Knight of the Sea

Chapter 64: Fox and Hare



It was a young girl who came to greet the two of them. The little maid led the way with lowered eyes, and Zhou Buyi acted coquettishly and pretended to be tender beside her. Unfortunately, he kept his eyes on the other side all the way, and turned a deaf ear to him. He was more reserved than the girl from Chenming Palace. Grinding Zhou Buyi's teeth in embarrassment.

When the girl brought them up to the second floor, Zhou Buyi's annoyance disappeared—this is a dumb girl.

He watched the girl speak dumb words to Simona's servants, and sighed in a low voice in Dongzhou dialect: "...only a little mute is sent to serve the little prince. Earl Simona is really amazing. Xu is a man."

Fang Tinglan raised his eyebrows: "He will never stop, it has nothing to do with us."

"That's right." Zhou Buyi raised his eyebrows. He squinted his eyes halfway to see the opposite party enter the door and ask for instructions. He couldn't help but sneered, "The show will start right away, don't make any mistakes, Mr. Fang."

"I can't get out." Fang Tinglan said lightly.

The moment the wooden door was pushed open, the two of them skillfully raised flattering smiles at the same time, and bowed to the young man seated in unison in a proper, slightly nervous tone: "I have seen His Royal Highness Belen Xu."

It's really a template for courtiers who can't find a problem anywhere.

After a while, a voice floated above the two of them: "People from Dongzhou, why did you come to Tisu?"

The voice was very young, with pretentious arrogance and a "country accent" that people in the capital laughed at. Fang Tinglan felt relieved. With just this sentence, he had already confirmed that his previous guess on the carriage was correct. Eighty percent.

So Fang Tinglan lowered his waist docilely: "Of course I admire the splendor and majesty of the Tisu Empire." He was familiar with this kind of compliment, "I want to use you for a ray of glory, and I can also bathe in our humble on the person."

He heard the other party laugh with satisfaction.

"Hold your head up and sit down."

After he and Zhou Buyi thanked him for taking his seat, Fang Tinglan had time to take a look at the two people who were entertaining today.

Bei Renxu has just turned seventeen this year, and his facial features have not yet developed, but he is already handsome like his noble father. Different from the frail imperial sister Long Rong, the boy was raised in the countryside since he was a child, and he also has the unruly and healthy wildness of the countrymen. It is this wildness that looks weird when paired with the expensive dress he is wearing. , Fang Tinglan thought that if Ake was stuffed into this set of clothes, he would probably look the same.

Berenxu didn't have anything beyond his expectations, so he had no intention of observing the chess piece, but moved his gaze aside calmly, and landed on the chess player.

Count Simone.

The earl is old enough to be Berensu's father. He was originally just a low-ranking officer. His wife sacrificed to the king in exchange for his current status as Tisu's number one minister. If Fang Tinglan is a little fox still training, then he is a mature old fox.

The old fox quickly noticed the Dongzhou man's gaze and smiled at him. Fang Tinglan's palms were a little sweaty.

The dumb maid served the last dish and closed the door as she left the restaurant. Berensu was still the first to break the silence on the long table: "I have already read your letter."

Fang Tinglan hurriedly bowed to Bei Renxu: "Your Highness is willing to accept my sincerity, my companion and I are very grateful."

"You said in the letter," Beren Xu paused, "that there is still a big gift you want to offer?"

"Yes." Fang Tinglan turned to the prince, and he was indeed speaking to the earl, "I hope to become an ally with Tisu for mutual benefit and great cause together."

"Tisu and you Nanhong are allies now, isn't your King Chen still living in the embassy in Jiumeng City?" Belen Xu asked in a daze.

"..." Fang Tinglan smiled, "Your Highness should understand what alliance I'm talking about."

This trick has always been effective, and Berence instinctively glanced at Count Simona on his right. This glance for help was equivalent to transferring the initiative and withdrawing from the battle. An ignorant rabbit was sitting on the dining table where the foxes shared the rabbit meat, which made Zhou Buyi, who had been silent by the side, almost unable to hold back his laughter.

Simona only smiled slightly: "Your Highness invited you here because you have solved the serious problem of pirates for Tisu. I would like to invite the two of you to have a meal and thank you. The habits of Tisu country are different from your Dongzhou, and you do not mention it at the table. Killing matter, two please."

I believed your evil. Zhou Buyi scolded Simona in his stomach, but there was an innocent and cute expression on the baby's face: "It's our bad habits, such a good banquet, we really shouldn't mention something that spoils the fun. Please, Your Highness, please, Earl." .”

