Kneel to Me

Chapter 35


The audience was stunned. They finally understood what was going on at this moment. Song Juyao and the NPCs in these virtual worlds had already discovered the existence of temporary real NPCs, and they had been making plans to finally catch them all in one go. , and also invented scientific machines to drag their true colors out of the NPC's body!

【Oh my god! ! ! ! 】

【I kneel! 】

[Mom asked me why I was kneeling to watch the trial show]

[Song Juyao... Too awesome, right? For so long, she has remained silent, and she has not shown the slightest clue under the eyes of so many of our audience... This fucking is a national talent! 】

[Song Juyao is so handsome! ! ! Said she would try to rape a man because of her beauty in the real world? Don't you think this sounds stupid? She is absolutely wronged! 】

[These temporary real NPCs are finished, look at what they do in the virtual world, they are disgusting and terrifying, with human faces and animal hearts, who would dare to interact with them]

【… 】

The show crew couldn't help but stop their movements, dumbfounded in place.

They were still in a hurry to repair the biological cabin a second ago, looking for someone to see if there is a bug in the virtual world system. I don't believe it is because Song Juyao did something in the virtual world that led to the temporary real NPC. Yes, but now, Song Juyao slapped them hard.

They were shocked. After all, the program team was not a scientific group, it was a working team composed of ordinary people, ordinary directors, ordinary writers and directors... It was nothing more than a reality show. It was the first time they encountered such a thing.

It has always been the people who are being judged that they are in the palm of their hands, and they have been played around. Now, for the first time, there are people who are being judged so ruthlessly, in a field that they cannot understand, counterattacking them.

Now... what should I do

In the luxury clubhouse, Huo Sen's group was also dumbfounded.

Just now, I was able to shout the word "Niubi", but at this time, I was already dumbfounded, and it was difficult to say a word.

Damn... it's too strong! !

Song Juyao... As expected of that Song Juyao... She was really hurt by Huo Hai, if it weren't for Huo Hai, she would be so bright in the real world!

Thinking of this, the look in Huo Sen's eyes became more complicated.

Huo Sen looked at the screen, Song Juyao on the screen was so dazzling, fascinated and curious.

In the virtual world, sitting next to the "Secretary of the Education Bureau", the faces of the few people who were laughing and enjoying these NPCs that they didn't pay attention to, finally changed after they realized what happened.

They looked panicked, what? isn't it? impossible

The "Secretary of Education" has fallen into a state of overly frightened, shaking like a sieve, his clothes are soaked, and it seems that he will urinate in the next moment.

"Is this your true face?" Song Juyao tilted his head, "It's a beast that looks like a human."

Song Juyao pressed a button, the light disappeared, and the figure also disappeared. She then pushed the imager towards the second person.

The second person is the boy.

When he saw Song Juyao coming over, his eyes were split, and he tried to hide behind him, shouting in horror: "I want to quit! Let me quit! The show team! The show team let me out!! Ahhh!"

If you know your true colors, it will be over. How many people are watching the show? Among them, there must be his parents, relatives, classmates and teachers... He can't imagine what he will do in the future after seeing his true face. It's too scary, is he having a nightmare? !

However, he desperately struggled and shouted, but the program team did not give him any response. After the live channel was opened, the closing time was beyond the control of the program team.

Song Juyao pressed the button, and in the eyes of the boy's despair and collapse, another naked figure appeared. Although the naked and exposed private parts were automatically mosaicked by the system, his face was completely exposed. in the live room.

Then, it's the turn of the "Prime Minister", the chainsaw pervert...

They also screamed in panic and collapsed, calling the program team loudly, and even their snot and tears burst out, but they could not escape this terrifying fate.

A piece of true face appeared in front of all the audience.

