Kisses Make Me Grow Taller

Chapter 82


The man and the young man on the opposite side obviously saw Bai Rong and the two of them. Hesitantly, they stopped to look left and right, then got together and muttered something before continuing to walk towards this side.

The two stopped at a distance of seven or eight meters in front of Bai Rong, and the man shouted at him in a rough voice, "Who are you and where did you come from?"

I didn't expect the other party to be so cautious, Bai Rong's eyes flashed, and he bent his eyes to reveal a smile, and said warmly, "Hello, we landed here from outside, dare to ask what star is here?"

As soon as Bai Rong finished speaking, the man had a look of relief on his face, and the young man next to him also relaxed and muttered, "It turned out to be someone who fell in, but I thought it was someone from the city..."

The corner of Bai Rong's lips twitched, okay... It's not wrong to say that it fell in...

The two people on the opposite side looked at Bai Rong and Kuku again before coming over and said, "Since you are from the outer star field, you should know that this is a waste nebula formed after being swallowed by the gray hole?"

"Grey Cave? Abandoned Nebula?" Bai Rong was taken aback, he really didn't know.

Seeing Bai Rong's stunned look, the young man opposite poked the man's arm, "Brother, they didn't come out of some horned star field, they don't even know about the Abandoned Nebula Cluster..."

"How did you fall in?" The man lightly patted the boy's head, motioning him to stop talking.

"We..." Bai Rong smiled, "I accidentally encountered a wormhole that suddenly appeared when I was driving the flying ship. After being swallowed by the wormhole and jumping out, I encountered the waste nebula you mentioned, and then … was sucked in…”

"Oh..." The young man looked surprised, "I actually encountered a wormhole that suddenly appeared and was teleported here. You are miserable enough."

Although there was no sympathy on his face.

Bai Rong laughed dryly, "Ha... it's a bit miserable."

"Where's your flying ship?" The man frowned slightly, staring at Bai Rong with his dark eyes.

"Flying ship? It's been scrapped long ago." Bai Rong made a lingering look, "If we hadn't blasted the flying ship with mecha and escaped, I'm afraid it would have exploded with the flying ship now..."

"Mecha?!" The man's eyes changed, and the young man beside him instantly widened his eyes, shocked and shouted excitedly, "You... you are a mecha warrior?!!!"

"…Yes, what's wrong?"

"Oh my god, I can actually stand so close to a live mecha warrior!!!" The boy hurried over excitedly, grabbed Bai Rong's arm, his eyes flashed excitedly, "Idol! Idol your mecha Well, can I touch it?"

Startled by the boy's sudden enthusiasm, Bai Rong twitched his arm stiffly, but found that he couldn't move at all, "Then what... what's your name?"

"My name is Luya, I am seventeen years old this year, and my brother's name is Lu Kun, twenty-three this year, and he is single so far!"

Bairong: "… "

Well, I explained all of myself and my brother at once.

"Luya, come back!" Lu Kun's face darkened.

"I don't, idol, what's your name?" The boy's eyes were sparkling.

"My name is… "

"Clap." Kuku suddenly stretched out a slap and patted Luya's hand off, angrily, "Don't grab my brother's arm!"

anger! It's been a long time since he grabbed his family Rong's arm, and this person actually started to move!

Luya's eyes glared at first, then suddenly wilted after thinking of something, and pouted, "... so fierce."

The idol's younger brother is really bad-tempered, but for the idol's sake, he will let it go.

Bai Rong looked at the angry Kuku, smiled and stretched out his hand to rub Kuku's head, and said to Lu Kun and Lu Ya, "Hello, my name is Bai Rong, this is my brother, his name is... Bai Ku."

Lu Kun nodded indifferently, and Lu Ya chatted happily: "Idol, your name is Bai Rong, it sounds so nice!"

"...Cough, your name sounds nice too." Bai Rong couldn't bear to receive such straightforward and enthusiastic enthusiasm face to face for the first time.

"Let's go." Lu Kun was a little unhappy, but still said to Bai Rong: "You have nowhere to go now, go back with us first."

