Knight of the Sea

Chapter 120: Anning Hall


The name of the White Tiger Gang is too old, even Fang Tinglan, a subordinate who is resident in Jiumeng, was taken aback for a moment before he realized it.

After Blind Eagle and Dowa were executed, the White Tiger Gang that once entrenched in the Anwana District had long since dispersed, and the few remaining fish that slipped through the net quietly pulled together a few small gangs when the limelight faded. After it develops, although it can't be as prosperous as the White Tiger Gang back then, with a few gambling houses, a black boxing arena, and a few brothels, it can be regarded as doing well in the mud area.

Hailian called out a few names from memory and asked the subordinate, "What's the situation with these people now?"

"The Wasp joined the Red Hat merchant shortly after the turmoil began, and is planning to include Clock Street into its territory recently; Reddy is the opposite of him. During this period, he had several conflicts with the Red Hat, but he has too few people available. The Red Snake has been quiet, and has basically stayed in the brothel he runs for the past few months." Hai Lianti's characters are all local snakes in the mud area, as Zhen Haigong's secret agent. Zhuang will naturally observe their movements.

"Are there other forces in the mud area?"

"No more, the Red Hat merchant has basically taken over the entire Jiumeng, and the three of them are already the three biggest groups in the mud area." The man took out a pen and paper from his pocket, wrote the addresses of the leaders of the three parties on the paper and handed it to Hailian. Then he got up, walked up to Fang Tinglan and whispered a few words before bidding farewell to them and leaving.

"If it was me, I would give priority to talking to Red Snake, and if it was you, I would definitely go to meet that guy named Reddy for a while," Fang Tinglan propped his chin with one hand, with a relaxed expression, "I guess Shouldn't it be wrong?"

Hailian poured a glass of wine without denying it.

"What are you going to talk to this man about?"

"I didn't intend to talk to him," Hai Lian frowned and asked, "Why use your mouth when you can solve it with your fists?"

"Indeed, things that can be solved with fists are the easiest things," Fang Tinglan laughed, staring into his eyes, "Then what do you do when you go to the Red Snake? His brothel can be opened at this time." It's going well, and it looks like it won't be able to deal with fists and knives."

"Aren't you still here?" Hailian raised an eyebrow.

Fang Tinglan hummed for a long time: "This favor is not counted in the terms, it has to be recorded separately."

"Then remember."

"A deposit must be paid first."

"Fang Tinglan."

"My majestic Lord Zhenhai can easily make small profits and make great decisions, but now I am here to help you persuade a brothel owner," he said in an aggrieved voice, "What's the matter with taking a small deposit?"

"What deposit do you want?"

"Let's think about it... I already have enough money, and you can't afford the power now," the man slowly bit out every word from his teeth in a lowered voice, and stroked his wanton fingers from his waist to under the table little by little. , "Your Excellency is the only person, I can accept it with a smile..."

Seeing this person getting closer and closer, Hailian couldn't help but hold his breath. However, in the next second, Fang Tinglan suddenly backed away, and opened his hands to Hailian: "Forget it, thinking that you will have to fight with someone tomorrow, please owe me, I won't bother you today."

Seeing the other party's smiling face, the slyness in his brows and eyes was overflowing, Hailian realized that he had been tricked again, his face flushed instantly, he stood up and gave Fang Tinglan a hard look , get up and go.

Alas, the children are really not funny at all. Fang Tinglan looked at the baron's angry back, smiled and shook his head.

The ups and downs of snoring in the tavern gradually replaced the singing, a drunk out of town staggered into a prostitute, smiled and said something obscene, and didn't notice that the girl had already taken away his waist pocket. Fang Tinglan watched with great interest, and couldn't help but think of the theft he had encountered when he first came to Jiumeng, and Hailian's arrogant and gloating face at that time.

When thinking of this, the man's Shen Shen eyes became more warm.

The girl who got it successfully on the other side was just about to take a look at her loot, when she suddenly found a line of sight falling on her. She mistook the unpredictable smile at the corner of the man's mouth for a signal of courtship, so she winked at him: "Hey, Dongzhou guy, seeing that you look beautiful, six coppers will take you to the most beautiful place in Jiumeng." place, do you want to come?"

"No need, I've already been to the most beautiful place in Jiumeng." Fang Tinglan refused with a smile.

