Kneel to Me

Chapter 91


Lin Wanyu couldn't believe it, Tang Jie sent so many handsome and handsome men to seduce, but Song Juyao didn't respond, Jiang Baiqi? ? ? how is this possible?

Is Song Juyao playing tricks on him? Yes, it must be just a joke. She may think that the evil thing in front of her is too funny. She has no self-knowledge, and it is ridiculous that she dares to seduce her, so she plays with him.

Lin Wanyu's face was extremely ugly, the wheels of the wheelchair seemed to be flying, and he began to hate these two useless legs.

He stopped him sternly, but Jiang Baiqi didn't pay attention at all. He stared at Song Juyao's eyes, full of temptation, his Adam's apple rolled, and his breath was hot.

Lin Wanyu could feel the feeling of Song Juyao's breath spraying on his face. The fingers on his lips seemed to have electricity, and they got into his body, making him tremble all over. The beautiful eyes she looked down at, the streamer light in her eyes, made it hard to breathe.

Song Juyao's fingers gently stroked Jiang Baiqi's face, and even her ears were gently touched by her.

This ambiguous and charming scene has long made the audience of the trial show forget that Jiang Baiqi was wrong, and the chicken crowed wildly.

Kiss, hurry up and kiss! ! !

I can't wait to turn into a head-pressing party, press Song Juyao's head down, and let them fight frantically with their tongues.

Song Juyao's movements were too slow, Jiang Baiqi couldn't help it, and he leaned over with his own probe, but Song Juyao stepped back slightly to dodge, his hand slipped from his cheek, and gently rested on his neck, controlling him, Feel the blood rushing through the veins.

The fragile and sensitive neck was under control, and Lin Wanyu's breathing was momentarily out of control.

Jiang Baiqi reached out and pulled her hand down, pressed it on the thin bare/exposed chest, and leaned over again.

This time Song Juyao didn't move, the door was suddenly knocked open, but the four lips had already touched together.

"Bang", the sound was loud, and the scorching hot inside was instantly shattered.

The touch on his lips made Lin Wanyu stay in place. What? He subconsciously touched his lips.

But that touch quickly disappeared.

Song Juyao stood up and looked at the door. Lin Wanyu appeared at the door with a pale face and thin sweat on his forehead. The housekeeper was behind him in confusion.

Jiang Baiqi looked at Lin Wanyu, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, he stuck out his tongue, and licked his lips.

[How about it? How does it feel to kiss a woman? Oops, I'm really curious, how does it feel to kiss the leader of the righteous way? ]

Lin Wanyu came back to his senses, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Ms. Song." Lin Wanyu suppressed his emotions and relaxed his stiff facial muscles as much as possible, "Are you...?"

Song Juyao took back the hand on Jiang Baiqi's chest, and slowly straightened his waist, "It's nothing. Mr. Guoshi looks very anxious, is there something wrong?"

Lin Wanyu's wheelchair slid over and said, "I remembered that I didn't tell you some precautions, so I came back and explained it to you. Jiang Baiqi is a monster, he won't die if he doesn't eat or drink, and he is very good at it. Demagogic, so you don't need to be too gentle with him, you need to be vigilant. Those iron cables are made of spirit iron, which can suppress his ability to deceive people, so it's better that you don't untie them."

"I won't be bewitched by him." Song Juyao said, placing his hand lightly on Jiang Baiqi's head and stroking it twice.

This is not bewitched! If it wasn't bewitching, why did she touch him just now

But he couldn't say it, otherwise it would be exposed.

At this time, Jiang Bai took an inch, and leaned against Song Juyao again, sticking to her waist like a dog.

Lin Wanyu almost looked at Jiang Baiqi with sparks.

[Don't overdo it. ]

[How is it too much? Wouldn't it be nice if she was bewitched by me? There is no obstacle in your plan.]

[Idiot, how could she be bewitched by you, she's just kidding you]

[If you play tricks on me, you won't really kiss it, you feel her kiss, right?]

Lin Wanyu was suddenly speechless, and subconsciously pursed his lips.