[… I also signed up for a temporary real NPC, but luckily I wasn’t selected! ! ! 】

[Too disgusting, remember the faces of these people, I hope not to meet on the road]

[Mom, that boy is the senior of our school. He has good grades and looks very well-behaved, but is he so mentally abnormal? terrible! 】

[The pervert of the chainsaw is my neighbor... Our owner group is crazy now. With such a person living in the same building, who can sleep peacefully? I? Thank you for your concern, I'm already on my way to defect to my friends qaq]

[Speaking of which, why didn't the show crew withdraw people? Let Song Juyao reveal his true colors? ? 】

【Is the program group dead? ? Doesn't that get people out? ? 】

[I make a bold guess, it's not that the show crew didn't pull people out, but they couldn't pull them out, and that helmet is the reason! 】

[It is speculated that Song Juyao and the others did not immediately arrest those temporary real NPCs because they found that they could run away at any time, so after delaying the time, they quickly developed and made the helmet behind their backs to ensure that everything was safe, and then they immediately attacked them! 】

The audience finally fully understood what happened. In the last two hours of the live broadcast of the first live broadcast of the new season of "Justice" reality show, it ushered in the biggest climax. Both the ratings and the topics have exploded. Completely surpassed the first season.

There are too many elements of concern in this climax, and the hot search topic list has been completely slaughtered.


#Song Juyao, the strongest judge in history#

#Temporary real NPC's true face was revealed#

#judgment show accident#



#… #

Those temporary real-life NPCs whose true colors were revealed are all on the list, just because some of them are entrepreneurs, children of entrepreneurs, famous writers, etc...

[Although it is a virtual world, is it too presumptuous? They just want to do this kind of thing.”

[Should that chainsaw pervert be caught? He is like this in the virtual world, and there is no guarantee that he will not kill people in the real world! 】

[Song Juyao is going too far, everyone is public, and there is a child among them. Is this forcing people to die? 】

[Can the Virgin get away? Throwing strong corrosive potion on the face of the cleaner's aunt looking at the disfigured child with a smile? This kind of child will die as soon as possible]

[Song Juyao is so scheming that she can make such a plan under the noses of 1.5 billion viewers. She is also quite terrifying. In reality, I would not make friends with such a person]

[Before you want to make friends with people of Song Juyao's level, don't pee to see if you are worthy]

There was a lot of uproar on the Internet, the social network platform almost collapsed, and all the employees who were on vacation had to be called back to work overtime to maintain the server.

Ming Shu was dumbfounded and sent messages to Tang Kai again and again.

"Senior, have you watched the live broadcast? Senior Sister is so awesome!!!!"

Tang Kai was watching the live broadcast in his spare time, and when he saw the message, he replied to her: "You still call her senior sister?"

"Ah, ah, I regret coming out early, why did I come out early, am I stupid? I should find a way to follow her so that I can see these things with my own eyes ah ah ah, this is an ordinary talent in my movies. The scene I saw ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

Tang Kai: "Calm down."

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Tang Kai: "… "

Well, in fact, he also really wants to see these things happen in that world with his own eyes. It must be very shocking and a new experience, but Mingshu may be able to see it, but he can't. After all, he is just a school doctor...

Thinking of this, Tang Kai felt relieved when he saw Ming Shu's regretful scream.

At this time, Ming Shu sent another message: "Senior, do you know who the star judge will be in the second phase?"

The first episode is about to end, the star judge of the second episode must have been decided, but it has not been announced yet, because everyone in the entertainment industry is rushing to be on this show, so it's really not good who won the prize. Guess. However, based on Tang Kai's coffee position and connections, you should already know who the second issue is.

"It's hard to say, there should be changes. Song Juyao is not easy to deal with. Those brokerage companies have learned our lessons and will make plans again. It is also possible to withdraw."

"There must be Jiang Mi, right?" Ming Shu said, this Jiang Mi has connoted her before, which probably means that she is useless, and she is also bringing rhythm to her fans. She is a black fan of Song Juyao, and she hates it very much.

Tang Kai acquiesced.

Ming Shu thought to herself, wow, that's great, Song Juyao can take care of her then!

There is only one hour left for the first live broadcast, the audience rating has reached its peak, and the number of people in the live broadcast room is about to reach 2 billion.

