Knight of the Sea

Chapter 13: Treasure and key



At that time, the capital city of Dongzhou had not yet been ruled, and Fang Tinglan's father, Fang Que, was still the powerful Lord Zhenhai, and his only son, Fang Tinglan, was naturally the proud son of heaven. Not only was Fang Tinglan determined to be the prince's companion from birth, but the royal family also gave him many privileges such as not being able to walk around the palace gates at will. It stands to reason that he should have mixed with the powerful princes and be a pampered dude, but the family style of the small family has cultivated a righteous attitude, especially loves to fight against injustices. From the first day of entering the palace, he firmly stood in the most bullied six Prince Qin Weiyu's side.

There was no one to play with them, so they played by themselves, climbing trees to pick fruits, bamboo horses pretending to be generals, and still enjoying themselves. One day, Fang Tinglan accidentally talked about a palace in the northeast corner being haunted while listening to the palace people chatting for a long time. The young prince of Zhenhai, who thought he was invulnerable to all poisons, took the sixth prince to find out.

Along the way, Qin Weiyu was trembling with fear, sobbing in the night, one step was about to be broken into two steps, although Fang Tinglan was also afraid, but of course he couldn't show timidity in the adventure he proposed on his own initiative, the child pretended to be bold and kicked it away The door, but the moment he saw the flickering fire inside, he was so frightened that he burst into tears.

Ghosts are naturally non-ghosts, but the old maids who are old and have no one to take care of them are here to escape the cold of winter. The old mammy wiped away their snot and tears for both of them dumbfounded, even gave them a piece of roasted sweet potato, and told a story by the fire by the way.

She said that there is a treasure from the previous dynasty hidden somewhere in Dongzhou. The former dynasty was a prosperous country where "the rainbow washes gold for the bow and armor of the sky". . Such a treasure land is naturally guarded by evil spirits at the gate. If ordinary people want to find out, they will be sucked dry by evil spirits before they even reach the gate. In her ancestors, there was a capable person who escaped the evil spirits and sneaked in once, hoping to touch one or two treasures in exchange for some property, but for some reason, this capable person broke the mechanism in the treasure house and killed the demons, but finally escaped empty-handed. After coming out, people also became crazy, and it didn't take long for people to disappear.

"... Those treasures are all cursed, so they can't be touched!" The old mother emphasized seriously.

Qin Weiyu listened to it with gusto in the first half, but was frightened by some demons and ghosts later, his face turned pale, and the sweet potatoes turned into cold lumps. Only Fang Tinglan was ignorant and fearless. He murmured about the sweet smell on his fingers, blinked his eyes and asked, "No, mother, since the door is blocked by monsters, how did the ancestors of the mother-in-law know that there are treasures inside?" How did you get in?"

The old mammy was immediately stopped by the question, and the old man twisted the thread at the corner of his clothes with his skinny fingertips and thought for a while: "Because... because he has the key!"


"Nurse's story is indeed a story, but there are truths and falsehoods in the story." Fang Tinglan said, "Fifteen years ago, about a hundred Taiyan city residents escaped a month before the city was broken, and one of them A master assassin named Shang Weiji. Headed by Shang Weiji, he led these people all the way to the south, and crossed the ocean to the southern border in two long boats."

Qin Weiyu was at a loss when he heard this, and didn't know how the person Fang Tinglan mentioned had anything to do with the legendary stories they heard in childhood: "You... want me to help you find this person named Shang Weiji?"

"To be precise, it's the Hanyin Token in his hand." Fang Tinglan said, "This thing is the key that the old mother said. On the eve of the fall of the Rong Dynasty, he sent his cronies to secretly collect all the classics, military books, Kit Kat crafts and a large number of treasures were sent to a place in Dongzhou for safekeeping. The "ghosts" that the mother said were probably the guards stationed there. But after many years, the world changed and the restoration of the previous dynasty was hopeless, so the organization split internally. Some of them fled to Beimo with some of their belongings—the monster-like machinery and weapons when the city was broken back then were modified from the lost documents in the warehouse."

No one has ever seen the brilliant duo of the previous dynasty, but the tragedy of the battle that broke Taiyan City fifteen years ago is engraved in the hearts of all Dongzhou people. Qin Weiyu is not a fool, and it is impossible for a fool to be in Tisu After living for ten years, he immediately realized: "You mean that Shang Weiji is also a member of that trusted organization? What was left in the hangar that day..."

"Only Shang Weiji knows." Fang Tinglan continued, "You and I both know that these weapon blueprints, latitude and longitude maps, and classics are far more valuable than the gold and silver treasures that the mother said. We Ever since I learned of the existence of the Hanyin Order a few years ago, I have been secretly inquiring about Shang Weiji's whereabouts. Even if I don't know where he is, it would be nice to find one of these Taiyan people. But after many years, these people who never The Dongzhou people who came from Taiyan City have long been scattered in all directions, and there is no news of them."

Qin Weiyu said anxiously: "Then, what should we do?"

"It's okay," Fang Tinglan raised his mouth slightly when he said this, and he whispered, "Because God finally favored me once. As soon as I entered the southern border, I had a clue."


Fang Tinglan silently read the name in his heart.

The clock in the hall struck eleven, and the movement of the crowd could be faintly heard outside when the fireworks were over. The two had to leave.

Fang Tinglan finally comforted the other party with a few words, and agreed on how to meet next time, and Qin Weiyu agreed one by one. After Fang Tinglan finished speaking, he took two steps forward, turned around and added: "Everything has its own priorities, Han Yin told me to let you know, not immediately, the first priority now is to find Fei Yi, To avenge my father, the second is to take you back to Dongzhou. And it’s not going back secretly, it’s aboveboard... "

When he said this, he raised his eyes. The man was facing the moonlight outside the high window, and he was also smiling at His Royal Highness Chen Wang who had been with him since he was a child. This smile was soft, warm, sincere and almost false, but with A dazzling light.

In other words, it was Fang Tinglan's words that dazzled Qin Weiyu.

"I'll help you inherit the throne, Weiyu." Fang Tinglan said.