Knight of the Sea

Chapter 126: read the letter



On the day when Fang Tinglan arrived in Chijin, Nanhong just officially announced the name change to Dongwei Democratic Republic, which also announced the complete separation of this land from the Qin Dynasty's imperial power dynasty.

And Chi Jin is still Chi Jin.

As an irreplaceable important port in Dongzhou, you can reach the southern states in the south and the northern desert states in the north. You can enjoy the nourishment of the clear water of the Qiongjiang River and the tens of thousands of hectares of granary; there is also the majestic Huying Mountain as a barrier, which is not subject to war. , it is no wonder that Qin Yu fled here after abandoning the imperial capital. Whether there is an emperor sitting on a high seat or not, it does not hinder its beauty-or rather, it is because there is no emperor that this place is more and more prosperous.

The palace by the lake was rebuilt into Yitai Ministries after the year, and Zhenhaigong's new residence was in the Yayuan near the western suburbs, not far from the Linhai Lighthouse, facing Jiumeng City from a distance. As soon as Fang Tinglan got out of the car, he saw several black-clothed guards standing in front of his house. He raised his eyebrows and immediately understood: "Congratulations Zhou Yiguo, you came here specially to pick me up for the founding ceremony?"

Zhou Buyi rushed out from behind the door: "Are you worthy of participating in the celebration too?!" A group of them planned for many years and finally overturned the chessboard to change the world. In the end, the mastermind surnamed Fang was lucky. He also said "I'll find someone" and then left, leaving the mess to himself. Thinking of this, Zhou Buyi became angry and angry: "I have been waiting for you for half a year, hurry up and take over!"

"I can't take it. I'm not suitable for standing in front of the screen. Not only can I not use my hands and feet, but I can also be easily regarded as a target." Fang Tinglan shook his head and refused very simply, "Let Tianjiku know that I exist, but don't know Where I stand is more useful than where I sit on the podium."

"Oh, then I have to thank Lord Zhenhai for giving me this opportunity to be a target." Zhou Buyi's voice was cold.

"Aren't you alive?" Fang Tinglan replied casually. The two had already entered the gate, the summer heat was sifted by the flowers on the pergola, and only the breeze leaked from the branches and leaves, making the temperature here exactly the same as that in Jiumeng City. He half-closed his eyes, "The several decrees promulgated by the council are very good, and they have greatly weakened the arrogance of the old nobles. Now the common people regard you as the savior of the world, so they have to set up a temple to offer you up. .”

"I don't want to be this savior." Zhou Buyi rolled his eyes. Master Xiao Zhou was still thinking about his treacherous ministers ruining the great cause of the country, and every day before going to bed, he was thinking about how to pour oil and water from the treasury into his own house, but when he got on the stage the next day, seeing the people's livelihood suffering on the paper, The army was in a hurry, and when he realized it, he almost posted his private house that had been accumulated for many years.

"Why do I have to work hard on the stage, and you are so happy to see your little beauty every day." Zhou Buyi was annoyed.

"That's why I'm here to help. What's more, it's only half a year since the seven-year cycle that was agreed upon when the legislation was made." Mr. Fang patted him on the shoulder perfunctorily, "Work hard, the golden seat I gave you The mine is in the Yanya Valley in the west, don't worry."

Zhou Buyi said coldly: "Add one more, or I will impeach myself to the ministries today."

"..." Fang Tinglan pressed his temple, quickly calculated an account in his mind, and nodded, "Okay. You came to me today, isn't it just to bargain with me for gold mines?"

"Of course not," Zhou Buyi fulfilled his wish, happily peeled a piece of malt candy from the bag and threw it into his mouth, "I caught a really big fish."

"How big is it?"

"Student Zhang Kexing, how old do you think he is?"

Fang Tinglan gave a faint "Oh".

Master Zhou was a little dissatisfied: "Why did you react like this?"

"No surprise. Zhang Kexing and the others thought that Chi Jincheng was Chi Jin from the former Qin family, so of course there would be such a result." Lord Zhenhai smiled, "Where is he now?"

"It's closed in the dungeon."

"Then let him stay locked up." Fang Tinglan had already started ordering people to burn incense and put hot water, "I'm going to take a bath and rest, you can go to the celebration if you have nothing else to do."

Zhou Buyi felt that the ten eunuchs combined did not have this Duke of Zhenhai, which annoyed him: "Aren't you going?"

"I'm not in that mood." Fang Tinglan smiled like a boy who just fell in love, but he was unambiguous in his hand to see off the guests. "Now I just want to wait for the letter from Jiumeng."

Zhou Yiguo, who has always been smiling and caring for the people like a child, uttered the first swear word of the day.


Hailian's first letter was sent to Chi Jincheng together with the first autumn rain. Fang Tinglan changed into the latest custom-made clothes from the silk shop, took a letter and a pot of flowers to commit spring, and went to the dungeon alone. He was walking in the rain and fog, and the golden maple-colored gauze robe on his body was floating and blurred. He looked like a beloved who went to a lover's invitation, rather than a victor who visited his prisoner.

