Knight of the Sea

Chapter 46: Business opportunity



This is Hailian's first time boarding the deck of the Poseidon. Although from the outside, it looks not much different from the Banshee, which is equipped with a tall ship, but when Hailian's eyes fall on the deck of the other The traces of Dongzhou engraved on this ship can only be found when the winches and rudders of different shapes are on the ship. He still wanted to take another look at the Poseidon, but the first mate shadow stepped aside to block his sight: "The captain's cabin is over here."

The young man raised his eyebrows and turned his head back noncommittally.

"You wait for me outside, I'll chat with him alone." Fecna opened the door of the captain's cabin and said to the shadow. The other party nodded, and at the same time opened the button of the gun belt on his chest.

The captain's cabin of the Poseidon is as old-fashioned and boring as Fecna's wooden house on the desert island. There are neither skulls covered with gemstones and beads, nor expensive sharp knives and guns lined up. In addition to the map, there are only notes and wooden boxes. There are also a few half-worn changes of clothes—even for a coffin-faced sheriff like Falucco, a pot of green plants will be placed on the table. Where did Fecona's wealth accumulated over the years go? Hailian slandered, took a chair and sat down unceremoniously: "You said you know my father, I can't believe you with just a name."

After lighting a lamp with a glass shade, Fekner turned around and asked in Dongzhou dialect: "Do you remember your father took you to Yinshan to meet an old gentleman?"

Hailian tilted her head slightly. He left Taiyan when he was five years old. The memory of Dongzhou is too far away. He has to work hard to remember that his parents did take him on a long trip when he was very young. They rode in a carriage for many days, and walked in the mountains and forests for another day, just to visit an old man who lived alone. The old man was kind and kind. He not only gave Hailian some sweet wild fruit, but also carved two wooden rabbits for Hailian. It's a pity that when I left Taiyan, I didn't know where I put the two wooden rabbits.

Helian was a little distracted in his thoughts, until Fecna coughed, then he blinked and replied ambiguously: "Probably, I can't remember."

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember clearly, let me tell you. The old gentleman's surname is Zhuansun, he is a remnant of the Rong Dynasty, and he hides from the world in the Yin Mountains. And your father and I have business opportunities, and we are both students of that old gentleman." Fecna said, "I am a little older than your father by two years. I went out of the mountains first to take the military test and became an officer. Your father is different from me. He inherited Teacher Zhuansun's wish and continued to work in secret. So, we In the open, he is in the dark, we cooperated to spread a huge net in Taiyan City, and use this net to maintain the peace of Dongzhou."

Stop here, stand up and get out of here. Don't you see him throwing bait to lure you in? For some reason, a small voice popped up in his mind, constantly reminding him.

I know. I know he's throwing bait, I just want to hear about my dad, and if he asks anything else, I'll be gone. Hai Lian shook his head, and continued the topic: "My father will cooperate with you?"

"That's right."

"Are you kidding? How can my father have such a great ability? He is a small business..."

"Small business?!" Fecna interrupted him, and the man's voice was full of disbelief, "Weiji, he actually lied to his son like this?"

Don't listen to him.

"You should know the truth about your father, Helian."

Please, don't listen to him.

"What do you mean..." Hailian murmured unconsciously.

"Your father, Shang Weiji," the captain of the Poseidon said very clearly, "he is my younger brother, and he is also the number one assassin master in Dongzhou."

Hai Lian wanted to refute Fecona. But the bait was too big, as if a boulder had fallen straight down and got stuck in his throat, making it impossible for him to choke out a syllable anyway.

He remembered that when he was young, he was really curious about what his father did, because he neither carried a burden every day like the father of the Wang family next door, nor was he like the father of the Zhang family next door who would stand with a book in his hands in disgrace. Wife's beating. When he asked his mother, she only said that children should not ask questions about adults, so he secretly asked brother Xiaoxiao, but the other party had a playful smile on his face: "Your father is in business, he wanders around in peak season, and stays at home in off-season."

He has never believed Brother Xiaoxiao's words, but if Dad is really in business, why would he sometimes have injuries on his body and blood on his clothes when he comes home in the middle of the night

He recalled that when he was a child, his father led him to jump from wooden stakes, his elder brother smiled and took him to climb trees to hide and seek, and the fine iron bow that Uncle Jing made for him was different from other children's toys...

Are all the "games" he thought of not games

Holding the last trace of doubt, Hai Lian struggled to speak: "This is just your side story..."

"Your feet."


"To be precise, it's your steps." Fei Yi took two steps in front of Hailian, "The captain said that your skills were taught by Tisu assassins, but I know the ways of those assassins in the southern border better than you. They are very barbaric in order to get rid of their targets. They would rather practice their hands than care about their feet, but you are different. Since you came to this island, I found that you are just like your father, walking with a little sound None, this habit has become your instinct, if you hadn’t started training from an early age, you wouldn’t be able to do this.”

He stared at the completely speechless young man, and said in a gentle voice, "Dad taught you?"

