Knight of the Sea

Chapter 50: The last book


Going to find Fecona now, it’s too late to steal the key hidden somewhere on his body, and the risk is too great. Fang Tinglan took a deep breath, and looked at the Tisu warship that was approaching sideways. Two ways. He took out the firecracker, filled it with bullets, and aimed it at the keyhole.


The loud sound of the shells piercing the ship's side overwhelmed the sound of the guns smashing the mechanism.

Fang Tinglan put away his gun, raised his foot and kicked hard at the door panel, the last lock that was snapped together was completely broken under the impact, the door opened silently, and he slipped into the captain's cabin smoothly.


Half an hour later, Hailian could already see the coral reef closest to the port of Sand Ghost Bay. After crossing the coral reef and moving forward, the port was brightly lit, and there were still three small warships docked, but there was not a single pirate's brig sailboat. Could it be that Kunji and the others have already run away? Hailian was puzzled, and didn't dare to be careless, so he simply avoided the light, put up the sails of the boat, stopped behind a raised rock five fathoms away from the port, then took out his dagger and jumped into the water. Row.

He still trusts his knife more.

After the Banshee left Shagui Bay, Mo Yiren naturally wouldn't let go of this piece of fat. In the past month, the garrison on Shagui Bay also doubled, as if to transform it into a place belonging to Mo Yiren. Yi's new territory—whoever owns Shaguiwan owns half of Yunhai, and all fools know this. There are quite a few navies patrolling the port, which is just enough for two ships. What is the responsibility of the remaining one ship? The sea water near the shore is not too cold, but it is enough to absorb all the remaining heat from the surface of the skin. Hailian let out a breath of hot air in his palm, and continued to walk deeper. He silently and quickly came to the crooked pile built by pirates. In front of the building, he was just about to turn up to see if there was anyone, when he suddenly kicked a heavy object, he looked down, his throat choked: "This is..."

The body is already cold. Hailian turned the head of the lying dead man over, revealing a slightly familiar face, probably a pirate he had met in the tavern. There was no fatal trauma, his face was ferocious and his lips were black. Hailian wiped the dried black blood from the corner of the deceased's mouth with his index finger, put it under his nose and sniffed it, and he could still smell a faint smell of alcohol.

The back of the young man's neck felt a little cold, and he didn't know whether it was because of the wind or the blood from his fingertips.

If the rest of the pirates were poisoned to death by a glass of wine like this, Hailian wouldn't know how to deal with the captain. He wanted to go back to the bushes and change another way to investigate again, when suddenly there was a rustling sound behind him, the young man suddenly turned around and put the knife horizontally in front of him, and shouted in a low voice: "Who?!"

The maker of the noise was startled, and made another plop, and then pushed aside the wet bushes with one hand, revealing a small face with an embarrassed expression: "Brother Hailian..."

"Ake?" Hailian asked in surprise.

The young man grinned sheepishly: "It's me, I wanted to learn how to sneak from you, but I lost my ass. The captain is already here?"

Hailian shook her head: "Only me, he asked me to take you and your sister to escape to the island. Where's your sister?"

"She..." Ake hesitated for a moment, as if making up his mind, he wiped the rainwater from his face, and asked in a low voice, "Brother Hailian, can you save them?"



Seeing that Hailian didn't speak, Ake quickly said: "I know this is a bit embarrassing for you, but I really can't help it. If I don't go over, all of them will die! Kunji took advantage of the chaos and asked me to escape, and I was the only one who escaped." After she came out, she asked me to report to the Banshee, but I was such a waste, I hid in the woods for a long time, and as long as I was not discovered by the gang at the port, I would... "

"Okay, okay, I see." Seeing that the other party was talking more and more crying, Hailian quickly interrupted him, "Where are they now?"

"In the cave tavern, Mo Yiren is guarding him."

"How many Moyi people are there?"

"Twenty or so."

Hailian thought for a while: "There are two ways, one is safer and the other is more dangerous."

"Then we..."

"Choose the dangerous one."


"Because I'm in a hurry." Hailian replied.


After Fang Tinglan entered the door, he used the low table to prop against the back of the door, then lit the wind lamp hanging on the wall, and then began to look for what he wanted. Fecona's things were neatly organized, and it was not difficult to rummage through the boxes. After a while, Fang Tinglan had something to gain. He took out a wooden box with a lock in the corner, destroyed the keyhole in the same way, and dug out the box from the drawer. He quickly flipped through a stack of letters, and the more he looked at them, the more frightened he was. The things recorded in it not only confirmed his previous speculations about the conspiracy planned by Fei Yi and the Amber King, but also many things that he hadn't expected at all. joint.

When he picked up the last letter, the Poseidon had already started a fierce exchange of fire with the Tisu warship. Fang Tinglan shook a few steps to stabilize his center of gravity before opening the letter. The letter paper was made of the same material as the stack of letter paper Fecona gave to Hai Lian before, and it was the best Biting paper in Taiyan City. He took the letter under the lamp and only glanced at the end of the letter, then his scalp exploded, and he almost cried out in shock.