There is still an hour left, but the show team has already lost their fighting spirit. They are facing a lot of trouble. The family members of the temporary real NPC who were first exposed by Song Juyao called and scolded and held accountable, and asked them to immediately call their family members. The spiritual body was withdrawn from the virtual world. How could they have let go of the show team after losing such a big face

But they couldn't withdraw at all, and they were even worried about whether they could be automatically ejected by the virtual world system after the live broadcast. If not, the show would be over.

Even Director Tan Wei, who didn't take Song Juyao's popularity into his eyes at first, his face has become very ugly, he sat on the chair at a loss, watching the staff run around like headless flies. Go, I can't even smoke anymore.

Mr. K hurried over, and he stood up quickly, as if he had found a savior.

"Mr. K, there must be something wrong with the system, please take a look!"

Mr. K didn't come alone, and he also brought a companion. After all, if there is a problem with the system, and the real person stays in the virtual world and cannot come out, the matter will be very serious.

At the same time, Qin Wei was also afraid of another thing, and asked cautiously: "Mr. K, over there in the palace... Has your Majesty not been disturbed by these messy things?"

Mr. K: "Your Majesty doesn't have time to take care of this. But if things get bigger, it won't be so."

Qin Wei shivered.

It was summer at this time, and the weather in the real world was very hot, but the people in the palace thought it was not hot enough, not only did they not turn on the air conditioner, but also turned on the heating.

"The heating is increased, and if it can't be bigger, the ground stove is set on fire, and the fireplace is also lit!"

Wearing a suit and glasses, the shrewd-looking interior officer was soaked with sweat, and his handkerchief was soaked in three or two times.

"Slow down, don't disturb Your Majesty!"

"Sir, it's not good, the heating pipe is broken..."

"How could it be broken! Why don't you call someone to fix it!"

Several elderly envoys had tears in their eyes, and they almost hugged their heads and cried.

"Your Majesty's situation is getting worse..."

"If it goes on like this, it will cause various natural disasters and the country will perish sooner or later."

"You've aged so fast lately, you see your face is full of wrinkles."

"!! Do you think you are not?!"

"What kind of pain is she going through to make His Majesty feel such pain? Other countries are also helping to search, so hundreds of thousands of prison-incarceration crimes have also been solved, but they just can't be found."

"Our country is so vast, it's not easy to find someone who doesn't know his name, age, or appearance... But if this continues, it will be bad..."

"After all, Your Majesty is really... how can you throw away your 'heart' just because you feel affected..."

"Oh, shut up, don't talk about the past, the most important thing is to find the destined person..."

"… "

People don't know anything about what's going on in the palace. Now all over the country and from all walks of life, there are many people who are discussing and watching this trial show, and people's attention is on this live broadcast.

within the virtual world.

Jiang Baiqi looked at Song Juyao's office, which was clean and bright, with her trophies and certificates on the cabinet, and a faint fragrance wafting in the air.

He could imagine Song Juyao lying on the table to work, he must be very serious.

He has been sitting here for almost three hours, but he doesn't feel bored or impatient at all, just sits here quietly, imagining the picture of her working here, knowing that she is under this roof, he feels Very reassuring.

Several text messages from Jiang Bailuo came from the phone.

Jiang Bailuo: [Brother? ? ? what happened? ? where are you? ? ? ]

Jiang Bailuo watched Jiang Baiqi be taken away last night. He hasn't come back yet, and Song Juyao has disappeared. He is inevitably scared and curious.

Jiang Baiqi ignored him, until his parents started sending text messages to ask, he just replied casually and told them his location. Immediately, more shocking and curious text messages bombarded, and Jiang Baiqi directly turned off the phone.

He got up and walked out of the office. Passing by an office with an open door, the footsteps stopped suddenly.

"Have you met that boyfriend who is slender?"

"I saw it, but it's very strange, I can't remember what it looks like... It seems that the sense of existence is very thin."

