Kisses Make Me Grow Taller

Chapter 40


Mu Chongyan raised his eyelids and glanced at the shepherd man who was laughing so hard that his hands were itchy. He folded his palms and said coldly, "Did Mr. Mu bring the spell card?"

"Bring it." Bai Rong quickly took out the four spell cards and handed them over to the table in front of Wei Huai.

Mu Chongyan raised his hand to open the box, and checked each spell card in turn, with a slight surprise in his eyes, and then carefully put the spell card back into the space button.

"Mr. Mu's spell card is very well made, I will come back the day after tomorrow."

"Well... no problem." Bai Rong nodded with a smile, and then asked secretly, "Mr. Wei, are you really all right? Tell me and I can help you share. Anyway, as long as it's an emotional issue, I'll take care of you. There is nothing that can't be solved!"

"..." Looking at Shepherd's overactive face, Mu Chongyan let out a "ha" in his heart, but thinking that this Shepherd is a genius card maker, he shouldn't be too cold, so he said, "This one doesn't need to bother Mr. Lao Mu, I I'm just worried about my little star pet."

"Little star pet?!" I didn't expect this cold Wei Huai to be someone who cares so much about a little star pet. Bai Rong's impression of Wei Huai instantly improved a lot. He knew that even though many people like it now Xing Chong, but in my heart I still regard Xing Chong as a pet and a gadget, and I don't care about Xiao Xing Chong's life and feelings. Anyway, even if my arms and legs are broken, as long as the program is not broken, it can be repaired.

This Wei Huai, like his daughter-in-law, is a good person with a soft heart!

Immediately, he became much closer to Wei Huai, and Bai Rong's schadenfreude completely disappeared, and sincerely said: "I understand this better, I treat my little star pet as a younger brother, and I will coax a quasi-er, what about your little star pet? Now, let me analyze it for you."

Seeing Mu Chongyan's appearance as a "confidant", Mu Chongyan's forehead jumped, but he didn't feel disgusted, and after a while, he said, "It's nothing, it's just that Xiao Xing Chong is suddenly less clingy, I like being in a crystal glass box."

"Oh..." Bai Rong nodded, "It's not a problem, maybe he has something to do, and Xiaoxing Chong is also very busy." Take Kuku, for example, since he bought him the training materials, he has been addicted to training all day long. , he didn't even turn his head when he passed by him, his concentration made him happy, but it also made him feel a little sour in his heart.


Suddenly remembering the card making equipment he brought back to Xiao Xing Chong yesterday, Mu Chongyan's eyes drooped slightly. Is it possible that his little Xing Chong is busy learning card making? !

After thinking about it, he thought that might be the case, Mu Chongyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and he felt that it was impossible for his little sweet cake to ignore him suddenly.

But... what if you're tired...

Mu Chongyan's expression changed from joy to gloom. He got up and said to the sincere shepherd man in front of him: "Thank you Mr. Mu for your concern. Now that I have the spell card, I will go back."

"It's alright, you're welcome." Bai Rong laughed twice, "Mr. Wei, please walk slowly."

Mu Chongyan took two steps outside the door, but suddenly thought of something, turned to the shepherd man behind him and said, "Mr. Mu is going to the game tomorrow, right?"

"Ah... Yes." Bai Rong took a deep breath, he almost forgot about the game! !

"Where does Mr. Mu compare and when?"

Bai Rong hesitated for a while, but still told Wei Huai: "In Luya City, we will meet at three o'clock in the afternoon."

"Luya City..." Mu Chongyan glanced around, "Is there someone to pick up Mr. Mu?"

"Pick-up?" Bai Rong shook his head, "No, I'm going to fly by plane."

Mu Chongyan's eyes darkened slightly, and he disapproved of the tunnel: "Mr. Mu, do you know why all A-level B-level spell card masters have joined forces, even... most of the S-level spell card masters?"

Bai Rong had a bad feeling in his heart, "What do you mean?"

"For the sake of your safety and freedom..." Mu Chongyan's expression remained unchanged: "I suggest you find a faction as soon as possible, or..." Mu Chongyan paused, "In short, you have to be careful after the game is over."