The girl who lost a piece of business was not upset, she made a face at Fang Tinglan, twisted her waist and walked out of the tavern with her purse in her hand.

No one came to disturb the Dongzhou people anymore, Fang Tinglan put away his smile, and finally poured himself a cup. The man looked at the not-so-clear liquid in the glass, and in his mind was the report that his subordinate had just whispered to him before he left.

—Master Zhou caught a few traitors who were hidden in Nanhong in the secret storehouse. It is of great importance. Please go back and deal with it.

At first I wanted to spend more time with him, but now I'm afraid... Fang Tinglan sighed silently. Before everything is settled, there will always be a sea of distance between the two of them.

It doesn't matter. He drank it down.

One day, he will smooth out the ups and downs ahead one by one.


As Fang Tinglan said, things that can be solved with fists are the simplest things. Hai Lian wiped the corner of his mouth, and stretched out his hand towards Reddy on the ground: "Anyway, you don't like the red hat, and I can't like the red hat, why don't we drive them out first, and then you want to avenge Dowa again, and I don't like it." Accompany."

Reddy gasped, but didn't answer. It was the one-on-one challenge that he proposed on his own initiative, and it was also the disastrous defeat that he swallowed on his own initiative. One eyelid was swollen into a walnut, and a rib seemed to be broken. The boy beside him looked at the opponent with more awe than when he was looking at him. It was the first time for a man to feel that he was getting old. The boy who was ridiculed by him back then as a chick could now look down at him like this. Except for a little scratch on his face, there was not even a single tear on his clothes.

"The old guy Blind Eagle taught you very well." Reddy whispered after a long time.

"Well, he's a jerk, but he's good at teaching." Hailian nodded.

"..." Reddy endured and endured, but still couldn't hold back, "Why did you betray everyone back then? You are already the little leader of the White Tiger Gang. Blind Eagle and Dowa value you so much, but you went to be a member of the Public Security Department dog… "

"You're saying something wrong." Hailian interrupted him coldly, "It's the White Tiger Gang that treats me like a dog, and the Public Security Department treats me like a human being."

The man fell silent. After a while, he looked at Hai Lian's hand that he never took back: "If I join you, will you treat me like a dog or a human?"

Hailian pursed her lips: "That depends on whether you want to be a human or a dog."

"Ha," Reddy let out a muffled laugh, "what the hell are you talking about."

He took Hailian's hand.

"Looking at your expression, it should be a complete victory?" Kunji threw Hailian's coat to him, "I thought this kind of single-minded man would be troublesome."

Hai Lian shook his head: "When he was still in the White Tiger Gang, he wasn't too bad." At least when Blind Eagle asked Xiaoyu to come to 'do business', this man was the only one who came out to dissuade him.

Kunji raised her slender eyebrows noncommittally: "Where are we going to make a fuss next, Your Excellency the Baron?"

"Don't go anywhere, stay in the mud zone."

"What's the meaning?"

"Since Reddy is willing to cooperate, we will act in the name of his Blackstone Gang for the time being, and take the mud area into our own hands first." Hailian put on his coat and said, "To put it bluntly, it is the white The gang of nobles in the Bird District didn't take the life and death of the people on the other side of the Reflecting River seriously, and they didn't want to look this way at all, which gave Red Hat and Simona an opportunity. They are all covered with mud, why don't you clean this side first, and then go to the White Bird District when I find out the person behind the red hat..." When Hai Lian said this, he saw Kunji's expression was strange, so he stopped, "Why? Is it? Where am I wrong?"

"It's not wrong, it's good," the woman teased, "I just think that your serious appearance just now looks like that Fang."

Hailian: "..."

The Anwana area is very large, and it is divided into several areas according to the dilapidation of the houses. The area where Reddy is located is generally called Anning Hall, which is called An Ning, but this area is not peaceful at all. Fights and murders are common. is a common occurrence. However, moss and vines entwine on the gray wall stained with black blood, and a cloud of fireworks can still grow.

The hawkers were yelling and selling dim sum enthusiastically as before, but when they saw Hailian approaching, their first reaction was to touch the self-defense knife on their waist. Hailian didn't care, and asked directly: "Are there any sweet cakes for sale?"

"Yes, yes! They are all just out of the oven!"

"Why do you still like to eat this?"

