Knight of the Sea

Chapter 104: Sheep Horn Alley



"I originally thought that your friend was captured by Simona's men, or was assassinated early, and thrown into the bottom of the Reflecting River, but if he is already dead, there is no reason why he will be distributed all over the city." Wanted warrant." Fang Tinglan leaned forward, took a letter from his arms and handed it to Hailian, "Besides, I actually received this before I left for Beihong."

When Hai Lian came over, he couldn't help but glanced at the other party, "How much paper do you have in your pocket?"

"There's no way," Fang Tinglan said with a smile, "I can't completely leave the business behind."

As soon as Hai Lian opened the letter and scanned a line, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He had worked with Faluko for so many years, and he recognized at a glance that it was indeed the handwriting of the other party. The long-lost magistrate had no pleasantries in the letter, and went straight to the point when he came up: "Thank you Lord Zhenhai for the information you gave me last time, which made me avoid malice and danger. Now I am very safe, and you don't need to worry about "Ji Guang" "Huang Yunshu" was hijacked by Simona. It's just that I am alone and weak, and I can't resist the power that is about to explode in the capital. Now I hope you can help and rescue the Wang and daughter who are trapped in Taiyan, otherwise not only Jiumeng is about to face disaster, and the Hanyin Token you want will also fall into the hands of Beimo people."

"Even if he doesn't make this request, I will come to save you." Fang Tinglan added with a smile after seeing him read the letter.

Hailian twitched the corners of her mouth, wanting to choke on the other party, but felt that it was the juncture, and there was no point in attacking each other, so she asked another question: "Do you want Han Yin Ling?"

"Well... I want to explain this question later, after all, I haven't finished answering your previous question." Fang Tinglan sat up straight again, and glanced at the contract closed by Long Rong without any trace. "Time continues to move forward. More than a month after Faluco's disappearance, that is, on the Feast of Souls, your sister accompanied the Viscount Jonoel and his wife to the cemetery outside the city to sweep the grave, and then the Viscount and his wife went to the farm in the small night dock New Year's Eve, and your sister returned to Jiumeng City in the carriage that was on the way."

When the man said this, he paused for a moment: "Now that all the good news is over, I have to tell you some bad news." Fang Tinglan's eyes drooped slightly, "After the new year, there will be all bad news."

Hailian's heartbeat began to speed up uncontrollably: "Talk."


Hai Yu never thought that she would return to this nightmare place, but when she had nowhere to go, she could only bring Minnie back here.

Yangjiao Lane.

Now everyone flocked to the other end of the Reflection Bridge, busy smearing mud on the neat and clean Shiratori area, but no one cares about this originally dirty area. Minnie is a girl from the White Bird District. She has never been to such a place, and she couldn't help but cover her nose when she got close to it. Haiyu seemed to be ignorant. She walked around the alley with ease, and finally Stopped in front of a dilapidated hut.

There was no lock on the gate, and there was a gap. The nightmare in the middle of the night ran across the girl's forehead for a moment, making her fingertips tremble slightly, but Hai Yu swallowed hard again and pushed it away. wooden door.

The hut was empty, and the few pieces of furniture that used to be there were probably taken by the homeless and chopped into firewood for heating, but Haiyu was inexplicably relieved—the surroundings were full of dust, indicating that no one lived here for a long time . She carefully placed the suitcase she was carrying in the corner, and turned her head to call Minnie in: "Let's hide here for a while, and when the situation improves, we will go to Qipan Street to find my adoptive parents."

The female companion just wanted to hold the door frame, but she rubbed a hand of dust, she quickly took out her handkerchief in disgust: "Is this place safe? Can we change hotels or something..."

"You can't go to the hotel." Haiyu said decisively, "Now, any shiny thing or a clean wrist on your body may cause fatal danger, so I will go to you as soon as I leave the court. Sprinkle some soot."

Minnie's fingers caressed her cheeks subconsciously, and as a result, the fingers that had just been wiped clean were rubbed with black ash again. She was a little dazed at this moment, the little girl in front of her had been quiet and well-behaved in the Chuizhi Court these years, usually she was either reading a book or reading a book, except for her slightly bizarre adoption experience, she was not outstanding among the ladies in the Chuizhi Court , but after this night's escape, the other party was like the most dexterous mole and the most astute rabbit, leading him through the city of Jiumeng familiarly. Thanks to her, the two girls did not even collide head-on during this journey. any rioting crowd.

So she really used to be a kid from the Mud Zone... thought Minnie.

Haiyu didn't notice Minnie's dazed look. She rolled up her sleeves, and neatly tore off a section of her long skirt and tied it around her wrist: "Because I don't know how long I'm going to stay here, I'll go out and see if I can Find the acquaintances you knew before, and they will probably come back before evening, sister Minnie, you stay here and close the door."

"Do you still know someone in this kind of place?!" Minnie cried.

"Well, but there must be a lot of people gone." Haiyu glanced out the broken window - people living in the mud area always don't live long, not to mention there was an epidemic before, " have to touch it Luck. Do you have any money?"

"Yes, yes." Minnie gestured to the purse on her waist.

"That's good, we both use our money bags first, and your money will be buried in a place that only you know, and it will be our last life-saving money." Haiyu said.

The companion was really surprised: "How do you know so many things?"

"What my brother taught me, I'll just follow suit," Hai Yu smiled shyly, "I'll go to Xibuya Lane to find a dark dealer to exchange for a straw mat and quilt, and some food that can last for a long time. It may not be as delicious as the food in Chuizhi Court, so just bear with it, okay?"

In the current situation, what could be done, Minnie would just nod in a daze. Hai Yu smiled at her, and was about to go out to Xibu Crow Lane, but just after taking two steps, she suddenly thought of something, turned around and walked in front of Minnie.

"There is one more important thing." Hai Yu said.

"what… ?"

"Elegant people can't survive here. Forget the respectful words I said to His Highness in the Chuizhi Court. Now I want to teach you a few words that can save your life in the muddy area." The girl had just unloaded a box of saint's proverbs , the words she used just now were more elegant than anyone else, but at this moment she paused every word, "For example, fuck. You. Mom."

Minnie was completely dumbfounded.


"Your sister disappeared on the second day of the New Year's Eve." Fang Tinglan sighed, "My people wanted to pick her up, but when they arrived, Chuizhiting was already a mess, and there were even homeless people. We moved in, and we searched the neighborhood several times, but we couldn't find her." The man expressed apologetic expression, "At present, my people are still searching secretly, and I will tell you as soon as I have news, but... I think you You have to be prepared in some way.”

"She'll be fine."

Fang Tinglan frowned slightly: "Why are you so sure?"

"Because she is my younger sister." Hai Lian said.