"What do you mean?" Bai Rong's expression changed instantly, "Could it be that someone is still kidnapping!"

"When your ability is high, but your appeal and influence are not enough, it is very difficult to be alone in this era without relying on any power." Mu Chongyan walked to a place that was not illuminated by the light, "Of course , I am very willing to help Mr. Mu."

"You..." Bai Rong's face changed and changed, thinking about Wei Huai's words carefully, he didn't doubt the authenticity of it, but he didn't want to get involved with any forces before he fully grew up and became independent. After all, he was arrested. To the handle is not good.

But if you really run into those forces with unclean means...

Bai Rong was so frightened that he quickly shook his head, being caught by this kind of force should be worse than being caught by a cooperating force...

"Thank you Mr. Wei for reminding me." Bai Rong said with a calm expression, "I will consider Mr. Mu's words carefully."

"That being the case, I won't say more." Unexpectedly, the shepherd man was quite calm, and Mu Chongyan raised a trace of admiration in his heart, and nodded slightly, "Mr. Mu, I'll go first."

After watching Wei Huai leave, Bai Rong immediately went home and logged out of the virtual city, her face turned into a bun, and her eyes were heavy.

He doesn't want to give up the game, but he also doesn't want to be threatened by other forces!

Annoyed, he arched in the small quilt, Bai Rong's expression suddenly changed, that's not right! He... Is he half exposed now? ! ! !

After being known by Wei Huai, the level of the spell card master, and the shop, isn't he now translucent in front of Wei Huai? ! !

Bai Rong sat up on the bed with a serious and heavy face, frowning and thinking for half an hour.

Now that he has been known so much by Wei Huai, it is better to cooperate with him temporarily and take advantage of Wei Huai's power...

It's better than he is now alone, translucent but not getting any benefits...

After sorting out the words in her mind, Bai Rong re-logged into the virtual city and sent a message to Wei Huai.

"Further cooperation is not impossible, but I need to know more."

Mu Chongyan on the other side looked at the expected news, his lips moved slightly, and he quickly typed a paragraph.

"We will fully respect all the spell card masters, mecha warriors, mecha makers and other high-powered talents who come to us. Mr. Mu can think about it carefully. There is no rush. The official joining can be discussed after the cooperation is over. "

After all, whether he wants to absorb this shepherd man into v67, he will have to investigate for a while.

Looking at the message, Bai Rong breathed a sigh of relief, which made him feel more reliable.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Wei."

"No need to thank you, although you haven't decided to join us, we will still provide help during this cooperation period. Tomorrow I can go to the gate of the As Virtual Spell Card Association in Saiyan City to pick up Mr. Shepherd."

Bai Rong thought for a while, and finally agreed, no need for nothing, safety is the most important thing!

"Okay, I'm sorry, Mr. Wei."

After Mu Chongyan finished the call with Mu Nan, he exited the virtual city and turned on a dark silver icon in the corner of the light brain.

The dark silver window immediately popped up three dialog boxes.

"The two s-class mecha makers who have come in have been arranged - Dale."

"Brother Mu, my mission has been completed - Daya."

"Boss, Barren Storm has been blowing the particle storm for half a month, and it has just started to get smaller. It looks like it will get smaller enough to allow the aircraft to fly in a week. Du Han and I will come back at that time - Du Xiao ."

Mu Chongyan clicked on Du Xiao's dialog box, "Don't take risks, come back after the particle storm is over."

Although he really wanted Du Han to come back and explore the shepherd's brain, but since two months of cooperation had already been set, he would not be in a hurry for the next few days.

Inside the crystal glass box, Bai Rong logged out of the virtual city, studied the information Mu Chongyan gave him for a while, and didn't go to bed until eleven o'clock.

The next day, he and Mu Chongyan had breakfast together as usual. Bai Rong grabbed the little hand that was kissed twice, full of the power of his wife's love, and returned to the villa with great momentum, turning on his brain and logging into the virtual city.

For himself and for his daughter-in-law, he must advance today! !

I sent a message to Wei Huai to meet at the gate of the As Virtual Spell Card Association Building at one o'clock in the afternoon. Bai Rong took out the materials for the spell cards and started to make the spell cards.

