Knight of the Sea

Chapter 75: Opening (3)


-what did you say

—Silly boy, I already knew you were a thief, but you are indeed my own daughter who has been lost for twenty years!

"Brother, are we really going up there?"

The boy looked at the soaring fire above his head through the car window, and asked in a low voice.

"Elica, we were going to the palace for a banquet, did you forget? If it weren't for your temper with the teacher today, we should have appeared in the palace now." The man sitting opposite the boy replied gently. He was not very old, but he was already wearing the uniform of Major General Tisu, and the eye-catching gold tassel on his chest brushed the buttons back and forth as the carriage bumped.

"Now there is an explosion in the palace. As a soldier, of course I have to go up."

The boy pursed his lips, looking very reluctant, he sat on the seat dangling his calf, and suddenly said: "Then I won't go up, I'll wait for you here, is that okay?"


"I don't want to go up, I'm afraid!" The kid was used to being arrogant and pampered at home, and he was so confident in being afraid, he snorted hard and was about to open the door. As soon as he turned the lock on the car, the carriage suddenly jolted violently, and the carriage was almost toppled over. The driver quickly reined in the reins and stopped.

The young officer touched his younger brother's head, then got out of the carriage: "What's wrong?"

"Maybe the wheels accidentally ran over the gravel that rolled down the mountain..." The coachman and him comforted the two white horses that opened the way with maltose, "Shall we go up?"

The young man glanced at the palace above his head. He actually didn't want to attend such a long and boring banquet, so he indulged Erika to mess around at home to delay the time, but if something happened to the palace, then he had to go. Thinking of this, he nodded: "Keep going up." After finishing speaking, the young man turned around and smiled at the boy in the carriage: "Erica, why didn't you come down just now? You don't usually like to feed these two boys the most. guys eat-"

The rest of his words stuck in his throat.

The young man couldn't believe it, he only left for such a few seconds, there was actually an extra person in the carriage!

The man's face could not be seen clearly in the darkness, but his slender fingers covering the boy's mouth and the edge of the sharp blade in his palm were the only bright colors that the darkness could not hide.

"Come up." The man ordered quickly in a breathy voice.

The other party's voice was very young, very clean, and not fierce.

The major general swallowed dry saliva and nodded. He opened his hands to show that he had no intention of attacking, and obediently got into the car: "Who are you?"

"Stop talking nonsense and turn your carriage around."

The young man did as he said. Although the coachman wondered why his master suddenly changed his mind, he still turned the carriage around: "Then where are you going now?"

"now go… "

"Yulan Port." The stranger said again.

Just as the young man hesitated for a moment, the stranger's blade turned to the boy's slender neck, "—Go to Yulan Port!" He shouted immediately.

The coachman was even more strange: "Master Flo?"

"I want to take Erica to see a new boat I bought in Yulan Harbor." The person in the carriage explained.

"Tsk, I went to watch the boat at night," the coachman muttered softly, flicking his whip, "I really don't understand these aristocrats..."

The carriage began to run briskly again, and the young man named Flo cautiously said to the uninvited guest: "My name is Flo, what you have in your hand is my younger brother Erica, we were going to Palace banquet..."

He wanted to be as friendly as possible, because he saw his brother crying silently. And the other party seemed to be a little annoyed by the wet water stains on his hand, he lowered his voice and said: "I let go of your brother, don't let him bark, if you two dare to make other moves, I promise to slit both of your throats before you hit me."

"I promise."

"Where's your brother?"

The boy's throat rolled, and he nodded slightly.

The man let go, pushed the boy hard, and threw him into Flo's arms. Flo caught his younger brother and comforted the child softly, keeping his eyes on the dagger opposite him from the corner of his eyes.

Instead, the uninvited guest looked at what the pair of brothers were thinking: "You are very good to your brother."

"Of course, he is my only brother." Flo raised his eyes, "Do you have brothers too?"


Flo was a little embarrassed, but after the other party finished saying this, even his expression seemed to be softer than before, Flo was secretly relieved. At this time, they had already left Quheishan Road and returned to the chessboard-criss-crossed avenues of the White Bird District—this neighborhood known for its elegance and solemnity is now as lively as the vegetable market in the Mud District. The explosion on the top of the mountain pointed, and at the same time thanked himself for not going to the banquet.

The stranger glanced at the bright lights outside the window: "How long does it take from here to Yulan Port?"

"About a quarter of an hour."

