Kneel to Me

Chapter 86: 086 (10W5 nutrient solution plus more)


There is too much ill will in B city, Song Juyao has already consumed a lot of physical strength and can no longer continue. Fortunately, her masters and brothers are all there, and the government immediately started follow-up work.

Not only Song Juyao, but even her senior brothers can use swords to purify evil spirits. Even if their power is not as powerful as Song Juyao, they are still more powerful than ordinary cultivators of the sect.

"Why?" A master sat on the helicopter, looking at the scene below, clutching his chest, and asked inexplicably.

Uncle Three stood on the side, looked at the busyness of the disciples below, and answered with his sword in his arms: "You use spiritual power to purify, we use spiritual power to transform into murderous aura to destroy, can it be the same?"

Limited spiritual power, unlimited killing intent. In the early days, after Song Juyao translated all the secrets of the Book Collection Pavilion, they finally understood the mysteries of Jianxiu and realized something that had never been seen before.

There is only one word for the profound meaning of Sword Sect at the beginning of time—kill.

Do not cross people, do not cross souls, kill to kill, domineering, tough, ruthless, and never compromise.

Compared to the Sword Sect at the beginning of time, other sects appear to be too gentle.

The master said silently, suddenly understood something, and showed a wry smile: "Yes, people's hearts are sinister, but gentleness grows arrogance, and toughness can make them fearful."

#b city lost contact#

The hot search has been on the Internet overnight, and people in other cities have found that they can't contact their family, friends and colleagues in city b. They can't even dial the relevant departments over there. All stopped at the same moment.

Panic spread in the hearts of people in various cities. They were concerned about city b all night. People from all over the world were always contacting the government, wanting to know what happened to city b.

In the second half of the night, the government issued an announcement that there was an accident in the tomb of King Ling in City B, and the evil spirit gushing out of it flooded City B. The government has launched rescue efforts, and the national medical resources will be tilted towards City B.

The whole nation was in an uproar, and everyone couldn't sleep. They had been paying attention to the news on the Internet, worrying about the more than eight million compatriots.

At this time, another hot search appeared.

#Really someone is flying#

There are quite a few netizens who have photographed the scene of Jianzong Yujian flying to city b for rescue in the early days. A group of people stepped on their swords and flew across the sky under the moonlight. Not to mention the people who watched, the people who filmed were very stunned. I wondered if it was There is something wrong with the eyes.

As soon as they see the sword, people know that it must be Jianxiu, but when did Jianxiu become so powerful? And looking at the clothes, it was the Sword Sect of the Beginning.

[In the early days, the Sword Sect was already bewitched by Song Juyao, everything is so exaggerated, don't see if others can believe it? 】

[Song Juyao is embarrassed enough to purify with one sword, but now he still steps on Jianfei, where is the steel wire? 】

[Is this the human blood steamed buns from City B? 】

[It turns out that Song Juyao Yijian Purification is a lie? Damn, I thought she was really that powerful! 】

[It must be a lie, the anti-counterfeiting expert Luo Ping has spoken out]

Originally, everyone thought that Song Juyao was really that powerful yesterday, until Luo Ping, an expert in metaphysics, who often cracks down on fake and fraudulent videos on the Internet, spoke out and pierced a series of loopholes in Song Juyao. For example, no master can be so fast. After purifying the bad air, the public opinion was reversed, and Song Juyao turned from a arrogant to a showman.

Compared with a hundred-year-old trash who suddenly turned into a genius, it is more credible that the trash is fake.

However, no one thought that in the morning, as soon as the network in city b was restored, the Luo Ping big v would speak up.

Luo Ping v: [I hereby apologize to Master Song Juyao, Jianxiu, Jianxiu, in the early days. I am ashamed of my ignorance, because I have been staying at the bottom of the well and only saw a small piece of the sky, thinking that I have seen the whole picture of the world. I also yelled a liar when the bird told me what was out there, and took pride in it, I was a clown, a self-righteous frog in the well.

I was in the hospital, typing these words with tears in my eyes. Master Song Juyao didn't lie, she is a strong person who can purify evil with one sword, a hero in city B, and I have surrendered to her. I have never believed in any sect, but starting from today, I am a believer of Sword Sect in Taichu, and I will believe in it for the rest of my life. ]

As soon as Luo Ping made a sound, his fans were dumbfounded. Did he mean faith? ? ? This word has weight!

