Kisses Make Me Grow Taller

Chapter 53


After returning to the bedroom, Bai Rong immediately turned on his light brain and boarded the virtual city.

One point in, the information box on the watch will be sharply "drop-drop", and the letterbox icon has also turned into a deep red as if it is about to explode at any time.

Bai Rong frowned, and opened the information box casually, the overwhelming information such as buying, approximating, requesting customization, and secret clichés immediately poured out.

There are actually more than 160,000.

It seemed that the listing of the two intermediate-level spell cards yesterday indeed attracted a lot of attention. After Bai Rong read dozens of them, he emptied them with one click, and then exited the information box.

He opened the webpage and clicked into the page of the Shengya virtual department store. Bai Rong bought a makeup device, a large black pot cap, and a large robe.

It is estimated that the items will be delivered in an hour, so Bai Rong took out a few pieces of materials from the space button, and made a basic spell card and an intermediate spell card to practice his hands. Among them, the basic spell cards are ss level, intermediate level Spell cards are the top stats of the s-level, which is only a hundred cartons away from the ss-level.

Can't tell whether he was helpless or disappointed, Bai Rong's lips moved, and he casually threw two spell cards into the virtual space button.

Seeing that the time has drifted to 8:40, Bai Rong gave up the plan to make another spell card, and clicked into the virtual star network after thinking about it.

His face was startled.

The number one hot search on the virtual star network is actually [Tough Guy Spell Card Shop]! ! !

Bai Rong hurriedly clicked in, and found that the top was an official version of the news, the content was a brief text description plus four high-definition pictures, the first picture was his shop page!

Bai Rong's eyes narrowed, and he quickly browsed down. He found that the second and third pictures were the treasure pages of the two S-level virtual intermediate spell cards that he was selling, and the fourth picture was the details of his shop. The opening date is highlighted by a bold red line.

Bai Rong frowned. On the surface, the news seemed very objective. Its text description was very simple and its tone was calm. It only briefly described the general situation of his shop and the two S-level virtual intermediate spell cards sold yesterday. But this picture... clearly has a strong guiding force!

hypocritical! insidious! !

Turn off this news and look down, it is overwhelming similar news and crazy marketing accounts.

Bai Rong clicked on the one with the most comments.

"S-level virtual intermediate spell card?!! Then this spell card master should be the best among A-level spell card masters! Ordinary A-level spell card masters can't make S-level virtual intermediate spell cards with such high data... "

"A-level spell card masters who can produce S-level virtual intermediate-level spell cards with good data have survived no more than fifty deaths. Let's work hard to find out who owns this shop! "

"It makes sense upstairs, and almost half of the fifty spell card masters have signed a full-time agreement with the big family, and the produced spell cards can only be sold to the family, so the search scope is actually very small..."

"I think it is Master Rhodes. The data of the spell cards he has produced has always been very good, and the success rate is also very high. I heard that it is 30% to 40%!!"

"It can't be Rhodes. Although the data of the spell cards he made is high, he has always only made basic spell cards. Basic spell cards and intermediate spell cards are completely different concepts, so the difficulty has soared! I think it is Mu Master Feng, didn't he just finish his retreat a month ago..."

"I guess it's Virya..."

"… "

"By the way, I paid attention to this store a month ago. At that time, it was selling A-level virtual basic spell cards, and then slowly it only sold S-level virtual basic spell cards, and the prices were extremely cheap. I didn't expect to pick it up yesterday. A brush actually brushed the S-class virtual intermediate symbol card! I was very arrogant to die, but I only blink of work, the virtual intermediateist card was taken light, ah, mom, I want to die. What's the use of your hand speed so slow, chop your hands jpg!"

"I think upstairs is showing off!"

"Plus one, my Toya Lei cannon has been aimed upstairs, smile jpg"

"Plus two, the super invincible envy can be brushed out, I think it's off the shelf now! (I want to sponsor a cannon and shells upstairs!)"

"… "

Quickly swiping down the comments, Bai Rong swiped through thousands of comments, but didn't see any guessing it was him.

But also, he hasn't even disclosed his identity, how can he be guessed...

This can't be done, although he didn't want to get attention before, but now in order to accumulate fame and money so that he can help Mu Chongyan in the future, he can't hide it too much.

Appropriate "exposure" is still necessary.

Bai Rong got on the account of the virtual star network, and looked at the id nickname of "Tough Guy 233333", and felt very comfortable, which was so much better than the id "Mu Chongyan's daughter-in-law No. 123333333" in the real star network. !

And it is more in line with his temperament! !

On the Shengya virtual spell card store, Bai Rong linked the account of the virtual star network with the seller account of the tough guy spell card shop, and then published his tough guy id page in the tough guy spell card shop.

"This is my account on the virtual star network. I may also auction the spell cards on the virtual star network in the future. Those who are interested can pay attention."

