Kneel to Me

Chapter 85: 085 (10W nutrient solution plus more)


Song Juyao and the ghost king fought from the ground to the sky, and the wind and clouds changed color. The speed was so fast that it was difficult to see with the naked eye. They quickly collided and quickly separated. During the period, they had already made hundreds of moves.

Song Juyao's ponytail fluttered, and her spiritual power scattered like tiny stars, making her look like a radiance in the dark night, extremely holy. Occasionally, she and the ghost king slowed down, the sword against the sword, the two faces confronted each other, Song Juyao's eyes were dark and bright, firm and cold, full of awe-inspiring sense of justice.

Everyone was stunned. They had never seen such a wonderful battle, and had never felt the charm of the sword bearer.

In the past ten years, Song Juyao has swung the sword with her left and right hands at least 30,000 times a day in places that outsiders can't see, to ensure that the strength and angle of each swing are accurate. will be an extra millimeter. Until these are integrated into the bone marrow and become instinctive, things that can be done easily.

Her sword looks delicate and light, but it is actually an epee. The epee magnifies the attack power, making up for her inherent weakness as a woman. Of course, the wrist can bear this weight, and it is also trained day after day.

As long as you are ruthless, dolls can be trained into strong men.

Day after day, the skin of both hands was torn again and again, dripping with blood, and the hilt of the sword used for practice was stained with her blood. After washing it again and again, it was still gradually stained because of the excessive number of times. Red, until the hands are covered with thick calluses and will never be worn out again.

"Why have you been doing these basic trainings? It's almost enough. The important thing is swordsmanship, not this one slash, right?" Second Senior Brother couldn't understand. The sword is just to know how to properly draw the sword and find the feel if you hold the sword.

Moreover, they are sword cultivators, and the important thing is not even swordsmanship, but the cultivation of spiritual power. If there is no spiritual blessing, the sword will be blunt as a hatchet when slashing on the ghost.

But Song Juyao has been practicing these basic skills every morning for three years.

Song Juyao didn't say anything, just said, "Second Senior Brother, I have done two tricks."

"Okay." He smiled, feeling that the little girl in front of him owed a beating.

The second senior brother was 24 years old at the time. He had been a swordsman for 10 years. He was better than Song Juyao in both swordsmanship and combat experience. He really had the upper hand at the beginning. Song Juyao was kicked by him several times, but every time Song Juyao Yaodu stood up again and attacked him again.

In the yard, the sound of swords colliding with swords came and went, the brothers were all watching, and the third uncle also came to watch.

The second senior brother was teasing the child, and his fox eyes were squinting, which contrasted sharply with Song Juyao's serious expression.

Just under such contempt, a heavy slashing attack suddenly came. He pulled his sword to block, and his wrists suddenly numb. In the next second, the sword was picked up by the backhand and flew into the sky, deeply inserted into the ground.

The second senior brother was stunned, and the onlookers were also stunned.

Song Juyao retracted his sword, "Second Senior Brother, you lost."

"...You have a lot of strength." Second Senior Brother rubbed his numb wrists, thinking that he had misestimated Song Juyao's strength, which made her take advantage of it.

"It's not a question of strength." Uncle Third said, "You have too many useless tricks. Every single blow she strikes is flawless, and the angle is still very accurate. You still despise her, and the burden on your wrist is too great. I don't feel it, you can't see it without losing the sky."

Because most ghosts can't fight with people, especially with swords, swords are basically decorations, just a sign of swordsmanship. Although they also learn swordsmanship, they are not based on the premise of fighting against people.

Song Juyao is different. Her swordsmanship is not only aimed at the ghosts of this world. She can use it in other worlds as well as in the real world. She is very smart. She knows how to calculate the angle of tennis to increase the opponent's knee Wear and tear will naturally reduce the loss of physical strength and muscle damage to defeat the enemy.

Therefore, each of her swords must be full of aggressiveness, and there must be no emptiness.

