Knight of the Sea

Chapter 63: Unseen guests


Fang Tinglan hasn't been idle for a second in the past few days - no way, the price of absenteeism. He has been floating on the sea for nearly a month this time, and the information sent by the Dongzhou hidden pile, the bill letters sent by the Gubei United Chamber of Commerce and the Xilu Mine Manor have piled up into a hill, even if the rent has been paid in advance, Jinlinghua Madam still threw the stack of papers to him with a sulky face, and Fang Tinglan had to pay her a considerable amount of "storage fee", which made the woman smile again.

He first ran around the secrets and entertainments of Jiumeng City, and spent two more nights to deal with the bills and information. After he finished writing the last letter, he just rubbed his temples and wanted to lie down for a while, and the news from Zhou Buyi was delivered. Come here—Count Simone invited them both to dinner.

"Dinner?" Fang Tinglan glanced at the empty sun outside the window, yawned, and waved his hand at Zhou Buyi, "It's still early, I'll lie down for a while, anyway, there are many brothels here, you Find a family to play by yourself, and I will find you when I wake up."

"I'm not here to play. Last time I came here, the girl here stole the silver button of my underwear and even took away the two candies I hid in my pocket." Zhou Buyi rolled his eyes, "You Don’t sleep too, the count said he would not eat in the city, but leave the city.”

Out of town? Fang Tinglan stopped yawning halfway and immediately stopped. He glanced at Zhou Buyi, and there was a tacit message in his eyes—the host of this meal must be someone else, and the Earl is just a messenger. .

Fang Tinglan knew that he definitely didn't have a restful sleep today, he sighed, took the menthol cigarette on the bedside and put it under his nose to take a sharp sniff, then picked up the outerwear beside him and put it on neatly: " Let's go to see the distinguished guest."

The coachman who came to greet him was not good looking, and the carriage was low-key. It seemed that he was a distinguished guest who did not want to be discovered. Although Fang Tinglan was a little curious about who was behind Simona, but there was still too little information available at this time, so it was better to adapt to the situation and make plans after going there. After making up his mind, he took the time to sleep in the carriage.

The road was bumpy, and he didn't sleep soundly enough. Every time he ran over a pit, he had a dream. Either dreaming that the road to Huazhen Tower is full of messengers in black; or dreaming of begging someone in prison for another handful of dry straw to keep out the cold; or dreaming of Fei Yi with blood on his neck, still laughing wildly Pulled the trigger on his forehead...

The last dream is the only good dream.

Fang Tinglan dreamed that he had returned to his childhood body. In Taiyan City, it seemed to be summer, and the scorching sun was sifted by the lush leaves, and fell gently on his face. He stretched out his hand towards the top of the head, and there seemed to be a small figure at the trunk of the tree. Fang Tinglan heard himself say like a little adult: "Come down, don't worry, I will catch you."

The figure seemed to say something, Fang Tinglan couldn't hear clearly in his dream, all he could hear was his own voice and the hoarse cicadas in the summer afternoon, he repeated the sentence just now, and added three more words Word: "Trust me."

The figure finally moved, and the other person staggered on the tree trunk like a little beast that was just learning to walk. The moment his fingers left the tree trunk, the person also rushed towards him like a little beast. Fang Tinglan only Feeling his hands sinking, he was pulled down by the sudden heavy feeling, and was immediately pulled out of his dream.

The man slowly opened his eyes, the carriage was still driving, and Zhou Buyi, who was sitting across from him, was yawning and flipping through a novel. The setting sun outside the window was just right, and Fang Tinglan's cheeks were a little hot——Fang Caimeng It must be responsible for the warmth projected on his face.

Fang Tinglan rubbed his face to wake himself up completely: "Where are you now?"

"It went out from the gate of Chenming Palace," Zhou Buyi explained without raising his head, "passed through Qiyun City, and now walk in the direction of Yinggui Mountain."

There are many princes and nobles visible in this direction, but Fang Tinglan already has the answer in his heart, he sighed in disappointment: " is Beren Xu."

Zhou Buyi didn't pay much attention to the honored guest who was about to meet the coquettish heroine in the third-rate vulgar novel in his hand at this moment, he wrinkled his nose in perfunctory agreement, and still didn't lift his head.

This answer really made both of them feel dull.

Beren Xu. The illegitimate son of the former king Suhor, the younger brother of the princess Longrong, who is only seventeen years old this year-if Count Simona wants to manipulate the royal family, he is indeed the only candidate.

"...I don't think Belen Xu is the only candidate. Why didn't the count choose the girl who lives in Chuizhi Court?" Zhou Buyi didn't show any respect when he mentioned Tisu as the serious crown prince, and directly replaced it with "girl". "Isn't a sick princess easier to manipulate than a little country boy? He wants to be a king himself in the future, and it's easy to deal with."

Fang Tinglan shook his head: "Not necessarily. If he chooses Long Rong, he will have to deal with the old ministers and nobles who support Long Rong. Famous families have always only cared about bloodlines and orthodoxy. After it’s done, it’s going to be a share of the money—a loss-making deal.”

"That's true." Zhou Buyi was also a petty official, and he understood the pain of dealing with these wealthy families.

"Choose Belen Xu. First, he has the same background as the current Amber King. He is an illegitimate child with no troublesome background. Second, why..." Fang Tinglan smiled, "Zhou Buyi, if you are a Great treacherous minister, do you think it is easier to control a mature tyrant, or is it easier to control a young and foolish one?"

Zhou Buyi whistled: "Of course it's the latter."

"Even if Beren is not in a daze, the only thing he can rely on is Simona, as long as Simona makes him faint."

Fang Tinglan glanced out the window, the carriage drove into a desolate town, and was making the last turn—it was almost at the destination, "Just like now, is the earl's secretive action so serious for us to see? No , It was made for this little prince. A boy with an embarrassing status, who was only fit to be raised in a farmer's house at the foot of Yinggui Mountain, suddenly one day someone expressed his willingness to submit to him and help him get back "everything he deserves". How could anyone not be tempted? Simona gave the young man an illusion, making him think that he was superior, and the count was kissing his toes, serving humiliatingly in front of the tyrant Amber King for his future unworldly king .”

"He thought he was involved in it, so he trusted this person who is so precious to him even more." Zhou Buyi continued.

"That's right."

The two had clearly never met Simona and Berenxu, but they had already analyzed the situation to a great extent. They could only say that the two were really not good people, but bad people always had the same thinking. When the conversation stopped, the carriage stopped appropriately in front of an inconspicuous small gray building.

"Fang Tinglan," Zhou Buyi finally raised his eyelids from the pages of the book, and asked Fang Tinglan the last question, "Tell me honestly, are you planning to use the same method to Qin Weiyu?"

"After all, Weiyu was my only friend when I was young," Fang Tinglan smiled brightly, "As long as he cooperates well, I will use a more gentle method."

"The method is gentle, but the result is still cruel. Alas, being your friend is really bad luck for eight lifetimes." Zhou Buyi sighed, stuffed the novel into his trouser pocket, and got out of the carriage first.

Fang Tinglan also got out of the car. He looked at the open door, and realized that he had just left the turbulent battlefield, and was about to step into the next bloodless, but also treacherous and dark battlefield, but the man had no fear in his heart, he raised a smile, and walked towards his goal Another step forward.

Just by the way, who is that man in the tree? When all the dreams were about to fade from his mind, this was the only question that remained in Fang Tinglan's mind.