As soon as Bai Rong sent it out, the things he bought earlier were delivered.

Immediately closed all pages, Bai Rong went to pick up the things, and then began to "make up", I don't know that the virtual star network has been blown up by this news, and a new hot search rushed to the homepage .

[The mysterious A-level spell card master appears! 】

【Tough guy 233333】

[The A-rank spell card master who appeared the day before yesterday finally "appeared"! 】

【Mysterious spell card master peeling skin】

Bai Rong covered his body with a large black robe that grew to his calf, then used a make-up instrument to apply makeup to a middle-aged uncle with a beard and black eyes, and finally put a large black basin cap over his head.

The whole is a middle-aged uncle with a strange personality and a sloppy life.

When Bai Rong was disguised, it was 9:58. He walked out of the door quickly, hit a flying machine on the site opposite the gate of the community, and finally arrived at the as Virtual Spell Card Association Building at 10:05 door.

Seeing that Mu Chongyan was already standing by and waiting for him, Bai Rong hurriedly got off the aircraft and walked towards Mu Chongyan quickly.

"Mr. Wei, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Mu Chongyan narrowed his eyes slightly, and the doubts in his eyes were suppressed before they flashed.

"Let's go."

"Yeah." As expected of his daughter-in-law, Bai Rong could recognize him instantly and his face remained calm. Bai Rong happily opened the door and sat in.

Mu Chongyan sat in the driver's seat and said softly, "You did a good job."

Originally, he was wearing a make-up device to let the shepherd man disguise, but now it seems that it is unnecessary.

Bai Rong laughed twice, his eyes were curved, his round pupils were black and clear, and the whole young man smiled.

It's just... such a smile matched the face of a middle-aged uncle with a shaggy beard and black eyes.

Mu Chongyan instantly retracted his eyes and said indifferently, "Don't laugh like that when you go out."

"Ah?" Bai Rong was stunned for a moment, wanting to ask why, but before he could speak, he suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he said helplessly, "Okay, I see."

Oops, there's nothing I can do, his daughter-in-law is so possessive that he doesn't even want to share his smile with others...

After flying for two and a half hours, the aircraft finally reached the central area of Central City.

In the central area, kilometer-high giant buildings are lined up, and the crowded avenues in the sky are criss-crossed but not cluttered at all. Countless A-class and even S-class aircrafts fly past them, and super-giant billboards are in the air. Suspended, several slender virtual mechas shuttled around with electronic screen advertisements...

Bai Rong's eyes widened, once again feeling the novelty of a country boy entering the city.

"The competition system is very high this time, and there will be special aircraft to pick it up, and the rest of the vehicles will not be able to enter within 5 kilometers of the competition site." Mu Chongyan drove for a while, and then parked the aircraft next to a flying station.

"There is a special aircraft in this flight station to pick up and drop off, and there are staff in the aircraft. You go to the watch to scan your identity, and someone will guide you to the competition venue."

"Okay." Bai Rong nodded, "Are you waiting for me here?"

"Yeah." Mu Chongyan listened to the shepherd man's well-behaved voice, and suddenly thought of his little sweet cake in his heart. While his eyes were suddenly gentle, his heart was inexplicably agitated and weird.

How can this man compare to his sweet cakes

He was so dizzy!

Mu Chongyan didn't think about it, why he had seen so many people who pretended to be good or really good to please him, but this two-meter-tall muscular man made him think of his little star pet again and again...

Bai Rong quickly found the aircraft specially designed to pick up the contestants. After verifying the information, he was brought in by the staff.

There were already quite a few contestants in the aircraft. Bai Rong raised his chin slightly, ignoring the scrutinizing eyes of the other contestants, and found a seat by the window to sit down.

After sitting for two minutes, the aircraft started.

Three minutes later, the aircraft arrived at the gate of the Spell Card Virtual Federation (Headquarters) building.

The sweet-sounding staff got off the aircraft first and said with a smile, "The competition is on the top floor of the building, all spell card masters, please come with me."

Bai Rong got off the aircraft, slightly pulled the brim of his hat, and followed behind the staff.

As Virtual Spell Card Federation headquarters building is very luxurious. It is at least five or six times larger than the Federation Building in Saiyan City. The hall is wide and can be used as a racetrack, and the silver luster shimmers from all directions and surrounds it. An indescribable aura.

Bai Rong took a breath and followed the staff into the light ladder.

The light ladder quickly reached the top floor, and the door opened with a "ding".

The cold silver hall instantly caught everyone's attention. Seven or eight silver consoles were quietly lined up in the hall. The high-grade card-making equipment above was glittering with a charming luster. A huge flat spherical silver live broadcaster Floating in the center of the hall above, a circle of cameras flashed a faint red light.

Bai Rong lowered his head slightly, and found his console corresponding to the entry number.

After carefully checking the card making equipment, Bai Rong glanced at the time and found that the match would start in 16 minutes.