All major sects have their own believers. When there are more believers and more power of belief, the fate of this sect will change. Just like the Xuanling sect, which has the most believers, the mountains of the Xuanling sect are also full of spiritual energy. It also cultivated batch after batch of outstanding disciples.

This is also the reason why the major sects are becoming more and more like a company, and they often hold a press conference to launch new products. The main thing is not money, but attention and belief. For cultivators, spiritual energy is more precious than money.

But there are also many people who are unwilling to believe in sects, such as Luo Ping and others. They think that the reason why sects will become stronger because of their beliefs is because believers unconsciously transfer their luck to the sect. Why? They buy talisman paper to buy their products, and the money is not enough, and they have to give them their luck or anger

Luo Ping himself does not believe in sects, and he also appeals to others not to believe in it. As a result, he was still saying that Song Juyao was deceiving people yesterday. Today, he actually wants to believe in the Sword Sect of the Taichu Dynasty, and he must dedicate his "luck" and "fire" to the Sword of Taichu. Zong? ?

【Blink your eyes if you are kidnapped! 】

【What's wrong with you, Luo Luo? 】

[What's the matter with Song Juyao being the hero of city b? Could it be that they can really fly, not eating human blood buns? 】

At the same time as Luo Ping's speech, the hot search of #b city reunion# also came up, and at the same time, there were also #songjuyao# and #taichujianzong#, because people in b city have been mentioning it frequently, and there are even celebrities, Moreover, Luo Ping was not the only one who said that he wanted to believe in the Sword Sect of Absolute Beginning.

Food blogger Milk Vanilla v: I'm in love, I can't help falling in love with a superhero Song Juyao

Popular Xiaosheng Mo Renjie v: Announced to quit believing in Taizhenmen and convert to Taichu Jianzong.

k station up host xixiv: ah ah ah, I can't wait to edit the video of my goddess, but the material is not enough ah ah ah! !

Fu Erdai XX v: Song Shengqing, Lin Yin, Song Yaoqin, Dad, Mom, Sister, is it okay if I want to go to your house? Bringing a dowry of one billion yuan, not enough for me to ask my father for more [poor][poor]

Netizens in other cities: ? ?

what is going on? Song Juyao, Sword Sect in the early days, what did he do in City B? You guys are so curious! ! !

The person from City B who was asked: I'm sorry, the situation is too complicated, the scene is too exciting, I don't know how to describe it, you wait for the government to release the video! … if the government will let it go.

A meeting was held within the government regarding whether the satellite video of Jianzong's rush to rescue in city b in the early days, especially whether Song Juyao's battle video should be released.

"You have already seen the trend on the Internet. If the video is released, the Sword Sect in the early days will definitely become a rookie of the Immortal League. Song Juyao... The leader of the Immortal Sect is inevitable."

Everyone who saw the scene with their own eyes was shocked and had to be convinced. Although Song Juyao was still so young, after this battle, she must be a well-deserved leader of the righteous path, and no one could compete with her.

"But in this way, Jiang Baiqi will be handed over to Song Juyao to take care of him." Someone said, and then they all looked at the national teacher.

According to the rules, Jiang Baiqi should be taken care of by the strongest person and the strongest sect. Originally, Jiang Baiqi was taken care of by the Xuanling Sect, but the head of the Xuanling Sect was seriously injured in the tomb of King Ling, so it should be handed over to the state. The teacher came to take care of him, but now Song Juyao was born out of nowhere. He was amazingly strong, and he exuded an invincible temperament, making everyone appear short in front of her. If Jiang Baiqi is not handed over to her, Xianmeng will definitely make trouble.

The national teacher lowered his eyes, his long and thick eyelashes blocked everything in his eyes, and his hands on his knees curled up slightly, he asked gently: "In the beginning of Jianzong, have you joined the Xianmeng?"

When they were stunned, a general immediately asked people to check, and then they were pleasantly surprised to find that the Sword Sect did not join the Immortal League in the beginning! In the early days, Jianzong did not join the Xianmeng, so Song Juyao was not a member of the Xianmeng!

The two government cars drove up the pitted mountain road of the Sword Sect of the Beginning, and bumped all the way to the gate of the Sword Sect of the Beginning.