"I feel the same way! I just said that I can't remember what he looks like. I can't remember what he looks like. This person has a special physique?"

"But the sense of existence is so thin, shouldn't he be handsome? Don't handsome guys have their own light?"

"It's not that I said, Yaoyao is so good-looking and smart. Although Jiang Baiqi is also a genius, but there are so many geniuses in this world, there are always handsome and good characters... He is not a good match for us. Also. I don't know what to expect from him."

"Don't tell me, a genius who can make something that makes Mr. Alberga's heart move is not an ordinary genius..."

"… "

Even the people who work in this place are human and have a natural love for gossip.

Jiang Baiqi was standing in the corridor. Someone passed by him, but he didn't notice his existence. He looked at the document and passed by. The staff in the house quickly changed the subject and started chatting.

He lowered his eyelids, his long eyelashes framed two silhouettes on his pale cheeks, and the thin lips under the high bridge of his nose were pressed together tightly.

Why do you make that helmet? He did not seriously answer Alberga's question. He once doubted the authenticity of this world, and doubted why he existed in this world, like an outsider, like a stray person, so his sense of existence was thin and out of tune with this world.

Because of this suspicion, he made that thing by magic, but the results of the experiment did not meet his expectations. At most, he was in a coma for a few hours. When he opened his eyes, what he saw was this desperate world.

The appearance of Song Juyao made him feel the meaning of his existence. Although this world is dark, as long as there is Song Juyao, there will be light.

But it turns out that this is not enough. In the eyes of others, will his existence affect Song Juyao's light? Will there be other shining people, such as Jin Yu Jin Yao, who try to take her away because they look down on him

Someone walked past him, took a few steps, suddenly stopped and turned his head, "Jiang Baiqi?! Your sense of existence... It's incredible."

It was Albega.

The inertial thinking of growing up in an arms dealer family made two illegal occupations suitable for Jiang Baiqi instantly appear in Albega's mind, spy and killer. Jiang Baiqi's miraculous sense of existence can't be stolen.

Before, he took a fancy to his mechanical bug technology and sent someone to investigate. The famous private detective took a long time to complete the task because of Jiang Baiqi's low sense of existence. After taking so many photos, after the end He shouted that the business had lost a lot of money, and every day he opened his eyes and played the game of finding Jiang Baiqi, and he would be blinded if he found it.

But thinking about it, it's pretty sad.

Alberga came back and walked to Jiang Baiqi's side, and slapped him on the back with a heroic slap, "Do you want to find my student? She's a little busy, please let me take you to dinner first, let's go."

"Can't I go to where she works now?"

"Oh, of course not, that involves top secrets."

"Is there a shortage of people in the Olympic team?" Jiang Baiqi asked suddenly.

Albert paused, his eyes full of oppression met Jiang Baiqi's eyes, and Jiang Baiqi's big light gray eyes looked at him calmly.

Jiang Baiqi: "Does your family's arms business accept technology as a stake?"

Obviously it is a question sentence, but he said it, but it gave people the feeling of a declarative sentence, as if he was very sure that he could get what he wanted. He knew his ability, but he never took it seriously.

Alberga suddenly felt the charm of this kid, who usually looks inconspicuous, but actually has a kind of arrogance and domineering hidden in his body. Those calm gray eyes seemed to say that what he wanted, he would definitely get it, and what he wanted to do, he would definitely be able to do it.

And the fact is, he really has absolutely no reason to reject such a genius. Whether it is the Olympic team, or his family.

Alberga instantly showed a bold and domineering smile, and reached out to Jiang Baiqi: "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

Jiang Baiqi reached out and shook his hand.

The world is so superficial, as long as he has more wealth, fame and power than most people, he can offset most of his flaws. No one will question why he can stay by her side and question her vision.

When Jiang Baiqi came back, Song Juyao was already resting in the office. She was thinking, and the pen in her hand wrote three words on the notebook.

- Program group.

After writing, I redrawn a circle.

The show crew watched with trepidation, and the audience watched nervously.

