Knight of the Sea

Chapter 84: teaching



The sound of the waves and the clamor of the sailors on the deck poured into the ears one after another, waking Fang Tinglan from his deep sleep.

The room was silent, and the sunlight was falling from the porthole on the empty sheet next to his pillow, illuminating the mess in the room after last night's frenzy. Fang Tinglan stretched out his fingertips, and there was no warmth left on the sheets he touched. Obviously, the people who were lying here had already left.

The man withdrew his hand and pressed the center of his brows hard. After a while, a wry smile appeared from the corner of his mouth. He doesn't care about his little pirate's rebelliousness in love affairs, it will only stimulate his desire to conquer in his heart, but when his body is full, he will viciously want to go further to possess more things, such as... that something he's ever had.

He lay quietly for a while, forcing himself to get rid of interfering thoughts, and after going through the plan again in his mind, he slowly sat up from the bed, and slowly picked up the clothes he threw away last night one by one. it is good. Only then did I realize that one of the buttons on my chest had been torn off, and the fabric had been cut twice. When I stretched my arms and stretched my muscles, I could still feel a slight tingling pain from the scratches on my back blade.

Fang Tinglan's eyebrows twitched, and he felt more and more amused in his heart, and felt like he was helplessly conniving to that person.

When he opened the door, the Black Mackerel was just rounding the rocks and out of port, Taita was busy at the winch and Hailian was at the helm, the captain of the Black Mackerel did not tie his hair today, and there were a few strands of half-length hair that was not short. The splashed sea foam sticks to the cheeks, making the face that is more mature than four years ago look thinner again.

"Morning." Fang Tinglan said hello, his gaze swept across Hailian's body, as if he was confirming the traces he left a few hours ago through his clothes.

Hai Lian gave Fang Tinglan a hard look, and didn't want to answer at all.

Because of the hangover and indulgence, the young man's face was already pale, only the lips that had been bitten excessively still had an abnormal redness. He woke up this morning and found that not only did he turn over and his back was sore, but his body was also bruised and purple. Seeing the culprit appearing in front of him so refreshed, Hai Lian became even more angry.

Who is Fang Tinglan, and he is the number one person in Dongzhou in observing words and expressions. He saw that the other party was not hesitant, and suggested friendlyly: "Otherwise, I will take the helm, and you go back to sleep?"

"No." Hailian immediately vetoed it.

"Or should I help you squeeze your shoulders?"


"Why don't you rub your waist?"


Hai Lian finally couldn't take it anymore, and pointed to the deck angrily, "If Mr. Fang is really bored, go teach them how to fight and don't bother me."

"The tuition fees I teach are not cheap." Fang Tinglan said with a deeper smile, "But your Excellency already paid in advance last night, and I obeyed." After finishing speaking, he deliberately saluted Hailian and stepped back. A few steps back to the deck.

Now everyone on the Heixia knows that the man who works as a servant next to their captain is the well-known Lord Zhenhai in Dongzhou, but everyone knows Lord Zhenhai from gossip after drinking, apart from knowing that the other party is a rich and talented man. Except for the most powerful and rich man, I have never heard of this man's military exploits. In addition, this man surrendered so quickly that day, everyone looked at this Dongzhou man with a lot of eyes. A bit of contempt and disdain, if he hadn't been sidling around the captain like an asshole, everyone would have wanted to show this little boy a long time ago

The sailors gathered on the deck heard Fang Tinglan's words, and couldn't help but look him up and down, whispering to each other: "Let this kind of wretch teach us how to fight? What a joke!"

"Could it be that our captain is finally annoying him, and intends to use this name to let us clean up this kid?"


The sailors agreed to push one out immediately, and the man smiled rudely at Fang Tinglan: "Lord Zhenhai, what do you want to teach?"

Fang Tinglan raised a hand behind his back, and nodded to him rather restrainedly: "The guest does as he pleases."

The deck immediately boiled up, everyone was waiting to give this bumbling aristocrat a punch, but Taita hurried to Hailian's side and asked in a low voice: "It's never important for the guys on board to attack, if Zhenhai People from Dongzhou won't make trouble for you if you beat me up, right?"

