Knight of the Sea

Chapter 106: second bet


There was silence in the room for a while, and after a long time, the baron asked in a low voice: "Then his brother and that Dongzhou boy..."

"… Feel sorry."

Seeing Hailian's clenched teeth, Fang Tinglan finally softened his voice, and added, "By the way, there may be some good news. Your writer neighbor doesn't seem to be in Jiumeng. There are rumors that He went to the old royal city to collect materials a few years ago, I have already sent someone to inquire, and there will be an answer in about a while."

"I see."

Hailian lowered his eyes and stared at his fingertips for a while, and when he calmed down, he raised his eyelids and said in a low voice, "Okay, don't look at me like that, I've seen a lot of deaths, this Like a shipwreck, it was sudden, but it had to be accepted."

"What if I say that the accident in Jiumeng City is different from the Impermanence and Heaven's Punishment, and that it was manipulated by someone?"

"By whom?"

"Being the leader of this group of people."

"Don't be foolish, tell me your name."


The moment Hai Lian heard the name, his expression seemed disbelieving, but also distorted and embarrassed as if he had heard some bad joke, and even the pronunciation when he spoke was extremely weird: "Who are you talking about? Him? This is impossible."

Simona is the greatest hero in supporting Berensu's supremacy, the spokesperson of all the nobles in Tisu, and the first proposer to make a clear distinction from the Anwana district. He set up an arrogant defense line at the Reflecting Bridge, and he encouraged Berensu signed the tax increase law, and it was he who made everyone sneer at Hailian, a baron of lowly background—now he has transformed himself into the savior of all civilians? !

The worst burlesque in the big theater would not have such a story! Will be booed by the audience!

"It's impossible." Hailian repeated.

"What's impossible?" Fang Tinglan chuckled, stood up, walked around the edge of the table to Hailian, and looked down at the young baron, "I think you should have a premonition, but you just ignored it That's all. Let's recall a little bit, Your Excellency the Baron. Or let me help you start? First think about who proposed the reform coin, and whose pocket will the extra cents fall into."

It's Simona.

"Who proposed to block the epidemic area?"

It's the duke.

"And who encouraged Bei Lunxu to marry his sister Wang away?"

His fists were clenched so tightly that his knuckles even ached.

"I have reminded you, Hailian, that a foolish farmer who is thousands of miles away will lose his land because of the change of the throne." Fang Tinglan spoke slowly. He didn't allow himself to make any mistakes in the plot all over the place. "Your wingspan is too narrow, and your blade is too short to protect the entire Jiumeng City."

This negation made Hailian stare like a cat: "So what do you mean by telling me these things now? Let me go back to Jiumeng and kill Simona? Of course I will kill him, and I will kill him." cut off his fingers and stuffed them in his mouth."

"..." Fang Tinglan sighed secretly in his heart, and had no choice but to stroke the little friend's hair in a helpless and funny way, "Assassination of Simona is really easy for you, but it can't solve the root cause. How about it, let me tell another story .”

Fang Tinglan stretched out his finger and drew a line on the table.

"Twenty years ago, Dongzhou split the country."

"The cause of the war was that King Xu of the Hong Dynasty, Qin Weiheng, asked for his mother's posthumous title at his father's birthday banquet, but was choked by Qin Yi's words, 'Hu Ji is a barbaric slave, and dare to think of Dongzhou as a lord'." After going back, the enraged Qin Weiheng and Bei Mo fought all the way from Yifuguan in the northwest to the city of Taiyan. Qin Yan had to flee in a hurry and handed over the capital to his elder son whom he despised. From then on, Dongzhou was divided into Two—this is old stuff that everybody knows."

He stopped when he said this, and suddenly asked with a smile, "You should have met Qin Weiheng in Taiyan, what do you think of him?"

Although Hai Lian didn't understand why Fang Tinglan suddenly mentioned Dongzhou's story, he still raised his eyebrows and replied: "... not very good. According to your description, he should be a tough guy with a bad temper, but the Beibei I met Emperor Hong looks more like a wimp, and the lame sailors under me are more energetic than him."