Although the program team immediately passed through the biological cabin and completely lowered the five senses of the collapsed temporary real NPCs to the lowest level, entering a state of anesthesia, and words could not be explained clearly, but the temporary real NPCs shouted and shouted before, it was revealed. Some information comes out.

At this moment, the 20-minute countdown to the end of the first live broadcast, the program team has no way to fight back against Song Juyao, they only hope that, at least, it will not be more ugly.

[Song Juyao should not be able to guess the truth of this world]

[If she even guessed the truth of the world, I would kneel to her on the spot]

[You should be suspicious of alien creatures or superpowers at most]

[Song Juyao is really, really amazing! ! ! ! 】

[Trash program group, trash program group, trash program group! Incompetent bungler! ! 】

【What happened to those temporary real NPCs? 】

Seeing Jiang Baiqi, Song Juyao showed him a bright and warm smile. Jiang Baiqi saw the tiredness in her eyes. If he had known that he would love her so much, he would have joined the Olympic team early, stayed by her side, and shared the pressure for her.

"Would you like to eat first?" Jiang Baiqi put out the meals he had packed from the cafeteria.

Song Juyao found that Jiang Baiqi packed a little too much, "You didn't eat either? Do you want to eat with me?"


"Do you feel lonely if you haven't seen me for a few hours?" Song Juyao smiled and rolled his eyes to tease him.

Jiang Baiqi was not teased very much, and the tips of his ears suddenly turned red. He gave her a bowl of rice, and his voice was hoarse, "Let's eat."

Song Juyao walked over to him and sat down, watching him bow his head and serving dishes. The first issue is about to end, and she will leave soon. After the real person leaves, what is the state of the virtual world? Still running automatically, or all NPCs go to sleep and don't wake up until the second phase begins.

If she suddenly disappears in front of Jiang Baiqi, what will happen to him

She had no way of knowing, and no time to care.

How long will it be? ten minutes? five minutes

You have to leave a suspenseful ending in the first episode, just like a good TV series, you must throw a hook at the end of each episode, so that the audience is full of curiosity and anticipation, so that they can't wait to watch the next 's episode.

5 minutes countdown to the end of the first period...

"I want to be by your side all the time." Jiang Baiqi said, and he told Song Juyao that he would also join the Olympic team, hoping that she would not think he was too clingy.

"You will always be by my side." In the second issue, you will definitely be by my side.

3 minutes countdown to the end of the first issue...

"Do you think something is wrong?" Song Juyao took two bites absentmindedly, and suddenly asked Jiang Baiqi.

At this time, the director's heart was beating like thunder, and the scalp was instantly tense, and the audience couldn't help clenching their hands nervously.

Jiang Baiqi looked up at her.

1 minute countdown to the end of the first issue...

"About the speculation of those who 'take the house', they think that maybe a certain organization has some kind of technological weapon, which can kill other people's spiritual bodies and then possess them... But a thought popped up in my mind that made me feel horrified The possibility that we…or I, are being teased, being observed…”

In the upper right corner of the live broadcast room, the countdown enters the last 10 seconds...

Song Juyao looked down at the bowl, her voice faintly speaking as if telling a horror story, the program crew was sweating profusely and her scalp tingling.

"I think, this world..."

5, 4…

"Quick, quick!" The people in the program group couldn't help but stand up, staring at the number nervously and frantically, with a strong ominous premonition, which made them impatient for this episode to end immediately.

Hurry up! It's over! ! Don't let her say it! Shut up! ! !

3, 2…

Song Juyao suddenly raised his eyes and looked directly at the invisible camera. His black eyes were full of affirmation, and without a doubt, they directly hit people's hearts.

"—not real."


At the end of the countdown, the live broadcast room suddenly fell into darkness, and only a large barrage was still floating on it.

The Justice Judgment studio was silent, everyone was dumbfounded and their expressions were blank.

The barrage also appeared blank for a moment, and after a few seconds, an overwhelming scream suddenly erupted.