Knight of the Sea

Chapter 55: hand



The waves are raging, and the Sea God who has disturbed his sleep lowered his divine power in anger, and will draw a cruel curtain for tonight's stage of blood and fire. The towering masts fell into forests, and the huge sails became white mourning flags, paying homage to the dead in the hunting wind.

The crisis of man-made disasters has been resolved, and natural disasters are about to overturn.

It wasn't until the sound of thunder that Hai Lian woke up as if he had just woken up from a dream, his brows were gradually stained with panic, and he turned to look at the person who had just saved his life.

The blood on Fang Tinglan's left shoulder was still flowing, but there was a very relieved smile on his face. "You are in business," he tilted his head and raised the corners of his mouth. "Why do you let your employer block the gun for you? If this continues, I won't pay you the balance."

"Shut up!"

The young man who was as sharp as a knife just now looked like an exasperated child. He rushed over and grabbed Fang Tinglan's arm, "We can hold on, we might have to jump into the sea."

"You don't need to jump into the sea. There is a small boat at the bow of the Poseidon, which is on the right side of the foremast." Fang Tinglan closed his eyes and reminded in a low voice, "Go and release the boat first."

"Then what do you do?" Hailian asked.

Fang Tinglan signaled Hailian to let go of himself, he gritted his teeth and took a few steps back, grasping the rail of the boat with his right hand, "I'll wait for you here."

The other party's smile was pale, Hailian seemed to realize something, and his face instantly became extremely ugly: "What the hell are you farting!" As he spoke, he pulled a bundle of ropes hanging from the bow, and quickly tied them to both sides. man's waist, "Come with me to release the boat."

The corner of Fang Tinglan's mouth deepened into a smile: "Ah, I know this kind of knot, it's a life-linking knot."

Hailian glared at him: "Can you save your energy and talk less?"

The rope was very long, Fang Tinglan couldn't move his left arm, so he could only rely on his right hand to support the ship's side and move forward slowly, while Hai Lian took the first step to open the way ahead. The inclination of the bow became higher and higher, and he could no longer stand on his feet. Rao Hailian's natural sense of balance was far superior to that of ordinary people, so he had to hold on to something. From running to sliding, he almost blinded himself in just three feet. All the skills the eagle taught him were used. Just as he was about to untie the boat, a figure suddenly rushed over from the shadows, Hailian couldn't dodge it, and was bumped against the rail by him.

"You killed him!" The man held Hailian's neck firmly with his fingers like pincers, "I saw it!"

The sudden suffocation and impact made Hai Lian's eyes dark for a moment. When he finally saw the man's face clearly, he let out an exclamation from his oppressed throat: "It's you—"

The first mate of the Poseidon lost half of his face in the boarding battle with the Banshee, from his scalp to his chin was covered with colorful blood clots that could not be washed clean by the rain, his only remaining eye was naked , when grinning, the sharp teeth in his mouth seemed to tear open Hailian's flesh in the next second: "You killed him..."

Hailian struggled to pull out the dagger, but the shadow didn't give him this chance at all, or rather, the sinking giant ship didn't give him this chance—this might be the first curse that the man who just died cast on him.

"You killed have to die with me!"

The young man couldn't find a fulcrum for his feet in the air, and he relied on a hand hanging on the rail to prevent himself from rolling into the sea, but this hand couldn't bear the weight of two grown men at all, and he could almost In the rainstorm, I heard the sound of my own bones being overwhelmed.

When he was about to be overwhelmed by the lack of oxygen, he suddenly felt the rope around his waist collapse for a moment, and then there was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground from the left side, and the next second there was a gunshot, and a wave hotter than rainwater A lot of liquid splashed on his face and was washed away by the rain.

The shackles around his neck were suddenly loosened at the moment of the gunshot, and Hailian didn't miss this opportunity. He bent his knees against the shadow's body, and at the same time kicked his left foot forward forcefully, and the shadow finally fell down.

Hai Lian covered his throat and lowered his head. In the flickering flames of the explosion, he could only see the same madness as Fei Yi at the corner of Shadow's mouth.

Hailian coughed hard a few times, and when he recovered a bit, he had the strength to look to his left.

He saved him again.

Fang Tinglan was also coughing—he let go of his hand and fell straight onto the winch, probably something went wrong with some bone. The blood on the left blade of the man bloomed more beautifully than before. He lowered his arm tremblingly, and the firecracker in his palm slipped from his fingers and disappeared into the abyss under his feet. The man lost half his life, but he could still laugh: "Sorry, it took a while to load the bullet."