"Haha," Fang Tinglan couldn't help laughing because of the little pirate's candor, "You're right, Qin Weiheng is indeed a wimp. The prince who was sent to the Bitter Cold fiefdom and dared not even complain, so when the people from the hangar came to him, he opened the door to them almost without hesitation—after all, those people claimed that as long as he nodded, he would not only You don’t need to stay in the barren land of Huanzhou, but you can return to Taiyan, and even ascend to the supreme position.”

"In the eyes of the world, the war of splitting the country is an innocent disaster caused by the emperor's words. In fact, Qin Weiheng has been preparing for nearly ten years. Qin Weiheng has made complete preparations with the guidance of the sky hangar and the money given by the eight federations. , he decided to use his dead mother as an excuse to start a war," Fang Tinglan said leisurely, with a sneer in the corner of his mouth, "He thought he succeeded, he thought that the sky hangar was a revenge blade given to him by heaven, but It was only when he sat on the dragon chair that he realized that he was the knife for murder."

… like a puppet. Hai Lian thought of Qin Weiheng's face, it was the empty and numb expression of someone who had given up resistance and let it go.


Something flashed through the baron's mind, he looked at Fang Tinglan suddenly, and instantly understood the reason why the other party suddenly chatted with him about the old things in Dongzhou twenty years ago: "You want to say—"

"As expected of Hai Zhongjue, he is very smart." Fang Tinglan praised with a smile, "So this time the Jiumeng City Rebellion is just the same script with different actors and slightly changed lines."

The frustrated prince. The actors are Qin Weiheng and Bei Lunxu.

Great hero who gave a helping hand. The actors are Zhang Kexing and Simona.

grounds for incitement. The deceased mother who suddenly wants to be filial is a disease that cannot be cured.

The final epilogue.

"...that is, the country fell into their hands." Fang Tinglan said, and handed over the last letter, "This is the information I told the magistrate before, and it is what I wanted to remind you."

Hailian took out the paper. Before he met Fecna, he never knew that a person could search for some illusory treasure at sea for eight years; he also could not imagine that someone would spend ten or twenty years to start a war, Only for a few volumes of documents that have been sealed for a hundred years. The young man looked at the truths hidden under the chaotic appearance recorded one after another, and his fingers almost tore the page: " they destroyed Taiyan just for "Jiguang Huangyun Book", and now they want to destroy Jiumeng ?”

"No." Fang Tinglan denied, "It's their greed that caused all this. "Ji Guang Huang Yun Shu" just embodies this greed."

"Greedy?" Hailian chewed the word, and suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, "Ah, yes. I remembered, you want it too."

Fang Tinglan nodded calmly: "Of course I want to."

So the topic went back to the previous deal that was rejected by him.

It's always like this, Hailian almost gets tired of Fang Tinglan's performance. He knows that there will be no free favors in the world, but as long as he thinks of the other party's every word, every provocative ending, and every affectionate look comes with a purpose, the thin string in his chest that affects the heart and lungs will be It will be painful.

He closed his eyes, let out a weary breath, and planned to leave: "There's nothing to talk about, I won't give it to you."

"Neither will I."

The movement of getting up paused for a moment, Hailian raised his head, "What do you mean?"

"I carefully weighed it. If the group of people in the secret library owns it, they will probably use it to water the monsters in Tiege Valley and create murder weapons one after another. What will happen to the four wastelands by then? , no one dares to imagine; and if I own it... Although I hate war the most, I should also be tempted to fight for the resources I want without bloodshed. The entire city will be covered with poor people's tears, and that scene probably won't be pretty."

"So your conscience discovered it?" Hailian sneered.

"That's not true. When I got out of prison, I already threw my conscience to the wild dogs on the side of the road." Fang Tinglan smiled, "I just have confidence."


"Hailian, twenty years ago, could you have imagined that there was a kind of cannonball that would be fired from the barrel tens of miles away, blasting open the gate of Taiyan city without any pressure? Ten years ago, could you have imagined your Will there be black smoke rising from the back of the two-masted sailing ship, and it will be flying towards the sky at a speed of 18 knots?" The man whispered in the dim light like some kind of seductive monster, he propped himself up on the chair Leaning down inch by inch, he stared intently at Hai Lian's eyes, "After all, the "Book of Jiguang Huangyun" just speeds up time and allows its holder to evolve ahead of time, but the content in it is not accidental. Discovery is not unique. Resources, calculation formulas, and the principles of everything in the world have been there since ancient times. Without "Auspicious Light and Yellow Cloud Book", the world will sooner or later research bloodier weapons and more efficient machine development."