After winning the second senior brother in the battle, Song Juyao was still not arrogant or impetuous, and carried out his daily training plan without haste. She worshipped under the sect of the third uncle, who taught her swordsmanship, and she adjusted and improved it to be the most suitable for her.

Infected, and gradually, the little girl has fifteen and sixteen brothers, then seventeen, eighteen... Finally, the second brother also joined.

From winter to spring, cold to summer, the figure in the yard is gradually drawn, and he has become a qualified sword cultivator who can stand on his own.


The battle between Song Juyao and the ghost king is still going on.

On the ground, the master and the brothers had already dealt with those lieutenants. There was too much anger. After Song Juyao cleared an open space, it began to spread again. They pulled up the master on the ground and took Yujian away.

The masters no longer have a trace of spiritual energy in their bodies, and they are seriously injured.

In the Xiaoqiao Liushui courtyard, the middle-aged man looked at the stars in the sky, and his face suddenly changed.

"No, there are evil stars blocking the way, the situation in City B has changed, and our plans have changed, what's going on?... No, I can't figure it out, I have to tell the master!"

The battle was so long, and the evil spirits were also rolled up like waves. The darkest time of dawn has come. The sword cultivators of the Sword Sect of the Absolute Beginning brought all the masters out of the tomb of King Ling, and the government helicopter has been dispatched. Pick up.

Now waiting for the final result.

The ghost king didn't expect Song Juyao to be so difficult. He has been consuming her spiritual power. However, Song Juyao's spiritual power does not know what is going on. It is so vast and can't be exhausted. , was hurt by her again and again.

He didn't notice these small scars at all, until the scars became very numerous, and his body was swallowed like a frog by a little bit of warm water, and he finally realized that he thought he had set a consumption spirit for Song Juyao. In fact, Song Juyao used his trap to set another trap.

He finally lost his patience and began to feel a strong sense of crisis.

He fell into the ground from the air and was drowned in the evil spirit. Then, taking him as a circle, the evil spirit was attracted and formed a huge ball. He wrapped the evil balloon and rushed towards Song Juyao, Song Juyao Without fear, he rushed towards him.

The figures of the ghost king and Song Juyao were both submerged in the huge dark cloud-like sphere in the dark night sky.

It was so dark that even the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial show could only see the darkness and couldn't see Song Juyao.

[Ah, I can't see it! ! ! 】

【So nervous ah ah ah】

[If Song Juyao dies again this time, wouldn't the third issue be restarted for the tenth time? 】

[You won't die, come on! ! ! 】

Liang Qiao stared at the live broadcast room, but hoped that Song Juyao would die, so that he could arrange other scripts. This time, he would definitely keep his eyes on her and never allow her to deviate from the script!

In the virtual world, a hint of fish maw white has appeared on the horizon, and the darkest time of dawn has passed.

In the military podium, everyone looked nervously at the huge evil air mass.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and a man in a wheelchair was pushed in.

They turned their heads and immediately stood up straight, "Mr. Guo Shi."

The man looked very young, less than thirty years old, wearing a white silk Tai Chi suit, with a rather handsome and gentle face, his eyes were melancholy and compassionate, and his temperament was noble, like a snow lotus in the Tianshan Mountains.

"I heard that there is an accident in City B, come and see."

A general walked over in person, took the wheelchair handle, and pushed him to the screen.

On the screen, the ominous air mass was still attracting more ominous air, forming even more ominous air. The observer wanted to see Song Juyao's situation inside, and he had been controlling the satellite to zoom in on the camera.

"What's the situation?" the national teacher asked.

"It's the sword cultivator of the Sword Sect in the early days. He's very powerful. Now he's fighting the ghost king." The situation is too complicated, and I don't know what to say.

"Jianxiu?" He showed a surprised expression, staring at the vicious mass, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Jianxiu... Although I don't know what's going on, it's impossible for anyone to win in such a large and dense mass of vicious air. Those vicious air will invade people's bone marrow, and under the bone-chilling cold and pain, no one can win. There will be no counterattack, just like the more than eight million people in city B at this time.

