Knight of the Sea

Chapter 51: The Cave Tavern



"Listen, you just have to see me go there..."

"Where?" Ake pointed to the cliff above the cave tavern, dumbfounded, "How can people stand there?!"

"As long as I can stand, why do you care so much?" Hai Lian patted Ake on the back of the head, and threw the gun given to him by the first officer, "Can you use it?"

"Yes yes yes...but I've only shot goats..."

"Take the people at the door as goats." Hailian pointed back, "Look, they can't move, they are easier to beat than goats."

"Can that be the same!" Ake was about to be driven crazy by Hailian's tone of course, "And I, I haven't killed anyone..."

Hai Lian was speechless: "If you are afraid of the dead, you can kick your legs, the ground, or stones. Shoot wherever you like. In short, you can attract their attention to you."

"and then?"

"Then run as fast as you can, as far as you can go," Hailian hooked the boy's shoulder, and solemnly emphasized, "But you must make sure that their attention is all on you, can you do it?"

The boy pursed his lips and nodded, he was about to cry: "Brother Hailian, can't we really choose a safer method..."

"I told you I'm in a hurry." Hailian thought for a while, and decided to encourage Ake, "Otherwise, when I succeed this time, I'll teach you something. What do you want to learn?"

"Fly over the eaves and walls!" Ake didn't think about it.

After hearing this answer, Hai Lian stretched out her hand and pinched the still-shape muscles on the boy's arm, shook her head with a complicated expression and sighed, Ake's face became even more mournful. Hai Lian then raised the corners of his mouth and smiled: "Just kidding, I will teach you." He raised his hand towards the other party, "Just do your best, it doesn't matter if you fail, I will protect you."

Ake gave a low hum, and sucked his nose hard. The little weakness in his nasal cavity was washed away by the rain. He sucked his nose again embarrassedly, and held Hailian's protruding hand. hand.

The clouds of accumulated rain were drifting southward, and the battlefield in the distance was still densely covered with darkness, but Shagui Bay seemed to cast moonlight silver in the pattering rain. Hailian made a small half circle and came to the side of the cliff. He pulled out the dagger and held it in his mouth. He stretched his arms and moved his shoulders twice, and then he jumped over deftly. He was like a vine growing on the cliff, clinging to it. Rocks, silently protruding branches towards the cave tavern.

Although the cliff is steep, there are many crevices and rocks protruding obliquely. Hai Lian even arrived at the destination half the time faster than he expected. The two Mo Yi Haijun sneezed and yawned under the canopy. Hai Lian took off the dagger he was biting, and with the help of the sound of the rain, he forced himself into the crevice of the stone, and turned around using it as a fulcrum. The moment he leaned his back against the cliff, his eyes also saw Ake on the hillside in the distance.

Ake hid behind the bushes, his arms were still shaking, but he raised the firecracker in his hand without hesitation.

boom! bang bang! After all, he was still a child, those bullets shot randomly, hit the wall, and the flying debris hit Hailian's calf, the pain made Hailian almost swear. The rubble also fell at the feet of the two people below. Before they could realize who shot at them, they saw a young man staggering from behind the bushes on the hillside not far away. Jumping and jumping, a series of shouts came out of the mouth.

After Hai Lian listened through Ye Feng and Sui Yu, he suddenly smiled.

It's not shouting, it's a boat song taught by the captain.

"Look, look! . . . the drunk man over there!"

"He drank too much and took his pony for a chick,

"I want to make out with it!"

The song was bawdy and out of tune, and Ake's stammering was horrible. He was afraid that the two of them would fail to notice him, so he even waved his hands.

"But his chick is not very obedient and has been struggling."

He twisted his back.

"The chick put her hind hoof on the carrot."

He slapped his ass on both of them.

If the two of them don't understand what the other is doing, they will be fools. One of them has already raised his long gun cursingly: "Little bastard!"

The gunshot stopped the boat song abruptly, and the bullet flew past Ake's arm, quenching the bark of a beech wood and accumulating it in the sapwood. The boy let out a short scream, but still restrained himself from turning around and running away. He clenched his fists and sang the last sentence hoarsely: "Hey, the drunk hit the iron railing!"

As soon as the voice fell, the canopy seemed to be pushed down by some heavy object, and it collapsed sporadically. The soaked straw and raindrops fell on the heads and faces of the two of them. It collapsed onto the tree trunk, and the other person was rushed forward by a strong wind. The back of the neck of the two of them was hit hard at the same time, and there was a blunt sound from the flesh. It was also this blunt sound that made them both disappear completely Perception, he fell obliquely into the mud puddle.

"Brother Hailian!" Ake jumped up happily. When he moved like this, a trace of pain suddenly appeared on his joyful face, and the boy realized that his arm had been burnt open by the bullet just now.

Hailian made a silent gesture to him, motioning him to hide aside. The young man dragged the unconscious two aside and prepared to enter the cave, when he suddenly thought of something and turned around, nodded to Ake who was still probing his head, and then hammered his left chest with a fist. Ake's face turned red instantly.

That was a gesture of praise that Yun Hai would only use for the bravest sailors.

The cave tavern was so quiet for the first time since its establishment. There was no vomiting, fighting, shouting, or laughing, and even the sparse green plants on the rock wall became less angry. This is the only pirate left on Sand Ghost Bay—it’s not right to say pirates, they are all a group of children who are about the same age as Ake. After coming to Sand Ghost Bay for various reasons, they made this place their home. Nian also had a chance to pick up the scimitar and hold the steering wheel. Now, they are in the custody of the navy, awaiting the judgment that is coming soon. The only adult in the crowd was the captain of the Black Mint, Kunji. She had already received special "preferential treatment". At this time, her hands and feet were bound, and the woman was still lowering her head and softly comforting the children who were still sobbing. , every time she uttered a syllable, the corners of her bruised mouth would throb. The men who dared to pull out their guns had already been poisoned. She didn't pull out her guns not because she was cowardly, but because she had released "hope".