Although he was very reluctant in his heart, he also knew very well that his stupid brother who madly admired mecha warriors would definitely not leave the "idol" alone. to sell personal favors.

And... the physical aptitude of the mecha warriors should not be too bad, and they will probably be able to adapt to the gravity here in half a month. If the two people can't adapt by then, don't blame him for driving them away.

"Yes, yes, come with us. Although our family is small and dilapidated, it is better than the wilderness. The radiation in the wilderness is particularly strong, so we can't stay for long!" The boy nodded desperately, staring straight at Bai Rong.

Bai Rong's heart was overjoyed. He was worried that he had no place to live, so he quickly said, "Okay, thank you two for keeping me, and I will definitely repay you two if I have a chance."

"Idol, you are too polite!" Luya was overjoyed and wanted to reach out to grab Bai Rong's arm, but was swept away by Kuku, pouted and retracted his hand, "Idol, let's go, after the evening there will be a particle storm in the wilderness, Will shave us to the bone."

"Okay." Bai Rong nodded and said again, "Luya, don't call me that... cough idol, just call my name."

But calling the idol's name directly is too trivial, Luya muttered silently in his heart, but finally decided to listen to the idol's words.

"Then... Idol, can I call you Brother Bai?"

It's closer than just shouting your name!

"White pigeon?" Bai Rong's mouth twitched, "It doesn't seem like it's a good way to call it that..."

"Then... can I call you Brother Rongrong?"

Brother Rongrong, Brother Rongrong... Hehe, Lu Ya secretly revealed a wicked smile, his idol's name can be ambiguous, but he is so cute!

"...Let's call it Brother Bai Rong." Bai Rong thought for a while and reluctantly changed his name. He could see that the reason why Lu Kun took them in was just because Lu Ya was very warm to him. If required, try to follow Luya.

"Hey, okay, then I'll call you Brother Bai Rong." Lu Ya nodded and said with concern: "Brother Bai Rong, my house is more than ten kilometers away from here, we have to go faster, can you hold on? , if you can't, let my brother carry you on your back."

Bai Rong: "...Cough, no need."

Although it is indeed very difficult for him to walk, it is not a tough guy to let others carry it on his back!

The four of them walked for more than two hours, and barely saw a small shabby house in the distance.

At this time, Bai Rong had almost run out of strength to move his fingers. Every step he took, it seemed like a big hammer was pressing on his back. It was very difficult to walk, and even breathing was a pain.

"Brother... I'll carry you." Kuku saw Bai Rong's discomfort and worried.

"...I'm fine." Bai Rong opened his mouth and uttered three words with difficulty.

As a tough guy, when you encounter difficulties, you should face them, how can you back down and let people back? !

But... Kuku was almost unaffected by the gravity and rays here, but he didn't expect it.

"Brother Bai Rong, we'll be there soon. That's our home." Lu Ya pointed to a medium-sized gray-board room in the distance, looked at Bai Rong with admiration, and his eyes brightened.

As expected, he was his idol. The other people who had just fallen to Shengya couldn't even walk for an hour outside, but his idol not only walked for more than two hours, but his back was so straight, not like those at all. People who hunched their backs while walking looked so wretched!

"... um..." Bai Rong's lips parted slightly, and he answered in a small voice.

Lu Kun glanced at the person next to him with a straight waist and a blushing face because of his hard work, adding two points of goodwill in his heart.

After another ten minutes of trekking, several people finally arrived at the gray board house. Lu Kun signaled Luya to take care of the two and left the house again.

The gray board house is not large, only more than 20 square meters in total. There are two beds, two cabinets, one large and one small, and some miscellaneous objects.

Luya took Bai Rong to a smaller bed and asked Bai Rong to lie down and rest for a while. Bai Rong didn't hold back and lay down after thanking him.

Kuku and Luya moved two small stools and sat by the bed, one with worried eyes and the other with excited eyes.

Bai Rong closed his eyes and rested for more than ten minutes. Feeling that his physical strength had recovered a little, he opened his eyes, half-sitting against the head of the bed, pretending to take something out of his arms, and took out three nutritional supplements.