First make what Weihuai requires, and then make what customers who have taken customized links require...

Five hours later, Bai Rong put the eleven virtual spell cards on the desktop into the space button, clicked on the message Wei Huai had just sent, and replied, "I'll be there soon."

When he arrived at the as Virtual Spell Card Association Building, Bai Rong saw Wei Huai standing in front of a dark blue A-class aircraft and waved to him.

"Come up quickly."

"Okay." Bai Rong opened the door following Wei Huai's actions and sat in. He touched the seat that felt so good, and said seriously, "Thank you."

"No thanks." Suddenly I felt that the shepherd man was becoming more and more pleasing to the eye, and Mu Chongyan stepped on the accelerator and rushed to Luya City.

One hour and forty minutes later, the aircraft stopped steadily 200 meters away from the entrance of the virtual spell card building in Luya City.

"We can only get here, the aircraft has been banned from passing." Mu Chongyan cut off the power of the aircraft.

"It's fine, I can just walk over." Bai Rong thanked him again, "This time the game lasts for three hours."

"Yeah." Mu Chongyan responded, "I'll pick you up here in three hours."


After Bai Rong walked into the building, a staff member immediately led him to the competition venue.

This time, the competition venue is much more atmospheric than the last time in Xinma City. There are 1,200 consoles in the hall of Nuoda. At first glance, the card making equipment is not lower than the intermediate level. A delicate and beautiful luster shone on the operating table, Bai Rong's eyes swept over the many contestants who were chatting or frowning, and stopped on a huge camera above the hall.

The staff next to him smiled and said: "The host city of this competition includes one S-level city and five A-level cities. Luya City is fortunate to be one of the five A-level cities. The government attaches great importance to this competition. The TV broadcast." The staff paused and added, "Of course, other cities are the same, after all, this is the first thousand-to-hundred system competition in this virtual spell card competition."

"Yeah." Bai Rong nodded, then found a spot and walked over. This time it was 8,000 to 5,000, and there was no B-level city as the host city. Next time, it might be in the central city.

Hey, suddenly a little nervous.

Bai Rong stayed in his position for a minute when six competition inspectors walked into the hall, followed by a row of silver robots.

"All contestants check the card-making equipment and distribute the materials in one minute."

Bai Rong glanced at the middle-aged woman who spoke, and lowered her head again.

Why didn't he meet the blond inspector with a cold face this time, but he was not used to it...

The materials were distributed quickly. After the materials were checked and confirmed to be correct, a three-meter-high white baffle was instantly raised around Bai Rong.

Game start.

This competition requires the contestants to make four sets of basic spell cards within three hours. Bai Rong picked and picked from the huge material box, and made nine complete spell card materials in total, all of which belong to the basic spell cards. The hardest kind.

It can be seen that the difficulty of this competition has really increased a lot at once. Not only the speed and the success rate of card making are required, but also the difficulty of making spell cards.

Bai Rong ranked the difficulty of making cards in his mind, and then started from the easiest one.

Recently, the spell cards he has made are all too difficult. The simple steps are a little less, and it is safer to leave some difficult ones as a way back.

The camera above the hall moved, rotating at a constant speed and scanning the entire hall…

Fifty minutes later, two spell cards were placed in front of Bai Rong.

Bai Rong breathed a sigh of relief and was about to start making the third spell card, but when he picked up the materials and started processing, the red dot reflected in the corner of the console suddenly caught his attention.

After processing the materials in his hand, Bai Rong pretended to be uncomfortable and squatted down and hammered his calf. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the camera that was focusing on him.

not good!

Got attention!

Bai Rong's eyes changed slightly. After a second, he straightened his face naturally, and picked up the materials to continue processing.

… Twenty minutes later, with a flick of the tip of his pen, he drew the wrong rune on the spell card.

"Hey..." The host of Luyacheng TV station sighed with great regret, and patted the table with his right hand, "This player has failed after completing two card making extremely well, it's such a pity !!!”

"Players, don't be anxious." The hostess next to him replied, "But overall, this player is still very good. We might as well pay more attention."

"That's right." The male host nodded, "This player can be said to be the best performer in this match, and even... has the three-point style of Master Hoka back then!"