"Don't cry," Kunji said softly, "the sea outside is already salty enough, I don't need your tears."

"But..." the boy was still sobbing, "if the captain loses, then we..."

"I won't lose." Kunji repeated in a low voice, as if telling herself, "Kapock won't lose."

"Over there! What are you chatting about!" The leader of the guarded teenagers stopped whispering. He walked over quickly and grabbed the woman's blond hair. The man grinned, "Kunji, you too You're hungry, don't you choose what to eat, the group of men around you are dead, and you're looking at this kind of little boy?"

Indecent laughter suddenly resounded in the tavern. Enduring the sharp pain in her scalp, Kunji replied, not to be outdone, "Yeah, my mother just fell in love with him. This kid is going to grow up to be a warrior in the future! He doesn't look like you!" Ah, you're bald and toady, with a mouth like a toad, and the hair on your chest is more sour than old pickles, didn't your mother feel so ashamed when she gave birth to you and quickly stuffed you back?" When it comes to swearing, she freely agrees. Hai has never been afraid of anyone before, "When your army is beaten by us and rolls with tails between your legs, I will kick the two deflated balls between your legs, cut off your dick and throw it to Ziya Shark—ha, I don't think even fish would eat your impotent filth!"

The man turned red with anger, raised his hand and slapped him: "Fuck you!" Kunji rolled on the ground several times after being beaten, and moaned on the ground. The man was especially puzzled. He went to a table beside him and picked up a glass bottle, then bent down and grabbed the woman's chin.

"Wait, the superiors said they will keep this woman and bring her back!" His companion hurriedly stopped her.

"One bottle will kill her, it's only half a bottle, it won't kill her." The man sneered. Kunji naturally knew what was in the bottle. She squeezed her mouth tightly and struggled desperately. The liquid fell into her nasal cavity when it was poured. Mouth, the gesture is about to pour it in.

"Oh, I thought the Moyi people would be more gracious than us Tisu people."


Mo Yiren looked at the door of the tavern, only to find a young man standing there at some point, as if he had just been fished out of the sea, and was drenched from head to toe. As he walked in, he rolled up his shirt and wrung out two handfuls of water.

"Hai Lian!" "Brother Hai Lian!" Someone in the tavern immediately recognized him, but there was a cry of surprise, and he was immediately smashed back by Mo Yiren's gun butt.

Hai Lian blinked at the surprised Mo Yi people, and the pale knife mark in his eyes also bent: "Anyway, you are still in the navy, don't be as barbaric as us pirates, right?"

This sentence was equivalent to a provocation, and the man who was still pressing Kunji was only surprised for a moment, and then roared: "Why are you standing there, kill him!"

Hailian raised her eyebrows: "Tsk, this may be the biggest group fight I've ever had in a tavern in my life."

The moment the gunshot rang out, he leaned over and evaded the bullet with a sliding shovel. The blade slid out from his palm, like a silver line drawn on a Mo Yiren's ankle. He fell down, and was caught by Hailian, who used it as a meat shield to resist the fire when he got up. "Get out of the way!" The young man shouted as soon as he stood still, he pushed the meat shield down in the crowd, and then his toes just spun on the ground, and the man was ejected again.

The space of the cave tavern is not small, but at this time it seems extremely crowded. Mo Yiren's usual long-fire blunderbuss couldn't be used here at all, but it became Hailian's tool to counter the opponent. I don't know how many people were hit on the bridge of the nose by his weapon. And the teenagers who were originally detained in the middle lost control at the moment, they stopped crying and sniffing their noses, the boys arched their bodies, let out a strange cry, and hit Mo Yiren's head like a small cannonball on the belly.

"Nice job!" Hailian circled and dodged among the piles of tables and chairs, and even managed to whistle to the little ones. The boys were encouraged by the savior, and they were even more proud, turning their heads to stir up the scene even more.

"Grab the big one first!" Seeing that Hailian was sliding around like a loach in the tavern, no one could touch the young man's clothes, he roared angrily, "Shoot, you guys—oh!" He bit his tongue.

Kunji's powerful head hammer hit the man's chin, which made the man's distraction due to the noise even more relaxed. She twisted her shoulders and rubbed half of her body forward, then bent her knees towards the man. With a strong kick from the front, the pointed hard iron toe hit the man's crotch, and the leader's flushed face instantly turned blue.

She flicked her blond hair, and spat on this bald and mangy face: "... quail eggs."

From the corner of Hailian's eyes, he had been gazing at Kunji from the moment he entered the tavern. Seeing that Kunji had finally escaped from the restraint, he called out to her, "Hello!"

Kunji turned her head, just in time to see the young man falling towards her with something in her hand, her eyes widened: "You..."

"Hold your breath!"

The tail sound and the smoke bomb landed at Kunji's feet together. A puff of white smoke suddenly rose from the tavern, and it was completely impossible to see anything clearly in the already dark room. The thick smoke was pungent, and even if Kunji had reacted, she still choked into it. She curled up and followed Hailian's words and tried to hold her breath. After a while, she suddenly felt that someone came to her silently carrying the smoke, and then Suddenly, her hands and feet loosened, and the man untied him.

"Hai... cough cough, Hailian?"

"Find a way to get a weapon before the smoke clears. I can't protect you." Hai Lian lowered his voice and said quickly.

Kunji was still coughing, but she laughed: "I don't need your protection." She stood up and took a strong step forward based on her memory, and she stepped on the poor "Mr. Quail Egg". On the calf, "Honey, let me borrow your command knife."