One was handed to Kuku and the other to Luya.

"Brother Bai Rong, is this a nutritional supplement?!" Luya held the palm-sized glass tube and excitedly looked at the white liquid inside.

"Well, try it. Although it doesn't taste very good, it still quenches your thirst and keeps you full." After speaking, Bai Rong also opened the nutritional supplement in his hand and drank it one by one.

After all, it was Mu Chongyan's regular nutritional supplement. After taking one, Bai Rong felt that most of his fatigue had disappeared, and his physical strength had recovered little by little. However, his body, which was aching from radiation and gravity, was still aching.

Luya drank half of it and put it away. He wanted to give his brother a taste of such a delicious and filling thing...

He remembered that the cheapest nutritional supplement in the safe area also required two gray coins!

Seeing that Luya was about to put it away, Bai Rong said, "Luya, don't you like it?"

"No!" Luya shook his head quickly, "I want to keep half of it for my brother, this is delicious!"

"That's it..." Bai Rong's affection for Luya became more than two points in his heart, and he smiled: "You drink yours, I'll keep it for your brother." Then he took out another nutritional supplement and handed it to Luya. .

"Thank you, Brother Bai Rong!" Lu Ya happily took it over.

"Thank you for what?" The door was suddenly opened, and Lu Kun walked in.

"Brother!" Lu Ya quickly stood up, ran to Lu Kun's side, and held up the nutritional supplement, "Look, this nutritional supplement was given by Brother Bai Rong, but it's delicious, one of us will give it to you!"

Lu Kun's eyes flickered, he took the nutritional supplement, and looked at Bai Rong, "Thank you."

"No need to thank you..." Bai Rong sat up straightly, put on his shoes and sat by the bed, "I should thank you all."

"One yard is one yard." Lu Kun walked into the room and handed Luya a piece of meat in his hand, "Eat sweet and sweet beast meat today, go and pack it up."

"Gulu Beast Meat!" Luya's eyes lit up, today is his lucky day, he will be so happy!

"I'm going to cook!" Luya ran to the pots and pans in the corner of the room with the meat, grabbed the knife and dealt with it.

"I'll help you." Bai Rong got up and walked over.

"No, Brother Bai Rong, just sit and rest, I cook deliciously, otherwise my brother would not let me cook. Although my brother is fierce, he is a good person, and he rarely lets me cook. Work, but he can't refuse my cooking skills hehehe..."

Bai Rong looked at Luyan's healthy wheat-colored skin and Lu Kun's dark wheat-colored rough skin, and sighed in his heart, it was not easy for these two brothers.

"Brother Bai Rong, go and sit down and let my brother tell you about the situation here."

"Okay then." Seeing that Luya didn't want him to touch him, Bai Rong had no choice but to go to the table and sit down, looking at Lu Kun who was carefully wiping a large silver knife, and said, "Lu Kun, Can you tell me about the situation here? Excuse me."

Lu Kun glanced at Bai Rong, continued to wipe his knife carefully, and said indifferently, "Yes, this is the Lanya planet that was swallowed up a thousand years ago, and it is not as people outside think. It was completely destroyed. Back then, the people of Planet Lanya gathered all their strength to build a safe zone, which resisted the violent particle radiation and survived with difficulty, but most of the structures on the planet were destroyed, and more than 20 billion people died. There are only 20 million left, most of the animals and plants are extinct, and only a very small part of the animals and plants have mutated and survived, but most of them have also become fierce and abnormal, so you should not go out casually. There are many mutant beasts gathering in the wilderness outside. I won't save you if you go to death."

"..." Bai Rong's forehead twitched: "I see, thank you for reminding me."

"Brother, why are you so fierce, Brother Bai Rong?!" Luya on the side was unhappy, and said while cutting the meat, "Brother Bai Rong, although there are many exotic beasts in the wilderness outside, there are usually fixed local activities. , most of us know where to go and where not to go, so as long as you remember the places where the alien beasts are active, it is not impossible to go out for a walk. I know that there is a small area where the plants are not mutated and can still Eat, I'll take you there when you rest!"

