as soon as possible."

Bai Rong's console was located in the last row of the first row. He had to go through the entire front desk to get out. The moment he was closest to the blond man, he held his breath nervously.

Quickly speeding up and leaving the "human-shaped refrigerator", Bai Rong left the hall without looking sideways.

After all the contestants left, the six competition inspectors walked off the stage and took out the portable spell card detector and competition result entry device from the space twist.

"I'll check this column." The blond man passed Vivian and came to Bai Rong's console.

"Yo, the sun is coming out in the west, Grace, you're actually taking the initiative to check it out?" Vivian laughed and said angrily, joking Grace.

Grace ignored Vivian, took out the tournament unlock card and inserted it into the console, and the drawer pretending to be two spell cards popped out immediately.

"Vivian, don't make fun of Grace, be careful he ignores you." Another brown-haired man shouted with a smile.

"Hmph, ignore it, he didn't pay much attention to me before!"

"Okay, you guys." A middle-aged man cleared his throat, "Although the recorders are turned off, the monitors are still on."

"It's okay, Berg, the monitors are all watched by the guys from the competition organizing committee, and they won't leak out... God!!" Vivian suddenly exclaimed, staring at her eyes and said sharply: "This place ... It's actually S-class data?!!!"

"S-level data?!" The other four heard Vivian's exclamation, their eyes changed, and they rushed over very quickly, "What S-level data?"

"Wind Howl Card." Grace's expression did not change, but his eyes were full of surprise. He took out the Wind Howl Card, picked up the Lightning Network Card in the drawer and put it into the card slot of the detector.

"An S-class again?!!!"

Vivian and the others all looked shocked.

"How many A-level spell card masters are participating in this competition?" Vivian looked at Berg.

"Not many, at most thirty, and the competition venues are all in the central city, the others... aren't they all assigned to each competition point to be the inspector?" Berg shrugged, took a Fengxiao card, and his fingers were on the card. He rubbed his face carefully, "Besides, you don't know a Grade A spell card master, this person is definitely not one of those guys."

"That is to say, this person is a newly promoted A-level spell card master in the competition?!!" Vivian couldn't close her mouth for a long time, and the shock in her heart was about to explode. How difficult is an A-level spell card master? It's not that she didn't know when she was promoted. Which of the current A-level spell card masters did not make an A-level spell card or an S-level virtual spell card in one fell swoop? ! This guy is just casually...

"Hey, it's probably a dark horse." Berg sighed and said with a smile: "This makes people more popular than dead people."

Who doesn't know that the population of the Shengya star field has reached 100 billion, but the number of spell card masters is less than one million, of which 800,000 spell card masters are on the main planet (Shengya planet), and the remaining 30 subordinate planets The total number of spell card masters is only a few hundred thousand.

Eighty percent of the spell card masters in the entire Shengya star field are E-level spell card masters, D-level spell card masters have 110,000, C-level spell card masters have more than 40,000, and B-level spell card masters There are only more than 8,000 teachers, and there are only 216 A-level spell card masters... Ah, no, there should be 217 now.

As for the S-level spell card masters, there were only ten people in the world, not to mention the ss-level spell card masters, only Master Xiao Mu and Master Hofs.

Grace withdrew the wind whistling card in Berg's hand, "You should go back to work."

Berg: "Hey, why are you acting like the gang of the competition organizing committee, can you..." He suddenly closed his mouth, looked up at the monitor that was still flashing with red dots, and pretended not to say anything. After a cough, he greeted the rest of the group: "Let's go, let's go to work..."

After leaving the Federation Building, Bai Rong ran directly to the flight station, preparing to rush back to Saiyan City.

After waiting for half an hour, Bai Rong finally got into a D-class aircraft. As soon as he entered, he picked a seat by the window, closed his eyes, and watched the virtual spell card contest being broadcast on the center of the aircraft. didn't even look...

These few days he has to study for 18 or 9 hours a day, and the time to sleep is so poor that he is really tired.

Estimated that the ride would take about two and a half hours, Bai Rong set an alarm clock for two hours, retreated from the virtual city, got into the quilt and fell asleep.

Bai Rong slept so deeply that he didn't even know that Kuku slipped in once.

But it doesn't matter if you don't know, Kuku just stretched out his little hand and touched Bai Rong's forehead, and poked him in the face while muttering "little melon".

It was a very pure, loving and sincere interaction!

Two hours later, the alarm clock rang, Bai Rong arched in the quilt, and slowly stuck out an arm.

"It's so sleepy..." Bai Rong sat up in a daze, and re-logged into the virtual city with a slap in the face, relying on his strong self-control, he didn't fall asleep again.

Bai Rong stared blankly with misty eyes, yawned lazily, and was very satisfied with himself.

—Only a tough guy can start talking when the alarm goes off!

After another half an hour, the aircraft finally slowly stopped at Saiyan City Central Station.

Bai Rong took a taxi at the central station and sat down to the gate of the community.

When he got home, Bai Rong dug out the materials for the few unused spell cards in the basic spell card (4), and started to make the spell cards.

These days, he didn't have a card, and he didn't have any income. It really shouldn't be.

How could he let Mu Chongyan squander as much as he could? ! !

He has checked that the price of an A-class mecha ranges from 100 million to 500 million star coins. The S-class is more expensive, at one billion to five billion. As for the ss-class, it is even more expensive. Ten billion can't buy it!

Hey, Bai Rong sighed in vicissitudes. It is not easy to be a tough guy, and it is even more difficult to be a tough guy who wants to support a family and can make his daughter-in-law squander freely!

After a while, Bai Rong made two virtual spell cards. When making the third one, he faintly heard the voice of Mu Chongyan coming back.

As soon as the system card was put down before half of it was made, Bai Rong suppressed the urge to run out and secretly accelerated the movements of his subordinates.

Mu Chongyan walked to the crystal glass box and scanned the inside and outside of the crystal glass box three times, and finally determined...

Xiao Xing Chong did not come out to wait for him.

Mu Chongyan's originally unpleasant face became even more ugly.

In the past, Xiao Xing Chong would run out every day when he heard his footsteps and wait for him to greet him. Every night, he dragged him to play with him for at least an hour, and was insistent and shy to kiss him...

Now... don't stick to him at night, don't want him to kiss, don't come and wait for him to greet him...

Mu Chongyan stared intently at the crystal glass box, stood there and waited for ten minutes, coughing twice, but still did not see Xiao Xingfeng come out.

His face was slowly covered with gray, Mu Chongyan walked to the sofa, with a sullen face, and sat down.

The author has something to say: Mu Chongyan: I encountered an emotional crisis again...