The next time Fang Tinglan and Zhou Buyi were very painful, the two had superb acting skills, they sang and sang, one was in charge of flattering and the other was in charge of telling legends, finally seeing a little youthful look in Belen Xu's eyes, just about to trick him If he said that, he would be diverted by Count Simona's suggestion. Fang Tinglan is fine. After all, he is used to being patient in front of the Qin family. After being interrupted and tempted, he just smiled and drank; No, he would eat sweets whenever he was annoyed, and he took most of the desserts from the candied fruit plate after the meal.

The only person who ate comfortably during this meal was Bei Renxu. He had leaned to the left from his original sitting posture, and wanted to hear Fang Tinglan talk about the legend of Yunhai, when he heard the dumb maid knocking on the door, the boy's His expression immediately collapsed, and he glanced at the count again, who just smiled at him. Berensu bit his lip and stood up reluctantly: "It's getting late, I have to go back and rest."

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I will treat the guests well," Simona bowed again, "I will ask Aoqi to take His Highness back."

Fang Tinglan and Zhou Buyi also stood up quickly: "Respectfully, Your Highness."

When Beren Xu got into the carriage, it was time for the foxes to actually meet. Simona asked the two to sit down again, and cut to the chase: "Since you two really treat the little guy like a prince, I don't care about your outrageous words just now. If you have anything to say, just ask me." .”

Zhou Buyi hummed twice but didn't answer, once he didn't have to pretend to be cute, he collapsed on the chair again. As for the other party being direct, Fang Tinglan was naturally also direct: "I think he trusts you more than he trusts his father."

"Before I came, the little guy didn't even remember what his father looked like."

"Oh, picking up a son for nothing, earning money." Zhou Buyi sneered.

Simona asked again: "General Fei is really dead?"

"It's absolutely true." Fang Tinglan replied, "His deputy is also dead."

"Where's the thing in his hand?"

"It's in my hand now," Fang Tinglan bit the word "I" slightly, "Your Excellency the Earl."

Simona's expression froze slightly. As soon as the Poseidon sank, several small boats of Tisu began to salvage silently, but since that explosion could break the hardest keel in the four deserts, it would naturally burn everything Simona wanted. With some regret, the count sketched in his mind the face of the handsome young man in front of him who was burned by the fire of the Poseidon, and then quickly erased this image - there is no need to think about things that are no longer possible.

The man spread his hands towards Fang Tinglan: "What do you want to talk about."

"King for king." Fang Tinglan said lightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Buyi almost scratched his tongue with the candied core in his mouth. In fact, he had vaguely guessed what Fang Tinglan was going to do early on, but he was taken aback by the other party saying it so bluntly.

The expression of the villain on the other side has not changed at all: "You are stronger than your father who is Honglu's secret envoy."

"Well, so my father is dead, and I'm still alive." Fang Tinglan is not in a hurry, he has a lot of chips in his hand, and he can slowly weigh with the opponent.

"Isn't the King Liang you are serving right now the Lord of Ming?"

"There are old and new dignitaries behind him, it's hard to control, and there are too many places to spend money, so it's better to start a new one." Fang Tinglan took a sip of tea, "Don't you also dislike the amber king, a tiger that is not easy to control, and want to change it to a cat? Care for it?"

"If I let Qin Weiyu go back to Dongzhou, how will the two sides explain?"

"Of course the Earl understands how to explain," Fang Tinglan blinked, "I won't pretend to be an official for you. On my side, of course, I will arrange everything. In short, Chen Wang is far away from Dongzhou For ten years, the Son of Heaven ignored the decline of his mother's family, relying on his bosom friend and friendship with His Majesty Bei Lunxu, the new king of Tisu for many years. Spread your wings."

Bei Lunxu probably had an extra "confidant and best friend" before he had even heard of the name Qin Weiyu. This is because he even colluded with the lines. Zhou Buyi clicked his tongue twice, sucked away the last trace of sweetness from the fruit core, and spat it out.

Simona shook his head: "After all, Tisu and Nanhong face each other across the sea, and distant water can't save near thirst."

"He still has me." Fang Tinglan looked straight at Simona, "Since the count has met my father, he should understand how the Fang family existed in Hongchao."

Chi Jin’s Fang family Simona, who once stood side by side with the emperor, certainly heard of it, but now that Chi Jin has become the capital of Nanhong, and the Fang family was uprooted many years ago, Simona only felt that the last trace of the Fang family in front of him The blood is slapping the swollen face to make a fat man. He didn't say much, and slowly drank the last sip of tea: "Sincerity is indeed enough, but the deal is not very cost-effective."

