Knight of the Sea

Chapter 85: rock climbing


Rock climbing is not difficult for Fang Tinglan, but he has never been a deputy before. He looked at Hai Lian, who just came over with two bundles of rope, one behind his back, and the other tied their waists together.

"Fate knot again?" Fang Tinglan raised his eyebrows and asked.

"No, it's the Hanging Knot."

Fang Tinglan: "..."

Hai Lian was obviously in a good mood as he watched the other party choke. He pulled Fang Tinglan to the foot of the cliff by pulling the rope, and pointed to a huge rock with a sudden arch directly above: "It's not easy for me to go to that place alone, you have to help me."


"Follow me, and I'll give you half of my body when you get there," Hailian pointed to the direction, "Just give me a hug."

"So trust my arm strength?"

This question was obviously intentional, Hailian curled his lips, "Just use your strength that night."

It goes without saying which night, Fang Tinglan nodded with a smile.

Hailian moved his hands and feet, then held the dagger in his mouth, and after two steps of approach, he flew on the cliff like a vigorous antelope, and quickly climbed up. Fang Tinglan was dragged by the rope for two steps, followed closely behind him and also grabbed the rock wall. The two were one in front and one behind, but their figures were almost at the same speed. Even the sailors on the Heisman who were busy landing and setting up camp had stopped their work at this moment, and stared at the two on the cliff in dumbfounded— After being "taught" by this Dongzhou guy for more than ten days, they all understood that the seemingly gentle guy was actually very skilled, but they never thought that this guy could keep up with their captain's pace.

Hai Lian was also a little surprised, but he held a dagger in his mouth and couldn't say any sarcasm. He could only climb up silently and silently as if competing with the other party. After a while, the two arrived at the bottom of the huge rock. Fang Tinglan needed to give up half of his body, so he took a deep breath, tensed his shoulders, and carefully searched for the protrusion on the side that could accommodate his fingers, but just as he poured strength into his left hand to move Suddenly, there was a light "beep" sound from the crack in the rock.


The broken stone rolled down from the fingertips, and Hailian's left hand was instantly emptied. Even if he reacted extremely quickly and wanted to draw out the dagger, his whole body also fell to the side uncontrollably because of his loss of balance. However, in the next second, a hand suddenly appeared on the back of his waist, firmly and firmly embracing him and lifting him up. The movements of the two were as quick as lightning, and Hailian didn't even have time to react in his mind. He already swung his knife instinctively, and the blade firmly stuck to the crack in the rock. Using his strength, he leaped lightly, and he turned over the huge rock soundlessly.

"Awesome!" Everyone on the deck saw this scene and cheered in admiration. From their point of view, it seemed that Hailian and Fang Tinglan's cooperation was perfect, and they turned over the boulder in a smooth and smooth manner. Only the two people on the cliff knew what a thrilling moment of life and death they had just experienced.

After Hai Lian stood firmly on the boulder, he quickly turned around and grabbed the rope to tighten it, and quickly pulled Fang Tinglan up.

I never looked down when climbing rocks before, but now looking from the top of the cliff, the crowd on the Heisha not far away was as small as pea grains, and their faces were hard to distinguish. Hailian swallowed, only to realize that his fingertips Trembling slightly—if Fang Tinglan hadn't hugged him in time just now, I'm afraid that the two of them would be smashed to pieces at this time. He turned his head to look at the person who was still connected with his rope. The other person had been climbing on the rock wall for a long time, and his clothes were covered with dust. Fang Tinglan always paid attention to neat clothes, and the first thing he did when he came up was to dust off his clothes. Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, the man couldn't help but asked with a smile, "What's wrong?"

"You just..." Hailian pursed her lips, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. After all, I'm tied with you in a hanging knot. If you fall, I can only be a pair of hanged ghosts with you." Fang Tinglan joked, but stretched out his hand towards the sea . Hai Lian didn't know why, so he took a step towards him, and the next second, his shoulder bumped into Fang Tinglan's embrace. Hai Lian's eyes widened suddenly as the familiar and light fragrance of the other party's body was overwhelming.

"Fang Tinglan?"

"Shh." Fang Tinglan shook his head, and his fingers were also exerting force, as if trying to embed this person into his body, "Let me hug you for a while."

His mind is in a mess now, and he needs a hug to calm his mind.

Only at this moment, will one's instinct override reason, ordering the body to respond as if reading an imperial decree. It was the same when he blocked the gun four years ago, and it was the same just now. Fang Tinglan hated this instinct, but knew that this instinct was also the last bond between him and the person in his arms. He lowered his eyes and stared at the gap at the back of Hailian's collar. The imprint he made here a few days ago has faded, "If..." His voice was hoarse.

"What if?" The other party suddenly changed the language, and Hailian couldn't help being startled.

"It's nothing." Fang Tinglan let go of his hand, and took a step back, "I mean I saved you again, and you owe me another favor."

The man returned to his usual unpredictable smile, the two fragile Dongzhou words just now seemed to be Hailian's hallucination. The baron frowned and looked at him. After a while, he turned his head and said in a muffled voice, "I know you saved me again, so you don't need to remind me."

It is not enough for them to climb the cliff, but they also need to build a rope ladder for the other pirates. dark. After estimating the time, Fang Tinglan pulled Hailian aside: "Let your first officer take care of the others, and I'll go to Mo Yi's station with you to have a look."

This suggestion happened to be Hailian's next plan. He nodded, greeted Taita who was struggling to crawl, and was dragged by Fang Tinglan towards the jungle.

The terrain of Rochet Island is undulating, with cliffs in the south and dense vegetation in the east and west. Suitable for growing sugarcane and corn, but never cared about how to defend against enemies. Hai Lian was hiding behind the bushes at this time, looking at the peaceful and peaceful sea countryside ahead and the few defenders, he clicked his tongue with disdain.

He just wanted to ask the Duke of Zhenhai next to him what his battle plan was, so he opened his mouth first.

"I... thought you were going to occupy Sand Ghost Bay."

Hailian raised his eyebrows, "Shagui Bay doesn't belong to anyone."

"I also heard that Berensu also gave you an island."

Everything on the sea is mine, so I don't need rewards from the brats in the palace. Hai Lian originally wanted to answer the other party in this way, but when he saw Fang Tinglan's gaze, he suddenly swallowed the words back, "What do you mean?"

The man stared at him deeply, "That island is too barren, there is only a shoal, a cave, a half-dead forest, and there is not even a rabbit. Why do you want to occupy Shagui Bay instead of it?"

The other party's voice was calm, but Hai Lian felt his heart beating violently, "What do you think?"

"I said I was afraid you would be angry." Fang Tinglan paused for a while, then suddenly smiled, "Since that island is yours now, then you should have seen the things I put on it."