"..." Hailian pursed her lips and said hoarsely, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, I'm still counting on you to take me away from Shengtian, so you don't have to feel that you owe me anything." Fang Tinglan coughed again, and he faintly felt a fishy smell in his throat. This is not a very good thing. "I'm in a bit of a bad situation and probably won't be able to swim."

"It's okay." The little pirate turned his head and untied the last rope that tied the boat, wrapped the rope around his wrist a few times, and then stretched out his hand to Fang Tinglan: "Grab me tight."

The moment the two palms overlapped, Hai Lian pulled the other party towards him. He hugged Fang Tinglan tightly, and let go of the hand that was holding the side of the boat.

"Hold your breath."

The wind passed by the ear, followed by water.

This is really not a very good posture for falling into the water, but it is also the only posture that Hailian thought of to relieve Fang Tinglan's burden. Numerous human creations and human beings slowly fall down from the two, and the souls of the dead stare silently at the two living beings who are still fighting against nature. The sound of the huge water rushing beside Hailian's eardrums was like a spell from a god close at hand, calling him and Fang Tinglan to fall into a cold eternal sleep together word by word.

Only the fiery palms that hold each other convey the pulse of each other.

Hai Lian opened his eyes under the spell, and the rope connected to the boat on his wrist was still pulling him, not knowing where he was going to be dragged by the surging tide. He lowered his head and glanced at Fang Tinglan. Fang Tinglan's complexion was even worse than before. He had already fallen into a semi-comatose state, and strands of blood escaping from his wound surrounded the two of them like a red line of fate.

Like the knots still wrapped around each other's waists, at least for this moment they live and die together.

Hai Lian knew that he couldn't delay any longer, he let out a breath slowly, and began to step on the water.

When he was bathed in the rain again, Hailian felt for the first time that this painful thing that was crackling on his face was so precious. He took a few deep breaths of the water-stained air, grabbed hold of the boat with all his might and flipped up. When Hailian desperately dragged Fang Tinglan onto the boat, he finally exhausted his last bit of strength and collapsed on the boat.

There seemed to be the sound of artillery fire in the distance, but Hai Lian was really tired. His last memory of this night is his and Fang Tinglan's hands still intertwined after boarding the boat.

The rain stopped.


Fang Tinglan returned to Nanhong's prison, the most humiliating place in his life.

Chi Jincheng's winter is not like Taiyan's. Although there is not much bitter cold wind, the damp and coolness penetrates straight into the bones. There were many mildew spots on the prison clothes, and the sleeping straw always seemed wet. He was in a humid environment, but he couldn't drink a sip of water for two days.

He was cold and thirsty, and his legs uncontrollably knelt down to the jailer who was roasting and drinking wine not far away. He was already very skilled in this posture, and he didn't even need to type out his words. I beg you." As for whether to ask for it or not, whether the jailer is willing to do a good job or not depends entirely on the mood of the other party. This time he seemed to be very lucky, the man put down the wine and came over with a jug.

He looked at this swollen face in a daze, and suddenly felt something was wrong. Isn't this man dead

In his memory, the dead jailer was still proud in front of him: "Want to drink water?"

"Think, think!" Fang Tinglan nodded repeatedly.

"Okay," the jailer's face turned into Fei Yi's in the blink of an eye, the man's neck was dripping with blood, and the kettle in his hand turned into a firecracker, pointing directly at Fang Tinglan's head, "Then you drink Enough!"

He woke up the moment the gun went off.

Fang Tinglan didn't think he was a person who was stuck in the past, but this nightmare still made his hands and feet cold, the man's chest heaved violently, his eyes wandered in surprise, and it took a long time to land on the slightly surprised face beside him - the other party In his hand was a broken pottery shard.

Hai Lian just stared at him for a while, seeing that the man didn't seem to have recovered completely, he decided to do the matter at hand first: "Open your mouth." Feed the plate of water into it.

The cool moisture slipped through the dry mouth, Fang Tinglan was jolted, and finally he was completely awake. However, the pain associated with waking up also spread from the limbs, especially the left blade. He lowered his head to look at the injury, but was stopped by Hai Lian: "Don't move, I took out the bullet while you were unconscious, and the bleeding has stopped."

Fang Tinglan was taken aback by Hailian's word "tow", and turned to look at Hailian, who raised his eyebrows at him, quite disapprovingly: "Don't believe my skills? I used to be a dirty doctor in the mud area I’ve been working as a junior for several years, and I’ve seen much scarier scenes than this.”

"I don't believe it..." Fang Tinglan smiled wryly, his throat was hoarse, and the sound he made could only be regarded as breath, "Where are we...?"

Hailian shook her head: "I don't know."

"have no idea?"

"I don't know, I just don't know. When I woke up, it was already dawn. I didn't see a ship around, but I saw an island." Hailian pointed to his feet, "This is it."