Knight of the Sea

Chapter 16: Black Boxing Arena



There are countless black boxing rings in Jiumeng City, and Hai Lian is no stranger to these places—although he has never participated in a ring, but when the White Tiger Gang was at its peak, he was present in every boxing ring under its banner Appear. Now that the White Tiger Gang is gone, the Black Boxing Arena in Walnut Lane is the most powerful, with the largest audience and the most brutal fighters.

Today, Hai Lian heard from the "flies" on the street that the Ridge Horse will be on the field, so the second target on his list-Queller will also be there. He just needs to find out who is Queller in the crowd, and then quietly Just give him a knife, and his mission will be completed.

It was still early for Hailian to enter the stands, and the center field was still empty. The ground sprinkled with fine sand and lime was very clean, not at all like the appearance of several corpses lying there just yesterday. Most of the people watching this kind of bloody battle are those bored men in the mud area who want to vent their violent animal desires, and there are also some spectators who seem to be dressed plainly, but when you get closer, you can find that they are hiding under the dusty coats with exquisite patterns. There are few female spectators, but it is not without them. They are surrounded by male guests and bodyguards. In order to prevent outsiders from recognizing their identities, they have to add a layer of covering to their faces. Shining brightly in the venue.

Just who is Quiller

Is it the old man who put down a bag of coins in the tray without blinking an eye? Or the man who was discussing Ritmega's bloody past with his companions? Even the masked girl with the ring on her slender little finger

Since Quiller is a loyal supporter of Ridge and is listed in Falluco's documents, he must be someone. Hai Lian took a fancy to a few targets with big shots, and was about to get closer to take a closer look, when his lower back was suddenly blocked by something.

"Good evening." The owner of that thing behind him spoke.

Through the single shirt, Hai Lian could also feel the coldness and hardness of that thing, which had already pressed a sharp wrinkle into his close-fitting clothes, and continued to sag continuously and silently. Can add a bloody gap. The young man took a step forward in a very quick reaction, turned back the instant he threw off the hostage with skill, the vigilance and sensitivity of the assassin's instinct allowed him to catch the assailant's eyes in the dim light.

"It's not the place you want to stab. There is no lethal internal organs in this place, so I can't kill me with a single stab." Hailian tilted his head, "Going together?"

The man smiled contemptuously: "You're half right." When he grinned and spoke, his scarlet tongue moved in his scarlet mouth, like a dormant snake.

The other party put away the dagger. I don't know if it was intentional. The handle of the dagger passed by under the dim oil lamp, just enough for Hailian to see the patterns on it clearly.

Scorpion Amber. Hailian cursed badly in her heart.

Met the most troublesome peers.

He worked for Faluko half a year ago, and his target was an officer who smuggled Tisu arms to Mo Yiguo. As a result, this task happened to conflict with the poisonous scorpion amber. Ordinary people would probably have already admitted to being cowardly and retreated to the side, but Hailian didn't know if his brain had a twitch at that time. He relied on his skill, and under the heavy vigilance of the poisonous scorpion ambers, he just ended up with the unlucky one who just got off the boat. Dan—Luo didn't forget to whistle a triumphant whistle in the ears of these royal assassins when he ran away.

Afterwards, Faluco scolded Hai Lian bloodily, saying that no one had ever dared to provoke the king's bayonet, and even the Public Security Bureau saw them take a detour. He advised Hai Lian to go to sea as soon as possible if he still wanted to save his life. Avoiding the sound of the wind outside, Hai Lian had only drifted on the Venomous Bee for half a year. As a result, within half a month after going ashore, Hailian bumped into this group of evil spirits again, Hai Lian really had nothing to say except that he thought he was unlucky.

"You killed that old fat man last time, and the clues we have been chasing for a year have been cut off." The man's voice was low, but just enough for Hailian to hear, "Our leader is very angry."

With Faluko's warning in front, Hai Lian immediately apologized: "It was my fault that time, I didn't know that person was very important to you, and your goal is here today? Then I will leave immediately."

He raised his foot and wanted to slip, but before he could turn around, his arm was grabbed from the side. Another poisonous scorpion, Hu Po, is still a girl. The eyebrows and eyes under the girl's mask are curved, and the Danko on the nails is more colorful than blood.

"I don't like to touch women," Hailian said, "let me go."

"You have no chance to do anything to me." The other party said with a smile.

Sure enough, before Hailian could raise his other hand, the third poisonous scorpion, Amber, supported his remaining arm.

