Knight of the Sea

Chapter 48: The winter thunder shook


You can see how the clouds drift, pile up. You can also see how the rain is slowly falling.

The only thing you can't see is the wind.

In the beginning, this naughty guy just made the waves hit the hull more vigorously. Gradually, people will feel as if their cheeks have been scratched twice by a sharp knife, and then everyone can’t get on the deck without grabbing something. Standing still, North Wind took less than an hour to complete these pranks.

The square sail of the mainmast has bulged into a full arc, like a fat man wearing an ill-fitting blouse, and the buttons on his belly are about to burst at any moment. All the crew members on the Banshee quickly took out a cloak from the box and put it on while cursing their mothers. Unfortunately, the cloak was useless, and the rain hood couldn't stay on the head for a second, so it became a cloak. There is a flat circle on the back of the head. Such strong winds even made the Banshee greet Mo Yiren's warship on the sea surface nearly three hours earlier than expected—the other party was also uncomfortable, and the same ups and downs in the waves, If their general hadn't issued a death order to hold the line of defense, I'm afraid everyone would want to sail back to Hong Kong now.

The captain was worried that the gun bore would be flooded, which would delay the upcoming naval battle, so he went to the gunhouse early to make arrangements, while Hai Lian and the first mate stayed on the deck to make arrangements. Fighting became Hailian's job. At this time, the young man's temples were drenched, his face was pale and cold, and his pupils were shining brightly. He wiped off the rainwater from his face, and shouted to the people near the mast: "Too fast! Don't withdraw another sailboat!" It will be crooked!"

"Already withdrawing!" the sailors replied.

With a bang, the lowered sail failed to land straight on the ground, but drifted unsteadily for a certain distance, covering the head of a sailor who was reinforcing the rigging. In the tense atmosphere, Hai Lian was the only one who didn't smile. He put his hands on his forehead and looked up, his face became more serious—after one sail was taken down, the ship's pitching was indeed not so violent, and the only remaining mast ropes were stretched straight. The square sail was wrestling with Fengshen, and the bearings on the sub-mast that had not been maintained by the shipyard for a long time made a sluggish creaking sound, which became more harsh in the waves and rain. Hailian glanced at the overwhelmed top sail above his head, and clicked: "Give me something, I'll go up and have a look."

"You're going to die now?!" the first officer said in shock.

"I can't die." Hailian dropped these three words. He took the toolbox given to him by the crew and carried it on his shoulder. He stepped on the lifting door and rushed to the watchtower of the mainmast. The crew members on the observation deck were also trembling with cold in the winter rain, their teeth were chattering: "Hai Hai Hai Hai Lian, above..."

"I know, it's a little loose." Hailian took out the rope and quickly and skillfully tied a Japanese knot around his waist, "At this speed, how long will it take to collide with Mo Yiren?"

"It's still early, don't worry..." The man swayed to and fro on the observation deck, still not forgetting to warn while trembling.

The young little pirate turned his head and smiled at him: "Don't worry, I have the numbers."

He heard Dong Lei's voice.

The wind on the mast was stronger than that on the deck. To prevent his hands and feet from slipping, Hailian simply tied a knot around his right wrist. He climbed up inch by inch, like a small lonely flag slowly rising on the mast. . Perhaps because of the conversation with Fecona a few days ago, the wind and rain reminded him of some bad memories, but it also made those memories clearer. He thought of the fire and blood on that rainy night, the cold fingers of A Niang touching his cheek and the last kiss she gave him and his sister, and also the knife in his father's hand and the tears in his eyes.

It also seems that since that day, Father has told him one thing, that is not to say his name when he was in Dongzhou easily.


"Because... because we are in Tisu now, we have to do as the Romans do. It just so happens that the pronunciation of your name in Nanjing is similar to that of Dongzhou, so there is no need to change it, or I should give you a new name." Father explained.

"I don't want a new name!" Hailian pouted.

"Okay, okay, then don't have a new name, just Hailian, is that okay?"

Dad is also a liar. With a long nail in his mouth, Hailian groped for the structure of the cross-mast in the dark midair. If it weren't for Fecona, he might have thought his father was just a businessman who fled to Tisu with a boatload of clerks, and was robbed and killed by night bandits six years later; or he had to leave because of huge foreign debts. Helian Brothers and Sisters—These endings are too vulgar and bloody to become neither a thin dossier in a Faluco drawer nor a third-rate script written by O'Brien. No matter what the situation, Hai Lian was mentally prepared, but he never thought that he would become his father's companion by accident.