In fact, Sister Chun taught it, but Sister Chun is Dad's buddy, so what's the difference from what Dad taught

The young man was already in a state of confusion at the moment, he watched Fecna walk to a wooden box, took out a few letters from it and handed them over, the man continued: "If you still don't believe me, you might as well ask your father to tell you personally .”

The letter has been connected to the sea, and the paper has been placed for many years, and it is stained with mold and yellow, but the elegant and delicate handwriting on it has not been damaged. Hailian only glanced at it, and then cried out in his heart—he could speak Dongzhou dialect, but he had forgotten the square Dongzhou characters that his mother forced him to learn when he was a child. . He tried his best to identify but still couldn't make a sentence, the only thing he recognized was at the end, which was his father's name, and a small time signature, which was eight years ago.

This time, the last trace of doubt was dispelled by his father's signature. Hailian covered the letter paper, hesitantly said: "These letters...can you give them to me?"

"Of course, I planned to give it to you." Fecna nodded, he looked at the stack of letter papers, and suddenly sighed, "Eight years ago, your father wrote me the last letter, and no one has ever been there since. Message. I have come to Tisu to look for him, but to no avail, your father... what happened?"

"He's gone."

"What's the meaning?"

"It just disappeared, I don't know where it went." Hai Lian put the letter in his pocket, "Maybe he's dead."

The corners of Fecna's mouth trembled slightly when he heard the words, and he sighed after a moment of silence: "I guessed it a long time ago, but I always had a little hope, thinking that he just took you to hide from the world like a teacher... This is probably fate. He looked at Hailian with kind eyes, "Fortunately, you are still alive. Speaking of which, I remember that Ah Mi was pregnant when she left Taiyan. Where is your sister?"

"She's alive too, and she's doing well." Hailian is no longer the arrogant sitting posture when he first entered the door. He looks like a respectful junior, looking eagerly at Fecona, "Captain, can you... tell me more about me?" Is it about dad?"

His father meant too much to him. When the business opportunity is here, even on the way to flee to the south, in the stormy waves, after the death of his mother, he takes his younger sister to live alone in Jiumeng City, Hailian never struggles for survival, for the next meal, for illness and death. Painful and worried. The word father is equal to his happy and carefree childhood.

At this time, he was like a traveler who had been walking in the cloudy rain for too long. When he felt the ray of sunlight leaking from the sky, he instinctively wanted to bathe more.

"What's wrong with that?" Fecna smiled, very generously, "Your father was abandoned by his parents in the Yin Mountains when he was young, if I hadn't met him by chance when I was helping Master collect medicine, I'm afraid he would have been killed that night." He was eaten by wild beasts in the mountains. He was thin and small at that time, his ribs could be exposed from his skin, and he was trembling, obviously frightened, and it took several days before he was willing to speak. He said that he had no name, and Teacher Zhuansun saw He was very interested in the small knife handed down by the merchant, so he simply let him take Shang's surname and call it Shang Weiji. He has a name, and I have an extra junior, which is great."

"Maybe it's because he was abandoned when he was a child. Your father is introverted and shy. He was always bullied by other children when he went shopping outside the mountains. Every time I have to stand up for him," Fecona shook his head and said He said, "He is not good at verbal communication, so he just devoted himself to martial arts, but after seven or eight years, he is far superior to me in martial arts."

Hailian blinked, no matter what, she couldn't imagine what her father, who was always calm and calm, would have looked like when he was a child.

"Weiji holds a sharp blade, but has a benevolent heart. After he learned to bid farewell to Teacher Zhuansun, he also took in some orphans and orphans who were as helpless as he was when he was young, taught them like a teacher, and protected them. At that time, he was only in his twenties. I laughed at him and started preaching and teaching others before he had even grown hair, but he still went his own way."

Brother Xiaoxiao, sister Chun... Hailian thought of the teenagers who surrounded him when he was young.

"Later, your father rescued the daughter of a silk merchant. That girl is your mother, Cong Mi.

"Later, they had you.

"Your mother is a good woman, and you are a good boy. With the responsibility of your father, you are more stable and reliable than before."

With just one sentence, Hailian gritted his teeth, and his internal organs seemed to be squeezed into a ball. This was the first time he heard about his family from someone else after he grew up.

"When you were one year old, I was transferred to Chi Jincheng because of the rampant pirates in the southern border." Fecona continued, "I have kept in touch with your father by letter since then, until eight years ago. I suddenly lost contact with you. Guess, something bad happened to him, probably because of something in his hand."


"Han Yin Order."

Fecna deliberately bit down on these three words, but the young man on the opposite side looked unfamiliar when he heard this word. The man's heart sank, but he still pretended to be surprised and said, "Didn't Shang Weiji even tell you this?"

"I never ask about the elders, and he won't say anything."

"It's also his character."

"That... Is the Hanyin Token something important?" Hai Lian asked again.

Fecona was anxious, but he still tried to answer patiently: "Of course it is very important. It is a 'key' passed on to your father by Mr. Zhuan Sun. It is the only one in the world. Qualified to open the treasure hidden in a certain place."

treasure? Hailian is very sensitive to this word now: "Treasure? A lot of gold, silver and jewels?"