Hai Lian was a little helpless: "How many people have you put in this boxing ring?"

"you guess?"

All the scorpion ambers are smiling in the dark, and this smile is as annoying as the one with the surname Fang. Hailian was tired of their complacent and easy-going expressions, as if he was just a bug in their hands, and would be crushed to death by a finger stretched out at any time.

He was too lazy to struggle: "What on earth do you want? You don't need so many people to kill me."

"Have you ever punched a black fist?" The person who appeared at the beginning suddenly asked.

"What?" Hailian was taken aback.

"You are not on our list today, we will naturally not decide your life or death, but I always remember the fact that you were humiliated last time, so..." The tip of the man's tongue rolled over his snow-white teeth, and he smiled Said, "Good luck, nameless assassin."

twenty one.

"I also want to go up and try."

"Do you want to be a toy too? Like some 'jackal' or 'saber tooth', shirtless and smirking, holding up dirty fists and letting the audience throw bouquets and coins in your face?"

"I just want to try it, just for fun." Hailian insisted, and he pouted, "It makes me feel a little bully to always ask me to deal with those bastards who are sleeping in the pile of money, and they won't rebellious."

The blind eagle Ag pushed him, and the young man staggered two steps, retreating from the original light into the darkness. "Stand up boy, this is where you should stay. Keep an eye on the scene and don't make trouble." His teacher gave him a warning look with his only cloudy eye, "Besides, you think you are not going to be on the stage." Bullying someone?"


The boss of the black boxing arena was a little surprised by this beautiful young man who came to sign up just before the opening, but after the two "guarantors" who sent him showed their badges representing the Amber King, the boss turned his face like a book and immediately expressed his disapproval. No objection. While smiling and flatteringly twirling his beard, he complimented the scorpion ambers, patted the reluctant newcomer on the shoulder, and pushed him to the backstage.

There were so many strong men in the backstage, Hai Lian's figure looked extremely weak against the thick walls of people. When he entered, someone shouted strangely: "Oh, did you send a breastless girl in?"

The players laughed.

The sarcasm of these people is not painful to Hai Lian, it is not as angry as the eyes of the poisonous scorpion amber outside, he walked to the corner without saying a word, wanting to be quiet for a while, but unfortunately the men on the opposite side Not wanting him to be quiet, several people came in front of Hai even before he sat on the hot stool.

Hailian raised her eyelids: "What's the matter?"

"Dongzhou dwarf, are you in debt for gambling?"

"No," Hailian's voice was flat, "Someone sent me over to play, so I'm here."

"Playing? This is not a place where you can come and play casually." Someone reached out to touch Hailian's face, but he blocked it. The person was not angry at Hailian's resistance, but smiled, " Do you know what will happen next? I will take off your arm, and I will trample this beautiful face into mud, so that your lovers will not recognize you."

As soon as the man finished speaking, he suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the young man who was sitting on the stool just a second ago disappeared in front of his eyes like a ghost. Before he could react, his head was forced down by a hand with a bang He hit the wall, and what followed was the sharp pain of joint friction when the arm was folded back.

"It's a pity, I don't have a good friend who will come to recognize my face," Hailian said, still exerting force on his hands, "As for how to remove the arm, can you teach me?"

"You, you fucking—"

"I'm in a bad mood right now, you and your gang..." Hai Lian glanced at the few accomplices who looked fearful next to him, "Can these friends stop messing with me?"

The man's face was distorted, half angry and half frightened, he could hear the stones piercing through the flesh covering the cheekbones, and the joints were making unbearable creaking noises, if he didn't break free, he would have to take it with him later. A broken arm came into play. Thinking of this, he nodded his head desperately regardless of the wound on his face, and he didn't know whether it was "um" or "yes" in his throat.

As soon as Hai Lian let go, the boss opened the door and shouted, "Where's the newcomer just now?"

"Here." Hailian replied, and followed the boss out.

Although he walked out, the aftermath of the little disturbance in the background still reverberated in the room. The man who had lost his restraint grinned and wiped the blood on his face while shaking his hands, cursing that he was not careful just now. Being attacked by surprise, I will definitely want that Dongzhou dwarf to look good, but his companion is looking at the door with lingering fear. After a while, someone hesitates and says: "I think... that guy looks familiar just now."

"have you seen?"

The man frowned, and his tone was not sure: "There used to be a kid from Dongzhou in the White Tiger Gang. He was the only student of Blind Eagle Age. He should have been executed as a traitor by the White Tiger Gang a long time ago."