Knight of the Sea

Chapter 70: One last thing



Faluco used to go to the Hazelnut Tavern to have a drink alone after get off work to wash away the fatigue of the day. The red ale here is very famous throughout Jiumeng City. Fortunately, Faluco is a frequent visitor here, and the boss is used to keeping a glass for him every night, and then put a plate of pickled green beans on it.

If the nights in the Mud District are too noisy and the nights in the White Bird District are too quiet, then the nights by the Reflecting River are full of fireworks. People here can afford to wear shoes on their feet, and can afford a spare coin or two to order a plate of appetizers. The stories sung by the singers are not obscene, but they are not elegant either. After taking off his black robe, the magistrate mingled inconspicuously among the half-drunk drinkers, as if he was just a clerk who had been ordered by his boss for a day. When I drank it all, I suddenly felt a heavy weight on my shoulders.

"I knew you were here." The other party said, and picked up a green bean on his table and threw it into his mouth.

Faluko looked sideways at Hai Lian, who was resting on his shoulders, with no surprise on his face: "Have a drink?"

"Have two glasses." An unfamiliar voice came from the other side of him.

The man whose name he should have crossed off the list stood in front of him. The other party was much younger than Faluco expected, and he was quite handsome except for two wounds on his cheeks. He didn't care about the surprised eyes of the sheriff, and smiled at him very calmly and friendly.

Faluco relaxed his shoulders and put the wine glass on the table: "You better give me an explanation."

"You know I won't do anything to my friends." Hailian was speechless, "I came to you just to ask you to think of a way."

"any solution?"

"A way to calm down the man above you," Fang Tinglan interjected, and he also took a green bean. "I think there is a possibility for me to talk to him again."

"What leverage do you think you have?" Faluco snorted coldly, his expression darkened, "The actions you made in private are enough to send you and the two Dongzhou people from the embassy to Amber Square for public execution - At that time, you will regret not being able to die quietly today."

"Don't worry, I just want to meet Count Simona again. If I still fail to negotiate this time, I will be arrested." Fang Tinglan stretched out his hands and put them together in front of Faluco, "When the time comes, you will hang me Whether it is death or beheading, please feel free."

Hai Lian was about to speak in surprise, but the other party hissed at him.

After thinking for a long time, Faluko turned to face Hailian: "You have caused a huge trouble again."

"Yeah, I'm always getting in trouble."

Helen paused, then added, "This is the last time, really."

The magistrate finally sighed: "...for Hailian's sake."

After finishing speaking, he drank the beer in one gulp, and made a gesture of invitation to the two of them.

The destination of the three of them was not the mansion of Earl Simona in the Shiratori District, but the theater near the Reflecting Bridge. There were two more acts in the last play of the day, and the waiter at the gate saw Faluco's face and took them knowingly to the grandstand box of the big theater.

Hailian stepped on the steps and looked down, and could still see the place where he sat when he first came, and now there was a middle-aged man sitting there, talking in a low voice with his wife next to him.

Faluko entered the box first, and after a while motioned for Fang Tinglan to enter. Fang Tinglan squeezed Hailian's little finger lightly in the dark: "Wait for me for a while."

Said to wait for him for a while, but this time Hai Lian waited outside for an exceptionally long time. When he was already yawned by the clear and lengthy singing, Faluco finally poked his head out. He waved to the sea: "You come in too."

After Hailian yawned for the last time, he rubbed his face, and then pushed open the wooden door of the box.

He had thought that there would be swords on the verge of breaking out in the box, after all, one of them wanted Fang Tinglan's life just now, but he didn't expect that what caught his eyes was the scene of the two guests having a good time, Fang Tinglan was sitting opposite Count Simona , there is still a glass of mirror flower wine on the small table at hand. Seeing Hailian coming in, he gave up half of his seat with a smile: "Come."

Hailian was not polite, and sat directly beside him, while Faluko went behind Simona, and whispered: "This is Hailian."

Simona looked at Hailian with the dim light of the candlestick, and said with a smile, "It's indeed a young talent."

Hai Lian is not good at dealing with such smirking aristocrats. The only thing he knows about Count Simona is that the girls downstairs will mention that his wife was robbed by the Amber King, so he looks at him Li couldn't help feeling a bit more sympathetic with unknown meaning: "What's the matter calling me in?"

"I heard from Faluco that you are his right-hand man and Tisu's number one assassin."

"The number one come I don't know?" Hailian raised his eyebrows.

"You helped the Public Security Department wipe out the White Tiger Gang, you killed the bandit leader Blind Eagle Ag, and you fought against the poisonous scorpion Amber with your own strength, and contributed a lot to the stability of Jiumeng City and even the entire Tisu," Simona said Then, he raised his glass to Hailian, "Speaking of which, I still owe you a lot of rewards and a thank you. I also blame Faluco for not being able to introduce you to me."