"Okay." Bai Rong smiled and asked Xiang Luya, "That alien beast... can you eat it?"

"You can eat it, most of the exotic animal meat can be eaten, and it's delicious." Luya pointed to the meat slices on the chopping board, "This grunt is a second-level exotic beast, it's hard to catch, but my brother I recently broke through, and I can catch one or two almost every day, but it's amazing, so after half a month, we can save up gray coins to go to the safe zone!"

"Safety zone?" Bai Rong looked at Luya suspiciously and startled, "Isn't this a safe zone?"

"Of course this is not a safe area. The safe area is much more prosperous than here. This is the gray area. It is the safest place in the wilderness for those who cannot enter the safe area. They cannot enter the safe area or be driven out of the safe house. People from all over the world will come here to build houses." Speaking of this, Luya's mood became low, "but the radiation here is also very serious, if you are injured, it will continue to deteriorate, and you will definitely die by then, even if there is no If you are injured, you will not survive for more than ten years under this strong radiation, so you must work hard to go to the safe area."

Seeing Luya, who had been chattering all the time, suddenly fell down, Bai Rong felt a little uncomfortable. He walked over and touched Luya's head, "You can definitely get in."

"Well..." Luya smiled at Bai Rong, "I believe, Brother Bai Rong should try his best to enter the safe area."

"Well, I know." Bai Rong smiled lightly, feeling a little heavy in his heart. Now he can't even run, it's impossible to catch alien beasts to earn gray coins...

"Luya, can you tell me about the safety zone and the alien beast?"

"Okay." Luya nodded, "The safety zone is the safest place in Lan Yaxing now. The safety zone is divided into five zones, d zone, c zone, b zone, a zone and s zone, the more advanced The smaller the radiation in the area, the more prosperous it is, but the more money you have to pay. If you want to enter the D area, each person must first pay ten gray coins, and each person must pay one gray coin every day after entering, otherwise, they will have to pay. Being expelled, this does not include accommodation and food expenses, so the cost is very expensive, and my brother and I were also expelled because we didn’t pay enough gray coins.”

"I was kicked out?!" Bai Rong's eyes widened slightly, he thought that this brother fell in just like him.

"Well." A trace of resentment flashed on Luya's face, and he took out a piece of garlic and chopped it fiercely: "My brother and I were originally from Lan Yaxing, we used to live in District D, my father was a three-year-old man. A mercenary of a mercenary group, my mother works in a snack bar. Three years ago, my father and the people from the mercenary group went to hunt and kill the third-level alien beast. They were framed and injured. All the money in the family I took it to treat my father, but I couldn't cure it..." Luya's eyes turned red, "Anyway, our family was finally kicked out."

Bai Rong looked at Luya, who was sad and resentful in front of him. He couldn't help feeling a little sad, but he didn't know how to comfort him. He never saw Luya's parents since he entered the door. It can be imagined... That couple must have died. .

Luya snorted and pretended to smile easily: "But the situation is much better now, my brother has made a breakthrough, he can kill a grunt every day, and a grunt can sell three gray coins, we will soon I can save enough money to go to the safe area D, but it is not easy after entering the D area. At least four gray coins are earned every day. Brother Bai Rong, after you get used to it, I will take you to Haw. In the gathering place of beasts, the chirp beast is the weakest among the first-level alien beasts. Although it is difficult to catch, the danger is very small. Generally, three or four can be sold for one gray coin…”

Now he also wants to understand, his idol falls in from the outside, even if the mecha is probably broken, he still starts by teaching him how to catch the beast, step by step...

"I'm going too!" Kuku interrupted quickly, "I'm used to it now and can help catch it."

Hmph, Rong is obviously his brother, and now he is being called by another person, it's really uncomfortable...

"Well, Kuku is coming too." Bai Rong rubbed Kuku's head, pleased and proud: "Kuku is hardly affected by gravity, and the previous training has been completed so well, it must be very powerful."

"Yeah!" Kuku nodded, narrowed his eyes happily, and glanced at Luya with some pride.

