Knight of the Sea

Chapter 112: Robbery


The cumulonimbus clouds are slowly gathering, but the wind has picked up.

Under the cloudy sky, Hai Lian and Fang Tinglan naturally noticed the blockade ahead, and the baron half-closed his eyes: "It's not good."


"With the quality of this ship, I'm afraid it won't be able to withstand a round of salvo, and the wind direction is not good. Even if you want to escape, you won't be able to escape very far." Hai Lian frowned, "I didn't expect the people from Beihong to stop here. with..."

Fang Tinglan took out the compass in his arms and looked at it. After pondering for a moment, he said, "I have a way, it's a little risky."

"any solution?"

The man pointed to the right: "Detour, drive in the direction of Tianzhu Strait, as long as you can get rid of Beihong's main force, I can leave the rest of the matter to me."

"You want to go to the beach of life and death?" Hai Lian quickly reacted, "But that place is full of whirlpools and undercurrents, I don't think the captain is capable of sailing there."

"So we've got to make this ship our own."

"..." Hailian was speechless for a while, "Fang Tinglan, I found that you are more pirate than pirate."

"Thank you," Fang Tinglan smiled reassuringly. He glanced into the distance, "Beihong people should have noticed us, and you don't have much time to think about it."

Hailian also glanced at the dark fleet in the distance, and finally gritted his teeth: "If you fail, I can't spare you."

"Don't worry, if you fail, I will sink to the bottom of the sea with you, and we will live and die together." Fang Tinglan laughed, "Go and persuade the captain to turn around, and I will prepare for the rebellion."

Hailian rolled his eyes.

"Why is Beihong's navy in this direction?" The captain on the other side was also muttering in his heart. In his line of work, the first reaction when seeing the navy is to avoid it. The man controls the steering wheel and instinctively starts to turn, intending to avoid the bad luck of the limelight, but the Beihong fleet has already discovered this gray mouse in the waves. A signal smoke was quickly lit and a semaphore signaled the captain to stop the ship on the spot for inspection.

"What should we do, shall we stop?" the first officer asked.

The captain is still hesitating. After all, he knows that even if he wants to escape, he is no match for those four-masted sailing warships. However, before he can say "Stop", a voice next to him suddenly said: "I can't stop."

The stunned green sailor from outside appeared beside him at some point, and repeated to the two of them, "I can't stop."

"Why are you an outsider running over to interject?!"

The young man ignored the chief mate's yelling, and continued: "The Beihong Navy has never issued a pirate amnesty in the past century. Even if you stop the ship honestly, you will end up with a rope around your neck. Why don't you take a gamble."

"What bet?"

"Go to Life and Death Beach."

The captain was irritated by Hailian's plain tone: "You know what, don't think that you are a seafarer after two years of deck cleaning on the Black Shark. Do you know where Life and Death Beach is?"

"I know, you won't die if you listen to me."

"Ha," the captain widened his eyes and was about to draw his knife out of its sheath, "—what are you? Why does Lao Tzu's ship obey your command?!"

Hailian glanced at Fang Tinglan not far away from the corner of his eye, and he nodded slightly towards him, so he sighed, "Forget it, I'm not very eloquent, it's better to speak with fists. "

"What do you mean—" Before the captain finished speaking, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the world turned upside down in the next second. It wasn't until the sharp pain in the back blade and the cold touch on the neck rushed to the brain that the man realized that he was actually being held hostage.

There was an instant uproar on the deck. The sailors had followed the captain for many years, and had never seen such an accident. They were startled and angry, and just about to rush forward, a projectile shot out from the side suddenly, cutting off everyone's footsteps.

The wealthy Dongzhou businessman in black smiled and blew on the smoking muzzle, "I advise you not to move around. After all, my firecracker is a new model, and it can repeat the remaining four bullets in the box."

Someone cried, "Don't be afraid! There are fifty of us and only two of them!"

"Oh?" Fang Tinglan raised his eyebrows, and he motioned to everyone behind him that the three elite servants who had been following the woman in the southern region had already drawn out their sabers and quietly walked out of the lower cabin, "Why don't we come here?" Make a bet? The five of us here can kill fifty of you, do you want to bet?"

The captain was furious: "I kindly gave you a ride, how dare you—"

"You're kind? I'm an expert, and I'm not blind. When you get to Xilong, you'll kill everyone and steal gold, right." Hailian chuckled lightly, "Is this considered kind?"

