Knight of the Sea

Chapter 53: Turn the offensive



Time is passing by minute by minute, even if there are warships biting the body of the Poseidon, but under the disparity in tonnage and firepower, these hyenas can't nail their sharp teeth into the lion's life , but was hit by stray bullets from other ships on the deck, and had to flee in a panic with his tail between his legs. The Poseidon was slowly getting closer and closer to Shagui Bay, as long as the first city-destroying fire was fired from the barrel, Mo Yiren's defeat in this battle would be a foregone conclusion.

Shadow glanced at the captain's cabin above his head, hesitant to speak.

The captain of the Poseidon can't stay indoors all the time, and Fecna needs to be responsible for the dispatch of the crew. Just now he sent someone to report the battle situation, and he actually meant to urge him, but Fecna didn't seem to understand, and he still didn't come from inside. Come out, which never happens.

He was standing behind him when his captain kicked open the gate, and if something unexpected happened, he could immediately jump in and shoot the mouse, but Fei Yi waved him away when he saw the face of the person in the room clearly. After going out, this is something that has never happened before.

Shadow tried his best to recall the young face he saw in the blink of an eye, but apart from being able to recognize the upper half of the face as that of the bearded Mojiao expert, Shadow had no clue at all.

A faint feeling of uneasiness floated in the man's heart. He pulled off his soaked collar, and was about to go up there himself, but a man stumbled and ran over from the bow of the boat. He grabbed Shadow's arm, his face was pale, and the rain splashed his syllables when he spoke. It was broken and broken: "I found... something is wrong, you have to come here immediately."


Fei Yi could naturally hear the meaning of the second half of Fang Tinglan's sentence, but he only regarded it as a clumsy provocation by a young boy, and said coldly: "You don't have to worry about this, after I get rid of the gang of mobs in Yunhai , I will naturally go back to shore."

Fang Tinglan raised his eyebrows and made a gesture of asking for permission.

Fei Yi changed the topic back: "You want to talk to me about the hangar deal?"

"Yes, that's right." Fang Tinglan nodded, "I know where the secret library is."


"Can't say now."

Fei Yi raised the firecracker in his hand again: "If you don't say it, there is another person who will."

"You mean Hailian?" Fang Tinglan was slightly surprised, "He won't say anything, after all, you know why he lied to you that day."

Fei Yi didn't speak.

It seems that this sentence is not enough chips. Fang Tinglan took a deep breath, and added: "...don't you think that eight years ago when Shang Weiji and his disciples decided to intervene in the kidnapping case related to Tisu's heir, they would not ask him anything?" Did your son tell you?"

If it wasn't for the sound of the waves hitting the ship's side outside the window that sounded like the waves engulfing the rocks that winter night, Fei Yi would have killed the cunning little bastard in front of him with one shot.

That winter night was also so cold. It was he who smiled like Fang Tinglan and said: "Weiji, let's make a deal. You give me the little girl in your arms and Han Yinling, and I will persuade Abale to let you live."

And how did that person answer

"No." His younger brother said.

Do not know good and bad, everyone does not know good and bad. Even if I didn't like Shang Weiji since I was a child, I can still look at Qiao Guanqing's face and don't kill him, but Shang Weiji insists on meddling in his own business, jumping off a cliff to protect an irrelevant Tisu girl, no one can do it. I can't stop it; even if I hate Fang Que to the core, I can still be patient and give him a chance to travel to the southern border with me to re-plan. The calculation cost the family business and life.

He is not wrong.

The ignorant little bastard in front of him could still maintain a friendly and composed smile even though his shoulders were so tense. He was indeed a bit more promising than Fang Que, but he was also disgustingly slippery. The lips that are 70% similar to Fang Que when he was young are still opening and closing: "Uncle Fei, when the turmoil subsides tonight, I will naturally take you to the location of the Tianjiku. At that time... how about we take revenge on Dongzhou together? I I have no other wishes in this life... don't you want to worship my mother, she—”

"Don't mention her!"

The bullet grazed Fang Tinglan's ear a centimeter away, and the scorching ballistic scorched a thin bloodstain on his ear. Fei Yi looked at the astonished face of the young man with satisfaction, and laughed loudly: "You think I'm not I killed you because of your eloquence? I did it for the sake of Guan Qing's blood flowing on you!"