"Don't underestimate Fang Tinglan." Hai Lian replied briefly, then changed the subject, "Is there any result to what I asked you to inquire about?"

Taita was stunned, then shook his head, "No." Before going to Metali Point, when Hailian entrusted him to supply supplies, he also asked him to inquire about a person's whereabouts among the pirates, "Whether it's the southern border or the The pirates in other places said that they never saw Kunji again. The last time she appeared was four years ago at the Kaqili Bay Shipyard, where the Black Mint was sold at a low price."

Helian was speechless for a moment.

Four years ago, he had just become a baron, and was forced to stay on land by Long Rong and Faluko for a year, concentrating on transforming the ship to recruit manpower. It was only when Ake and his sister proposed to see Kunji again that they discovered this. The captain of the Black Mint disappeared into the sea of permission.

The friendship between the pirates depends on a ship, a bottle of wine, and a life. Once the ship is sold, it is basically announcing to the entire sixteen islands of Yunhai that they are withdrawing from this grand stage. However, in Hai Lian's memory, Since Kunji was able to suppress the mutiny and become the leader back then, and she was never afraid of facing Mo Yiren's navy, she was definitely not the woman who would leave in such a sad way.

In a blink of an eye, he recalled that the captain said that Kunji seemed to be the person who belonged to the poisonous scorpion amber, and coincidentally, the poisonous scorpion amber on land also disappeared after Abaler's death... What will be between the two? Does it matter

Just as Hai Lian was absorbed in his thoughts, he was interrupted by exclamations on the deck. He looked over the steering wheel and just heard a muffled sound.

Amidst the uproar, the sailor who took the lead in provoking was already lying on the ground. The man's arms were folded behind him and he couldn't move. There could only be a hissing sound from his throat. Yu Li explained leisurely: "This is the first lesson I teach you. Hand-to-hand combat at sea is different from land combat. Because of the waves, the deck will be bumpy. If you shoot rashly, it will only reveal the flaws in your center of gravity. Be careful next time." gone."

The first officer was dumbfounded, "This..."

"That's why I said don't underestimate this man, or you will suffer a lot." Although Hai Lian said so, he suddenly turned the steering wheel hard in his hand, and the hull suddenly tilted in the opposite direction. Everyone on the deck was caught off guard. The soles of his feet slipped, and Fang Tinglan was no exception. He staggered and stabilized his figure before realizing what was going on. He looked helplessly at Hailian, who arrogantly made a gesture of wiping his neck to him.

"I'll teach you the second lesson, don't get carried away in the sea."


On the seventh day of the Black Mackerel, when it was still 200 nautical miles away from Rochester Island, the sailors on the observation deck finally saw the low-key gold ship on the vast sea level. This gold ship looks like an ordinary merchant ship in appearance, but the obviously too deep waterline shows that the ship does carry a lot of coveted heavy objects.

"I told you, I didn't lie to you." Fang Tinglan handed the binoculars to Hailian, "It's the ship of Kailei's family. Their family is keen on human trafficking under the eyes of the king. They also dare to rob children and send them to Beimo to be played by some people with special hobbies—in short, they are the kind of people you hate the most."

When Hai connected the telescope, he took another look at him: "Master Fang knows quite well."

"Someone from Mo Yi once asked me to rescue several young masters. After I finished helping, they told me about the gold ship in return."

"Never trade at a loss, it really is your style." Hailian teased.

He counted the number of ships on the opposite side, estimated the firepower, and waved to the sailors on the observation deck. The Blackfish immediately released three signal smokes, adjusted the semaphore, and guided the direction of the pirate ships following behind. , so as to avoid the sight of those frigates patrolling beside the gold ship.

The crowd continued to detour, and after another three days, all the boats had arrived at the south of Rochester Island.

Hai Lian was the first to jump off the deck. The young man looked at the cliff while playing with the dagger, and said with a click of his tongue, "It's a bit troublesome."

"Can you climb up?" asked Fang Tinglan, who followed closely behind.

"Yes, I can, but I need a deputy." Hai Lian's eyes fell on the faces of the people around him, and his thin lips suddenly curled up, "Master Fang, can you climb cliffs? If you don't, you must."