"Yes, this player's speed and technique are extremely good, maybe we will be fortunate enough to witness the first appearance of a senior spell card master..."

"… "

However, 20 minutes later, the tip of Bai Rong's pen shook again, and the talisman was drawn crooked again!

"Hey!!!" The host of the TV station sighed fiercely, and hated that iron cannot be made of steel, "What the hell happened to this player, he has failed again!"

"Maybe it's not enough mental power." The hostess's voice was also very regretful. "It seems that this player's mental power level is not very high. Although the speed and success rate are very good, the stamina is too bad."

"If the level of mental power is low... it is completely incomparable with Master Huoka." The male host shook his head, "It's really a pity, but maybe this is the reason why it's hard to find a high-level spell card master, let's move the camera to Another contestant…”

In the distant central city, in several villas, the same order was issued from different populations.

"You don't have to observe the contestants in Luya City anymore, focus on the game in Central City, and pay attention to the people from several other families..."

In just one minute, several large families who observed Bai Rong all gave up Bai Rong, and only a few medium-sized families left Bai Rong in the column to be observed.

After all, a spell card master with a low level of spiritual power cannot make any intermediate-level spell cards, let alone high-level spell cards. Such a spell card master has no value in attracting and cultivating the big family.

When drawing the rune of the fifth spell card, Bai Rong made a small mistake without a trace, and controlled the level of the virtual spell card to be B.

When making the sixth spell card, Bai Rong failed again.

When making the seventh spell card, Bai Rong slowed down, showing an extremely weak and reluctant look on his face, and once again controlled the level of the virtual spell card to be level B.

With two S grades and two B grades, there should be no big problem in advancing.

Bai Rong was secretly relieved when he realized that the camera had barely swept away from him an hour ago.

Fortunately, he is witty and good at acting!

The minute after Bai Rong finished making the seventh spell card, the game was over.

Put the four prepared spell cards into the pop-up drawer, Bai Rong waited for the baffle to drop, and then walked out.

Bowing his head and shakily leaving the As Spell Card Association, Bai Rong "difficulty" trudged to Mu Chongyan's aircraft, opened the door and sat in.

Mu Chongyan looked at the shepherd man who sat in with a weak face, and the next moment he became energetic, and shook his head secretly in his heart.

Sure enough, he guessed correctly, the shepherd man's frequent occurrences in the live broadcast... Most of them are pretending.

As for why he said most of it, because the 100% success rate... He dared not believe it.

"Next time..." Mu Chongyan stepped on the accelerator and suddenly said, "You can make a disguise and go."

"Ah... That's right." Bai Rong nodded as if he was in a daze, "Mr. Wei, have you watched the live broadcast?"

"Look, I watched all the matches in the six venues." Mu Chongyan paused and said, "Mr. Mu has done a good job. It's not appropriate to show too much edge at this time."

"...Ah, um..." Bai Rong blinked, not forgetting to disguise: "But I only disguised it when I made the last two."

"Yeah." Mu Chongyan's eyes remained unchanged, looking at the empty road in front of him: "Among the eight thousand contestants, there are about six or seven hundred people who are as tall as Mr. Mu, if one-tenth of these people enter the next One time, Mr. Mu only needs to do a little facial camouflage."

"Hmm..." Bai Rong responded. He was suddenly a little worried about what to do when he was promoted to the next stage. At that time, there should be very few people who looked like him.

"Even if there is no one with a similar body shape to Mr. Mu, it will be fine." Seeing what Bai Rong was thinking, Mu Chongyan said in a deep voice, "It's just an official statement that the physical data of this virtual city cannot be changed. It's not that difficult for a hacker."

"Can body data be changed?!" Bai Rong raised his face, "Are there very few top hackers who know these things!"

"It's really very few." Mu Chongyan paused, his eyes darkened slightly: "But... if Mr. Mu is at ease, I can find a master to help you remotely modify the physical data of the virtual city."

"Remote modification?" The vigilance in Bai Rong's heart suddenly rushed up, staring at the profile of Mu Chongyan who was sitting in front, squinting, "That light brain... Wasn't it controlled by hackers?"