Knight of the Sea

Chapter 12: under the fire


For the sake of the fireworks, the garden was not lit. Fang Tinglan changed his clothes and stood in the night, just like a tall gardener. He raised his head and looked at the towering mansion with dim lights behind him. Through the white stone and the flower window, he could vaguely hear the high-spirited talk among the winding music and the intertwining of wine.

Is there Qin Weiyu's voice in it? Fang Tinglan thought.

When the rising moon in the east was covered by the clouds in the mid-air, the music in the banquet hall gradually died down, and at the same time, the people in charge of the fireworks in the garden began to get busy. Fang Tinglan took a few steps back to the corner, letting His figure was completely hidden behind a bush. The gate leading to the garden was opened by the servant Yiyi, and No. 17 Yulan Street finally revealed its veiled splendor to the night.

The important officials who control Tisu's lifeline, the wealthy businessmen who have spent tens of thousands of dollars in the port, and the socialites who are proud of themselves in the social field surrounded each other and came to the garden from the door. Fang Tinglan also planned to use the light at the door to find his target. , The fireworks rushed into the sky.

In an instant, the whole garden was as bright as day, and the mottled and gorgeous light spots scattered in the night sky, and also shone the light on the faces of every guest. Fang Tinglan slowly walked against the wall, and at the third firework When a loud noise erupted in the night, he finally saw Qin Weiyu.

This Nanhong proton was sent to Tisu as a hostage since he was thirteen years old, and has lived in Jiumeng City for nearly ten years. Fang Tinglan still remembers the appearance of the thin and thin Prince Chen tearing down his sleeves at the time of parting, but now Qin Weiyu has grown tall and tall, and has become a long-time dream with no traces of Dongzhou beyond his facial features people. Holding a female companion in a white skirt, he was pointing at the fiery trees and silver flowers above his head and laughing at Yan Yan. Fang Tinglan pursed his lips, walked through the crowd calmly, and walked towards Qin Weiyu's direction.

"... So, it is necessary to give Beihong a little warning in this regard, and let them know who is really..."

"...Have you heard that the king gave Mrs. Nando a new dress. Huh, it's rustic and fancy, and she's not afraid to wear it out to embarrass herself..."

"...Why can't that cripple invest more in the fleet and hang all the pirates on Sixteen Isles? Do you know that I lost another whole shipment of spices..."

"... There are a lot of people here, I'm afraid there will be poisonous scorpion amber, I will talk about it in detail tomorrow..."

"Hey, who's pulling my clothes—"



Another firework blooms.

Qin Weiyu's impatient face was instantly white under the flames. His eyes froze for a second, and then his pupils shrank suddenly. His dull facial features seemed to have lost the ability to combine expressions. Only the rolling throat was pressing Then he regained his language: " are-uh!"

Exclamation was covered by Fang Tinglan's hand, Fang Tinglan looked directly at the other party: "It's me, Tinglan."

Qin Weiyu was breathing rapidly.

The man still wearing gardener's clothes motioned him around with alert eyes: "I have something to tell you, Weiyu, do you know of any secluded places here?"

The female companion on the side was still admiring the splendor above her head, and didn't notice the abnormal movement around her. Qin Weiyu finally reacted when the next firework flew into the sky. He nodded under the flame light, signaling Fang Tinglan to let go hand. Then he turned around and smiled at the woman and whispered a few words in his ear, and after getting her a few coquettish reproaches, he quickly dragged Fang Tinglan to the mansion.

At this time, everyone's attention was not on the ground, and the hall was empty, only a few servants were yawning and cleaning up the mess of the banquet. The two walked carefully through the hall and walked around to the corridor. Qin Weiyu pushed a few doors, and soon found an unlocked room. He waved to Fang Tinglan, and the two of them dodged and hid in together.

Across several layers of barriers, the loud roar of fireworks not far away also became unreal. The wooden door blocked the firelight, and only the thin moonlight was projected on the ground through the flower window.

Qin Weiyu walked back and forth a few steps as if he didn't know how to speak, he calmed down his breath, then stood in front of the window and asked hesitantly: "Are you... really Tinglan?"

"Of course it's me." Fang Tinglan smiled, "We grew up together, so you won't forget me after ten years."