Falluco lowered his head slightly.

"I wanted to call you in." Fang Tinglan said, looking at Hailian, "Count Simona wants to ask us to do something for him. After the matter is completed, all grievances and grievances will be wiped out. You and I can return safely." To Dongzhou. And whether to do this, I think it is up to you to decide."

"What's up?"

Fang Tinglan hesitated for a moment before opening his mouth to answer.

"Assassinate the Amber King."

Hailian was startled, thinking that she had heard wrong: "Who?"

"Amber King Abal." Fang Tinglan repeated.

"Are you kidding!" Hai Lianteng stood up, "Do you know how many people have tried to kill the king over the years, but they all died in the hands of the poisonous scorpion Amber?"

"That's why I said, this matter can only be entrusted to you." Simona said, "You are the only assassin who can escape from the poisonous scorpion amber twice."

"That's my luck." Hailian turned to Simona, "But you, why did you kill the king?"

Simona looked straight at the assassin: "Because Abal took my wife away."

It's ridiculous. Obviously he was greedy and wanted to rule the world, but he used women as a shield. Fang Tinglan thought this way, but did not expose the lie of the treacherous minister, but silently took a sip of Jinghua wine.

No one has ever taught anything more complicated than a knife. To Hailian, Simona's reason was much more straightforward and effective than the high-sounding rhetoric of "eradicating the tyrant and protecting Tisu Taiping". There is only one thing left for the young assassin to confirm: "Do you agree?" he asked Fang Tinglan.

"No." Fang Tinglan looked directly at Hailian, "I said, you are the knife, so this matter is up to you to decide."

"Do you want me to agree?" Helian asked.

Fang Tinglan closed his mouth. After a long silence, he whispered in Dongzhou dialect, "... I hope to go back to Chi Jin with you."

Hai Lian nodded: "Okay." He took the mirror flower wine in Fang Tinglan's hand, and raised his glass to Simona and the two, "If you send Fang Tinglan and me back to Dongzhou, I promise to help you." You killed the Amber King."

"After drinking the Jinghua wine, we will be friends for life." Count Simona finally raised a smile that was not so fake. He drank it with Hailian, "I wish us a happy cooperation, Tisu's number one assassin."


"It is said that hundreds of years ago, when the founding emperor of the Rong Dynasty was a Bolang merchant, he lived in Jiumeng City for a period of time and helped the third prince Tisu win the throne; in exchange, when Luo Fu joined the war, Tisu Provided Rong Chao with 500 warships, and successfully wiped out the remaining forces that finally tried to abandon the city and go to sea." Zhou Buyi said leisurely, while placing the jelly beans on the table with the word "Rong", "Are you following Jiwei, Fang Tinglan?"

"I'm not as powerful as the ancients, but it's just an expedient measure to save my life." Fang Tinglan shook his head.

On the night when the transaction was established, Fang Tinglan was respectfully invited into the Tisu embassy by Faluko. He called it a distinguished guest from Nanhong, so he naturally had to treat him well; at the same time, the security in the embassy was also doubled. Manpower, it is obvious that they will never let people go until the day when the "final payment is paid".

He looked at the guards with live ammunition outside the window, and there was always a cloud of doubt in his heart that could not be dispelled.

"Don't worry about it, anyway, the initiative is already in the hands of the earl with green hat, just take one step at a time, the worst thing is to die in Jiumeng City," Zhou Buyi stretched his waist , "You have even been to the pirate's lair, are you afraid that our shabby embassy will eat people?"

Fang Tinglan didn't speak.

"Speaking of which, what did you use to convince Count Simona to let us go?"

"Of course to take what he always wanted but couldn't get."


""Auspicious Light and Yellow Cloud Book"."

Zhou Buyi was startled, the jelly beans rolled out of his hand and landed on the ground: "Isn't that something that was snatched by the barbarians in the north?"

"Bei Mo only got part of it, and part of the clues are in my hands."

Zhou Buyi swears, obviously excited: "I heard that if you can get the "Jiguang Huangyun Book", you can collect the wealth of the world, where did you get the clue, can you show me?"

The other party will cooperate with him on many things in the future, Fang Tinglan didn't hide it from him, and said straight: "I can't keep it in my body, because the clue is not a thing, but a person."


"The assassin who was with me, Hai Lian."

What Fang Tinglan said later, Qin Weiyu outside the door didn't hear a word clearly, he bit his lower lip, and took half a step back silently, the tip of his right finger firmly pressed the back of his hand that was injured last night, before biting it together The wounds together burst open in an instant, and the pain burned like a raging fire.