"It is true that there are countless gold and precious stones, but it is not these things that make Shino go crazy. After all, owning gold is only the wealth of a person; owning "Auspicious Light and Yellow Cloud Book" is the wealth of a country."

""Auspicious Light and Yellow Cloud Book"? Is it the thing you told Fang... uh... that Mojie man? Is that also a treasure?"

"That's right. There are fourteen volumes in "Auspicious Light and Yellow Cloud Book". Before your father and I became teachers, because of the turmoil in the world, people took four of them and fled to Beimo, and then two volumes were burned in the fire." , and the remaining eight volumes have been guarded by your father."

When he said this, he paused for a moment, and then his expression became more sincere, "The ideal of your father and I is to reunify Dongzhou and let that land regain its glory. For this reason, your father is willing to walk in the dark with anonymity, And I would rather give up the military rank and glory of Dongzhou and stay in this vast ocean."

"Helian," Fecna said earnestly and kindly, "Have you never seen a short shuttle-shaped golden gadget with characters engraved on it?"

Obviously the other party's tone was kind, like a kind elder, but for some reason, for a moment, Hai Lian suddenly felt that Fecna's expression was very much like the other party's appearance when he first met Fang Tinglan. That person also had a gentle smile on his face, with no trace of warmth in his eyes.

The young man subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva and shook his head: ""


"Really not. After Dad disappeared, all the things he left were robbed and sold by the landlord Mrs. Gran. Nothing was left for me and my sister." Hai Lian said, "What's more, if I have you Said treasure, will I still stay in this kind of place?"

Seeing that Hailian's answer didn't seem false, Fecna pondered for a moment and said, "Forget it, no wonder you, you were indeed too young at that time."

"Sorry, I couldn't help you." Hailian bowed.

"It's okay, I'm still very pleasantly surprised to see Weiji's child." He pressed the center of his brows, showing a little tiredness, "It's too late today, go back to the Banshee to rest first. If you still have Anything you want to ask, my Poseidon is always open for you."


"General." Shortly after Hailian left the Poseidon, Shadow walked in. He had been standing outside the door just now, listening to the conversation between the two piecemeal, "He really doesn't know anything?"

"Whether I know it or not, I won't let this kid go back to shore easily." Feckona's face returned to his usual indifferent look, and he took off his gloves while ordering, "Wait for the matter of Sand Ghost Bay It's over, let Abale send someone to Tisu's black market to find out what a woman named Gran sold eight years ago."

Shadow agreed, and asked again: "Shang Weiji only revealed that things were placed on a certain island in Yunhai back then, but refused to tell the exact latitude and longitude. That's why we spent so long wandering around Yunhai. If... I Is it a hypothesis, could the things have been snatched away by Beimo first?"

Fecona shook his head: "The Lianyu blunderbuss sent this time are still from the first four volumes. Do you think that if those crazy craftsmen in Tiegegu got the blueprints later, they would be able to accommodate Nan Hong's old stuff to survive?" till now?"

The shadow is dull.

"Now there are only two guesses, either Hanyin Ling was sold by that ignorant bitch; or Shang Weiji was carried by him when he fell off the cliff, and died with him in the belly of the fish."

"It's okay to say the former, but if it's the latter..."

"Then just wait for the rest of "Ji Guang Huang Yun Shu" to rot into waste paper as he wished." Fei Yi snorted coldly, "The teacher always said that my little junior brother is a genius, but I have never seen such a stupid genius."

Shadow quickly lowered his head.

"If there is any knowledge in Shangweijiquan," he sneered, "I must regret that I hid too many things from my son when I was alive, so that I could take advantage of it so easily."


As soon as Hai Lian left the Poseidon, he bumped into Fang Tinglan standing at the port. The other party seemed to be taking a walk, but the thin night dew in his hair clearly indicated that he had been waiting here for a long time.

"Is there something wrong?"

"What did you talk to him about?"

"It's nothing, it's just a personal matter." Hailian raised his eyes and smiled lightly, "I thought Fang Qianwei was worried about me so he would expose himself and stand here like a fool. I didn't expect you just wanted to Ask me what I talked about with Fecna. Why, are you afraid that I will surrender to the enemy?"

Fang Tinglan was at a loss for words for a moment: "I'm really worried about you..."

"Fang Tinglan," Hai Lian asked suddenly, "Fecona...does he have to die?"

"Why do you ask that?" Fang Tinglan asked in shock.

"I... no, it's nothing, just pretend that I didn't say that just now, and I will do it when you tell me to do it." Hailian looked around, "A patrol team is coming, please contact me again when you have a chance." After he finished speaking, he lifted his foot and left.


Helian stopped.

Fang Tinglan looked at his back, opened and closed his lips, and said solemnly after a long time: "No matter what Fecna told you, please don't believe him."

The little pirate under the moonlight did not answer, he just nodded slowly. His movements were so slight that Fang Tinglan almost thought it was his own illusion.