Suddenly, he frowned slightly.

In the vicious mass, a roar of unwilling evil spirit suddenly came out, sharp and ear-piercing, and then disappeared.

"This is… "

A dazzling light pierced out of the darkness, and the light was too dazzling. Whether it was the people from the Xuanling faction, the people on the podium, or the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial show, everyone subconsciously turned their faces away or raised their arms to cover.

After a while, the light dissipated, and they opened their eyes to see that the darkness had been broken, and was struggling in vain to gradually disappear. The bright red morning sun rose, and the light passed through. Between the strong black and red, there was a slender figure standing in the sky. , looking at the sun with his back to everyone, his high ponytail being blown by the wind.

Then she turned around, and the sun became her foil.

At that moment, she was as dazzling as a hope, and everyone would surrender involuntarily.

There was no sound in the ears of the national teacher. He stared blankly at the big screen. The world was very quiet, only his heartbeat was pounding and stinging his eardrums.

The live broadcast room of the trial show was silent for a long time, and screamed again.

【Ahhh! ! ! 】

[Stunning, my god ah ah ah! ! 】

【What kind of god is coming! ! ! What a top alpha! 】

[Screenshots, screenshots, this can be used as a desktop! ! 】

【Ah ah, get on me! ! ! 】

Song Juyao turned his head and looked at City B, which was overwhelmed by evil aura and shrouded in darkness.

real world. royal palace.

The king looked at Song Juyao and clenched his heart abruptly. Silver eyes stared at her.

b city.

The sun has risen, but the sunlight cannot penetrate the thick black mud. The whole city B has become a dead city. All the flowers, plants and trees have died, and the fragile fish and birds and other small animals also spit white. Mo died, and the large dogs, cattle and sheep with slightly more tenacious vitality were twitching, and they were not far from death.

People fell to the ground, weeping in pain and fear.

It hurts so much, the evil anger is burrowing into the cracks of the bones and into the bone marrow, and the pain is worse than death.

But even so, if they want to live, will they die? When will the government come to their rescue? What happened, is it the end of the world

Someone pulls out their phone and wants to check the web.

However, the network of city b has been cut off, they cannot contact the outside world, and they are isolated.

Luo Ping fell on the balcony and suddenly thought of something. He was very interested in metaphysics, and discussed with the enthusiasts some things that ordinary people don't know, so he suddenly understood.

It's not the end of the world, it's an evil bomb. Otherwise, there would be no possibility of so many outbursts of evil. There must be a problem with King Ling's tomb, and the government gave up on them for the sake of other cities.

They were abandoned.

The government's rescue is most conservatively estimated to take at least five days. Because the protective clothing that can isolate the evil spirit is expensive and heavy, people who must be specially trained can wear it. And the city B is so large and has a population of several million, the rescue process must be is slow. How many people will die in five days? sick, hungry, thirst...

He will die here too.

Luo Ping burst into tears, despair and anger, why are they the one who was abandoned? Why do they have to experience this

At this moment, a white light lit up, Luo Ping raised his head with tears streaming down his face, and saw that the darkness had been split into a path. He was stunned, and saw one after another of white light splitting down, and the darkness was split again and again. They resisted stubbornly, but they had no power to fight back. In the end, they shattered like pieces of paper.

More and more light entered the city, dispelling the despair and darkness that shrouded everyone's heart. Luo Ping looked up and saw a figure descending into the world like a hero. He was stunned, and tears rolled down his eyes unconsciously. Come.

Inside the military commanding station, the general suddenly came back to his senses, "Quick! Immediately start rescue for city b!!"

Song Juyao fell to the ground, stood up straight, and took a deep breath. Feeling the stupid gazes gathered from all directions, he lowered his eyes slightly to block the light that flashed through his eyes.

Baimeng Book

It's better to come here by coincidence. The incident of King Ling's tomb has helped her a lot. If there is no accident, she will be able to see Archie right away.