Lu Ya pouted, glanced at Kuku jealously, and shouted at Lu Kun, "Brother!"

Lu Kun raised his head, "What's the matter?"

"... Forget it!" Luya snorted and turned to put the dishes in the pot.

Let his brother touch his head so fondly, he might as well expect a grunt to die in front of his house!

The meal was ready in no time. Bai Rong just took a few chopsticks and put it down on the grounds that he had drank the nutritional supplements. Not really good.

Kuku also followed suit. He stopped holding two chopsticks. He was not hungry and didn't need to eat.

After dinner, Lu Kun took a quick shower and then took a rest. He would go out early every morning to look for a single grunt, and he needed to maintain his energy. Lu Ya gave the bed to Bai Rong and Kuku, and then Lie down next to his brother, but because he hadn't been in the same bed for too long, he didn't fall asleep for a long time.

"Brother Bai Rong... Brother Bai Rong..." Lu Ya got out of bed quietly and tiptoed to the side of Bai Rong's bed, "Are you asleep?"

"...No, Luya, what's wrong?" Bai Rong opened his eyes and yawned, his fair cheeks bulged, and his dark eyes were watery.

"!!!" Lu Ya was suddenly stunned, the tips of his ears were slightly red, God, his idol is too good-looking and cute! ! !

"What's wrong?" Seeing that Luya didn't speak, Bai Rong sat up and whispered, "Is something wrong?"

"...No, it's nothing." Luya looked at the ground embarrassedly, "...I just can't sleep, I want to ask if you want to go out and chat..."

"Okay, I can't sleep either, let's go together." Bai Rong got up, "I just have something to ask you..."

"I am going too!"

Kuku, who had been lying obediently with his eyes closed, suddenly bounced up and looked at Luya as if he was facing an enemy.

Luya: "...!!!"

Why hasn't this guy fallen asleep yet!

"Okay, let's go together, just tomorrow we are going to find the beast. Kuku also listen to whether there are any precautions." Bai Rong lifted the quilt and looked at Luya: "Let's go?"

"Um..." Luya moved the stool, and was a little annoyed while happy, and gave Kuku a secret glance.

Kuku resolutely glared back!

Lu Kun, who was supposed to have fallen asleep beside him, opened his eyes in the dark and slowly closed them again.

The next day, Bai Rong and Kuku drank a nutritional supplement again, and then, at Luya's warm invitation, drank another bowl of vegetable paste with minced meat.

"Brother Bai Rong, are you tired now?" Lu Ya asked while sticking his head out.

"It's alright... I'm not very tired." Bai Rong wiped off his sweat. When he walked for an hour and a half yesterday, he couldn't hold it anymore, but now he thinks he can still walk for an hour and a half, so it must be an improvement...

"Well, it's almost here, it only takes seven or eight minutes." Lu Ya smiled, then turned to face Lu Kun, who had been striding in front, and said, "Brother, are you sure you don't want to fight the Grunt?"

His brother has not been looking for chirps for a long time. After all, although chirps are less dangerous, they are not easy to catch, and generally it is not bad to encounter four chirps a day, which can only be sold for one gray coin. It's far worse than the Grunt.

"No." Lu Kun replied expressionlessly, putting his brother and two strangers together, he was not at ease.

"Alright!" Lu Ya showed two rows of white teeth and laughed happily after his brother.

A few people quickly arrived at the place where the chirp beast was caught. Bai Rong glanced around and saw that there were more than 20 people nearby, forming a team in twos and threes to look for the chirp beast cave.

It's strange to say that, although his mobility has become very slow, his eyesight is better than Kuku and Luya...

Haw beast is a kind of burrowing animal. Listening to Luya's description, Bai Rong thinks that it is very similar to a field mouse, but it is more agile and more dangerous. After all, the body surface of ordinary field mouse will not be attached to rocks, nor will it spray acid in an emergency, although The acidity is not strong enough to not burn people, but if sprayed into the eyes, it is guaranteed to make people blind.