"You will think it's a good deal." Fang Tinglan insisted. He was about to say something more, but the count stopped the conversation with a gesture. The poker game is a small gamble, but if you play for too long, it will become boring: "I already know your purpose, if you still plan to continue to increase the bet, then contact the carrier pigeon I put in the Public Security Bureau. It's not early, are you Do you intend to stay overnight, or hurry back to Jiumeng to watch the sunrise now?"

"Hui Jiumeng, I hate sleeping on a bed in the country." Zhou Buyi was categorical.


"What to do next?" Zhou Bu asked.

"Help me rent a house in Bainiao District." He basically finished what he should have done in Jiumeng in a low-key manner, so it doesn't matter if he shows up in public.

"You're finally willing to move out of that ghostly place," Zhou Buyi laughed, "Did Mrs. Jinlinghua finally instruct her girls to steal all your wife's books?"

Fang Tinglan was too lazy to answer his words, and continued to add: "The price doesn't matter, the most important thing is that it is close to the embassy and safe enough."

This job is not difficult, Zhou Buyu, who has been in Jiumeng City for many years, nodded in response: "And then?"

"After the move, find Qin Weiyu to come out, show your cards and pull him into the gang."

"You really intend to lure him into the gang!" Zhou Buyi frowned, "Let me remind you, you Faxiao are definitely not such an ignorant little hare like Bei Lunxu."

"Why do I want his little hare? I'm not Simona, I have a hobby of raising a king as his son," Fang Tinglan sighed, "Showdown with him, he will want to go back to Dongzhou more than us, there are some things I don't need Give advice, and he will do it himself."

Zhou Buyi pursed his lips, and suddenly felt that making money with Fang Tinglan was not an ideal job. He leaned against the car window and took a look, and in the far distance, the wings of Qiwu Terrace were already covered with gold from the sky.

"I think the Count... is a bit weird," he whispered.

"How to say?" Fang Tinglan recalled Simona tonight, and didn't think there was anything wrong.

"I don't know, it's just a feeling." Zhou Buyi glanced at Fang Tinglan. This is the young master who came from a good family, and it was because of a sudden change that he became the same as him. He couldn't explain to this kind of person the intuition he had from crawling in the mud since he was a child.

"Anyway, be careful. After all, if you are beaten to death, I, a grasshopper, won't be able to escape." Zhou Buyi leaned back on the seat, his forehead was pressed against the glass for too long, and it was cold.

"I will be careful." Fang Tinglan agreed.


There is no need to worry about Zhou Buyi's efficiency. Two days later in the evening, Fang Tinglan received his new address from a homeless child. He glanced at the street number and felt that his wallet was suddenly deflated.

He bid farewell to Mrs. Jinlinghua first, but she couldn't persuade her to stay with a smile. He could only grit his teeth and watch the fat sheep that hadn't been skinned for half a year slip away from his hand. The girls also came to say goodbye to him happily—although this Dongzhou guy is not in good health, at least he has a good-looking face. After looking at a handsome man for so long, he will always be in a good mood.

Fang Tinglan came to Tisu with only one suitcase, and he didn't need to pack it. He leaned the luggage against the bed and subconsciously glanced at the top of his head.

It seems that his little pirate hasn't returned from Wanlin City yet.

It seems that I have to ask the writer to bring a letter, but I don't know if he will be disappointed if he finds out that I have left here. Fang Tinglan was thinking.

"Why are you sighing?"

The voice came from behind.

Fang Tinglan was taken aback for a moment, and when he turned his head, he saw Hailian squatting on the window sill, looking at him with his head tilted.

The man suddenly laughed, and he didn't realize that his voice was slightly raised: "I was thinking about you just now."


"it is true."

Hailian pursed her lips, and shifted her gaze to Fang Tinglan's unharmed left shoulder and his blue-gray silver coat: "It seems that your injury is healed, and you can go out." He jumped lightly as he spoke. , fell silently to the floor.

"You still remember my injury," Fang Tinglan sat by the bed, "Should I say thank you?"

"No." Hailian took two steps inside and closed the door behind him.

The other party went to Wanlin, and when he came back, there was blood on his sleeve. Fang Tinglan could probably guess something, so he laughed: "You came here at night and closed the door again. Do you have any troubles and want to tell me?"

"It's nothing to worry about, how can you tell that I'm worried," Hai Lian replied, "I'm in a good mood."

"That is… "

Hai Lian didn't bother to talk nonsense with him anymore, the young man untied the hair tie at the back of his head, looked at Fang Tinglan, raised his eyebrows, "Take off your clothes."

Fang Tinglan still didn't understand the situation, "What?"