The young police officer jumped out of the car and vomited wildly.

The other two masters worked hard to suppress their anger, posing a calm and natural look.

"The signal here is too bad. I want to see how City B is doing." The lawyer said, "I have two clients over there."

"The Guard is Here"

The location of Taichu Jianzong is close to City B. Yesterday, after city B was banned from the Internet, this side was also affected. The network card was so mad that it was good now, but Taichu Jianzong was in the mountains, and it was originally a mobile phone signal. Bad place.

"Wait a minute to go in and use their wifi to see." The policewoman said.

"I think they are so poor that they don't even have wifi." The young police officer turned pale and was extremely upset: "You came here early in the morning to examine what Yujianfei is. If you want me to say, this kind of thing is impossible. It’s fine to refuse, and you have to work hard to review what you do.”

The policewoman ignored her and knocked on the door.

After a while, the Sect Master himself came to open the door.

"Sit down, they'll be back in a while." The sect master led them into the lobby and said with a smile: "The wifi password is the three 8s in the pinyin of the Sword Sect of the Beginning."

The young policeman blushed and lowered his head.

In the early days, Jianzong not only had wifi, but also the speed of the network was very fast. As soon as I connected it, I received the information immediately.

"Mingming said that the people who came to review today are not there, what do you mean..." The young man began to whisper again, "Did you hide it on purpose..."

When he pressed for it, he casually clicked on the video that the government had just posted and placed it on the homepage of everyone on the social platform.

I saw the video opened, and the title was #Tribute to the hero#.

At the beginning, it was the scene of the masters of various sects fighting desperately in the tomb of King Ling. They sacrificed their lives to sacrifice themselves for peace. The scene made people teary-eyed. When the scene changed, the tomb of King Ling exploded, cutting off the government launch. In the scene of the vicious bomb, the darkness seemed to pour out from the tomb, overwhelming the sky and covering the city B in an instant.

Almost all netizens who saw this scene cried, and seemed to feel the despair of the people in City B at that time. In the face of this kind of disaster, human beings are so insignificant and have no power to fight back! What is even more terrifying is that the blood-red and dazzling figure of the ghost king makes people's hair stand up instantly.

However, at this moment, the background bgm suddenly changed, Song Juyao appeared like a shooting star, she flew with her sword, volleyed a path in the darkness, and landed in front of the ghost king without fear. , the other sword cultivators from the Sword Sect of the Absolute Beginning also flew over...

Then, there was the shocking battle scene between Song Juyao and the ghost king.

No one outside of the movies has ever seen a scene like this, a fight like this.

Before opening this video, no one could have imagined that it would be like this.

They were shocked, shocked, in disbelief, and then screamed.

【Ah, ah, Nima is so handsome! ! ! 】

[I kneel, do you think my kneeling is standard or not? 】

[I finally understand why Luo Ping has changed from an unbeliever to a believer, especially if I see Song Juyao coming like this in despair, I have to kneel ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh]

[Do not cross people, do not cross souls, kill to kill! ! Mom! ! Song Juyao broke me, you take me to find her in charge]

[The people of the Sword Sect in the Absolute Beginning can really fly, they really can fly! ! ! So I actually photographed them, oh my god, I got a fairy! ! 】

Yuan Fei watched the video, the tall boy's eyes were red, he was right, and it was right to ask Song Juyao to go there, his efforts were not in vain!

The phone rang, he picked it up, and heard his brother's voice.

"Well done, Ah Fei." The elder brother said with admiration and relief, he already knew why Song Juyao and Taichu Jianzong arrived in time: "It was the elder brother who was wrong before. You are already a sensible adult."

Yuan Fei raised his arms and wiped his eyes with his sleeves. He said proudly, "I made a great contribution this time, do you want to reward me?"

"what would you like?"

"I want to worship Song Juyao as my teacher!"

"… "Neuropathy.

The video set off a frenzy on the Internet, and in the Sword Sect at the beginning, the expressions of the young police officers froze. Others, apparently seeing the video on the Internet, had dull expressions on their faces.

"Little friends, let's have a cup of tea, it's really hard for you." The sect master came out with the teapot again.

The young police officer hurriedly got up to take it, his face flushed, hot, and embarrassed.