"Take this with you." Lu Kun took out two transparent blindfolds and two pairs of thick gloves, and handed them to Bai Rong.

"Thank you." Bai Rong thanked him sincerely, took it over and touched it, and found that the material of the eye mask is very similar to glass, but it is tougher than glass. .

"The burrows of the chiggers are very hidden, you should pay attention to distinguish them, the soil around the burrows will be mixed with fine sand and grass roots, you must catch or drive them out the moment they come out, otherwise they will run out of the burrows, and you will not I want to catch it again."

"Okay, thank you for reminding me." Bai Rong smiled at Lu Kun, only to find that he turned away with a sullen expression as soon as he smiled.

Bai Rong: "...???"

Does he laugh so scarily? !

"Brother Bai Rong, come here, and I'll take you to the cave." Lu Ya, who had just run to the side, waved at Bai Rong and whispered in a low voice.

"Okay..." Bai Rong pulled up Kuku and walked over.

Lu Kun looked at Lu Ya and followed a few people twenty meters behind.

Luya is worthy of being a good player in finding the cave of the beast. Ten minutes later, he found a cave. He took out a piece of grilled sweet and sweet beast meat the size of a fingernail from the cloth bag, with a thin brown-yellow thread on it. It was buried two meters away from the cave.

"Under normal circumstances, the chigger will come out within half an hour, if it hasn't come out within half an hour, it means that the cave is likely to be a hole, and another cave has to be guarded.

There are a lot of holes here. After all, there are at least three burrows for a chirping beast, and it runs very fast, so the efficiency of catching the chirping beast is very low. It is definitely a lot to catch four a day.

"So... are we going to wait now?" Bai Rong looked at the two men lying behind him after burying pieces of meat more than ten meters away, and whispered to Lu Yadao.

"Yes, wait." Luya also quickly piled up a small long mound, "Come here, we have to hide."

As soon as Lu Ya finished speaking, the two men a dozen meters away suddenly jumped up and rushed to two meters away like a hungry tiger rushing for food. Bai Rong squinted and found a brown pointed mouth more than ten centimeters long crawling on the ground. Animal, the animal is covered with a layer of sand and stone that has formed a hard shell, which looks like it is attached to a layer of rock, with two fangs exposed outside its pointed mouth, red eyes, and sharp claws and nails. With a hook, it looked extremely sharp and sharp, just like the voles he had guessed before.

The speed of the chirp beast is very fast, like a brown phantom, it rushed to the mouth of the cave in the blink of an eye. He kicked the hole hard.

Bai Rong: "..." silently walked to Luya to lie down.

As the best first-level alien beast to catch, this chirping beast is so agile, its teeth are so sharp and its claws are sharp, and it can even spray acid. How difficult and terrible to catch? !

"Pay attention to the neck of the beast." Luya couldn't help but instructed again, "The legs of the beast are very short. After grabbing the neck, it can't catch you, otherwise it will still hurt."

"Well, I see." Bai Rong patted Kuku's shoulder again, "Kuku, you have to remember that too."

"Yeah." Kuku nodded obediently.

In fact, he felt that the speed of the chirp beast is not particularly fast. He is almost unaffected by gravity now, so there should be no problem in catching a chirp beast.

Several people lay on the back of the mound for 20 minutes. There was still no movement in the cave. Bai Rong rubbed his numb arm and wanted to change his posture, but suddenly, an extremely small voice came over.

Seeing that Luya and Kuku didn't respond at all, Bai Rong gently tugged on Kuku's sleeve, pointed to the cave before Kuku made a sound, and made a "it's coming out" gesture.

Kuku immediately expressed his understanding, he couldn't help being surprised and proud, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, his Rong was still the best and most powerful, and he was able to discover it so early!

When Kuku turned his eyes back again, he saw a shadow rushing out from the mouth of the cave through the sand hole dug out, and immediately stepped out diagonally and rushed towards the chirp beast.

The next moment Kuku jumped out, the line in Luya's hand began to vibrate. Luya was stunned for a moment, and then became angry again. He was so angry that he wanted to scold this unruly person as a "pig teammate". Before the beast caught the meat, it ran out to fight the grass and startle the snake. It was like driving the beast back!