The rain seeped into his mouth from between his teeth, filling his mouth with the smell of rust on the nails. Hailian quickly spat out the spikes and pressed them obliquely near the cracked mast. He then held the posture and raised the hammer.

The moment the sound of iron and iron collided, another sound entered his ears. It was weaker than the sound of thunder and clearer than the sound of artillery. A golden flare shot straight into the dark clouds, and then fell trembling and curling down.

"...It's Fang Tinglan's signal flare." Hai Lian frowned, "Tsk, the color is as flamboyant as his clothes."

Now that the signal flare has appeared, it means that the opponent has to start the rest of the plan. After calculating the time, Hailian clicked his tongue a second time, and even knocked down the hammer half a minute faster than before.

Meanwhile, on the Poseidon, the chaos was worse than on the Banshee.

"Who the hell put the signal flares indiscriminately just now?"

"It's too dark to see clearly!"

"Don't worry about that, someone will help me pull up the sail first!"

"Let me help you."

The man stared blankly at the person who came to him and held the rope, and said slowly: "Thank you, thank you, guest."

"You're welcome, I wanted to be a sailor when I was young, but unfortunately in Mojie, boys can only forge iron and herd sheep." Fang Tinglan smiled.

Fang Tinglan had expected that the ship would be chaotic on the eve of the battle, and Fecna and his shadow mate probably didn't have much time to stare at him, but he didn't expect that the sudden heavy rain would make the chaos more logical. Now he only needs to find a corner to send out a signal, and then walk aside as if nothing happened, and even help others at this time. He knew that Hailian, five nautical miles away, could see this golden light, and the Tisu Fleet, twenty nautical miles away, could also see it.

Fang Tinglan returned the twisted rope to the man, and received another thank you from the other party. He tightened his cloak, squinted his eyes and recognized the unclear outline in the distance in the rain, then trotted around the crowd, He staggered and fell into the cabin: "It's not good! I saw, I saw a few more ships behind!"

"What?!" Fecna, who was standing in front of a cannon, was startled.

The people from Beimo raised their heads, and their rain-covered faces were appropriately panicked: "It's true! I don't know who on the deck reported the letter to those ships just now, and they are coming towards the Poseidon!"

The most taboo in naval battles is being stabbed in the back. Fecna pushed the man away without saying a word and rushed to the deck. The Beimo expert was left at the door in shock to wipe the rain. He grinned honestly and asked the crew on the side. Said: "I'm a little scared, can you let me go back to the bedroom?"

One of them hesitated for a moment, but nodded: "Yes, yes, but if we really fight, we are going to lock the cabin, you stay there..."

"Are you afraid that I won't be able to get out if the ship sinks?" Fang Tinglan fussed in a muttony southern dialect, "Young man, how can you not trust our great captain so much? The Poseidon will only sink the enemy, It soars forever!"

"..." The man was choked by Fang Tinglan, he couldn't think that an outsider from Beimo would show such confidence in the Poseidon, but this boast also dispelled his worries a little. He hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "I'll take you to the guest room."

"Thank you, I will just sit by the bed and not go anywhere." Fang Tinglan was very sincere.

The two left the gun cabin and walked to the lower cabin. Fang Tinglan watched the man unlock the lock with a bunch of keys, and suddenly asked, "Are you afraid of being alone?"


"I mean...would you be scared if you were here alone?"

The man widened his eyes and was about to answer something when suddenly there was a sharp pain in his wrist. Immediately afterwards, he could no longer see the smiling Beimo expert in front of his wide eyes. Fang Tinglan pulled the key out of the unconscious man's hand, kicked the unconscious man into the inner cabin, and sealed the lock from the outside. "The dirty tricks taught by those people when Chi Jin was in school turned out to be quite useful." He glanced at the key in his hand, "I hope there is the one I want inside."

The gun bay overhead was still noisy, and no one seemed to care that there was one person missing in it—maybe he was called away by the captain, maybe he was sharpening his knife on the deck, or maybe he had fallen into the sea, anyway, it would not affect the future of the Poseidon. action.

Fang Tinglan breathed a sigh of relief. He stepped back and leaned against the wall of the ship. A mouse passed by his feet. He was suddenly a little annoyed, so he simply reached out and touched his cheek, giving the beard that had been with him for many days. torn off. Grinning his teeth, the man moved his cheeks, which had been restrained for several days, while thoughts were racing through his mind.

So far everything is going well, he just needs to stay here and wait for a while, until the top of his head is completely stirred into a pot of porridge, then he can proceed to the next step.

The praying mantis catches the cicada, the oriole follows, I hope the sheriff and Count Simone took my hint.

But it is not certain who is the oriole. The man smiled small and silently.