Kneel to Me

Chapter 114: 114 (18.5W nutrient solution plus more)


In the tea room, a group of old men are about to have a heart attack. Covering his chest unconsciously, he looked at Song Juyao with trembling fingers.

This, this, what is this

[Yeyeye began to smash wool again! 】

[Hahahaha I like to watch the wool, so interesting! 】

[Drawing cards is so cool, pumping pumping! 】

[Hahahaha I was just guessing that Song Juyao was pretending to be lofty, and he couldn't really appear out of thin air. Now, is he slapped in the face? 】

[Okay, the face-slapping session is over, hurry up and fall into the trap of deceiving the Queen of Krypton! 】

"I want it, I want it!" In the end, Mr. Min Cheng was the first to come back to his senses, and immediately exclaimed excitedly. He couldn't care about other things, he only knew that she appeared, really appeared out of thin air, she has such magical powers, their family's genetic disease may be solved!

"Okay. A set of 10 million, a set of ten cards, what you can draw depends on your luck." Song Juyao said.

A group of old men widened their eyes, only to see Song Juyao's little wooden stick gently waved, a whirlpool of white light rolled up in the air, and one card after another emitting white light flew out, standing in front of Mr. Min Cheng.

"Please flip your card."

what! It was completely in line with what they had heard. It turned out that it wasn't the expert who pretended to be pretending to be a ghost, but that she was so mysterious and unpredictable!

Mr. Min Cheng's wrinkled fingers trembled as he stretched out the first card in the air. The card is flipped over, and the white light disappears, revealing a transparent card surface with mysterious patterns and words.

The old man looked at Song Juyao nervously, and the other old people couldn't help but look at Song Juyao nervously and expectantly.

Song Juyao: "Congratulations, you picked up a bottle of 'Sick Immediate Stop Spray'. Regardless of any disease, as long as you spray it once, your condition will not get worse."

"Can cancer be okay too?" An old man hurriedly asked.

"Any disease will do."

The people present were all business people, and countless business opportunities immediately appeared in their minds. In the face of terminal illness, everyone is equal, but if there is a bottle of this magical potion, a single spray can make people in the early stage of cancer stay in the early stage forever, even if it can’t be cured. , this person can live forever!

It was amazing, they instantly understood how Hai Wentao suddenly came back to life from the brink of death, and that grandson who dared to draw a card drew something miraculous!

The card turned into white light and landed on Min Cheng's hand, turning into a small, 10ml spray. Min Cheng carefully and solemnly put it in his pocket and looked at the second card. While the first card draw was good, he wanted something that would cure their family's genetic disease.

But the magic of the first card made him look forward to and nervous about what the next cards would draw.

The second card was flipped over, and the white light disappeared, revealing a flawless hole card. Several old men looked at Song Juyao expectantly.

Song Juyao: "I'm very sorry, this is an empty card."

The old man who has never played the card game, feels the sadness of the loneliness drawn by the card, and when the third card is drawn, the expectation and tension value are doubled uncontrollably.

The third card, the unremarkable knife appeared again.

The fourth card is an empty card.

The fifth card is another mediocre knife.

The sixth card is a poison pill.

Seventh card...

"Congratulations, you have drawn a repair pill. After use, it can repair the damaged parts of the body, and the repair degree will reach 50%."

The white light turned into a white elixir, and Min Cheng swallowed it immediately. Then he felt the elixir form a warm current, rushing down, and soon his unconscious legs actually felt the warmth.

He was stunned, and hurriedly tore off the blanket on his legs, revealing a pair of legs that could be seen as skinny even when wearing trousers. They had been abandoned for many years. Even if someone carefully massaged them every day, these legs were already Withered like a skeleton.

But now, visible to the naked eye, these terrifying legs seem to be slowly filling up a little, not much, just withered meridians, necrotic blood vessels, etc., gradually regaining their vitality and re-expanding, so that they are slightly A stretched feeling.

Min Cheng reached out to touch it, and then breathed quickly.

"How is it, Lao Min?"

"I have, I have felt, I have felt..." A leg that has been abolished for so many years, to have a feeling, to have a feeling, usually means being able to stand up, even if it is only 50%, with drugs and rehabilitation, slowly Slow to be able to stand up.

However, why did he bother? He can directly cure his legs and stand up by drawing cards. Although what he wants most is to cure the root cause—the genetic disease of their family, the fact that he can stand up also makes him very excited. If his son, Grandson can also draw this kind of card and stand up again? They must be very happy!

So don't waste time and energy to get rid of the things that can be solved by drawing cards with krypton gold!

All rich people who get card bonuses will have this idea. With that time to go to the liver, how many groups can he draw? Maybe all cards were drawn out for him. This is not like gambling, you will lose all your money, no matter how you draw, you will not lose money.