The consoles for this competition are twice as large as before, and the gaps between the consoles are also much wider. Bai Rong glanced around and suddenly found the console twenty meters away from his left rear. The contestant standing behind the stage is actually the invigilator... Ah bah, the iceberg blond man who supervised his competition!

Immediately, the whole person was jolted, Bai Rong quickly moved his eyes and turned his head.

He already knew that the man was Grace, one of Shengya's famous spell card geniuses. He was promoted to A-level spell card master three years ago when he was only thirty-six years old. Russ is very close and is one of the second prince's capable subordinates.

This kind of royal family, he must stay away!

Grace felt the gaze of his eyes, and slowly raised his head to look in the direction of Bai Rong, his eyes narrowed slightly...

Ten minutes later, white baffles more than three meters high suddenly rose around each console, and then a huge silver box suddenly popped out from under the console, accompanied by a clear mechanical sound.

"Please check the materials. The duration of this competition is 200 minutes. Requirements: Make one intermediate spell card and three basic spell cards."

It's time to make Intermediate Spell Cards! Bai Rong's eyes flashed, and his heart was faintly excited.

After checking the materials quickly, Bai Rong was sure that there was nothing wrong with them, but that the types were extremely varied and messy.

Bai Rong picked out eight sets of basic spell card materials and three sets of intermediate spell card materials, sorted them out, and placed them on the left side of the console.

"The game begins." The mechanical sound suddenly sounded.

Bai Rong's eyes narrowed slightly, he picked up the card making tool on the console, and began to process the materials in an orderly manner.

Knowing that at this time, the host of Central City TV had already sat with Master Timothy Spell Card, and started commenting on their game screen, and it had been broadcasted to every corner of the virtual city, Bai Rong slightly pressed the brim of his hat. Son, I have a plan in my mind.

He got the limelight, but... he had to do it with extreme caution.

In the tense competition atmosphere and the host's passionate commentary, Bai Rong made basic spell cards according to the rules of winning one, losing one, losing one, winning one, losing one, losing one, and winning one, and put away the three basic spell cards. After that, the time just passed one hundred and one minutes.

Bai Rong let out a long sigh in his heart, pretending to fail without a trace was much more difficult than making an S-rank spell card.

The success rate of making basic spell cards is about forty-two percent, which is relatively high but not outrageously high. Bai Rong was very satisfied with the result of this disguise, so he nodded and started making intermediate spell cards.

First, he deliberately made two sets of intermediate spell cards, and Bai Rong did it when he made the third set of intermediate spell cards.

There are still forty minutes left, and from the outsiders' point of view, his chances of making a card are very slim. Bai Rong's expression is stern, and his movements are fast and precise. Forced to burst out the same potential.

In fact, if Bai Rong was a little slower, it wouldn't be impossible. He had planned to do that, but he suddenly remembered that Mu Chongyan might be looking at him now. All right…

It can be said that he is a tough guy who spoils his daughter-in-law very much!

Six minutes before the end of the game, Bai Rong's eyes widened, and the tip of his pen tickled lightly, ending the last stroke of the rune.

In an instant, a piece of Huayao golden light mixed with silver flashed!

Card into!

Taking a deep breath from the bottom of his heart, Bai Rong picked up this intermediate spell card and looked at it, then stood there with his head slightly lowered, motionless.

"Master Timothy, Master Timothy?" The hostess saw that the always steady Master Timothy was distracted during the live broadcast, she couldn't help being anxious, but smiled on her face: "Master Timothy, what do you think these contestants are? How about it?"

"..." Timothy tapped the table with his fingers and glanced at the ten contestants on the screen.

Here are the ten best performers of the entire game.

"Grace, Berg, Yuan Hu, the gray-haired old man, and that... the robes are all pretty good."

"Well! The performance of these five spell card masters is really outstanding!" The hostess answered quickly, "and they happen to represent different age groups. Grace spell card masters are young geniuses in their thirties and forties. Berg The spell card master and the uncle in the robe can represent about sixty or seventy spell card masters, the Yuanhu spell card master represents about a hundred spell card masters, and the old man…”

At this moment, Bai Rong, representing a spell card master in his 60s and 70s, was staring at the time on his watch.

Why is it not over yet! His wife is still waiting for him!

After another three minutes, the mechanical sound rang again.

"The game is over, please put the prepared spell cards in the drawer on the right side of the console."

As soon as the mechanical sound fell, a small silver drawer suddenly popped up on the right side of the console.

Bai Rong quickly put four spell cards in.

Thirty seconds later, the drawer swooped back and locked immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding white baffles slowly fell.

As soon as the white flap fell to the ground, Bai Rong quickly opened his legs and walked out.

Just as he walked out of the Federation Building, Bai Rong was embraced by a hand reaching out from behind.

The voice from behind was a little cold: "This spell card master, please stop."