However, because Bai Rong discovered the chirp beast early, Kuku stepped out diagonally and happened to catch up with the chirp beast, stretching out his claws to grab the meat, and then Kuku flew and pressed his claws on the meat. At that time, an oblique step blocked the back path of the beast, and the beast was startled suddenly, let out a scream, and hurriedly fled to the right, but before it ran three meters, Kuku rushed up and grabbed the back of the neck and lifted it up. stand up.

"!!!" Luya, who witnessed everything next to him, froze in shock.

This pig teammate is so powerful? ! !

That speed is faster than his brother, right? ! ! ! ! !

Bai Rong hurried over and looked at Kuku's chirping beast with joy, "Kuku is great!"

Kuku rolled his eyes and smiled, "If it weren't for Rong... Brother reminded me in advance, I couldn't have caught it so easily. Did this chirp beast handle it like this?"

"Cut off the neck and put it in the bag." Lu Ya walked over quietly, and handed over a cloth bag with complicated eyes.

Kuku glanced at Bai Rong before doing as he did.

"Brother Bai Rong, this is what you caught. Here it is for you." Luya put the bag into Bai Rong's hand. Seeing that Bai Rong was about to reject it, he quickly said, "Don't refuse, this should be yours."

"However, if you didn't teach us Luya, we wouldn't be able to catch it so smoothly, so this one is still for you." Although the first trophy was very tempting, Bai Rong still knew what to do and hurriedly put the bag away. He shoved it back, "Your credit is also great, you found this cave, you taught the method, we can't take it..."

When the two of them gave way, suddenly three people with wretched eyes and fierce eyes came over from the side. Lu Ya quickly pulled Bai Rong to the mound, turned and walked behind him, and kept looking at Lu Yaji not far behind. Human Lu Kun also stepped forward.

"These three people are not good people. They like to steal other people's things the most on weekdays. Let's avoid it." Lu Ya whispered.

Although these people didn't dare to provoke him because his brother was not easy to provoke, it was always right to stay away.

"Hmm..." Bai Rong nodded, pulled Kuku and followed Luya, and the three people next to him whispered the words without a word.

"As soon as he looks like he can't run fast under the pressure of gravity, he knows that the person is a newcomer. Maybe there is a space button. How about, let's go for a vote?!"

"Bah, are you sure that person is a newcomer? I can see that the person is carrying a chirp beast! tmd, which newcomer can catch a chirp beast all at once?!"

"Why not, although he caught the beast, it's a fact that he can't run fast, maybe he caught it by luck!"

"Ah, Massa, although you said that, but you don't know what to do in your heart, or why didn't you just go to work? Why do you still want to call us back to discuss countermeasures?!"

"Laton is right, that person is so tall, he must be more than 1.9 meters tall!! I don't think it is very easy to deal with, Massa, are you sure you want to go to him for a ticket?!"

"Then it's a big deal to go back and find two people to go with. You two are too timid. Anyway, I'm going to pass it again. It's such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, are you sure you won't go?"

"… "

"Brother Bai Rong?" Seeing that Bai Rong suddenly stopped, Lu Ya turned his head suspiciously, "What's the matter with you?"

Bai Rong was stunned in shock, his heart suddenly violently trembled because of a guess, and his hands were tightly clasped.

A newcomer with a height of over 1.9 meters? !

Could it be Mu Chongyan? ! ! ! !

The author has something to say: Bai Rongrong (bulging small face): Where is my daughter-in-law? ! Want a daughter-in-law! Want a daughter-in-law!

Mu Chongyan (looks fondly): Good, I'm here...

Bai Rongrong (dissatisfied): Why haven't you come yet? !

Mu Chongyan (serious): I'll pick your underwear, didn't you say xl is small, I'm going to pick you a size xxl...

Bai Rongrong (first stunned, then dryly laughing): Haha, ha... My daughter-in-law is so caring, I love you the most, chirp~~~ (But in my heart: go to your xxl number! I feel very cold now !!!)