"After the fall of the previous dynasty, the Tianjiku gathered the remnants of the former dynasty and wanted to restore it, but they were accidentally reported and almost wiped out. In the end, only a small number of people escaped. Some of the survivors were The comrades died tragically for public display, and the blaze in their hearts turned into black flames of hatred. They decided to offer all the murder weapons in "Jiguang Huangyun Book" to Beimo, and the condition was to wash Taiyan with blood and kill Qin's blood; but there are still some People think that killing karma is too heavy to attract wolves into the house, and they don't want to agree, so the Tianjiku split again."

Fang Tinglan was born with a good voice, and his opening remarks were gentle and elegant, which made the cold room in the dungeon feel warm. When he walked to the iron fence, he didn't care about the filth of the dark cell, and sat straight down. On the ground, facing the other side of the fence, continue,

"You promised to donate all the "Jiguang Huangyun Shu" to the eight federations. Now, except for the two volumes that were destroyed by the fire, Tiegegu still only has four volumes, and the rest..." He raised the wine bottle in his hand and poured himself a glass. "If you think about it, you will know whose hands it is in."

The person opposite never spoke. A distant candlelight on the wall can only outline a dark figure crouching there.

"Zhou Buyi said that he caught you and your men near my house. I feel a little surprised that Shang Hailian escaped from your teacher's grasp. If you don't chase him, why did you come over the wall of my house? ?” He took a sip of Hua Zuichun, and suddenly smiled again, “Oh, presumably Weiyu once told you that Shang Hailian and I have a close relationship, so you think there will be clues to “Ji Guang Huang Yun Shu” here?”


The Yongrong wine fell into the throat, and there was still a hint of sweetness from the coolness, Fang Tinglan shook his head, "Then you will be disappointed, because I have a bad stomach and a liar, so my family's He never trusted me, and naturally he wouldn't tell me where he hid his things."

The man remained silent, but his breathing became significantly heavier.

"Hey, I don't believe it when you look like this," Fang Tinglan sighed leisurely, put down the wine cup, and took out the letter again, "I just received his letter today, otherwise I'll give it to you miss?"

After all, he really unfolded the paper.

"I went to meet the group of people from Chenming Palace. Although they can't fight, they have good brains, and they don't have the bad temper of the nobles in the White Bird District. They are quite to my liking..."

It is true that Hailian has never written a letter to anyone, and he doesn't know the basic format. He came up without any pleasantries, and talked about his actions in Jiumeng City, which made the man feel helpless and funny. After reading a few hundred words to the end, I saw a few words scribbled by Your Excellency the Baron: I thought twice.

Obviously there was no drinking at this meeting, but Fang Tinglan couldn't help but coughed several times.

He refolded the letter paper and spread his hands to the man: "That's it. I'm leaving. I will continue to read the letter next time he comes."

There was no reply from the other side.


In the past two years, Hailian's letters came very regularly. With the south wind blowing from the Yunhai Sea, a letter would come every three months. Words are as loose and uninhibited as his people, saying what comes to mind.

——I found O'Brien. This guy has been hiding in Longmeng City under his name. He said he wanted to create his creations. I think he really has something wrong!

——Xiaoyu said that she didn't want to be a clerk anymore, but wanted to be a dirty doctor to save people. After persuading her a few times, she let her go.

—Erica called me teacher for the first time today, and I was a little uncomfortable.

- Dead man, headache, nothing to write.

Probably because the spell he cast on Hailian's eyelashes before he left really worked. No matter what he wrote earlier, at the end Hailian would always remember to write down how many times he thought about it—he was in a bad mood, so he thought more . Too busy to think much.

It must be that I have not done my duty enough in the secret pile of Jiumeng, so that the children of his family are so busy. Fang Tinglan gritted his teeth and slandered, wishing he could fly to Jiumeng to rescue him immediately, but he wrote as if nothing had happened, only making a few hints in his words. He knew that Hai Lian was never stupid, he just lacked a guide.

Sometimes I would send something along with the letter, usually files and information related to business affairs, locked in a secret box, and the password was the date when the two lived on a deserted island; I also sent snacks, but unfortunately they were already born The mildew was gone, so Fang Tinglan had to ask his own cook to figure out the original cooking recipe with these yellow, yellow, green and green things. From then on, Zhenhaigong always put the same taste of pastries on the table for hospitality; They also sent spices from the southern region, and the letter said it was from Xiaoyu, but Mr. Fang didn't care what the explanation was on the paper, and put all of them in the incense burner, so that Zhou Buyi sneezed three times in a row as soon as he entered the room.

The gift that left Fang Tinglan silent the most was a ghost mask from the Sea God Festival.

A few years ago, before the two experienced deception and disappointment again and again, his little assassin also wore such a mask to knock on his window on the eve of the Sea God's Festival and generously gave him a kiss. The 20-year-old Shang Hai even stared at him purely and transparently, accepting everything from him, and only buried his teeth in the pillow and scolded in a low voice when he was bullied too hard. It was so soft that it was hot, but there was an arc of flowing water unconvinced at the waist...

