Knight of the Sea

Chapter 102: Operation


As soon as this remark came out, the envoys were so shocked that they almost blurted out angrily: "Behead the king?! You Dongzhou guy are talking nonsense!" "This is blasphemy against the Tisu royal family! God will punish you!"...

In the face of the crowd's anger, Fang Tinglan could still laugh out loud: "Haha, what age is it, and what is God's punishment or not? I won't see you here anymore, let alone..." Lord Zhenhai narrowed his eyes slightly, "If God's punishment really should be sent down, it wouldn't fall on me, a native of Dongzhou, but should punish those who were stained with knives. A man of blood, isn't he?"

The person on the other side was speechless for a moment, but Hai Lian couldn't hold back the corners of his mouth.

Long Rong, who hadn't spoken yet, frowned at this moment, "No, how could the nobles of Yinggui Mountain and the Old King City just sit back and watch the chaos in the capital..." She stopped in the middle of her words, her pupils constricted, "Unless...!"

"Unless they are all watching from the sidelines and want to be the final winner." Fang Tinglan continued, "As the former first heir, you know this truth better than me."

The princess bit her lower lip.

Of course she knows. The nobles of Tisu have always been proud of themselves. Except for the capital Jiumeng and the seven city-states surrounding Jiumeng, the other major provinces are firmly controlled by those ancient families. When their father Suhor was in power, they still obeyed the respect of the royal family in the law, but after Abal came to the throne, there was a long crack in this respect. After that, King Amber died in the collapse of the palace, and another royal family After his illegitimate son Berensu came to power, the malicious magma gushed out from that crack without restraint. The taxation to please them will not make these people change their humble and muddy bloodlines in any way.

is it my fault Long Rong thought in panic. If I had been stronger back then and prevented Uncle Abal from ascending to the throne, or had dedicated myself a little more and replaced Berensu as the puppet, would all of this be—

"Everything will still happen, Your Royal Highness." The Dongzhou person sitting opposite smiled, as if seeing through everything in her mind, "According to the words of your southern border, this is the choice of the god of time, Bitol—the king , nobles, civilians, and even every scavenging rat in Anwana District, everyone’s dissatisfaction is brewed quietly for a year, five years, or decades later, and it will always turn into a prairie fire.”

Fang Tinglan's dark pupils were as calm as a pool, but it seemed as if a flame had been lit in the deepest part of the pool. His eyes swept over everyone, and finally stopped the fire on Hai Lian's face. The baron looked back at him indifferently, but the clenched hands at his side revealed his endless worries about Jiumengcheng. The corners of Fang Tinglan's mouth couldn't help but slightly twitch. When the man's thin lips opened and closed, it seemed as if he was reading out the decree of the gods, and he seemed to be saying the words of drowning love, "So don't regret the past, look at me, and make your choice. it is good."

The room was silent for a moment, Fang Tinglan was not in a hurry, he took another official document from his arms, and began to review it in front of everyone, until he finished writing the final signature, a female voice came from across the lamp: "Since you appear here, the 'number' in your heart must have been calculated long ago."

"Of course." Fang Tinglan blew on the wet ink on the paper, "What can I offer His Highness, and what His Highness can give me in return, I will clearly mark the price of everything."


In the following time, the mission began to discuss various treaties and payments with Fang Tinglan that Hailian could not understand. Hailian felt bored standing here, so he quietly retreated outside the house to check on the situation of the injured.

As soon as he entered the room, he was greeted by an extremely strong smell of blood, and his boots made a sticky sound when he stepped on the floor. An old man and an apprentice were busy with their heads bowed in front of the operating table covered by a white cloth. The wounded on the operating table had a cloth strip under their tongue, and had already passed out due to the severe pain.

"How's it going?" Hailian asked in Dongzhou dialect.

"Not too good." The old man sighed and raised his bloody hands. The apprentice quickly brought a hot towel and a half-used bottle of shochu. "I didn't expect so many injured people. Xiaoma’s equipment is not enough, and some people may have to struggle like this guy.” The old man tilted his head, “He even scolded me before he passed out, but unfortunately I can’t understand the bird language of their southern country.”

"Is it so hard to get?"

"The bullet among them is called Tougu, and it is a sharp weapon produced by Tiegegu three years ago." Mr. Sun said, "The shrapnel is too small and difficult to clean."

"Do you want me to help?" Hailian glanced at the mess beside him.

"You?" Mr. Sun was a little surprised.

Hailian nodded, and scooped up a basin of hot water from the side and began to wash his hands: "When I was young, I was thrown by my teacher to Tisu's dirty doctor to do odd jobs, and I learned how to cut the blood more efficiently from the corpses they stole. Throat, cut the bone seam, so I have a little bit of bloody medical skills. Your Lord Zhenhai was also shot in the shoulder before, and I took it."

Time was running out, and there were still several dying wounded waiting for medical treatment. Mr. Sun saw that Hailian's movements were really skillful, so he gave up half of his position, and pointed to the tools beside him, "There is one stuck between the bone and the Between the muscles."

"I see it."