Before the end of his voice dissipated in the air, he was pushed down on the bed by Hailian. The person on the body was very close, and the loose black hair fell from his shoulders and landed on Fang Tinglan's neck, which brought some ambiguous itches, but Hailian's smile was not ambiguous at all, only an unruly Barbaric, he bared his teeth before opening his mouth.

"Rape you."

Mr. Fang, who has always been able to control the overall situation with ease, was dumbfounded.

Fortunately, Fang Tinglan is Fang Tinglan after all, and all the question marks in his head were swept away by him in an instant, and he quickly grabbed Hai Lianzheng's hand that was planning to do something unruly: "Wait, now suddenly... not good Bar?"

"You don't want to?" Hailian looked puzzled, "Then why are you kissing me on the island?"

"..." Fang Tinglan choked to death. He quickly gathered his thoughts, "Could it be that you didn't want to get close to me at all because I was injured before?"

"Otherwise?" Hai Lian admitted, "You couldn't move your shoulders and bumped your waist, and you couldn't do anything."

Neither Simona nor the Qin family could keep him speechless, and Shang Hai even managed to do it. Fang Tinglan had to hold Hailian's hand tighter, he was a little helpless, "Hailian, I really like you, and I really want to be with you, cough... But now is not the time."

"Why not the time?" Hailian asked in a low voice.

The thin wooden door couldn't stop the laughter and chatter of the guests and girls outside. Fang Tinglan had a headache amidst the noise: "Do you think this place is suitable? I don't think I'm interested." He paused After a pause, he added, "Why don't you come with me to my new home tomorrow? I'll let them get ready, and it's up to you when the time comes."

So Fang Tinglan is the young master of a good family after all, being brought up by his parents of the fairy couple, he subconsciously hopes to do everything with a sense of ritual. Hai Lian didn't answer, he leaned on Fang Tinglan's body for a while, and then slowly straightened up, Fang Tinglan thought that he had moved the other party, and he was about to sit up, when Hai Lian's right hand suddenly covered He opened his mouth, as if he had swallowed something, then grabbed Fang Tinglan's collar again, and uttered two words between his lips and tongue.


This was the first time that Hailian kissed him on his own initiative. The pirate's kiss was just as arbitrary and unreasonable as he himself. Fang Tinglan felt that when his teeth were knocked, something wet was handed over, like a kind of candy. But there was a vulgar sweet smell, and the back of his neck instinctively felt cold: "—what?"

"Yali said you can't do it, I'm just in case." Hai Lian half-closed his eyes, and stuck out the tip of his tongue towards Fang Tinglan as if the plot had succeeded, with a touch of unmelted white on the bright red, "One half, it's fair."

However, Hai Lian felt complacent for a moment, and felt his wrist twisted by a huge force, his eyes suddenly blurred, and he rolled to the side, causing a scream from the bed board. He immediately realized what the other party wanted to do, and the assassin was naturally unwilling to give up the initiative so easily, and the two of them writhed in a ball on the bed. The sheets were twisted into pickles, the ornaments collided with hidden weapons, the boots were thrown aside one after another, and the belt made a soft click of relief as it left his waist.

These sputtering sounds mixed into the hustle and bustle of Huajie all night, like a brisk song.

"Who said they were going to rape me just now? I'm sorry, I won again." Fang Tinglan, who finally managed to win by a narrow margin, calmed down, but did not relax at all, "Your Excellency is full this time, right? "

His opponent was stuck in the mattress, and he didn't know whether it was the effect of the medicine or he was tired. Hailian's cheeks were flushed, which was extremely gorgeous under the lamp. His throat rolled and he refused to speak, obviously dissatisfied.

Fang Tinglan was annoyed and laughed at the same time, and his voice couldn't help gnashing his teeth: "I'm hypocritical, you are naive."

Childish is childish, Hailian still wants to kick him: "Let go of me, I'm not in the mood anymore."

"There's no reason to let go of the spoils you got, right?" Fang Tinglan felt aggrieved, "Besides, you gave me a love potion, do you want me to go out and find someone else, you flirtatious man."

Hai Lian felt that the blood all over his body was not pouring down, but was rushed straight to his forehead by Fang Tinglan. He looked angrily like a big cat whose fur was stroked backwards. Fang Tinglan couldn't help but press the small Pirate, gave him a string of kisses again. The kiss spread from the corner of his mouth to his ear, he let out a breath on purpose, and then continued to whisper, "I still remember how Bo Qinglang provoked me back then."

"So I have to experience His Excellency Hailian's superb skills first-hand, how it makes me hard..." The hand has been loosened, and it has slid from the seventh rib to the extraordinarily thin and tough waist, "How can twisting the waist make me hard?" I cum."