Knight of the Sea

Chapter 76: take a bow



Two hours ago, when Hai Lian had just arrived at the palace, Hai Lian thanked the other party in a dazed manner, ignored the yelling of the night watchman, turned around and walked out the door. He always felt that something was wrong, but the moment he just opened the door and saw the gunfire team pointing at him from a distance, the last light in the young man's pupils was also extinguished.

The assassin tilted his head slightly, and smiled vaguely: "How long have you been waiting here, two hours?"

"You assassinated the former king, and you still intend to abscond, the new king has ordered you to be killed on the spot!"

"The former king?" Hailian shook his head, "I didn't kill Abal."

"Whether you killed it or not, does it make any difference?" the other side asked triumphantly.

After a moment of silence, Hai Lian replied, "No."

It really doesn't make a difference. They need a knife to assassinate the king, and whether or not the knife ends up bloody, it needs to be snapped off to end the whole script. The assassin just doesn't bother to think about many things, it doesn't mean he is stupid, all the key points will become clear after sorting out in his mind. It was clearly early summer weather, but Hailian felt a burst of cold teeth.

He slowly drew the dagger in the confrontation. The moment the bullet flew out of the barrel, the assassin's toes turned slightly, and the man was ejected like a cannonball.

Since everyone regards him as the sharpest knife, he should have what a knife should look like.

The old king is dead, and a new king is born from the ruins.

This news has not yet spread to the city, and people are still immersed in the last joy of the day, and have no time to look up at the thick dark clouds slowly gathering in the darkness, and the golden palace wall that collapsed suddenly: O'Brien accepted the audience's praise on the stage. With cheers and applause, he finally became famous in one fell swoop; Mercury dragged his new lover into the crowd of the square, spinning and dancing to the sound of tea zither; Ake drooped the corners of his mouth, he was still feeling sorry for the money bag he lost during the day. The sound of fireworks in the City of Long Dreams is deafening, and the sky is full of light.

And Shang Hailian fought in the streamer.

He was never afraid of death. On the night when he decided to join the White Tiger Gang, the crescent moon above his head was like a severed sickle, which had already cut off all the fear of death from the boy. Only one of the bullets fired by Qiqi hit Hailian's left arm, and more bullets flew past the corner of his clothes, and crashed into the closed wooden door. The rifling was blocked, and the assassin would never give them time to clean it up. He swung his first knife and pulled everyone into this vortex with a burst of blood mist.

Obviously, his physical strength has already been exhausted in tonight's running around, but his instinct can still control Hailian to make all attacks. He is like a ghost traveling through the dark night, smashing everything with daggers, fists, and even his head. Trying to get close to his enemy. The long fire guns became useless decorations in the chaos, and everyone was holding a knife.

But what am I still resisting? Helen thought.

The heart and lungs were beating violently, and every time the body was twisted, the bones would protest tiredly, the feet were damp and stagnant, the left hand was completely useless, and the side was also stabbed. The straight bloodletting line couldn't contain so much scalding blood, the bright red flooded the whitish fingertips along the handle of the knife, soaking the cuffs with it. Hailian dragged his feet and retreated to the edge of the pier. He was at the end of his battle, and the few people on the opposite side could end his life with a single shot, but no one dared to take out the firecracker. Look at him His eyes were like looking at a horrible ghost crawling out of the deep sea.

Hailian exhaled slowly, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the shrinking night watchman in the wooden house. The other party cautiously watched the battlefield, looking at Hailian with puzzlement and a little worry. Alas, I hope this group of people won't bother this old fat man soon. The assassin withdrew his gaze and raised his dagger again. The people on the opposite side thought that he was going to make a final fight, and almost wanted to run away, but unexpectedly, the young man raised the corner of his mouth to them again.

"I'm tired." Hailian spread his arms and fell backwards.

The first drop of rain fell into the water with him.

The waves above Yunhai have never calmed down, but what does that have to do with him? The feeling of suffocation was not pleasant, and it reminded Haili of the first time when Agg threw him into the sea to learn to swim. Only now did he realize that he would never be able to say goodbye to anyone, whether it was his father, master, sister, captain, or... Thinking of that person's name, Hai Lian only felt bitterness flooding his whole body. He was obviously exhausted, but his body did not sink to the bottom of the sea as he wished. In his hallucination, he seemed to see two figures, which were his parents who had also died in the sea.

Dad, Mom. He opened his mouth, and the saltiness poured into his throat.

Strands of seaweed brushed over Hailian's forehead, like a gentle kiss from his parents. He felt as if his body was firmly supported by two invisible hands, and he was slowly floating upwards. The moment he surfaced, his chest felt like it was going to explode. He greedily breathed the air and swallowed a mouthful of The rain, little by little, climbed up the shore again.

He didn't know whether it was the merciless sea god's pity for him, or if there were souls in this world, but he knew that he had lived again.

