Kneel to Me

Chapter 11


The cheerleaders who were pushed away were still in a state of being handsome because they saw Song Juyao's kick with their own eyes. among.

Song Juyao walked into the tennis court, Li Zhao shrank her shoulders, followed her like a small tail, and looked at Song Juyao's back with her head up and her chest raised, adored and worried, is it really okay? The sights from around are like needles, not very friendly, and Jin Yao...

Song Juyao walked up to Ming Shu and asked with concern, "How is it? Can I still go?"

Ming Shu looked at Song Juyao, her tears flowed even more fiercely, she was speechless, nodded and shook her head. But everyone could see how happy she was with Song Juyao's appearance.

Song Juyao looked at Li Zhao: "Zhaozhao, take her to the school doctor's office."

Li Zhao nodded and immediately went to help Mingshu.

"Stop." A hoarse and cold voice came from behind him, "I allow her to go?"

Song Juyao turned his head, met Jin Yao's amber eagle-like eyes, and saw the rebellious brilliance of wild animals inside.

Jin Yao looked at Song Juyao condescendingly across the net.

"No matter the reason, it's not the reason why you labeled a girl like this." Song Juyao looked at him blankly.

"Really? Then what are you going to do?" Jin Yao's racket pressed the net down and pointed directly at Song Juyao's nose, his eyes dangerous, "Get justice for her? Song, Ju, Yao."

Song Juyao stared at him for a few seconds, then withdrew his gaze and looked at Ming Shu and Li Zhao: "Let's go."

Jin Yao looked at Song Juyao's back who didn't pay attention to him at all, and his face showed the anger that was offended by his dignity, "Close the door!"

The door to the tennis court was immediately closed.

"Song Juyao, since you want to be a hero so much, I will fulfill you. You can either take me a ball instead of her, or you can kneel down and kowtow to me and admit your mistake, otherwise don't want to go out." Jin Yao's voice sounded like a demon.

Li Zhao looked at Song Juyao nervously, Ming Shu flinched, she was so afraid of Jin Yao now, he was a devil, he actually did such a cruel thing to a girl, she would only want to go with him when she was so stubborn. The plot of a campus idol drama, who the hell can do it!

She couldn't help looking at Song Juyao, what would she do? She couldn't help but have some worries in her heart, obviously not long ago, she was still worried about not knowing how to make Song Juyao suffer.

"Okay, I'll fight you. Let them go out first, it's too much of a hindrance here." Song Juyao looked at Jin Yao and said.

Jin Yao's unhappiness now is directed at Song Juyao, and he doesn't care about Ming Shu anymore, so he raised his hand and asked the gatekeeper to let him out. The two of them didn't leave because they were worried, and looked inside while clinging to the barbed wire.

Song Juyao picked a racket that he felt fit his hand and walked to the court.

This time is the continuation of the game that Jin Yao and Ming Shu have not finished, so this game is Song Juyao's serve game. The yellow ball bounced twice on the ground, and was held in the hands of plain white slender hands.

[Ah, I'm afraid, Song Juyao is going to be beaten! 】

[The mood is so complicated, I clearly hated her before, but now I start to worry about her]

[Her skeleton looks smaller than Mingshu, so she won't be broken with a single ball]

[Jin Yao is so disgusting, hitting women, he will definitely be a domestic abuser in the future]

[Everyone calm down, the live broadcast has just started, and we haven't seen enough yet, please keep in mind that she killed a teenager in the real world, just because she was impatient and lustful! 】

The small yellow ball was thrown into the air. Song Juyao's serving posture was beautiful, and at first glance, he knew that he was a tennis player.

"But Jin Yao has played tennis since he was a child. If it wasn't for the great career of the Jin family, he could have gone the professional route."

"It's over, it's over, I still like Song Juyao, I can't stand it anymore."

"I can accept Jin Yao as long as he doesn't slap his face. I'm Song Juyao's face fan."

"Jin Yao's strength is too great, boys can't stand a few with one hand, Song Juyao's small arm is definitely not good..."

"… "


The yellow ball was slapped out, and it looked like an ordinary serve. Jin Yao sneered disdainfully, dodged slightly, turned the racket, and slammed the ball back. Jin Yao's ball was malicious and rubbed Song Juyao's cheek directly. The rough sphere adds speed, like a cheek rubbing against a concrete floor.

"Bang!" The ball hit the fence with a loud bang.

A red bruise instantly appeared on Song Juyao's fair cheeks.

Jin Yao: "I advise you to kneel down and beg for mercy."

Song Juyao ignored him, his eyes were calm, and he continued to serve.

Jin Yao looked at her, feeling agitated for no reason, and clenched the racket tightly.

It is not difficult for Jin Yao to hit the same ball as the previous one, whether it is the rotation speed or the rotation angle.


The ball rubbed Song Juyao's cheek once again, and this teasing ball formed a parallel just below a scratch on Song Juyao's face.

There were six balls in the serving game, and Song Juyao sent each ball exactly the same. Song Juyao's arms, thighs and neck all left clear and obvious scratch marks.

The moment he hit the sixth serve back, Jin Yao suddenly realized that it couldn't have been played casually. If it wasn't intentional, it would have been impossible to hit the same six balls. Anyone who knows a little about tennis knows that according to the racket and The contact area, angle, swing, and even the force of the ball will affect the direction of rotation of the ball. Therefore, if it is not deliberately played by professional players, it is impossible for every ball to be the same.