Yes, I've always been patient with bored people.

"Your flattery and sophistry are good for the Qin family, but not for me. Don't let me wear down this patience," Fei Yi breathed heavily, "Fang Tinglan, listen carefully, if you dare to lie to me, Even if Guan Qing is alive, he can't save you."

Fang Tinglan gritted his teeth slightly, a thin layer of sweat oozed from his forehead: "...I didn't lie to you."

Before he could finish his sentence, a very sharp whistling sound came from outside the windshield, and the two of them instinctively dodged at the same time. The moment they squatted down, the shells piercing through the air had already torn the ship's wall, and the sound of the wind splashed the rainwater. After pouring it in, Fang Tinglan's messy documents were lifted up, flying like pieces of snow in the room.

who is it? It can't be Mo Yiren, Mo Yiren's weak stray bullets can't penetrate the strongest cabin on the Poseidon. Before Fei Yi had time to think about it, an even louder explosion erupted from under his feet—it was the collision of fire and saltpeter hitting alcohol! The Poseidon was sent to the highest point by the waves, and immediately neighed as if it couldn't bear the weight, the deck cracked, and the first ladle of seawater poured in from the bilge.

who is it

The crew members were running and shouting: "It's the Banshee!"

"I will repel Mo Yiren, and the same thing," the captain said as the Banshee lay between the Poseidon and Sand Ghost Bay, the captain pulled out his scimitar and pointed at the Poseidon in front of him, "I will also repel you."

Only a lion can defeat a lion.

"Kapock, this old thing..." Fei Yi gritted his teeth and pushed away the mess lying in front of him. He was about to turn over when the man on the other side of the room raised his gun one step faster than him: "Don't move."

"Don't move?" Fei Yi paused, and then he was amused by the word, "Do you think you've changed your offensive now?"

"Your blunderbuss is the same model as mine, and it is single-shot. There is a lot of chaos outside the door now, and your men won't have time to rush you out in a while," Fang Tinglan kept his back leaning against the hole in the cabin. Balanced, "Uncle Fei, you should regret that you didn't point the gun at my head just now."

"Fang Tinglan, you've been stalling for time from the beginning."

"That's right."

"Ah, that's great, a wolf cub domesticated by the Qin family dares to show me its fangs." Instead, a strange smile appeared on Fecona's face, "This is also your father's useless teacher. your?"

"My father taught me a lot of things, enough for me to use for the rest of my life. Also, you didn't reveal your whereabouts until you died." Fang Tinglan's index finger trembled, "Please show some respect."

Fei Yi let out a sneer from deep in his throat.

Fang Tinglan looked at the man who didn't feel ashamed at all, he endured and endured, all the disguise just now finally peeled off from his face, revealing the deepest hatred hidden in his chest: "I am facing you this time. Enemy flattery, sophistry, falsehood and lies, when the time comes, I will go to my father's grave to confess, and—" he said every word, "I will take your head with me!"

He shot.


Under the command of Kunji and Hailian, Black Mint was able to repel the two chasing Moyi warships. The buzzing sound of the keel breaking of the huge ship Poseidon reached everyone's ears more clearly than the sound of all the guns. inside. Hailian turned her head sharply, and saw the Banshee slowly adjusting its angle, and was about to launch a second shelling towards it.

Hai Lian's eyes widened: "Fang Tinglan..." Then he wiped the rain from his cheeks and strode towards Kunji, "Do me a favor, drive to the Poseidon, I have to get on board."

Kunji was startled and said, "Are you crazy or blind! Didn't you see that the Poseidon is already on fire and is going to sink soon!"

"I'm neither crazy nor blind," Hai Lian's voice was always the same, soft and lacklustre, but he grabbed Kunji's hand and it hurt her, "I want to go up and pick someone up. You send me nearby, and then you want to run away with the little ones, or help the captain beat Mo Yiren, it's up to you."

"You are going to die."

"I won't die," Hai Lian smiled at the angry woman, "Didn't the captain tell you a rumor that I was blessed by the sea god?"

Kunji was dumbfounded for a long time, but in the end she turned the steering wheel helplessly and headed towards the Poseidon through the wind. "When we meet again next time, you have to invite everyone under my wife to drink." She said.

"no problem."

"The hook is at the stern."