The waves pushed him away from Yulan Harbor and sent him to a small pier. The downpour of rain brought the festival to an abrupt end. All the colorful lights and candles on the street were extinguished, and people rushed back to their homes to rest. Hailian was like a drunken man, staggering and wandering on the unfamiliar street, the wound did not stop bleeding, and the deep red was diluted by the rain, and it was stained all over the clothes. With his appearance, how dare he knock on the door of any house

In the blurry vision, there was only a flickering light in front of him. Like a traveler who had traveled for a long time, Hai Lian stubbornly walked towards the mirage in his sight. But this distance is obviously only a hundred steps, but it is so long that it seems that it will never end. And when the light was finally within sight, another iron gate blocked his way.

Hai Lian looked up, and the height that he could climb without any effort at ordinary times was unattainable at this moment. He pushed the iron gate and remained motionless.

The young man gave a wry smile, and staggered two steps to lean against the gate. This time, sleepiness finally embraced him as he wished.


One month before Taiyan City was broken, Shang Hailian was taken by his father to a big mansion. The child held two small wooden rabbits in one hand and his father in the other, curious about everything. Shang Weiji placed him in the side hall, and told him: "Father, go discuss things with someone, and Alian is here to be obedient."

Shang Hailian obediently replied: "Okay."

Taiyan City is extremely hot this summer, and I don't know if it's because of the weather or the oppressive atmosphere in the city. Even if it's the late summer season, the clothes will be drenched with sweat after sitting for a while. The boy was newly bitten by a mosquito on his calf. He scratched it twice, and then remembered what Auntie said would make it more itchy, so he pinched the rabbit and blushed. Half a small head.

"Who are you?" The other party asked him.

"I'm Allen..."

"Are you a guest?"

Helian nodded. The other party blinked and jumped out. It turned out to be a little brother. The little brother came over and extended his hand to him generously: "I called Tinglan, my father said that he was responsible for entertaining the big guests at home, and I was in charge of the little guests, so I will take care of you, do you understand?"

"Understood." Shang Hailian nodded again.

The little brother is very satisfied with this new guest: "You came just in time, my mother is not at home today, I secretly sent someone to buy the dim sum from Suyuefang, and I will treat you to eat with the hawthorn ice bowl made in the kitchen! You usually like What are you playing?"

Shang Hailian thought about it seriously: "I like jumping on stakes."

"Jump jumping?" The little brother frowned, apparently he had never heard of it before, "What should I do, I don't have a wooden stake for you to jump at home... Well, let's go eat delicious food first, and then I'll take you to play ball Okay?" As he spoke, he took the little guest's hand and walked into the back garden.

The snacks are sweet, the ice bowl is also sweet, the ball is much more fun than jumping on the pile, Shang Hailian likes the little brother very much. So when the ball was accidentally thrown into the tree by the two of them, he volunteered to climb up the tree and threw the ball down. But Brother Xiaoxiao only taught him how to climb up the tree, but didn't teach him how to get down. The little boy was holding on to the trunk tremblingly, almost crying out of anxiety.

The man under the tree dropped the ball at this time and opened his hands towards him: "You jump down, don't worry, I will definitely catch you."

"I... I'm scared."

"Trust me." The other party promised so.

Obviously this is the first time we met, why did you believe it? Shang Hai didn't even know it, but when he was five years old, he really jumped towards that person so wholeheartedly, and got a hug full of him.

The 20-year-old Hailian also woke up from the fall. The arms are empty, but the whole body is warm and dry, with an aroma of orange blossom and cedar. He only coughed slightly, and then walked towards him quickly.

"Brother!" The girl's tears fell immediately.

"Xiaoyu...?" Hailian was surprised by the person who caught his eyes, "How can I..."

"You fell at the door of Chuizhi Court, if Her Royal Highness just sent me to lock the door, you might have..." Hai Yu threw herself on the bedside, and replied sobbingly, "Everyone just went out to play that day, It was me and His Royal Highness who brought you in."

Hailian stretched out his hand to wipe his sister's tears, but there was no strength in his hand, so he put it back again, and he sighed: "How long have I been asleep?"

"Two days."

In two days, even the Sea God Festival is over. Hai Lian closed his eyes, readjusted his expression, and said softly to Hai Yu: "So, I'm in your boss's territory now?"

Haiyu was made to laugh at his words, she nodded vigorously: "His Royal Highness has gone out, she said that if you wake up, she will come to see you, I'll go get some food first!"

When Long Rong came back again, he saw the young man sitting alone by the window, like a sailor left alone, blowing the wind. The sea breeze after the rain was clear, and his loose hair was lifted up. Except for his pale face, he could no longer see the embarrassment of that night. He seemed to hear footsteps, so he turned his head.

"You must be Her Royal Highness Xiao Yu said." Hai Lian glanced at the hem of her skirt.

Long Rong took a step forward and saluted Hailian slowly, "And you must be... the child of my savior, Shang Hailian, right?"

"I finally found you." She smiled.