As he spoke, he violently removed the man's arm, and pulled out the scimitar amidst screams, "You are even more unworthy of using the captain's knife."

"Time is urgent, I don't want to talk nonsense anymore," Hailian continued to buckle the dagger in his hand, and the blood line slowly appeared along the edge. He raised his jaw towards the stunned first officer, "Go to the beach of life and death, is it okay? "

The young man in front of him obviously had a soft tone in his voice, but the first officer felt that it was like a curse from a ghost, and he swallowed hard: "... If you kill him, no one will sail the boat."

"I won't kill him," Hailian said lightly, "and I will also sail."

The warship in the distance is the god of death, and the sailor in front of him is also the god of death. There was only one last question left for the first officer: "... who are you guys?"

"I'll tell you when I get out of the beach of life and death." Hai Lian said.


"You sons of bitches!! This is my boat! Mine!! You are a fucking coward, Zhang, who actually gave in to a bastard, why don't you hurry up and untie me, I want killed… "

The captain who was tied up was especially dissatisfied, and was still cursing from the sidelines. Hai Lianquan didn't hear him. After trying the steering wheel, he said dumbfoundedly, "Put up the foremast sail too."

"If the sails are fully full, the ship may be blown over." The chief mate reminded.

"Following the waves won't do it." After saying that, the young man hit the steering wheel vigorously.

The Beihong Fleet on the opposite side was a little surprised to see that the brig not only did not drop anchor, but also raised the remaining sail, but they had already issued a death order before going to sea, that is, to intercept it All ships heading southwest. Seeing this, the commanding general ordered another semaphore, and the ships that had been scattered line by word quickly assembled and intercepted in the direction of Hailian.

"Fuck! Here they come!" exclaimed the sailors.

Only Hai Lian and Fang Tinglan remained calm amidst the noise. "As long as you can avoid the first wave of shelling, the time is just enough." The compass in Fang Tinglan's hand began to shake as the waves bumped, "I'll help you keep an eye on the stern, and you concentrate on sailing."

Helian hummed. The first drops of rain wet his eyelashes.

The distance between the two sides is constantly approaching, and the undulating waves make everyone have to hold on to the rope to maintain balance. Bei Hong also didn't dare to take the risk of adjusting the hull in the side waves to fire the broadside artillery, so he had to continue to move forward at a speed of seven knots until the distance was enough for them to fire the bow gun.

"Get ready—" the Beihong people shouted.

"Get ready!" Fang Tinglan shouted in the same way.


A loud noise like rolling thunder resounded under the sky, and the seven-pound cannon tore through the haze of drizzle, and drew a sharp arc on the top of the waves, heading straight towards the boat.

"Bow your head! All lower your head!" Hailian ordered sharply, holding the steering wheel tightly in his hand and swiping to the right. The winch neighed sharply, and cracks opened.

call out-

One shell hit the starboard mast, but more flew past everyone's heads and were swallowed by the sea god's huge mouth.

The sail hanging on the right auxiliary mast lost its wind power and was attached to the mast listlessly; the truncated mast dangled back and forth in mid-air like a dislocated arm. Without a mast, the speed of the ship immediately slowed down, Bei Hong Take advantage of the victory and start loading the second round of ammunition immediately.

"It's all over, we don't have time to reach the beach of life and death!" the first officer looked at the crumbling mast and shouted in despair.

"Hahahaha! Let you believe these outsiders!" The captain laughed almost maniacally, "I would rather die here than be smashed into pieces by whirlpools and flying cannons!"

boom! Blood flowers bloomed from the man's forehead!

"Then die." Fang Tinglan's finger was on the trigger, and the man smiled gracefully under the flickering lightning of the clouds, "There are three shots left, whoever wants to die with him now, I can give you a ride."

No one dared to have any objection, the rope of death was around everyone's neck, and there was no other way out except to move forward desperately in the raging sea.

"The sailor in charge of the winch has fallen!" the mate broke down.

"Fang Tinglan!" Hailian shouted.

The man strode forward. There was thunder and gunfire behind him.

The muscles of the whole body are more tense than the winch and the rudder wheel. The moment the two people are on both ends of the deck and apply force at the same time, the hull also steps through the waves and passes through countless ballistic trajectories at an incredible angle. In the next moment, this ship Carrying more than 50 people, the lone boat swayed and fell into the dark vortex of the life and death beach.