Knight of the Sea

Chapter 1: Venomous Bee



The Venomous Bee has had two owners. The first captain was nicknamed the Horse Face Ghost, because of his name, he had a particularly long face, so the second captain took a little more effort than usual to cut his face into two pieces; the second captain was called Huisha , Huisha is young and has only been in the industry for a short time, but his style is wild and his methods are cruel, so it is not surprising that he has changed from the leader of a bandit team of about 20 people to the owner of the Venomous Bee.

There are many pirates on the sixteen islands of Yunhai, but there are few good ships. Whoever can snatch a good ship will be the local snake in that area. Huisha has the poisonous bee, and soon occupies a place on the sea route of Yunhai. Now the poisonous bee The ship has been walking near Kaqili Bay for three years, and wherever it goes, it seems like a demon descends, and even the navies of various countries have to give him some points.

If nothing else, the Venomous Bee will always be dusty.

The boat appeared in the middle of the night.

It didn't appear silently, but the sailor on the observation deck drank too much today, and the man squinted his small eyes to identify it for a long time before confirming that the other party was coming for the Venomous Bee. His drunken mind barely remembered his duty, so he played signal smoke and semaphore and asked which ship it was, but the other party did not answer, and quickly approached them at a speed of seven knots. Two ships can collide in an hour. The sailor felt that something was wrong, and sent someone to the lower cabin to wake up Huisha.

Huisha just made a big ticket the day before yesterday, and these two days are the rest period. He is always in a bad mood when he is called out when he is sleeping soundly. The man rubbed his face to wake himself up, took a look through the binoculars, and then sneered: "Since there are people who don't have eyesight coming to die, let them - the people in the gun bay!"

"The gun compartment is locked..." someone whispered from the side.

"Where are the keys?"

"The key is in Helena."

Huisha clicked her tongue, and threw the binoculars back to her subordinates: "I forgot."

The person Huisha was looking for was in the cabin at the bottom. The man was only wearing a single shirt, with his hands bound behind his back, tied to the boat poles and motionless. He didn't lift his head when he heard the sound of Huisha descending the ladder, his voice was tired: "Don't bother people at night."

Huisha didn't talk nonsense with him: "The key to the cannon compartment, here we go."

"On the waist."

Huisha came and tore the key from Hailian's waist. He stared at the face hidden behind the disheveled bangs, and suddenly grabbed the hair on the other's forehead: "Do you know what's wrong?"

"I don't think I was wrong." Hailian was forced to raise his head because of this rude gesture.

This is the face of a young man, with red lips and white teeth, and a sleepy expression. There is a shallow knife wound in the corner of the left eye, which is not disfigured, but more like a tear that is about to fall—his facial features are too thin to be a real person. A man who licks blood at sea.

"That girl looks like my sister, I can't do it," he explained. He said this once two days ago, and the price was that he was tied to the boat pole for two days.

"Otherwise, give me a meal to relieve my anger. After two days of being tied up, I'm tired and hungry." He said again.

Huisha was amused by the other party's words, so he simply gnawed Hailian's mouth in this posture.

The ship seemed to be turning, and a little sea water splashed in from the side windows, adding another layer of fishy smell to the stale wood. The strong smell of low-quality tobacco filled the sky, Hailian frowned, her scalp ached, and the stubble on the gray sand face where her chin rubbed also ached. As soon as the kiss was over, he immediately coughed and rolled his eyes: "You stinky mouth."

"Haven't you been smoked to death yet? What do you dislike?" Huisha untied him, and just as Hailian moved his wrist twice, his face was covered by the coat pocket thrown by Huisha, "Fuck you Don't rush this moment, put on your clothes and get ready to work."

Hailian stripped off her clothes: "Do you work?"

"There's a boat coming, maybe it's brought by Mrs. Tisu who you secretly let go the day before yesterday."

While speaking, Hai Lian had already put on his coat and was inserting a saber at his waist, he was taken aback, "Isn't that..."

"It's not that I have the final say, it's not you," Huisha climbed up the ladder, and the sailor's shout came from the deck. The gunpowder, bow and knife are all ready, and the enemy is coming. Huisha seemed to think of something again, and turned around and said, "Hai Lian, you'd better pray that this boat wasn't brought in because of you, otherwise it won't be solved by a fuck or tied up for a few days."