Qiao Guanqing, last written on August 15th.

Qiao Guanqing is his mother's name, and August 15th is the Valerian Festival in Dongzhou.


There is a Valerian Festival every year, but there is only one Valerian Festival that Fang Tinglan will never forget in his life.

On August 15th, the 14th year of Renzhi, there were still five days before Taiyan City was broken. Father was summoned to discuss countermeasures, and he had stayed in the palace for more than half a month, only Fang Tinglan and A Niang stayed at the mansion. Compared with his gentlemanly father, Fang Tinglan actually liked his mother more when he was a child. Although A Niang is always fierce to him and doesn't allow him to eat more sweets, she will race horses with him, tell legendary stories of three religions, and even lead him to steal oranges from Taiyihuang City - very sour and not tasty.

A Niang is different from other A Niangs, and Fang Tinglan is more proud of this matter than Zhen Haigong being his father.

He remembered that it was extremely hot that day, so hot that the cicadas were singing hoarsely, and he didn't even want to play with the pair of wooden carved rabbits he got a few days ago. The boy scratched his prickly heat, and wanted to go to the kitchen to steal a bowl of ice cream to cool off the heat. When he passed by Aniang's room, he found that the door was ajar, and he couldn't help but glanced in curiously.

"Aniang, are you going out?" He asked in a low voice.

Aunt turned around. She was wearing a rare white dress that she always disliked because it was easy to get dirty and difficult to move around. She had new makeup on her cheeks, so bright that she almost didn't look like a real person. She smiled and waved to Fang Tinglan: "Yes, I'm going out soon."

"Can you take me with you?"


Xiao Fang Tinglan blinked: "You look like a fairy today, so beautiful."

"Sweet mouth is not enough. Don't play tricks, do your homework honestly at home," A Niang pinched the boy's nose, "Are you going to write the scriptures, have you practiced the bow and horse, let me see the calculation questions I put in the study You didn't do anything, did you?"

"But, but," the boy's nose was pinched, and he couldn't utter a word, "but they said that counting is something that businessmen learn, and it's inferior..."

A Niang let go of her hand, and sighed: "How many times have I told you that you can play with those princes, but as for what they say, you just treat it like a fart."

"Fart is a dirty word..." Fang Tinglan hastily added, "Father said it!"

"Your father also asked you to learn Beimo dialect and Nanjing dialect, how many words can you speak now?"

Fang Tinglan had no choice but to hold Auntie's arm and smirk, trying to fool her: "May I have the Suyuefang snacks when I get home later? Today is the Valerian Festival, and there are sesame osmanthus candies Sell!"

"The new front teeth just came out, and I want to eat sweets." A Niang poked his forehead, and said helplessly: "The homework for these few days is waiting for your father to come back and let him check it. If there is one thing missing, let's see what he does." Clean you up, do you hear me?"

The boy didn't notice that his mother didn't agree to his request, nor did he notice why the homework that A Niang was usually responsible for checking had to be handed over to his father who hadn't come home for several days. He was secretly happy that there were no elders at home to watch According to the photo, you can take out the crickets hidden in the backyard to play. He babbled and agreed, letting his mother lean over and kiss his forehead: "Go out."

Fang Tinglan walked to the door, turned around suddenly, nodded, and said solemnly: "I was not sweet just now, A Niang is really like a fairy!"

He saw A Niang smiled at him with a puff, and there was something bright in her eyes.

He didn't see when his mother went out, and he couldn't wait for his mother to bring him back a box of pastries from Suyuefang.

Fang Que returned home three days later. The first thing he did when he stepped into the mansion was to order people to start packing and deal with the study. Fang Tinglan didn't understand what was going to happen, he pulled him and wanted to show the results of his homework in the past few days, but his father didn't even look at it: "Tinglan, go back to your own room, take what you want to play with, what you want to use Tell Uncle Jiang, he will help you clean up."


"We're going back to Chi Jin."

The boy suddenly cheered. Back to Chi Jin! awesome! Chi Jincheng's mansion is much bigger than Taiyan's, and it also has horses, a school yard, and a big lake where you can play in the water! He jumped up and down happily, circling around his father and confirming repeatedly: "Really? How long can we stay this time? Can I take Weiyu with me? He wants to go to Chijin with me to play That's right! By the way, don't we have to wait for Niang, she hasn't come back for three days..."

His voice became smaller and smaller, because he found that Dad seemed unhappy.

"Father, did I say the wrong thing?" Fang Tinglan was good at observing words and expressions since he was a child, and he immediately apologized, "Then... Then I won't take Weiyu with me. I know that the prince cannot leave the palace if he is not of age. Talk about it."

"You're right." Dad rubbed the boy's little head, "Weiyu will go to Chijin with us, and many other people will go with us. It's just... your mother may not be able to go."