However, Min Cheng's happiness did not last long, because the next three cards were a mediocre knife and two empty cards.

Is this the end? No, no, at least I have to draw another repair card to fix the other fifty percent of my legs!

"Can I draw another set?" Mr. Min Cheng pleaded.

Song Juyao: "Of course you can."

However, in the second group, there was no repair pill. There is also no cure for their family's genetic disease.

"I want to draw another set!"

"Please let me draw another set!"

"I want to draw another set..."

"… "

In the third group, Song Juyao gave Mr. Min Cheng a second repair pill. His legs were completely recovered, and he could even stand up tremblingly, and the rest was to eat well. , just raise the meat.

However, since he can stand up himself, he still wants his son to stand up, and he wants to solve the family's genetic disease, otherwise, it will only cure the symptoms but not the root cause. He seemed to see the glorious future of the family after getting rid of the curse of this genetic disease. Thinking of this, he had the desire to live a long life again, and wanted to draw a life card...

Not only will greed not stop, but it will keep getting bigger and bigger like a snowball. Once you get one thing, you want another.

"One more set..."

"One more set..."

Mr. Min Cheng's eyes were red, and he couldn't stop at all, until he was impatiently waiting, and the other brothers and brothers who saw red eyes pushed them away. Although his legs were repaired, he lacked muscles and could not stand steadily. He was still sitting in a wheelchair. Others grabbed the handle of his wheelchair and pushed them away in a circle. snatched.

"Bastard, let me smoke, let me smoke!"

The money in the bank flowed out like water, and it was shown that the operator was an old man of his own family, but all of them were collected into the same mysterious overseas account. This is really weird.

Worried that something was wrong, the children called the old man immediately, but all of them were either dropped or no one answered.

They all knew that the old man went to the tea room with a friend he had made in the world, so they hurriedly called the manager of the tea room. The manager rushed over to take a look and saw Song Juyao and the card.

Seeing the frenzy of the old men again, the manager's eyes suddenly became complicated. After going out, he whispered cautiously, "It seems that there is a liar who is playing tricks on the old men. It's a bit like gambling."


The juniors in the family happened to be playing in the chess and card room next to the tea room, so I called them and asked them to go over and see what was going on.

The juniors of each family were suddenly very angry, but someone dared to deceive their family? Tired of living! Wait, let's beat him until his parents don't recognize him.

"Wait, what do you think they are playing? Are they playing card draw?" Lin Weiqi was very sensitive and asked.

"It seems to say there are cards." Could it be a tarot card or something? It doesn't seem right.

Lin Weiqi immediately ran out of the chess and card room and rushed to the tea room. He hasn't thanked the goddess in person yet, and he's been calling her in his heart for the past few days, but he hasn't seen her appear. Now that he knows where she is, of course he has to go to worship immediately! This is his god!

Lin Weiqi was so excited that he had long forgotten the brothers behind him, so a group of people followed him to the tea room. As soon as the door opened, they all saw the card pool and cards emitting white light in the air, as well as those wrapped in black robes. , looks unfathomable, mysterious and dangerous figure.


What fantasy scene is this? Are they dreaming? hallucinations

"Stinky boy, what are you doing? Get out!" The old man who was interrupted to draw the card said angrily. He looked at his grandson now and felt disgusted, got in the way, and got out of the way.

Lin Weiqi was squeezed to the point of crashing into the street, only to realize that he had brought a group of people over, and suddenly looked at Song Juyao in a panic, "Please forgive me."

"It doesn't matter, this is what you said, fate." Song Juyao said softly, with a wave of the wooden stick, the white light disappeared. The ten cards that flew out before they could be flipped, turned into white light and disappeared.

The old man who had just smoked his turn suddenly widened his eyes, "This..."

"When I hear your call again, you can buy your destiny card again."

The old man's tears almost fell.

"But you hear so many prayers every day, how can you hear my voice?" he said pitifully.

Song Juyao seemed a little hesitant, and thoughtfully said to himself, "What you said makes sense, more and more people are coming everywhere, and it's also very troublesome."

"Are you willing to live in my house?" the old man said with good ears and bright eyes. He remembered that the old guy Hai Wentao said that it would be difficult to wait for her to appear, and he could imagine how tormented he would be from today, so it would be great if he could turn passive into active.

Others immediately looked at you with such treacherous eyes, and also invited them out one after another. If she really has the potential to become an honored guest in her own house, it would be better, not only can she buy more cards at any time, but also Take the opportunity to have a good relationship with her. What exactly is she, is she a god, a demon or something else, and what is going on with these magical cards? They would love to know.

However, the mysterious creature wrapped in black robe slowly looked towards Lin Weiqi.

The first believer, who was also eager to move in his heart but dared not speak out, suddenly trembled with excitement, God, God, the goddess wants to live in my house? God bless me!