"What time is it?" The stranger gestured to Flo's coat, and he knew that there must be an expensive clock from Tiege Valley in the pocket of this little boy.

"Nine-thirty in the evening," Flo replied, and he could see the stranger's clothes and face clearly by the light of the lamp. The other party was so young and beautiful that he was surprised, but his face and shirt were covered with dirt and blood stains one after another, like a young man who had run away in despair.

But how could the people in the White Bird District not know how long it would take from the Imperial Palace to Yulan Port

Amidst the hustle and bustle of people, the carriage quickly passed through Yulan Street. The air in the carriage was so solid that it made people restless. Flo hesitated in silence, and finally couldn't help continuing the original topic: "Are you from the palace?" Did you escape? Can you tell me what's going on above?"

"There are your relatives on it?"

"No, my parents are in fiefdom."

"That's none of your business?"

Flo was speechless—even in the years he was stationed on the border, no one had ever spoken to him in such a rude tone. He blushed, but still patiently explained: "Something happened in the palace, this turmoil affects every Tisu citizen, I can't help but care."

The stranger laughed. When he laughed, a pale knife mark at the corner of his left eye also rose up: "You are better-tempered than ordinary nobles."

Flo replied earnestly, "It's education."

"Upbringing? This serious look reminds me..." Thinking of who the stranger didn't go on, when he spoke again, he answered Flo's question, "The Amber King is dead, you may want to change it." The new king."

"Dead?!" Flo almost jumped up from his seat in shock, "It's impossible, how could he die!"

"If you are a person, you will die." The other party didn't have time to pay attention to Flo's shock. His attention was all outside the window. When the young man saw the eight-foot-high mast of the Lady in the Clouds in the distance in the night, his eyes paused slightly, " It's almost there, isn't it?"

After all, he didn't wait for Flo to answer, and continued: "I advise you, if I were you, I would take my brother home now, lock the door tightly, and treat everything that happened tonight as a dream." Finally The moment he uttered a word, his finger had already hooked the door lock, and the next second, there were only two people left in the carriage.

The carriage was still moving forward, and the two brothers looked at each other dumbfounded. If it wasn't for the lingering warmth in the seat opposite, both of them would almost have thought that the kidnapping just now had never happened.

"Who the hell is he..."

Flo looked out of the window blankly, and it seemed that a black cat had rushed into the alley in the vast night.

- She is running. The silk skirt fell to the ground, the red flowers on the sideburns fell from the black hair (O'Brien's note: it can be thrown to the audience), and the crystal jewelry collided together, like small bells knocking rapidly.

—Run, hurry up.

Helian is on the run. Or rather, he was running away all the way.

He failed to meet the person Simona had promised to respond to, and the road behind the mountain was blocked by the army that was planning to intercept the Amber King. He ran across the entire garden like a mole, if he hadn't run into him halfway With Flo's carriage, he even doubted whether he could make it down the mountain alive.

There was a dull pain in his left rib, probably because he was hit to the bone by a falling rock when he fell from the window sill. Hailian gritted his teeth, and fixed his eyes on the standing mast. Just run there, and all the absurdity of the night can be over.

Calculated by the time, I seem to be late, but it's only half a quarter of an hour past the agreed time, which is completely in time.

Fang Tinglan would probably be startled seeing him like this, maybe before he had time to say anything, this cunning Dongzhou man would speak first, saying a bunch of things like "he's the one who's the most frightened" Bullshit, but he will definitely reach out and grab him... Hailian thought about what to do, and walked around the last street corner.

"Fang Tinglan?"

Hailian yelled, but no one responded. He glanced at the sea level, and did not see the sailboat that had just left the port. The whole Yulan Port was extremely quiet, as if Hai Lian was the only one here.

The assassin felt that the pain in his left rib was intensifying.

He turned around in the empty Yulan Port, and finally found a drunken night watchman in a small wooden house. Hailian pinched his nose, and the man's face turned purple in a short while, and he was forced to look at the stranger who had a double image in front of him.

"who are you?"

"Did you see a bunch of Eastern State guys and a red-painted boat? It's around here."

"Dongzhou people? Ships?"

The drunk man mumbled several times, and suddenly realized, "Oh, I remembered, there are some!" He raised his finger and pointed to the distance, "The boat left two hours ago!"

— No, I don't believe it, we agreed to meet here, and he wants to take me far away! He loves me!

— My silly daughter, he has used you for that chest of treasure from the beginning!

O'Brien burst into tears off the stage and applauded vigorously: "Perfect performance!"