Huisha usually doesn't call Hailian by name, once he does, it means that he has issued an ultimatum to Hailian. After Huisha left, Hailian wiped her mouth silently, and muttered: "... Otherwise, how can I solve it, or I will lose my life."


When Hai Lian came to the deck, the unknown enemy ship was less than two nautical miles away from the Venomous Bee. He climbed up to the watchtower briskly, grabbed a cable to keep his balance, and tried to identify the shape of the enemy ship. The sky was too dark, and the pattern of the opponent's flag was blurred, and only the black silhouette of the ship undulating in the waves could still be seen.

"It doesn't look like a fellow ship, it looks like a warship." Hai Lian said.

Huisha twitched the corner of her mouth: "A warship...?"

"It's not the Tisu warship you think. Their bow is shaped like a shark, but this one isn't." Hailian quickly explained, while secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

At least the enemy ship has nothing to do with his death.

The waves above Yunhai never calmed down. Tisu, Moyi, Fanshui and other countries have many warships on the sea, especially Tisu has the largest sphere of influence. But the conversation between the two is easy, because it doesn't matter if it's a warship, the Venomous Bee ship under your feet is a tough gun, and the number of warships defeated by this brigantine marauder since it left the factory is countless. It's just to give the sailors on the ship another record to brag about after being drunk.

Hailian continued to watch, and after a while, he suddenly let out a gasp in disbelief.

"What's wrong?" Huisha asked.

"Not quite..."

"What's not right?"

The young man's squinted eyes suddenly widened, and he raised his voice, "Damn it, it looks like a Dongzhou warship!"

As soon as the words fell, the deck instantly became lively, and even Huisha scolded his mother.

Scolding has nothing to do with panic, only excitement.

Since Dongzhou Hong Dynasty was split into two due to sudden changes more than ten years ago, and Fei Yi, a famous admiral of the Hong Dynasty, treasoned and fled, the Dongzhou Navy, which once dominated one side, has almost disappeared in the Yunhai Sea. Now let the poisonous bee collide with a Dongzhou warship, no less than a hungry tiger seeing the fat, and a fierce wolf staring at the white sheep. The people on the boat cheered, and greedy green lights appeared in their eyes.

The distance between the two sides is still getting closer, the door of the gun compartment has been opened, the gunpowder is full, and the helmsman only needs to move forward a little bit to launch an attack, but at this moment Hailian's feet suddenly trembled, and the hull shook violently , if he hadn't been holding the mast rope, he would have been thrown away, and the young man was shocked—it turned out that the Venomous Bee was shot first!

"How can they shoot so far?!"

"Aaron fell! Who will help!"

"Where is the winch man, where are you going!"

Hailian yelled amidst the sailor's frying pan shout: "Huisha!"

"Full sails! Full sails! Don't be hit by them!" Hui Sha is not a fool, he strode over to knock the helmsman away and took control of the steering wheel, "Hold tight!"

Like a swimming fish, the Venomous Bee nimbly made a small semicircle on the sea surface, the bow of the ship brushed against the second chain bullet, and the wooden corner of the enshrined Poseidon statue was scraped off, and the debris flew. Huisha is not bad at steering the helm, but he always likes to turn sharply. Hailian was thrown dizzy by him on the observation deck, flying around like a butterfly dipped in water.

"How the hell do you sail the boat!" Hai Lian scolded him.

Huisha laughed loudly: "Don't beat them out of the waterline, just twist the mast!"

"you sure?"

"I've taken a fancy to their boats," Huisha said with blood, "but I don't like their people, so I want boats, not people."

Hailian wiped away the water stains on her face, but didn't answer.

He is not as optimistic as Huisha. The Yunhai pirates haven't fought Dongzhou military ships for nearly ten years. They only know that the merchant ships coming out of Chijin City and Luofu City are very easy to deal with. They are full of silk, spices, and wine, and they are huge and slow. , like a fat sheep without horns, let the pirates of Sixteen Islands carve it up. But the warship on the opposite side was completely different from them. Whether it was a solid hull or powerful firepower, it showed that it was not a weak herbivore, but a bloodthirsty beast.

"Fire!" The sailors in the gun bay shouted in unison at the beast.

Under the sky, the naval battle started.

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