Fang Tinglan looked at him.

Facing the wrath of the emperor without fear, the man who was able to calmly and calmly challenge the kingdoms alone showed a pale smile that was definitely not good-looking: "Your mother... Guanqing is a fairy, so she went back to the sky. "

To go to heaven is to die. Fang Tinglan didn't understand this concept until he left Taiyan City in a hurry with the rattling carriage and arrived at Chi Jin.

He lost a box of Suyuefang snacks, his mother, and his childhood in the battle of splitting the country. He asked about the cause of his mother's death again and again, but Fang Que still refused to tell him, and the relationship between father and son became more and more rigid. Fang Tinglan is still as good as his parents expected, or even better, but he is only willing to stay in Wulong Palace and hang out with his own group of dandies on weekdays, except that he is willing to go home on New Year's Day and Valerian Festival. In the year when the Fang family was destroyed, he only met Fang Que three times.

Now this letter...

Fang Tinglan had to calm down his breathing so that he could control his hand holding the letter not to tremble, forcing his eyes to have the courage to return to the paper. He recognized his mother's handwriting when he was imprisoned, and the lingering family letters she had written to his father were all preserved by his father, but in the end they were spread out on the damp and cold execution platform for his son to read when he confessed. Her letters, like hers, are always casual, and this one is no exception. "Ayi, seeing a letter is like meeting..." Fang Tinglan murmured.

A Yi, this is clearly the tone of calling a kind younger brother. Thinking of what Fei Yi did later, Fang Tinglan couldn't help but feel cold.

Ah Yi, seeing a letter is like meeting you.

I had negotiated with Weiji half a month ago, and I would go out of the city secretly to negotiate with Chu Lang, Zhang Kexing, Qin Weiheng and others; while he would take the rest of the teacher's hard work to Tisu to avoid the fire of war. No matter what, this calamity has my unshirkable responsibility in Tianjiku. I am the teacher's eldest disciple and your senior sister, so it is also my responsibility. If something unexpected happens to me during this trip, Que will make arrangements for the funeral. You can guard Chi Jin with peace of mind and don't have to worry about Jingzhong.

At that time, Weiji wanted to entrust his youngest son Hailian to me, but I did not agree. One is that Dongzhou has become a place of right and wrong, and the Fang family is in a whirlpool, which is not as peaceful as the countries in the southern border; the other is that Ah Mi is about to give birth, she is a good girl with sense, and she should not be separated from her flesh and blood at the critical moment of life and death , This is a little selfishness of me being both a mother and a woman.

This arrangement is made by me alone, you can't blame others, especially Weiji. If you are destined to meet your junior brother on the vastness, don't bully him like you did when you were young. You are too rigid by nature, irritable and irritable, after that, you will discuss everything with Que more, and don't forget the teacher's expectations of you.

If there is a day when the heavens and the earth are clean and the people are transformed into auspiciousness, we will ask Weiji to bring a glass of mirror flower wine when we return to China, and we will go back to Yinshan together, without getting drunk.

So much to say, the world of mortals and the yellow spring are precious.

Fang Tinglan read this thin piece of paper over and over again, his eyes almost burned through the writing. The things told to him in just a few hundred words were almost like a torrent pouring backwards, breaking his whole heart. Fang Tinglan clenched the letter paper tightly, his fingertips almost crushing the old strands of fiber.

He knew that Fei Yi had a good relationship with his family, but he thought it was his father who had a good relationship with Fei Yi because he was an acquaintance of the political party. He never imagined that it was his mother who entrusted Shang Weiji to bring the Tianji library to him. southern border.

And Hailian... Is it the Hailian he was thinking of? Is there a second Hailian who was taken away by Shang Weiji in the Battle of Splitting the Nation

Fang Tinglan felt dizzy for a while.

He didn't know how long he stood there in a daze, and when he came back to his senses, four bloodstains had already been pinched out of his palm with his tightly clenched fingers. Fang Tinglan closed his eyes, put the letter into his arms, and was about to look through the wooden box again, when the door was suddenly knocked open.

With a click, the two inside and outside the door simultaneously pointed their firecrackers at each other's head.

"My buddy told me that a mouse came in the boat, knocked him unconscious and threw him into the guest room. I didn't expect this mouse to dare to enter my room." The visitor said.

Fang Tinglan didn't reply, but pressed his index finger closer to the trigger.

Fecna squinted his eyes, recognized a bean of light for a while, and couldn't help being stunned: "After you lost that pile of beard on your face, I suddenly felt that you looked a little familiar."

"That's right. I thought you and I haven't seen each other for more than ten years, so it's hard to distinguish your voice and appearance," Fang Tinglan said hoarsely, "Uncle Fei."

"Uncle Fei?" Fei Yi smacked the three words, and he finally recognized him, "Ah, you are Fang Que's son, you and your useless father are almost carved out of the same mold." Literally, "It's the face I hate the most."