There is conspiracy. Jin Yao narrowed his eyes slightly and decided to end this farce immediately.

He pointed at Song Juyao with his racket: "It's my turn to serve. I've given you many chances. This time, I won't show mercy."

Song Juyao slightly hooked his lips.

Jin Yao threw the tennis ball high, raised his arm and was about to shoot it out, but when the racket touched the ball, his arm muscles seemed to be suddenly shocked by an electric shock, a strong sense of stimulation hit his brain, and his hands The strength of the ball was released uncontrollably in an instant, and the ball was gently slapped out.

What? !

Song Juyao ran a few steps, swung the bat, and hit the unremarkable ball back.

Everyone hasn't recovered yet, they just feel that things are so sudden that they are stunned.

"Received, received Jin Yao's ball?"

"Song Juyao... Received the ball and won?"

"What happened to Jin Yao? The water was suddenly released?"

"He's not that kind of person! Why?"

The ball rolled to Jin Yao's feet, his face was gloomy, "What did you do?"

Song Juyao said with a smile: "Every serve is a backspin and internal spin. After calculation, it looks ordinary, but in fact, the rotation angle is very tricky. If you underestimate it, you will not be able to pass the net. Jin Yao He is an excellent tennis player. He soon discovered the secret of its rotation, so he changed his posture to hit it accurately, but he didn't notice the damage to the wrist and extensor muscles at that moment, especially when Jin Yao did it every time. Hitting the ball back hard puts a lot of load on the muscles, and it only takes six short hits and they're going to give you a sharp accusation."

Since she couldn't break the game head-on, she could only find another way. Jin Yao's arrogance gave her an opportunity. Her tennis skills are very general, and her only strength in this regard is to plan ahead and train over time to deliver this ball.

【I don't know how strong! 】

【Suddenly a little hot blood ah】

[Although I don't understand it, in short, Song Juyao calculated Jin Yao and won? 】

【Awesome! High IQ is different]

[Song Juyao is really handsome! 】

【The scheming is so deep】

Jin Yao understood, he laughed angrily: "I didn't expect Song Juyao to have such a despicable method."

"Student Jin Yao, you use what you are good at to challenge others, don't you allow others to use what you are good at to meet your challenge?" Song Juyao nodded his head and looked at him with clear eyes without fear. .

Biquge Novel Reading Network

In Song Juyao's eyes, something seemed to irritate Jin Yao, he suddenly became furious, jumped over the net and walked in front of Song Juyao.

Everyone in the audience was frightened, thinking that they were about to see the scene of Jin Yao beating Song Juyao violently, and they dared not make a sound for a while.

I saw Jin Yao grabbed Song Juyao's chin and stared at her condescendingly: "What are you proud of? You also deserve to look down on Lao Tzu? What are you?"

His hands are very large, Song Juyao's face is too small in comparison, his chin seems to be crushed, and Song Juyao's eyes instantly turn red in pain. She reached out and grabbed it, but it was as motionless as iron pliers. Those clear and gentle eyes flashed with a hint of wolf in her bones, Song Juyao suddenly turned her lower hole hard, Jin Yao's thumb slid on her lips, and then the lips opened, holding that finger.

The soft touch of the lips and the softness of the fingertips were particularly obvious for a moment. Jin Yao was stunned for a moment, and then severe pain hit.

Song Juyao's bite was so hard that it seemed like a wolf had bitten him, as if he would bite his thumb off. Jin Yao immediately let go of Song Juyao and pulled out his hand suddenly.

"You!" Jin Yao stared at Song Juyao in disbelief as he looked at his thumb that was bitten out with blood marks.

Song Juyao's eyes were slightly red, and she wiped her lips with the back of her hand, "Violence can't solve any problems, but if Jin Yao does anything to me next time, don't blame me for being rude."

After all, she turned to leave. The student guarding the gate was already shocked and did not dare to stop it.

Li Zhao and Ming Shu were waiting for her outside, and when they saw her come out, they went up and left together.

Ming Shu's eyes on Song Juyao were very complicated. She was covered in scars, and the fingerprints on her chin were shocking, and it was all for her. Even in reality, she had never met such a person. It turned out that in a moment of despair, it was the feeling of being offered a helping hand.

"Thank you." Ming Shu's tears fell again.

Song Juyao looked at her like this, her slightly angry eyes softened as if melted, and took out a handkerchief to wipe her tears.

"Come on, let's go see the doctor."

The corners of Song Juyao's mouth rose, and under the sun, even if the girl was a little embarrassed, it seemed that she couldn't stop the radiance of her soul radiating from her body, so bright.

That's right, when you're in despair, it feels like being offered a helping hand, isn't it warm? Impressed, right? At this moment, I can't wait to repay each other with the whole world, right? I think the other party is an angel, don't you

In this issue of the last life, she fell under this kind of offensive, but she didn't know that, in order to be the savior and avoid being targeted by other classmates, she was beaten a few times for nothing, and they were the ones who led her. Self-acted masterpiece.

Now that the feng shui turns, you have also tasted this taste, which is very good.

Jin Yao held his thumb and stared at Song Juyao's back. After a while, he found that so many people in the audience were staring at him, roaring: "What are you looking at? Get out of here!"

The students got up in a hurry and left in a hurry.