The technique of fetching bullets required a high level of concentration, so the apprentice called Hailian several times in a low voice before the baron realized that there was someone beside him at some point, one of Long Rong's envoys. The other party was very afraid of this bloody scene, and kept restraining his gaze from looking up at the stage. He just raised his jaw at Hai Lian: "They are all going to eat something, I didn't see you, so I came here to call you .”

"I'm not hungry." Hailian shook his head, "Have you guys finished talking?"

"Basically, according to the rules, the signing ceremony can only be performed by the two people who signed it, so the others have already come out." It is probably because Hailian has tried his best to protect everyone along the way, and the man looks at him now. No more conflicts, he coughed lightly, intending to say something to improve his relationship with this alien baron, "It's a loss that you didn't listen just now."


"According to businessman's terminology, Zhenhai's public price can be regarded as a loss-making business!" The envoy said, "He promised to subsidize 6.5 million silver coins for His Highness's return to the country, and even mobilize Dongtian Li The Yingcang army on the front line put pressure on Mo Yiren, so that we can concentrate on dealing with the troubles on the ground."

"He's quite generous." Hailian said indifferently. Six and a half million silver coins are enough to form an invincible navy that roams the sea.

"Tsk tsk, we had a discussion after we came out, and we probably guessed what Master Fang's plan is." The envoy stroked the beard at the corner of his lips with confidence, "The marriage between our Highness and Bei Hong is completely dirty. And everyone in the whole world knows that Lord Zhenhai has never been married. If His Highness can return to Qiwu Terrace, he will become the most noble woman in the world like a phoenix on fire; and Nan Hong who sponsored her rebirth Lord Zhenhai, if he uses these six and a half million silver coins as a dowry gift, then he has made a lot of money!"

The young man's breath stagnates.

He could almost hear his heart sinking suddenly in his chest, but his fingers submerged in blood remained motionless. The sharp tweezers firmly picked up the last shrapnel and threw it into the iron plate beside him. The envoys around are still chattering: "... In this way, although we can't make friends with Bei Hong, but with Nan Hong from the Sihuang Treasury as an ally, we can almost hold the entire Yunhai. Settle this account with Beihong... "

"Aren't you going to eat your meal?" Hai Lian interrupted him, "Also, if Fang Tinglan's plan is like this, I will stab him to death before he proposes to His Royal Highness."

The envoy was startled: "Why?!"

The young man wiped the blood splattered on his face with his wrist, and said word by word: "Because this man is a bastard."


at the same time.

"I have already drawn up the content of the treaty, please confirm it again."

Long Rong glanced at the sheepskin scroll covered with the seal of Nanhong Kingdom in front of him, and instead of opening it immediately, he said softly: "I have always wanted to ask you something."

"Please tell me."

"Since the time His Highness Chen Wang brought you to visit me, I have felt that you have a strange aura, but I was young at that time and couldn't figure it out. Now I can vaguely feel it." The woman's blue eyes Hitomi stared at each other for a moment, "Although you always smile gracefully and respectfully towards the royal family members of any country, you actually don't care whether a country has a monarch, right? Otherwise, I really can't think of you can easily Mobilizing such a large amount of silver, you can add the national seal on the forehead of the file at any time."

Fang Tinglan was surprised for a moment, but he quickly covered it up: "I respect you very much."

"You don't respect me," Long Rong said, "You have been looking at me from the beginning, not looking up."

Now there is no need to even pretend to be a smile, the man sighed: "Well, you are right, I really don't care about your Tisu's bullshit tradition that only people with noble blood are eligible to be on the throne. It seems that your wisest king over the past few decades is Abal, whom you despise the most."

"Then why would you..."

"Because there is his home, his relatives, and his friends in Jiumeng City."

"Him?" Long Rong was stunned, as if something flashed through her mind like a flash, and quickly connected the clues that she had inadvertently connected together. The princess let out a small exclamation, "—you and him ?!"

"Yes, me and him." Fang Tinglan admitted frankly, "So, do you understand?"

"But, but this is too..." The princess was a little incoherent in shock, "He doesn't know all this!"

"I won't hide it from him this time," he said.

Fang Tinglan smiled again, and once again signaled Long Rong to open the parchment. She slowly looked from the head, her expression became more and more weird as her eyes moved down, and when she saw the end, the princess finally couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"I can't sign it," she said.

"I know, I didn't ask you to sign it." Fang Tinglan answered calmly.

"If this treaty is recorded in the history books, everyone's big teeth will be laughed out of."

"The history books will only record how I donated generously and looked far ahead." The man's voice was clear and clear, and his words were like gold. "From then on, the two countries have maintained good relations and jointly defended against foreign enemies."

"For the sake of your foresight and generosity, I have to remind you. His personality looks like the wind, and what he actually believes is difficult to change." Long Rong bent his eyes, "You may make a loss trade."

"Whether it's a loss-making business or not, you have to invest to know." Fang Tinglan said.

After the conversation, Long Rong closed the sheepskin again, nodded gracefully to Fang Tinglan and said goodbye. When she walked to the door, she turned around and asked:

"Shall I call him in for you?"

"Then I will thank Your Highness... No, Your Majesty." Fang Tinglan smiled and saluted her as Tisu had when meeting the king.