The scent of flowers in the bedroom at midnight was so strong that it was so vulgar, it was like a bustling brothel where Mrs. Jinlinghua's powder gathered. Mr. Zhenhai sat on the bed, thinking about it with green eyes. He took a deep breath, threw away the mask abruptly, opened the door and went out to practice shooting. Well, it's a real gun.

The servant who came to clean the room the next day lifted the quilt and turned pale with fright when he saw the mask: "Why did you put such a terrible thing on the bedside?"

"To ward off evil spirits." Fang Tinglan answered without blushing.

As spring goes and autumn comes, the last year is really busy. After the first counterattack shot was fired from Qiyun City, Tisu fell into a long war. The "Declaration of the Morning Bell" distributed the rights originally bestowed by the gods on the white-feathered phoenix to every Tisu, causing them to spontaneously gather in the dragon Rong's side is like a long river of festivals. This weak woman who once lived in another courtyard in obscurity for a long time and was given to Beihong as a gift has now transformed into a goddess holding a flag on a chariot.

Hailian's handwriting also changed from being messy at the beginning to looking good. Probably because the time when he needs to write is gradually much more than the time when he needs to hold a knife-he has already taken over the lower city of Jiumeng City.

After Fang Tinglan received the letter, he would go to the cell to share the situation thousands of miles away with that person as usual. The Fanshui people who bypassed the Jiayang Highlands were cut off by Tisu and were defeated in Yinling Fort; No less, the sea flood season that was getting closer and closer forced the Mo Yi fleet to evacuate... He told his enemy everything, so as to tell the other party very clearly that the allies of the hangar were falling apart.

"Today's letter was delivered quickly, so it's probably good news." Fang Tinglan was still holding a pot of wine and a letter before going to jail, "Let me see... ah, it is indeed good news. Simona escaped gone."

opposite:"… "

"After all, the general situation is over. If it were me, I would run away too, but I didn't choose the direction of escape—he went to Yunhai." Fang Tinglan dusted the paper, "The Lord Duke you supported may be on land with Shang Hailian. After fighting for two years, I seem to have forgotten that my baron has another job besides assassin." His brows twisted, "He is also the captain of the Blackfish, the most vicious pirate on the sea."

As soon as the voice fell, the crisp sound of the chain shaking came from the shadows, as well as a broken roar that seemed to be squeezed out of the throat of a wild beast.

"Don't be so angry, I'm just telling the truth." Fang Tinglan closed the letter and poured himself a glass of wine, "Then let's change the subject and chat. Have you heard of the 'Golden Blood Battle'?"

"This matter has never been written in the history books on the Art of War, but it has been spread by word of mouth among merchants. It is said that Cang Shuo, the founding emperor of the previous dynasty, used a blank promissory note to step countless people into hell." Fang Tinglan smiled, and handed a gold coin to the man in the prison, "I don't like weapons, so what he did was particularly to my liking—let's take a gamble and see if bloody wars are powerful." , or my lack of blood is more powerful."

The next day, Dongwei announced an alliance with the Gubei United Chamber of Commerce, which is independent from the four barren countries, and began to dump capital on Beihong with a thunderous force. Beihong, a puppet regime, had no power to fight back, but the entire market collapsed completely within a few months, and countless people drowned in this invisible sea of gold. Qin Weiheng had to close all the ports and commercial ports in an emergency, but this was exactly what Fang Tinglan wanted to see. The Yingcang Navy immediately took advantage of the fire and took over the entire Linhai. A trapped beast with an empty stomach, unable to stretch out its sharp claws.

This was Fang Tinglan's fatal blow to the chess player.

"Long Rong's army has already approached Jiumeng City. If you lose all your moves, you will lose all control over the southern border. In a few years, the "Auspicious Light and Yellow Cloud Book" in your teacher's hand will no longer affect the Eight Federations." Attractive, and then, that's when you're officially out."

Fang Tinglan didn't wear brocade and jade robes today, but a scarlet outfit, "I'm going to go to Jiumeng, today is the last time I'll see you."

The chain on the opposite side rang again.

"By the way, you must be wondering why I have to read a three-year letter to a member of the hangar?" The man raised the torch in his hand to illuminate the situation in the cell—the prisoner was dirty, and the years of imprisonment made him His weak limbs could barely lift the shackles in his hands, and the man's angry face was hideous like a ghost. He opened his mouth towards Fang Tinglan, the corners of his lips were wrinkled and almost torn, but his voice, which had long been poisonous and hoarse, could not utter any syllables at all—he After listening to the confidential information for three years, he knew all the actions and privacy of Fang Tinglan and Shang Hailian, but he was unable to convey a single word to the outside world, to his teacher.

Fang Tinglan showed him a bright smile.

"Because I'm a big bad guy, I like to see my opponent's expression of despair."