"How could I forget! I just, just can't believe you're here," Qin Weiyu stammered, "A few years ago, I heard the nobles in Tisu chat saying that your father was implicated by Fei Yi and had an accident. I heard that there is no Fang family in Dongzhou anymore, I was very anxious, but there was nothing I could do... Ting Lan, I thought you had already..." His voice was trembling and choked with sobs.

Fang Tinglan listened to Qin Weiyu mentioning the old things, hated him very much, but he could still maintain his usual calm on the surface, and even patted the other party's shoulder and comforted him: "I'm not here right now, I didn't cry , why are you crying?"

"I'm sorry, I'm always like this," Qin Weiyu sniffed embarrassedly, and then asked with a smile, "Did your father send you to see me?"

Fang Tinglan shook his head.

The corners of Qin Weiyu's raised mouth fell down again in disappointment. He smiled wryly: "Sure enough. I was the one who was the least favored since I was a child. Otherwise, they wouldn't have thrown me to Tisu. Now I have been away from home for so many years. Father, I'm afraid he has forgotten that he has a son in Tisu. Tinglan, you don't even know what kind of life I live here, if I hadn't been cautious to please that cripple, and pretended to be stupid in front of him , avoid contacting anyone from Dongzhou, I’m afraid I’ve already lived in a water prison..." He felt his voice change again as he spoke, and stopped quickly, "Don’t talk about me, you’re okay in Dongzhou ?"

"I'm very good."

"Really? What didn't they do to you?"

"It's all over." Fang Tinglan said lightly, "Now I have your brother Liang Wang as my backer, and I live very well."

Qin Weiyu's face immediately changed: "Why did you trust him? Have you forgotten how he and his gang of dogs bullied us back then?"

"When life is at stake, who remembers such trivial things as being poured with cold water in winter and being tripped in class?" Fang Tinglan said with a smile.

Qin Weiyu murmured: "But, but you used to fight with King Liang and the others because you helped me get ahead, is he just using you now..."

"Of course I know he's using me, but if I don't become his dog, how can I still come to see you now?" Fang Tinglan didn't want to talk about himself any more, and said, "Weiyu, I'm here to find you. Someone wants to bother you to inquire about it for me."


The fireworks outside the door were still going off, Fang Tinglan waited until the series of roars died down before saying, "Fei Yi."

"You said Fei Yi was dreaming for a long time?!" Qin Weiyu said in surprise.

The other party's reaction did not seem to be fake, and Mercury had no reason to lie to him. Fang Tinglan frowned, almost wondering if he was the one who made the wrong judgment.

Qin Weiyu was used to looking at people's faces in Jiumeng. Seeing that Fang Tinglan didn't speak, he hurriedly said in a flattering way: "Tinglan, you, don't worry. Although I'm a soft-spoken person in this place, I've stayed here for ten years and I know some of them. Man, I'll help you find out from tomorrow..."

Qin Weiyu said this earnestly, but Fang Tinglan just smiled lightly. After the changes in his family, he no longer believed in people's hearts, and in the past few years when he was the king of Liang, he also did things that could get his hands dirty. Now he is still very wary of his friends who have not been separated for many years. . But he is willing to tell Qin Weiyu his plan now because he has no choice now, and because he believes that what he throws out immediately is enough to make Qin Weiyu stand on the same front as himself.

"Weiyu," Fang Tinglan called the other party's name, "Do you want to go back to Dongzhou?"

He didn't miss Qin Weiyu's astonished expression in the night.

The young man was so shocked that he couldn't move for a long time. After a while, he stammered and smiled: "You are joking, I am a proton, how could I go back to Dongzhou..."

"You believe me." Fang Tinglan said every word, "You have believed me since you were a child, didn't you? When I finish what I should finish in the southern border, I will take you back."

The temptation of the word "go back" is too great, Qin Weiyu can almost clearly hear her dry throat swallowing: "I'm doing business... are you looking for Fei Yi?"

"More than that," Fang Tinglan paused, then suddenly said, "Do you still remember the story we heard from the old mother in the haunted palace back then?"

"I seem to have a little impression..." Qin Weiyu tried hard to recall, "Is it about the treasure of the previous dynasty?"

"That story is true." Fang Tinglan said.