He got closer, "A hundred years ago, "Jiguang Huangyunshu" was a priceless treasure; fifty years later, "Jiguang Huangyunshu" is a priceless treasure, and after another fifty years, the time it once led will eventually be caught up , has become a pile of waste paper from now on, only worthy of appearing in the long texts of old scholars." He showed an arrogant and bright smile under the dim light, "It's only fifty years, I don't need the old country's Treasure, I can get everything I want too."

Under such an ambiguous distance, the other party said things that had nothing to do with love, but Hai Lian felt his heart beat uncontrollably, as if the burning heat in the other party's breath was soaked in his veins, "Is this your confidence?" ?”

"Yes, this is my self-confidence." Fang Tinglan replied.

In front of him is his favorite lover, his opponent with intertwined teeth, and the beast he unleashes himself. He himself felt a little surprised when he faced Zhou Buyu’s ridicule on Roche Island—he did have countless ways to break the opponent’s wings, but in his heart he was more willing to enjoy and appreciate the appearance of the opponent spreading their wings freely.

"Otherwise, let's make a bet." Fang Tinglan gestured to the contract on the table with his eyes, "I've already written the bet, and it's on the table."

"What bet?"

"I will help you take back Jiumeng City from Simona," Fang Tinglan said every word, "on condition that you become the real master of Hanyin Order."

"If you want to protect Hanyin Ling, your friends, your family, the entire Jiumeng, and the entire sea, you can't be a knife, but the person holding the knife. You have to hold the knife tightly in your hand, This knife cannot be seen by others, nor can it show its appearance. If a person's wingspan is not enough, then find more helpers." The man narrowed his eyes, and there was a dangerous message in his words, "If you can't do these , rather than letting the group of people from the sky hangar take advantage of it again, it is better for me to be your executioner."

As he said, he put the treaty on the table beside him into Hailian's hand.

"I'll make a bet with you my whole life, now, do you want to bet, Shang Hailian?"

It wasn't until the moment he stuffed the paper roll in his hand that Hai Lian noticed that his breathing was unsteady, and his usually steady fingertips even trembled a little.

He opened the treaty.

The face changed only in an instant, and Fang Tinglan saw the baron's eyelashes vibrate violently under the light, like butterfly wings fluttering. The young man's breathing became more rapid, and the airflow from the tip of his tongue even caused the paper to flutter slightly, showing a tinge of red. It quickly climbed up from the neck, dyeing the entire cheek, including the earlobe hidden in the hair. He saw the baron look up sharply, and cursed in a voice that was almost out of tune:

"Fang Tinglan! You are really sick!"

"I'm really a little sick," Fang Tinglan actually nodded, "but I enjoy it."

"You fucking had the nerve to tell me a bunch of nonsense just now, what did you write yourself, what is it called—"

Shang Hailian couldn't say the rest.

The Fang family gave up the competition for the Hanyin Order, provided 6.5 million silver coins, opened four ports, and twelve fleets, and tried their best to assist Tisu.

And the price Tisu needs to pay is.

A kiss from the Lord of the Seas.

The kiss came too fast and too hard, like a heavy blow caught off guard, causing Hailian's mind to explode with a buzzing sound. He leaned on the back of the chair and could not retreat, and the entangled breath almost gave him the illusion that he would drown. He wanted to bite the other person hard, but this person bit his crotch faster than him. On the lower lip, the taste of rust overflowed from the mouth, spreading in the cool air. Hai Lian's brows twitched from the pain, taking advantage of the gap, he finally shook off the kiss, and said in a short-tempered voice, "Fang Tinglan, you—"

"You know, little friend, I figured out one thing during the three months you left me on Rochester Island." Fang Tinglan kissed Hailian's blood-stained lips again, his words were sweet. "I'm just a careerist who is always plotting evil."

"I will whitewash my greedy desires with all aboveboard and noble deeds, and I will be proud of it."