At midnight two days ago, it was originally just a small effort to avoid the kindness of the little girl. But the moment Long Rong saw Hai Yu wiping away the blood on the young man's face with his tears, he was so startled that he almost jumped up from his seat——Quan Jiumeng probably won't have a second appearance like Shang Weiji's Shaw is from Dongzhou.

She had never lost her composure before, grabbing Hai Yu's hand and questioning him one sentence after another, until she couldn't say a word anymore, she covered her cheeks and cried loudly. She thought that Hai Yu was just an orphan adopted by a well-meaning couple, and she only blamed herself for why she never thought of asking about the past of her personal lady in the past three years, and she didn't even know that she had relatives—even in the theater that day, she saw her leave in a hurry If only she had looked downstairs at the time.

"... When Uncle Weiji took me to escape, in order to stop me from crying, he once told me that he has a pair of children. The boy is about the same age as me, and the girl can be my younger sister. I heard him say a lot about you and me. What happened to Xiaoyu made me less afraid on the road." Long Rong said with a wry smile, "After Uncle Weiji died, I also wanted to go to look for you, but I was under strict surveillance at that time. The excuse is that I am afraid that I will be 'kidnapped' by Dongzhou people again."

Hailian listened quietly, without answering.

"But thanks to Sea God this time, I finally have a chance to repay my favor." Long Rong looked at him and said, "I have two things for you."


She pulled out a roll of parchment from her sleeve and handed it to Hailian.

"I'm not very literate."

"It's a secret pardon, and my status is quite useful." The princess replied with a smile, "Belen Xu couldn't keep his mouth shut. I understood the cause and effect after thinking about it for a while. Now the enthronement ceremony of the new king is over. Well, the old king died because of the aging and collapse of the palace, and it is not necessary to have a scapegoat. Now, you can appear in front of people safe and sound."

With such absurd reason, an era ended, Hai Lian thought of Abel's almost crazy burning eyes that day, and lowered his eyes: "What about the second thing?"

"Your father kept it with me, and I will return it to you." Long Rong spread his hands towards him, it was a small, golden shuttle.

Cold tone order.

Everyone thought about it, and frantically searched for the key to the treasure for eight years in the midst of gunfire and death, and it was randomly placed on the girl's bookshelf for eight years.

Eight years ago when Shang Weiji gave this thing to Long Rong, he just made a hook with her little finger. "I believe in you," he said. "You're the smartest little girl."

She paid for this simple agreement for eight years. Because Shang Weiji said that she was the smartest little girl, she studied arithmetic alone in the bookstore and cracked the code. **, if you calculate the coordinates, you will be able to obtain treasures that can change the world. At that time, even the new king on the throne will not have to be taken seriously. But she handed the key to Hailian.

"This thing doesn't belong to me." Long Rong said softly.

Hai Lian slowly stroked the twists and turns of the cipher text on the Hanyin Token, he turned his head again, glanced at the sparkling sea on the horizon outside the window, and then put the Hanyin Token back into Long Rong's hand: "I can use this thing Exchange yours for the same thing?"

Long Rong was taken aback, but still said: "What?"

"Your Lady in the Cloud." Hailian said word by word, "I'm going to find someone at sea and ask him a few words."

The princess was slightly taken aback, and then nodded: "No problem." She took the Hanyin order, shook it towards the sea, and smiled, "The Hanyin order is still yours, and the Lady in the Cloud is yours too, after all, I She doesn’t know how to sail a boat, and it’s a pity that she will be stuck in Yulan Harbor all her life, so it’s better to give it to someone who really needs her.”

As she spoke, she walked to the desk, quickly wrote a letter, sealed it and handed it to Hai Lian: "Take it, and you can go to Yulan Port to pick up the ship and the 80 sailors that are allocated. Don't worry, Although the Lady in the Clouds has never been out to sea, she is Tisu's masterpiece, and there is no ship that she cannot catch up with."

Hai Lian read the letter, not understanding why this royal family who had never met would be so generous to him. Long Rong saw his doubts, and she curled her mouth, "Uncle Weiji said you are a good boy, so I believe him." She smiled and stretched out her hand, and gave him a slight push, "Go."


People just watched the floats in the king's parade, and discussed the collapse that was lost in the fireworks two nights ago, but another big news spread like a white bird spreading its wings, and quickly spread throughout Jiumeng City—the Lady in the Cloud Out of port!

The crowd quickly surrounded the coast, and everyone stretched their necks to see that huge ship that stands out from the crowd sailing towards the sea towards the sunset. Some small boats tried to keep up with it, but they were thrown away a few fathoms after a while. The statue of the lady prayed silently, and the huge eight-foot-high sail swelled against the wind. Someone with good eyesight exclaimed: "Look! Is there a person on the top of the mast?"

"Nonsense, how can someone stand on such a high place! You read it wrong!"

Everyone stopped discussing this topic, and all guessed where it was going, whether it was the mysterious and rich West Land, or the beautiful and rich Dongzhou, or the vast and vast Northern Desert. Nobody knows its captain just wants an answer.