Song Juyao stared at his expression, and some guesses flashed through her mind. She didn't show it at all, and reached out to hold Jiang Baiqi's hand: "I have to catch a plane, so I will take Jiang Baiqi away."

"Miss Song!" Lin Wanyu clenched the armrest of the wheelchair, "I advise you not to get too close to him, or you have already been bewitched."

"Now I'm Jiang Baiqi's caretaker. It's up to me how I treat him. I can even kill or cut him. Didn't you say that? The national teacher is pointing fingers, do you want to compete with me for management power?" Song Juyao was expressionless: "I think I don't need a spirit iron to stop him."

Jiang Baiqi held Song Juyao and hid behind her, looking at Lin Wanyu with a smug smile on his face.

Lin Wanyu clenched his fists tightly, watching Song Juyao holding Jiang Baiqi's hand, thinking about Song Juyao's maintenance of him, he was angry and anxious, and wanted to kill Jiang Baiqi. He never imagined that Song Juyao would be bewitched by Jiang Baiqi! Is she crazy? No, or is it actually her plan? Let him think that she was really bewitched, and she was just trying to figure it out

Seeing that Song Juyao was leading Jiang Baiqi to leave the National Teacher's Mansion, Lin Wanyu suppressed his emotions, chased after him, and returned to his gentle and cordial appearance, saying, "Miss Song, it's almost noon, why don't you be at the National Teacher's Office? The government has lunch, so that I can show the friendship of the landlord."

"No, I'll catch a plane."

"I can arrange a special plane for you, it won't delay your return."

"Okay." Song Juyao agreed.

The housekeeper hurried to make arrangements, Lin Wanyu breathed a sigh of relief, took out a yellow talisman from his pocket, and gave it to Song Juyao: "This is the peace talisman I drew for you."

Song Juyao held Jiang Baiqi in one hand and took it in the other, "Thank you."

This is an exorcism talisman, which is very effective. Song Juyao was bewitched by Jiang Baiqi. After taking it, he should be able to remove the demon barrier and become sober.

Jiang Baiqi didn't look very good when he saw the talisman paper.

However, in Song Juyao's hands, the talisman paper was like a waste, and it was of no use at all. Song Juyao still held Jiang Baiqi, brought him to the table for lunch, and occasionally served him with vegetables, slaying demons and eliminating demons. The leader of the righteous path, who is not soft-handed, whose righteousness is awe-inspiring and does not tolerate a grain of sand, has a gentle tone.

"eat more."

"Eat this."

"you're too skinny."

Lin Wanyu thought to herself, she really did it on purpose.

Jiang Baiqi also began to suspect that Song Juyao was not bewitched by him? He is still very clear about his own jinliang, and his charm can't resist the Lin family's exorcism charm. So, is it true that Lin Wanyu thought, and Song Juyao was planning to do it

After that, how greedy Song Juyao is, what does he want in this body, only a dignified leader of the righteous path can sacrifice his beauty, and be arrogant with him? She doesn't look so treacherous.

After the meal, Lin Wanyu retained Song Juyao and invited her to visit the Lin family's collection in the collection pavilion of the Lin family.

Seeing that her attitude towards Jiang Baiqi had not changed in the slightest, Lin Wanyu didn't let go of Jiang Baiqi's hand at all, and said, "Here are the collections of our Lin family from past dynasties, and each one is a town of exorcism. The artifact of the house, so in this house, any demagogic magic will fail."

Song Juyao nodded, "I've read it all in the book. This is the Bauhinia Glass Cup."

"That's right," Lin Wanyu indicated, "under it, any delusions will disappear."

But Song Juyao still did not change his attitude towards Jiang Baiqi.

Lin Wanyu looked at Song Juyao's back leading Jiang Baiqi away, and a burst of disappointment surged in his heart. She was indeed the same kind of person as those so-called famous and decent people.

Why should he feel disappointed? Didn't he already know it

Song Juyao was taken to the airport. The special plane was ready. A few seconds before the plane took off, she counted in her heart.

Three, two, one.

"Miss Song." Lin Wanyu was pushed over by the flight attendant and looked at Song Juyao with a smile: "Your health center is about to open, I happen to be fine, so I thought I might as well go back with you on the way to have a good experience. No way. Are you not welcome?"