"Bought for Xiaoyu and her friends."

The peddler warmly wrapped sweet cakes for Hailian. The two were about to move on when they saw two security guards walking towards them. Let's go."

Without Faluco's Sheriff's Office, he has to stay on his toes.

There were not many passers-by in the alley, and a few pairs of malevolent eyes glanced at the two young men and women in the dark, but retracted when they found the short firecrackers beside them. The itinerary went smoothly this time, and Hai Lian even felt that he still had time to investigate Qipan Street before the evening. He was thinking about his next plan, when a figure suddenly appeared from behind and hit him hard, Hailian's hands were immediately empty.

Sugar is gone.

Hai Lian turned around in surprise, only to see that the man had gone far away.

"Forget it, it's just a bag of candies..." Before Kunji finished speaking, Hailian chased after her like the wind.

Since he became an adult, no one can take anything away from him.

The figure was thin and small, just a half-grown child, and Hai Lian was able to catch the boy by the back of his neck in dozens of steps, but in the next moment, the second thing that surprised him happened. As if feeling the strong wind behind him, the boy suddenly lowered his body, then twisted his waist, pulled out the dagger and swung it at Hailian.

Surprise was nothing but surprise, but the young man's nerves did not relax at all. He had just fought with Reddy, and the joy and excitement buried deep in his body was aroused again by this strange boy's attack. When the blade was about to pierce his flank, the young man took a quick step back, then grabbed the boy's arm and twisted it hard. The boy screamed, and the dagger fell to the ground.

Too bad, it's too harsh. Hai Lian was a little regretful, and just wanted to see if he accidentally dislocated the opponent's hand, but when he lowered his head, what he saw was a black hole in the muzzle of the gun.

boom! !

The sound of the bullet being fired exploded in the quiet alley, causing countless mice to flee. "Hailian!" Kunji turned pale with shock, and quickly ran into the alley.

Although the assassin's agility is inhuman, but it is almost impossible to avoid such a short-range ballistic. Hailian took a deep breath, ignored the blood bubbling from his shoulder, but gritted his teeth and firmly grabbed the boy's wrist, forcing him to let go of the gun: "...I didn't expect that I would fall into the hands of a little lunatic." hands..."

During the confrontation between the two, the bag of snacks snatched from their arms fell to the ground. The snow-white dough and snow-white powdered sugar were stained with mud and soot, and quickly merged with the surrounding scenery. The boy let out a shrill scream, struggled more violently, and threw himself desperately at the blackened snack, just like a dying hungry animal, desperately trying to grab the prey back into its mouth.

Kunji had already arrived between the two of them, she exclaimed, "What happened just now?! Did this kid shoot you? Let go first, let me teach this little robber... Hailian?"

Hai Lian didn't listen to what she said at all, his astonished eyes locked on the boy in his arms.

No, it shouldn't be like this.


The young master always has a bluffing and arrogant expression, and his clean little face is spotless. As long as he waved his hand, there would be all kinds of exquisite pastry toys in front of him.

He shouldn't be in rags, risking his life for a bag of cheap biscuits.

The boy's originally clear blue eyes were flushed with blood. Obviously, what was reflected in his eyes was Hai Lian's appearance, but Hai Lian felt that he didn't see himself at all. If he can still move, Hai Lian is sure that the opponent will attack again with his hands, teeth, and every inch of his body without hesitation. This Erica was completely different from what he remembered, Hailian had no idea how to stop him and wake him up.

"Elica, it's me..."

The boy in his arms didn't react at all, his attention was all on the bag of pastries that were no longer edible at his feet. You must pick it up quickly, you must leave here immediately, you must rush back.


"-Kill you!!"


Finally, it was Kunji who couldn't bear it anymore. She strode over and stunned the almost crazy cub with a hand knife, ending all the stalemate.

"..." Hai Lian lowered his head and calmed his breath, and supported Erika's limp body, "...Thank you."

"Don't be influenced by others." The woman has never used such a solemn voice. "You are the leader of our group now. If you panic, get hurt, or die, everyone will be finished. You know this kid. people?"

"Well, he is... my friend's younger brother." Hai Lian said dryly, "I didn't expect to meet him here."

"Anyway, we've met each other now, so it's unnecessary to say anything," Kunji sighed, "First find a dirty doctor to treat your wound, and then take him back."