Song Juyao suppressed the corner of his mouth that was about to rise, and nodded expressionlessly: "Of course not, welcome."

[Does Lin Wanyu like Song Juyao? 】

[To disturb the world of two people again, this person is so annoying! 】

[I don't know why, but I always feel that Lin Wanyu has an inexplicable sense of familiarity]

[She is so shining, it is not surprising that anyone likes her. Lin Wanyu looks good, but unfortunately we have beautiful aesthetics, and we like Jiang Baiqi.]

[Jiang Baiqi in this issue is really Jiang Baiqi in the previous two issues? Although it still makes people unable to remember the appearance, and the sense of existence is thin, but compared to the previous two issues, it is too bold, actually dare to seduce Song Juyao]

Song Juyao has already guessed that Lin Wanyu is Jiang Baiqi. They grew up in different growth environments in each episode. It is normal for their personalities and many reactions to be different from before, but whether it is a previous life or this life, Jiang Bai Qi gave her the same feeling.

There is a wonderful sense of security, just by looking at him, she knows that this person will give everything for her and is the only person in the world who can be trusted.

She had already determined that Lin Wanyu was Jiang Baiqi. Seeing the paradoxical feeling of Lin Wanyu and Jiang Baiqi before, she also understood what was going on.

I don't know why, Jiang Baiqi's soul went to Lin Wanyu, and Jiang Baiqi didn't know what it was. It was because the soul was separated that she felt that confusion.

She found something interesting.

When Song Juyao was arranging Jiang Baiqi's hair, his fingers rubbed his ears, Jiang Baiqi did not respond, and Lin Wanyu's ears turned red...

Song Juyao's fingers slid gently over Jiang Baiqi's arm, Jiang Baiqi did not respond, and Lin Wanyu's arm muscles tightened...

When Song Juyao and Jiang Baiqi interlaced their fingers, Lin Wanyu's mouth turned down, his face was ugly, but his hand unconsciously made the action of interlocking her fingers...

It was as if all the actions she made to Jiang Baiqi were fed back to Lin Wanyu by her senses.


Song Juyao covered the lower half of his face.

So interesting.

In other words, her Archie lost control of her body, but her body perception still exists. No wonder he rushed back from the presidential palace with such an ugly face. He could also see what he saw through Jiang Baiqi's eyes. everything of.

But in other words, even though he had left his body that lost his freedom, Lin Wanyu could still feel the pain of being tortured by the famous and decent for more than 20 years. He also learned all the ugly faces of the so-called famous and decent. It's here, so it's normal that he can't let himself trust her.

What's more, she has already discovered that since the first issue, he has no confidence that she will love him.

Song Juyao frowned slightly, scratched Jiang Baiqi's palm with his fingers, and saw Lin Wanyu, who had closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, curled up his fingers impatiently, and his eyelashes trembled slightly.


Although he was distressed, he was really too cute. Her bad tastes and strange hobbies were all aroused by him and wanted to make fun of him.

Lin Wanyu could feel Song Juyao's gaze. He didn't know why she was staring at him, and he didn't have time to care. He felt the temperature of her palm, and the fingers gently scratched him, and his muscles tightened. Hand sweats came out.

What does she want from him? The leader of the dignified and righteous path has sacrificed to such a degree.

"Jiang Baiqi" did not have the ability to perceive, so he didn't know what Song Juyao did to him. He didn't feel anything about her ambiguous little actions, but he heard Lin Wanyu's question from the depths of his soul.

[Maybe she just likes this body? ]

[Ah. ]

[Also, your body is ordinary, with a face that no one can remember, being locked in a cage, people have to confirm it over and over again, wondering if you disappeared out of thin air, this magical sense of thin existence , Song Juyao can't remember what you look like, how could he like it. Then we can be sure, she will either take the plan, and make the beauty plan instead, asking you to give your heart willingly, or she just... likes my Sao. ]

Lin Wanyu: ... his face was ashen. He would rather that Song Juyao was trying to deceive his heart!